Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1199: Meet

In Ziyun County, the figure pushed out in the void of the Xiao Family House suddenly disappeared.

According to judgment, those kings have guessed that Xiao Yun has come to Fengyue Kingdom.

"Looking at the direction that Xiao Yun rushed in before, the target should be this Ziyun County, and we will wait for him to return here."

The quasi-tunnel powerhouse with a golden mask said lightly.

"Um." The twelve kings nodded.

Then, everyone sat on a platform of the Xiao family.

& amp; n Pig Island Novel www .; At the edge of this building, Mr. Xiao and others were standing.

They suddenly became captives.

The Xiao people below are worried.

"Master Xiao Yun, who offended this?" Someone sighed.

Seeing the momentum of these people, they are not weaker than the people at Xuetianmen last time.

With this kind of existence, can their little Xiaofu still exist?

Many felt despair.

"Dad, mother, will we be killed!" And the children cried.

"Don't cry, don't cry." The elders comforted, but they were also worried.

Therefore, they had to persuade them so.

"Yuner, don't you come back!" Father Xiao, who was on the edge of the building, looked into the distant void, showing his anxiety. He couldn't wait to tell his grandson that he would not return because there was a strong enemy at home. Like a sheep into a tiger's mouth!

"Well." Xiao Hai was helpless.

As an elder, he has been powerless.

Since the birth of this nephew, he has not done much.

It's just because he was too low.

"Is that Xiao Xiao the captive?"

"It seems Xiao's got a big enemy!"

"These enemies can destroy me in Ziyun County with a wave of my hand, but I wonder if they will attack us?"

"I knew this, so I shouldn't be too close to this Xiao's." At this moment, countless practitioners in Ziyun County are watching this matter. Some people watched it from a nearby building, and some people sent someone to inquire about the news. After learning about Xiao's situation, countless people were worried.

"Father Xiao is seriously injured. Will our Yan family be implicated?" Mrs. Yan was worried after receiving the news. But Xiao Xiao, who is a strong boy in Yuanyuan, is still vulnerable. What about them Yan family? Can they resist the blow of these people?

"What are you doing?" Seeing that Mrs. Yan had been standing beside him, the Lord of Yan Cheng was furious.

For the first time in many years, he was so fierce for his wife.

"You ... what are you doing to me?" Madam Yan suddenly felt wronged.

"When the woman sees it, she only knows what's in front of her." Master Yan Cheng scolded.

Mrs. Yan was aggrieved.

"Our daughter went to Tianduyu with Xiao Yun. Now these people come for Xiao Yun. It must be something happened to Xiao Yun. Now you and I should think about whether our daughter is alive, but you are worried about being involved here. ? "

There was anger in Yan Cheng's eyes, "Are you the mother who did this?"

At this moment, thinking of the pair of daughters, he felt guilty.

It has been more than six years since the two daughters left.

But these six years have been silent.

It made him miss it.

After guessing what happened to Xiao Yun, he felt inexplicably weak.

As a father, he was unable to protect his daughter.

At this moment, I have to sigh.

If you are strong enough, why should you let your daughter be like this?

"Daughter?" At this time, Yan Fu was stunned and thought of the daughters. "It's been six years now, but the two girls have no news." The past emerged, and Mrs. Yan couldn't help feeling sad. This difference, but I wonder if we can see you again?

"Are they safe?" Mrs. Yan was worried.

At this time, the entire city of Ziyun was shrouded in a dignified atmosphere.

Outside the town of Ziyun.

call out!

Light and shadow flickered in the void.

The red-haired young man appeared.

This young man is naturally Xiao Yun.

This time he connected with the soul of the long-lived turtle, penetrating the space directly with a Tissot, and flew out thousands of miles.

Every time you activate the Tissot, you can reach thousands of miles away.

After continuous urging, he suddenly came to a mountain range outside Ziyun County.

After coming outside the city, he sensed all the breath of the strong man in the city,

"In the city, there are twelve kings and one quasi-crossing heaven repairer!" The eternal turtle released the spiritual knowledge, and from a distance, he saw the fluctuations in the city, and then his spiritual knowledge was recovered, so that those kings would not find it The presence.

"Twelve kings, a quasi-passive heavenly powerhouse?" After hearing the words, Xiao Yun's eyes flashed with cold light.

"Not only that, there are several injured elders beside these people, and it looks like they have been controlled," said Changsheng Gui.

"Wounded elder?" Wen Yun suddenly changed his face.

He hurried forward.

Finally, with his spiritual knowledge, he has covered the entire Ziyun County.

Today Xiao Yun has stepped into the seventh place of the infant market. His soul is fused with Yuanying and Zhanwu souls, and his spiritual knowledge is comparable to the king. Under this powerful spiritual knowledge, the whole thing in Ziyun County, And the slight fluctuations are all in his eyes.

"Grandpa, second uncle, uncle!" Xiao Yun saw his loved ones on the edge of the building when he was aware of it.

After seeing these **** loved ones in the corner, his heart trembled, and a terrible killing burst out from him.

"Come here?" Just when Xiao Yun's consciousness was released, the kings on that platform were all eyes bright.

Everyone's eyes moved, followed by the breath.

"Yuner is here?" Even Master Xiao couldn't help but follow the breath.


At this time, in the distance, a young man with long red hair was walking towards this place.

One step, two steps!

Obviously this young man is still far away from here, but only momentarily, he has appeared in the void of Ziyun County.

"Who is this?" When Xiao Yun appeared, the practitioners in Ziyun County were all surprised.

"This youth seems to be the same as the man who evolved earlier?" Someone said.

"same person?"

"Why do I feel a little familiar?" Many people in Ziyun County were surprised.

However, everyone looked closely, but they were not sure where they had seen the young man.

"This ... is Yun'er?" When Xiao Yun walked, UU read the book

The young man in front of him had long red hair with phoenix patterns all over his cheek.

An evil spirit permeated, exuding a supreme might.

What does it look like, like a youth of a human race!

This is obviously a demon.

Just after seeing the expression in the eyes of the other person, Father Xiao's heart moved, the blood in his body boiled inexplicably, and a blood-like connection came from his heart. He was sure in his heart that the youth in front of him Is his grandson.

It is his grandson who has been away from home for six years.

"Thank you for the 20,000 starting coins awarded by the head of the Qinglong Society, Yan Tieyi, and Snow Soul, Huihui Oba, and Xiao Fan, just thinking about you, the eagle in the sky, and other book friends for their support. Because Lao Yao is using a wireless network card to surf the Internet and only get 5 gigabytes of traffic a month, I was in a hurry to get on the computer. Other rewarding book friends could not remember it. Sorry, but your support Lao Yao always knew.

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