Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1355: Ancient road

When Xiao Linger left, Xiao Yun began a brief retreat.

At this time, Tiandu Yu also restored peace.

However, after half a month, Xiao Yun received the news from Ling Xi.

"Someone from the Sanctuary?" Upon hearing that, Xiao Yun frowned slightly.

Then he took a deep breath and was not in retreat.

He had long anticipated this.

However, there are still some worries in my heart.

After all, say goodbye this time and don't know when we can see you again.

Later, Xiao Yun and Ling Xi met and met in Tiandu City.

At this time, the city of Tiandu is no longer under the control of Tiangong.

The two stood on top of that mountain.

This is the place where Ling Xi was late at night, at the expense of Xiao Yun.

It was also here that the two of them confessed their feelings.

Here too, Xiao Yun knew that this woman had always liked herself.

It can be said that for Xiao Yun and Ling Xi, this is a place to miss.

"After seven days, I will leave Tiandu Realm and go to the Jiuqing Holy Palace in Sanctuary!" Ling Xi looked at the bright moon in the distance, with a bit of sigh in his eyes, and then turned back to the young people around him. Qingli's eyes There was a bit of perseverance in her eyes, and she just got out of it, and she wanted to be separated from it.

Jiuqing Holy Palace!

This is a force from ancient times.

Legend has it that the first ancestor was a Shinto Supreme, not only with amazing combat power, but also with an unparalleled appearance.

Therefore, the Jiuqing Holy Palace she founded was also called the Jiuqing Immortal Palace by future generations.

Jiuqing Palace in Tiandu Realm has its origins.

Now that the Jiuqing Holy Palace is here, Ling Xi will enter the sanctuary.

"After seven days?" Xiao Yun sighed.

"What are you going to do?" Ling Xi asked. "Will you go to the sanctuary with me, or set foot on the ancient road?"

"The person who came from the Jiuqing Holy Palace also mentioned you. If you want, she can take you into the sanctuary and worship inside."

This woman will come, which is exactly what Murong Jingyun reminded.

In fact, it is for this reason that Zuo Yanshuang went to Xuetianmen.

"I want to set foot on the ancient road." Xiao Yun said.

"I knew you would be like this." Ling Xi sighed, and then said, "Last night's crusade, I was in retreat, I didn't know about it, so I didn't show up."

"You don't need to explain, I naturally know your heart." Xiao Yun laughed.

He naturally knew about Ling Xi's mind.

Seeing this from Xiao Yun, Ling Xi didn't say much.

"Seven days, these seven days, we will get together." Ling Xi said.

"Um." Xiao Yun nodded, staring at the woman in front of him.


Clouds and mist linger in the void, and the mountain wind blows through, making Ling Xi's clothes flutter.

She is like a fairy, hidden in the mist.

Unconsciously, Xiao Yun embraced his waist.

At night, the two embraced each other and the past surfaced.

They were seven years apart and reunited again.

Unfortunately, after meeting, Xiao Yun was scrutinized by the Heavenly Palace.

He is under tremendous pressure.

The two did not get together well.

Today, parting.

The acacia of this decade, the love of ten years, is lit like gunpowder.

In a bedroom, Ling Xi's white coat was unraveled, revealing a perfect body.

Xiao Yun took a deep breath.

That scene that year, come to mind.

That scene repeated that year.

Only that time, it was caused by an accident.

This time, it was embracing tenderness.

A big war begins.


Seven days war, seven days gentle ...

However, after all, you have to be different.

"I'll wait for you in the sanctuary!" Ling Xi left, floating like a fairy, leaving only a dusty figure.

"Soon, I will definitely look for you!" Xiao Yun took a deep breath, looking at Ling Xi leaving.

Then he left too.

If today's situation is about to change and the big age is coming, he can't just love his children.

Only by improving your own strength is kingship.

Without strength, everything is like a mirror.

Such as the first night domineering crusade against snow.

If the emperors of the monster realm did not arrive in time, how could he fight against each other?

The gods fought a forbidden battle. Who would fight Yebatian if it wasn't for Xiao Xiao?

This is all strength.

Although Yebatian is an elder who has practiced for hundreds of years.

But in this world, who will talk to you about seniority?

In the eyes of the enemy, there is only a gap in strength.

Ling Xi left, Xiao Yun returned to Xiao's family with Xiao's father and Xiao's mother.

During the period, Yao came and wanted to invite Xiao's mother to Yao to preside over the whole situation.

Even, Xuexue went out to ask Xiao's mother to be the patriarch.

But Xiao's mother refused it.

Yao, where she was born, has fond memories.

But again, there was her sadness.

Her husband and son were ambushed by Yao's there, and almost stunned.

Now that she wants to return to Yao, how can she let go of her mind?

"Well." Finally, Xuezu sighed and left.

To this day, she only sighed in vain.


Time passed quietly.

The power of heaven and earth is gradually weakening.

During this period, some members of the Xiao family of Fengyue Kingdom were also housed in the Xiao family of Tiandu.

As for Xiao Yun and Xiao Zhantian, they are retreating.

Yi Yi has been sleeping.

It seems to be transformed again and set foot on the royal road.

It's just that I slept for a long time this time.

In a blink of an eye, Xiao Yun was twenty-eight years old.

At this moment, the power of heaven and earth is constantly weakening.

"Tongtian, I am heaven ... but, first of all, we must blend with heaven and realize the power of heaven and earth before we can become heaven ourselves!"

During this time, he has been enlightening the Tongtianjing Uprising.

He went in and out of some monuments again and again.

Feelings again and again.

Finally, now touches the sky, and set foot in half the sky.

Sitting at the bottom of the cliff at this time, the body was floating, and he wanted to blend into the sky at any time.

In him, there is a breath of heaven and earth.

This is the temperament that only touches the heaven.

At this moment, the power of the heavens and the earth changed obviously.

In the area of ​​Tianzhou, Dongzhou.

The rays of light there dazzled, as if the gods were shining thousands of miles, distorting the void in all directions.

An ancient and vast breath permeated from that void.

The appearance of this vision immediately caught the attention of all practitioners in Tianduyu.

"This is a vision, a sign for the ancient road!"

"Are the ancient roads going to open?"

"Yes, according to the record 800 years ago, when the ancient road opened, there was this vision!"

Shenhui bloomed and turned into a cyclone.

This immediately caused the discussion of countless practitioners in Tianduyu.

Many kings rushed to watch the ancient road.

There are even people who live in the nearby towns simply.

Looking at it, they seemed afraid of missing the ancient road and opening it.

Almost, the whole heaven is in the field, and the practitioners below that heaven are paying attention to this matter.

As we all know, the ancient road opened, as long as the age is 40 years old, the realm can enter under the sky.

Half-step through the sky, quasi-through sky can also be.

It is not possible to set foot on the royal road.

And this ancient road is related to the future of everyone. As a warrior, naturally I want to fight once.

Not only that, many emperors also came to see it.

They also want to see this ancient road.

"An ancient road is about to open!" In Xiao's, Xiao Yun also got the news.

Today, he is only halfway through the heavens, just entering the ancient road.

At this time, many young people were eager to move within Xiao's family.

Like Xiao Feng, he also stepped into the magical realm.

Xiao Lingyun too.

And Xiao Wu, Xiao Yifei.

Now a few years have passed, and they have set foot on the royal road.

"Is the ancient road now?" At this moment, Xiao Zhantian's eyes flashed.

He took out the mixed Yuantian coffin and started deduction.

His method inspired the coffin pattern to flow that day and evolved into a cyclone.

The cyclone was hazy and chaotic.

When Xiao Zhantian deduced, the picture evolved immediately.

This is the vision that appeared in Dongzhou.

However, when Xiao Zhantian deduced, a sky gate appeared in the vision.

This day the gate is tall, there are two giant pillars, and there is a house number on it.

There is a magic bloom on the doorplate, some ancient texts are engraved on it, I don't know what is written on it.

An immense amount of mighty power shook from it.

"This is the heavenly gate of the **** world!" Seeing this, Xiao Zhantian's eyes brightened and he murmured, "This ancient road really has another mystery."

At the beginning, he wanted to stay in Tiandu, just to explore the mystery of the ancient road.

Now deduction, as expected.

"Although the ancient road has not been opened, it is time to make preparations." Xiao Zhantian's eyes flashed.

He then summoned the Xiao clan.

First of all, is Mr. Xiao.

There are also Xiao Hai and Xiao Hong.

Among them, Xiao Yun and Xiao Mu were also there.

"The world will change, and I will leave the capital, but after I leave, I cannot rest assured of your safety. If you want, you can practice in one of my spaces." Xiao Zhantian started, although he awakened the life pattern Knowing that you are extraordinary, but these are after all loved ones in this life, and it is difficult to protect yourself if you leave.

"Let the road of God open, and you can come out after everything is stable."

He feared that these loved ones would be persecuted.

"Since you speak on the battlefield, naturally I am willing to wait." The old man said.

He also understands that if he stays outside, he will be easily coerced into beating his son.

The old man naturally did not want to be a burden on his son.

Xiao Hai and Xiao Hong also nodded.

When Xiao Zhantian returned this time, he also tempered their bodies with cold heart, making the root bones morph.

Nowadays, when they practice, their speed doubles, and they have long been addicted to cultivation.

"It's so good. Except for a few uncle children, others will stay with Xiao's!" Xiao Zhantian said.

For others, he doesn't have much affection.

"Um." Soon, Father Xiao and others made arrangements.

"Father, are you leaving Tiandu Yu?" Xiao Yun was surprised.

Although the world has changed at this time, where do you leave Tiandu Yu?

Go to the demon domain?

Obviously impossible.

Or go to some large adjacent areas?

It's just those big domains, I'm afraid they won't be much stronger than Tiandu domain, right?

Only the sanctuary is the place that the world longs for.

However, the emperor could not set foot in the sanctuary on the ancient road.

"Are you going to enter the sanctuary through the gate of the shrine's forbidden area?" Xiao Yun asked.

"Oh, then you will know." Xiao Zhantian smiled.

Later, Xiao Zhantian also met with the old emperor Xiao Feng.

He asked the emperor to arrange and leave Tiandu together.

As for why he left Tiandu, Xiao Zhantian didn't say much.

Of course, although Xiao Feng is a little curious.

But for this junior, he is also very convinced.

What kind of hero was Xiao Zhan Tianli when he cut Ye Yeba?

It's hard to imagine that ~ ~ a younger child has this kind of anti-combat power.

You know, his ability to fight against the sky is entirely because he has learned the martial arts of God!

Therefore, Xiao Zhantian is also inscrutable in his heart.

Especially after he stepped into the half-step spirit realm at this time, this feeling became stronger.

Sometimes, facing Xiao Zhantian, he is facing this deity.

That temperament is simply unparalleled.

Later, the emperor Xiao Feng also settled for posterity.

In fact, his children have been scoffed.

Because he is over 900 years old.

But none of his descendants became kings, and he would not live to this age.

The rest are also Xuan Sun.

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