Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1364: Genius Genius

A group of practitioners are now beside the Lingling Pool.

This made Xiao Yun and others moved.

Because this is supposed to be Xuan Yu.

"Children of Qingshan, there seems to be someone in front of them, it seems that they are not my Xuanyu people!" These people also immediately found Xiao Yun and others.

"These people ...?" At this moment, the first man in the blue robe frowned, and he turned to the opposite side.

This person is named Tian Qingshan, but a child of a large clan in Xuanyu.

"These people should be from Tiandu Yu!" Beside Tian Qingshan, a few young people stared at each other and said.

"Are the heavens and the field?" At present, the group of practitioners rushed towards Xiao Yun and others with a strange light on their faces.

They are small in number, about two hundred.

Just headed by four and a half steps through the heavens.

There are even seven elders among them, who have reached Zhuntong Heaven.

These people want to come to luck and set foot on the road.

In fact, among Xiao Yun's team, there are also many elders.

It's just the people who reach the quasi-passage heaven.

Although these people have reached the quasi-passage heaven, but because of insufficient talent, the combat power is not necessarily stronger than half-step through heaven.

Xuan Yu, Tian Du Yu met two teams.

The people of this mysterious region have come here long ago.

However, they walked around and did not find a suitable sink.

There are still many Xuanyu people in this Xilingling Valley.

When Xuan Yuren appeared, Xiao Lingyun and others did not immediately go to wash the spirits.

"Go!" Tian Qingshan's eyes lightened and he walked forward.

Suddenly, more than two hundred practitioners followed him.

This person has a half-step practice of heaven, and he is over 28 years old.

Seeing these people coming, Xiao Yun looked at it so lightly.

Xiao Wu and others were stubborn.

"In Xia Xuan Yu, the family of God's eyes, Tian's, Tian Qingshan!" Tian Qingshan stepped forward. He was wearing a green robe, the jade tree was facing the wind, and his jade wobbled around his waist. He brows lightly, smiles at the corners of his mouth, and holds his fist. Although this man looks magnificent, he appears proudly in his eyes.

In Xuan Yu, he may not be the most dazzling genius.

But his elder brother was admitted into the sanctuary and worshipped under a large force.

Now, he is also confident to set foot in the sanctuary with the ancient road.

So when he turned to Xiao Yun, although he was very polite, he was extremely arrogant.

"Tiandu, Xiao Yun!" However, Xiao Yun looked indifferent, and simply spoke.

"Xiao Yun?" Tian Qingshan frowned slightly, and his eyes were a little unhappy.

But he reported his own family, but the other party did not even report to the clan. Isn't this disdainful of himself?

This made him very upset.

"There is only one Xielingchi. Now we are both here, but I don't know what Brother Xiao has learned?" Tian Qingshan frowned.

"Let's go first, this Lingchi Pool is ours," Xiao Yun said in unquestionable tone.

"Ha ha, there is a first come, first served statement, but as the saying goes, you seeers have a share, you want to swallow this Xilingchi alone, I'm afraid it is not so easy." Tian Qingshan grinned, but the next moment, he 瞅Xiang Xiaoyun's eyes became cold, and there was a sharp flash of light in his eyes.

The light is like a blade that cuts the sky.

"Seeers have a share?" After hearing the words, the kings of the heavenly cities were all chilling.

Obviously, the people in this mysterious realm want to touch the Lingchi Lake.

"Seeers have a share, that's relatively weak." Xiao Yun's eyes were condensed, saying word by word, "For me, as long as it's my thing, anyone who wants to grab it must pay for it. This wash Lingchi is the same. "There was an inexplicable domineering in his discourse, and the meaning was obvious.

That is, if Tian Qingshan wants to meddle in this washing pool, he will have to pay a price.

"Oh, it seems Brother Xiao is very confident in himself." After hearing the words, Tian Qingshan laughed loudly, "Since that is the case, how about our comparison?"

"Say something?" Xiao Yun frowned.

"Why don't you dare?" Tian Qingshan twitched a smile

The youth beside him also smiled coldly.

Although Tian Qingshan is not Xuan Yu's most powerful genius.

However, his eyes of Qingfeng are so famous in Xuan Yu.

In addition, most of the real world heroes were directly connected to the sanctuary, and only a few of those who set foot on the ancient road can compete with them.

"If you lose, take your people away from this place." Tian Qingshan's mouth evoked a radian, and said, "If I lose, and I take someone away, would you be good?"

He stared at Xiao Yun with a smile.

Looking at that expression, it seemed that he had settled Xiao Yun.

"Just you and me?" Xiao Yun asked with a frown.

"Nature." Tian Qingshan proudly said.

"Oh, since you are going to fight, you must be accompanied!" Xiao Yun smiled.

At the moment, the people in the two domains backed away, leaving Xiao Yun an area for Tian Qingshan.

"The son of Qingshan is very talented. The eyes of Qingfeng are extremely powerful, and they are close to the timeless inheritance of the eyes." The youths of Xuanyu all smiled.

For Tian Tianshan, they are full of confidence.

You know, even among the geniuses who set foot on ancient roads this time, Tian Qingshan can be ranked among the top ten.

Is such a character shot comparable to ordinary people?

However, in the mouth of Xuan Yu's mouth, he laughed, waiting to see the joke of Tianduyu, the kings of Tiandu were stunned, all showing the appearance of watching a theater.

If the people in Xuanyu have strong confidence in Tian Qingshan, then the people in Tianduyu already worship Xiao Yun.

Even the kind of blind worship.

In their eyes, Xiao Yun is an undefeated existence.

For such a mysterious existence at the same level, isn't it a matter of turning things around?

Women such as Liu Hanyan and Feng Yuyao stared forward with a smile.

In addition, in their eyes there was a bit of infatuation.

It seems that they are also looking forward to it and like to see this young man appear in the limelight.

At this moment, Tian Qingshan's eyes flashed, and an ancient breath permeated from him.

His green robe fluttered in the wind, his hair flying.

The strong man in the half-step world, once the momentum came out, made the world change its color.

Even if he was suppressed by the giant spirit continent at this time, he could not exert his combat power during the heyday.

But at this moment, he is still like Wang Linchen, wanting to come to the world.

He could only see his eyes turning, and there was a blue light flashing in those eyes.

The light, like a sharp blade, trembled in emptiness when it burst forth.

It's just the light, but it gives a feeling that the soul is torn.

"God's eyes?" After Xiao Tianshan's momentum burst out, Xiao Yun's eyes froze slightly, and a faint smile arose at the corner of his mouth.

"That being the case, then let me see, who of our eyes is stronger?"

When this Tian Qingshan spurred the power of the god's eyes, Xiao Yun's eyes flashed, the eyebrows and the god's pattern wriggled, and one eye slowly formed.

An immense power of god's eyes fell down.

This is Phantom Eye.

But when the phantom eyes condensed and formed, the power that was emitted was obviously stronger than Tian Qingshan.

Even the blood of God's eyes that oppressed Tian Qingshan throbbed.

"He also has a god's eyes?" Tian Qingshan's eyes were surprised, and those green eyes flashed with shock.

His legacy of Qingfeng's eyes is already very strong.

Just a little bit, nothing more, he had flawless eyes.

In Xuan Yu, only his elder brother can suppress him by blood.

But at this time, the prestige of the young man in front of him gave him a feeling of being suppressed.

"Is this impulsive, is there no time for eyes?" At this time, among the Xuanyu crowd, there were a few disciples of Tian Shi who were surprised.

They also have Qingfeng's eyes, and the inheritance value is also very high, reaching 98%.

There are even ninety-nine people.

But at this time, the power of their god's eyes actually felt daunted, and they felt like seeing a king.

"Is there no time to look, can I go to the sanctuary?" Xuanyu's face changed.

At this time, Xiao Yun's eyes suddenly opened.


The divine eyes opened and closed, with a faint pattern blooming, accompanied by an immense divine power.

What Xiao Yun is fused with is the real eyes.

How powerful is that comparison.

Furthermore, his eyes and soul are fused, his momentum is multiplied, and he is very comparable.

As soon as this eye opened, the gloom was shining on all sides.

Then the gloom flickered, turning into a gloomy sky that capsized forward.

The sky is falling down, and the weaves are creeping, and it seems that it will evolve a world.

After reaching the half-step Tongtian realm, Xiao Yun's phantom eyes were much stronger than before, and that magical power was gradually inspired.

This weave has evolved into a fantasy.

Under this kind of strength, even those practitioners in the distant Xuanyu were shocked, and their eyes were frightened.

"What a powerful eye!"

"My soul seemed to be broken just now!" Many people were surprised.

At this moment, when they sneered at Xiao Yun, some were just shocked.

There is even a concern.

Worried that Tian Qingshan was lost.

At this time, Tian Qingshan was completely capsized by that magical power.

His heart trembled and he was almost shaken.

Fortunately, there is a treasure in his knowledge of the sea.

At that moment, Zhibao sent out a mighty avenue to resist the magical force.

In this way, his consciousness was restored.

"Magic power!" When his mind was restored, but Tian Qingshan was slowly exposed, and his back was left with cold sweat.

It's not hard to imagine that if he didn't have a treasure within the sea, he would be shocked by the magic power, he would be afraid to drink hate.

In this way, he has already been defeated ~ ~ However, how can he easily defeat?

"The magical eyes of the gods are really good." Tian Qingshan's eyes condensed and said, "Then, let me look at my Qingfeng eyes!"

When that soft drink came out, but Tian Qingshan stepped forward.


His eyes flickered, and the blue veins squirmed, and the blue bladed stalk turned to the front.

This sword is like the condensed pattern of the avenue, which contains the breath of the avenue.

Not only that, there is also a strong momentum inside.

That is the momentum of cutting the void and breaking through the mountains and rivers.

This is the mystery of Qing Feng's eyes.

"At the end of the month, I'll ask for a monthly pass."

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