Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1183: The rest of the life

In the distant void, Bai Hu came, a powerful breath locked the Seven Killer.

Just momentarily, there was a phoenix behind, and the peacock flew.

Then, a unicorn also appeared.

"These people are ahead!" The gods' eyes blinked, locking the Xiao Yunmen in front.

"These guys have already lost their house, haven't you let us go?" Seeing this, the son of Kirin couldn't help screaming.

These gods are too deceiving.

Phoenix, unicorn, peacock, white tiger.

The four **** sons rushed together, all experiencing amazing fluctuations.

The power that blocked everything permeated, making everyone clearly feel that their area began to freeze.

"Not good ..." At this time, the elders from the outside world also looked pale.

Kirin, Phoenix, White Tiger, and Peacock.

The emperors of these four clan brought their hearts to their throats.

When these gods are killed, can their descendants survive?

At the same time, these gods are also full of anger.

"You quit!" At this time, Xiao Yun's eyes lightened, and his stride forward stopped, and Huo Ran turned around and walked towards those gods, and there was a certain sense of surging in his eyes Out.

These godsons have already won the house successfully, and it is simply abominable to kill them all.

Is he really bullying?

"You ...?" Seeing Xiao Yun resisting in front, the Seven Killers and others were all surprised, apparently did not expect that this ethnic youth would come forward at this crisis time, but their minds turned and soon Determined.

"Thank you Brother Xiao!"

"Thank you!" Seven Killer is also holding a fist.

At the same time, Yi Yi rushed out, with a divine pattern blooming on the little guy.

As soon as the fire was seen, it turned into a huge unicorn temple.

This unicorn shrine can be so tall that it towers above this void.

On the unicorn temple, the **** pattern bloomed, and the hot flames permeated, gradually burning the power from the four gods.

In this way, this almost solidified void was restored.

And the seven killers and others immediately felt that the true elements in their bodies were able to flow.

"Go!" After feeling that he was no longer bound by that godson, the Seven Killer and others immediately retreated.

"Brother Xiao, take care!" Kong Qigongzi and Princess Peacock also quickly separated.

The **** and the swallowtail also turned into a streamer and headed away.

"This is a temple?" In the void, the temple was suspended, and the four gods were all shocked.

"I didn't expect you to have this information!" The prince of Phoenix blinked.

"I am the Son of God, and there is a spirit behind. You dare to fight with us as soon as you are born. It is simply beyond your control to give you a chance to surrender to the King and help you set foot in the Shinto." Light chilled and shouted.

"Submit you?" Xiao Yun's mouth evoked a radian, his eyes narrowed, and he stared at the gods in front of him, saying, "Since I chose the path of cultivation, I am going against the sky. If I want to become a god, How can you surrender? "

"If I want to become a god, I will go to Shinto step by step with my own efforts. Why do you need help?"

His tone was firm and sounded like thunder, resounding through the sky.

What about these gods?

How extraordinary are the children of the three major protoss in the land of condemnation?

That is the oldest Protoss.

As long as the sin lines in their bodies are resolved, future achievements will be limitless.

With such a powerful force, why should he Xiao Yun submit to others?

"Yi, crush them!" When the words fell, Xiao Yun's eyes condensed and she sank.

"Yeah!" After listening to Xiao Yun's words, Yi Yi said lightly. It turned into a temple and suppressed the gods in front of it. When this temple was suppressed, a vast divine power was forward. Raging, the volatility shattered the void.


"My King will make you regret it!" Suddenly, the four godsons retreated.


In its place, the Kirin Temple smashed a giant pit thousands of meters deep.

The nearby earth is crumbling, with countless cracks spreading, the mountains are crumbling, the horrible waves are shaking, shocking, and the four gods have already left, avoiding this peerless blow Seeing this, Xiao Yun sighed slightly.

These gods are too far away from Yi Yi.

In addition, they are also very powerful, and it is difficult to win them under precaution.

"Let's go!" Xiao Yun secretly said, it's not appropriate to stay at this time, or to leave the place first.

Otherwise, the chase continues, and those **** sons are shot separately, and they can completely take the retreating Kong Qigongzi and others.

Xiao Yun and Yi Yizhang were facing the crack of that day.

Seeing Xiao Yun's coming, everyone also slowed down.

After a while, Xiao Yun caught up with Manci and others.

At this time, the fissure in front of sky is getting closer.

"The gods retreated!" Everyone looked back, and secretly breathed a sigh of relief after not seeing the gods.

Just now, even the seventh killer went through a frightening process.

That godson is too strong, stronger than the average emperor.

Faced with this existence, it has no power to resist.

"Let's leave here!" Xiao Yun said.

At this moment he did not dare to hesitate.

Because there are too many divine births in that temple.

If there are one hundred and ten gods together, how many can Yi Yi resist?

So even Xiao Yun dare not delay.

"Um." The demon nodded and hurried forward.

At this time, indeed, the Son of God appeared constantly in the rear.

Behind these gods are the geniuses of all ethnic groups.

Those geniuses are all bitter at this time, and they don't know what the way ahead.

"The fissure in the sky!" At this moment, Xiao Yun and others set foot outside the fissure.

Everyone's eyes were fiery.

The crack is like a living door.

"The fissure of the sky is still there, we can go out."

"Go!" Kong Qigong said Shen.

Hey, hey!

The next moment, everyone rushed towards the crack.

Yi Yi immediately entered Xiao Yun's body.

At the same time, the yin and yang divine patterns pervaded Yiyi, the longevity tortoise, and the phantom.


Everyone rushed into it ~ ~ The next moment, the world revolved as if entering a space-time tunnel.

"Are you coming out?" Seeing these geniuses came out, all the outside practitioners were relieved.

The four godsons just took the shot, which made them frightened, and even the emperor was dripping with cold sweat.

If these geniuses were taken away, it would be a real loss!

At this point, the end of the blood river, the fissure of the sky is still there.

It's just that those beastly virtual spirits in the blood river are no longer evolving.

In the past four months, the blood of the beast has evolved into an ethereal spirit, moving towards the fissure of that day, which has exhausted that blood, and now there is no more power to attack, and the fissure of that day has clearly begun to heal Signs.

At this moment, there was a ripple in the crack.

Then the light burst out from it.

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