Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1366: Broken Soul River

The kings of Xuanyu retreated, and a storm subsided.

"How can this Xuanyu person be comparable to Brother Xiao?"

"I think Xuan Yu is just that."

"Hehe, Brother Xiao must sweep the kings of the realms and dominate the ancient road." At this time, the kings were full of confidence.

"Well, let's go wash the spirits." When the people in Xuanyu left, Xiao Yun said to everyone, "Don't take it lightly. On the ancient road, the opponent is not just the genius of the various domains, but the Jedi in the ancient road It is even more endless, and no one can guarantee to go to the end, so you have to rely on yourself. "

& nb? pig? pig? island? The novel ww.uua.sp; "Well." After hearing the words, Zhao Yan and others nodded.

The ancient road is dangerous, and they know it too.

Furthermore, Xiao Yun cannot protect them all the time, so everything has to be on his own.

The crowd began to walk into the pool.

Inside the pond, the water is viscous, like a liquid.

The pond was empty, and the mist was lingering, like interweaving roads.

These road patterns contain the breath of this continent.

This is a mysterious place, born from this continent.

As long as the body is quenched with this washing liquid, you can make yourself have a breath similar to this continent.

In this way, you will not be excluded from this continent.

Feng Yuyao and others entered the pool.

Beside them, the light pattern flashed and immediately surrounded a pool of water.

Then, a halo shrouded the Quartet, blocking himself from the other spiritual fluids in the pond.

The same is true of Liu Hanyan, the blue light flickers and turns into a mask to cover himself.

In this way, he is washing himself in an independent space.

At this moment, the halo of the large washing pool appeared.

These kings are all superb and have made themselves alone.

Xiao Yun is the same.

Light patterns flickered on him, and large swaths of washing fluid were shrouded.

Outside is shrouded in blue.

As a result, outsiders cannot see him inside.

The washing liquid is just like the divine liquid in the body, washing the dirt in the human body.

This is the spirit of the upper world.

Although the giant spirit continent fell to earth, the effect is still amazing.

These spirit washing fluids can not only help people integrate into this world, but also quench the body.

It can be said that being able to come here for washing is already a great opportunity.

Xiao Yun undergoes various types of tempering, such as Qilin's real fire and thunder.

He even tempered with cold heart.

His body is already perfect.

But a little dirt was removed under this spirit.

At this time, his bones were as brilliant as jade, and he really had to reach the level of ice muscle jade.

This is a metamorphosis.

Spirit washing is not only the body but also the soul.

Even Wuhun is absorbing this spirit-washing liquid.

Especially the Wuhun of life, it seems to be interested in all heaven and earth.

A day later, many people have begun to walk out of the pool.

Most people appeared two days later.

Only Xiao Yun and Liu Hanyan were still there.

The martial spirit of their lives has branches directly extended, absorbing the spirit-washing fluid.

Under this absorption, all the washwashing patterns in the void are exhausted.

That's when they were exhausted, and they walked out of the pool.

After stepping out of the Xiling Pool, Xiao Yun felt extremely refreshing.

Not only the body but also the soul.

That shackles are gone.

At this moment, the kings of the capitals were all smiling and full of confidence.

Without that shackles, their combat power would be restored and they would not be so daunting.

"Now that we have succeeded in washing the spirits, let's leave here!" Xiao Yun said after glancing at the crowd.

"Okay!" Everyone yelled.

At this moment, they are full of expectations for the future.

Because after the spirit was washed, they felt that their constitution seemed to have changed.

The quasi-tunnel powerhouse has an inexplicable feeling, that is, he seems to have hope of stepping into the universe.

For them, this is undoubtedly the biggest opportunity.

Because there are several people, they have been stuck in this realm and can't break through, so they want to come here for a visit.

Afterwards, everyone returned together.

With previous experience, this trip has gone much smoother.

However, everyone was careful when passing the long river.

Fortunately, no space **** carp was encountered this time.

After crossing the river, they walked out of the Valley of the Washing Spirits smoothly.

At this time, it was only six days after seven days.

Zheng Qi and others were still waiting outside.

"Fast!" Seeing Xiao Yun and others coming out safely, Zheng Qiji's brothers were all surprised.

"It's been a long time for you," Xiao Yun hugged.

"It's okay," Zheng Qi said indifferently, "will you just return at this point?"

"Um." Xiao Yun nodded, not intending to stay here.

There is indeed an edge in this mountain.

But these opportunities are not as attractive as the opportunities behind the ancient road.

Because behind the ancient road, it is said that there are remains of gods.

That will be an opportunity to change the fate of everyone.

After returning, although there are dangers, but the brother Zheng Qi is familiar with the road, but has solved a lot of troubles for Xiao Yun and others.

Finally, two days later, they returned to the teleportation team.

Based on this, they returned to Jufeng City.


Inside the giant front.

"Next, we have to pass by these places ... Finally, when we come to this Broken Soul River, we can only enter the next site when we cross the Broken Soul River and step on the Broken Soul Bridge, Star City!" The auxiliary map said to everyone, "In this superstar city, there are teleportation arrays and maps leading to major monuments."

Beside, Xiao Feng, Ji Wu and others were watching the map.

"The next road is very dangerous, especially the Broken Soul River, everything has to be on its own." Xiao Yun said.

"Don't worry, we won't be your burden." Aside, many kings said.

"Okay, let's take a two-day break and we'll set off!" Xiao Yun said.

By this time, many people had returned from the Washing Mountains.

Among them, there are people from Xuanyu and Tiandu.

Of course, many people have fallen into the mountains.

Giant spirits can only **** foreigners to the Lingchi Pond.

As for stepping forward, it is impossible to intervene.

This is an agreement with Sanctuary.

Otherwise, if these people were escorted to the end by the giant spirits, what's the point of making this ancient road?

Xiao Yun and others left Jufeng City with the formation method, and started another journey of this ancient road.

Ancient roads, such as the Avenue of Life, are full of thorns.

Along the way, Xiao Yun and others encountered countless dangerous Jedi.

This giant spirit continent is not peaceful.

There are not only ancient beasts, but also many ancient battlefields.

There are many Jedi inside.

Xiao Yun and others have to set foot in the land and must end up with these Jedi.

Three months, blinked.

On a mountain top, Xiao Yun stood.

Beside him, the kings of heaven are accompanied.

During these three months, they came along all the way and encountered many dangers.

It can be said that many of these dangers are enough to make Juntong Tianjing repairers scorn.

There are even places where the emperor has to hate.

Like swarms, like sudden storms, and space cracks.

All kinds of dangers are always with everyone.

Without stepping into the magical realm, you would not be able to advance on this ancient road.

At this moment, they also deeply understand why their predecessors had words, and they must not set foot on the ancient road unless they set foot on the royal road.

Even the footsteps of the royal road are ridiculous.

If they weren't following Xiao Yun this time, they wouldn't know how many people had scoffed.

At this moment, the kings stood on top of the mountain and looked forward.

The top of the mountain is not high and is obviously cut off.

At this moment, there is a cloudy wind blowing here.

The wind caused a chill in the spinal cord.

"Frontly convenient is the Broken Soul River!" Xiao Yun whispered, looking forward.

"As long as you cross the Broken Soul River, you can enter the superstar city." Beside Xiao Yun, the eyes of the kings were fiery.

"There is a lineup of inheritance leading to miracles in the Superstar City."

If you can set foot in those monuments, once you gain something, you will fly into the sky.

That is the real place of transformation.

Whether it can rise on the ancient road depends on this trip.

"Go!" After looking at the river in front of you, Xiao Yun flew down the mountain.

The mountain is named Broken Soul Mountain.

Because here was an ancient battlefield.

I don't know how many spirits were buried below.

The river is an ancient river, swaying above it.

Legend has it that this is a ghostly river.

Just because the blood of a powerful man in the ancient wars spilled into this river, turning it into a ghost river.

Xiao Yun and others drifted down.

Under the mountain, there was an overcast wind, and a breath of breath came on.

Stepping on a piece of black land.

The ground in front of it cracked and was full of scars.

An overcast wind swept above the cracked earth.

But there is a big river ahead.

The river did not know where it came from, but it blocked the way for everyone.

From this we can see that there are ancient bridges on the river.

The bridge is very wide, but it is completely surrounded by nether air.

You can even see the ghostly flickering ghostly figure.

Such a scene makes people feel as if they have come to the nether land.

"Someone ahead!"

"That should be the person of Xuan Yu!" When everyone was in the eyes, he saw someone in front of him.

The people were in groups, all in a wide field by the river.

"Go!" After glancing forward, Xiao Yun moved forward.

With the phantom eyes, he has seen many pictures of King Xuanyu's way out here.

He is naturally unwilling to fall behind.

Stepping across the cracked earth, Xiao Yun and others also gradually approached the Broken Soul River ahead.

The more forward, the more gloomy the wind.

There was even a lingering scent in it.

Those spirits are extremely uncomfortable.


At this moment, in the void in front of the Broken Soul Bridge, there was a loud noise.

But in the void, there was a battle platform.

The battlefield is ancient and full of warfare.

And there is a man fighting against others.

If you look closely at ~ ~, the opponents he fought are dazzling, but his body is slightly futile.

"Someone is fighting the hero!" Seeing this, Xiao Wu et al.

According to the information they have obtained, Xiao Yun knows that if he wants to survive this soul-breaking peace, he must first set foot on this soul-breaking Taiwan war against the heroes.

Some of these heroes died in ancient times in the Broken Soul River.

Some geniuses who have set foot on ancient roads for thousands of years have fallen here, and the ghost remains here, turning into ghosts.

For some reason, if you want to cross the Broken Soul River, you must first set foot on the Broken Soul platform and fight with these heroes.

Only three games in a row can step into the Broken Soul Bridge.


At this point, Xiao Yun stepped on the edge of the Broken Soul River, his eyes moved slightly, and he also looked towards the evolving battlefield in front of the void.

"On the last day of August, everybody has a monthly pass for the immortal Wu Zun."

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