Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1353: Left little

In just two months, Xiao's father and son had traveled to various forces in the sky, and dozens of emperors were beheaded, causing the forces of heaven and earth to be shuffled.

After this war, those forces must be dying.

The sky shook this time.

Although Xiao Zhantian did not call on the world to worship all ethnic groups.

However, people of all ethnic groups know that Xiao Tiantian is undoubtedly a king-like existence in Tiandu.

Gone are the days when Tiangong ruled Tianduyu.

During this period, all ethnic groups came to congratulate Xiao Zhantian for revenge and revenge, and King of Heaven came to heaven.

There were even people who spoke, letting Xiao Zhantian do his best in the sky and lead all directions.

It's just that Xiao Zhantian is not interested in this.

At this point, a month had passed since Xiao Zhantian swept the sky.

During the period, Xiao Zhantian, Xiao Yun and others were in retreat to stabilize their realm.

This day, inside the hall.

Xiao Linger and others sat up.

"Tomorrow I plan to go into the forbidden area of ​​God and rescue Linger's father." Xiao Zhantian said.

"Really?" After hearing the words, Xiao Linger was full of joy.

"That's natural." Xiao Zhantian nodded.

"Daddy Xiao, can I go together?" Xiao Linger said expectantly.

"Yes." Slightly groaned, Xiao Zhantian nodded.

If it had been before, he would never rashly bring this junior into the shrine forbidden area.

But now his life pattern has almost awakened, and it is no longer necessary to enter and leave the forbidden area.

The next day, Xiao mother, Xiao Yun, and Xiao Linger accompanied Xiao Zhantian to the forbidden area of ​​the oracle.

Accompanying them are Zuo Xishuang and others.

This is the person in the Ice and Snow Palace, and Xiao Linger will enter the sanctuary with him.

To ensure safety, it is also good for them to meet Linger's father.

So Xiao Zhantian sent them to the forbidden ground together.

Xiao Zhantian led the way and everything went smoothly.

It was also faster than Xiao Yun when entering and leaving Jiuxiao Mountain.

Of course, some of the fierce dangers in the restricted area during the period, everyone can clearly feel.

Especially Xiao's mother.

Her heart was sore.

At first, her son entered the forbidden area alone to rescue the king of battle!

It is not difficult to imagine how much risk this son has taken.

In order to save his father, his son really didn't even need his own life!

Finally, everyone stepped into Han Yuan Mountain and came to the medicine garden of Han Yuan Palace.

"Is this my father?" Looking at the white man inside the ice crystal, Xiao Linger didn't realize that there was mist in his eyes.

From an early age, she knew that she was not a child of Xiao.

Although she didn't say anything, she felt very lonely and helpless.

She felt like a helpless girl.

As if the whole world had to abandon her.

At that time, she also imagined how good it was to have parents to protect her?

It's a pity that the change is the erosion of cold air again and again.

If Xiao Yun had not been caring for her, Xiao Linger would have collapsed long ago.

The same is true, so she is so dependent on this brother.

The same is true. She almost treats this brother Xiao Yun as the whole of life.

Today, her father is in front of her, and she has an inexplicable throb.

Have strong expectations.

"This is the son of Shao Qin?" Murmured the few emperors beside Zuo Yanshuang.

"It turns out that Uncle Shao Qin was frozen here." Zuo Yanshuang murmured in his heart.

Seeing this frozen medicine garden, Xiao Zhantian took a deep breath.

"You quit, let me break this ice crystal!" Then he stared at the light and said to everyone.

"Huh!" Xiao Yun and others stepped back.

Only Xiao Zhantian's eyes flashed, his palm moved, and the mixed coffin appeared.

Then the hazy lines on this ancient coffin flow.

In the end, the texture turned into a cyclone and swallowed forward.

The cyclone stirred, and the rune was like a blade, cutting the ice crystal.

At this time, the ice crystal seemed to have a spirit, blooming a mighty divine power.

If ordinary people make a shot, it will definitely cause Bingjing's counterattack.

The cyclone just stirred and completely swallowed it.

Then the ice crystals continued to disperse, the cyclone swept forward, and finally wrapped Zuo Shaoqin.

In this way, a cyclone volume, Zuo Shaoqin was taken back.

The cyclone dissipated, and a handsome, handsome man appeared.

Zuo Shaoqin ...

A heavenly pride in the sanctuary is the object of love for many women.

When he appeared, a chill filled the air.

Today, he still maintains a frozen posture, and the whole person is not conscious.

Frozen for almost two decades, his blood has almost become ice crystals.

However, he is a cold body constitution, and also cultivates the magical skill of cold attributes.

This frosty air won't hurt him much.

"Daddy!" Xiao Linger's long eyelashes fluttered after Zuo Shaoqin was rescued, and he couldn't help walking to the former.

"Your father's soul is self-proclaimed, but there should still be residual consciousness. When he senses the difference of the outside world, he will naturally wake up."

Xiao Zhantian said.

"Really?" Xiao Linger looked up.

"Um." Xiao Zhantian nodded.

Then he stepped forward and moved forward.

There, there is a cold pond ~ ~ There are several kinds of spirits in the cold pond.

It was Hanjing Shenlian, which also contained Hanxin and Hanyu.

They came for this purpose.

But it triggered the hidden pattern, almost drunk.

When Xiao Zhantian walked this time, he calmly and calmly avoided the hidden **** pattern.

After awakening the life pattern, his cognition reached an unthinkable level of ordinary people, and such a small means could not hide his eyes.

Soon he went to the cold pool.

A cold crystal **** lotus was taken out by him.

Later, there was jade with cold light.

This is Han Yushi.

In addition, he also took out the cold heart. ()

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