Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1392: Divine fluid quenching body

"Okay!" Seeing that Wushuang and Yuan Tianzhang had no objection, Xiao Yun nodded slightly.

Then, he led the King of Heaven to the front of God's Terrace.

"Let's enjoy the remaining Lingchi!"

"Okay!" Wushuang said, "We each choose some people in the third pool ..."

They started to distribute.

Although it was said earlier that World War I determined the ownership of the Lingchi.

But without Shenchi, Wushuang is too lazy to continue the war.

Led by Xiao Yun, the crowd continued to set foot on the Shenchi steps.

On each floor, there are ninety-nine steps.

At this time, Xiao Yun felt a tremendous pressure when they reached the third step at the top.

Under this pressure, individuals began to frown.

Each step forward will increase the pressure by one point.

This is a test for practitioners. Your physical strength is insufficient, and you will not be able to obtain the corresponding Shenchi body.

"At this point, let's do our best!" Xiao Yun turned back and said to the crowd.

He brought these people here, which has been a great help.

But the way of life needs to go on its own.

Which step you can take is up to you.

Otherwise, it is the flowers in the greenhouse after all.

"≥Long≥Wind≥Wen≥Learning, w ※ ww.cfw □ 嗯 t eh!" Everyone nodded, all struggling to resist that pressure.

Xiao Yun was on the same step as entering the third-level Lingchi.

Behind him, Princess Kirin, Prince Kirin, Princess Tianlian, Lord Shenhuang ... Feng Yuyao, Xiao Wu, Xiao Yifei, Xiao Feng, Xiao Lingyun and others are all on the third floor.

Then comes the second floor.

But they are struggling.

In the end, Zhao Zheng and Silence stopped on the second floor and entered the quenching body in the middle of the Lingchi.

Xiao Feng also failed to move forward, but also stepped into the second floor of the Lingchi.

Many people stopped at the Lingchi on the second floor.

Ninety-nine steps.

The harder you get to the back.

Only Xiao Yun can walk normally.

Behind him, Princess Tianlian, Princess Unicorn followed closely.

At this time, the strength of the crowd was soon revealed.

Xiao Lingyun and Xiao Wu followed Xiao Yifei closely.

Among these people are some geniuses.

Of course, in fact, the biggest reason is because the time is too long, which has weakened the prohibition on the steps.

Otherwise, according to the requirements of Changhe Sect, only a few who can step into Shenchi will be handful.

"Shenchi!" At this point, Xiao Yun stepped onto the last step and landed directly on the edge of the Shenchi.

This Shenchi is very wide.

At its center, there is a disc.

The top of this disc is the crystal shoot that day.

Tick, Tick!

There are ninety-nine bamboo shoots in total.

There is a drip of magic liquid on each plant.

After tens of thousands of years of savings, there is already a lot of divine fluid in it.

The pond was misty and wavy.

At first glance, it really looks like a Shenchi.

"There is a trace of divine breath!" When Xiao Yun stepped on this divine pond, the voice of Changsheng Turtle sounded within his knowledge of the sea.

"Wahaha, although it can't be compared with the divine spirit, but this divine liquid is hard to come by."

"It's really hard to get this divine fluid." Supreme Devourer nodded, "presumably there is still real divine fluid left in ancient times."

"Um." Xiao Yun nodded, and then his heart moved.


In front of him, the light and shadow flickered, and two figures appeared.

It is little sister and sister Ren.

"So strong aura!"

"Here is ...?" The two appeared, and their eyes were immediately surprised.

"This is the Shenchi in one of the ruins in the ancient road." Xiao Yun said.

"Shenchi in the ancient road?" Wen Yan said, Sister Ren's eyes were hot.

"Shenchi?" Xiao Shimei blinked her blue eyes and stared at Xiao Yun.

"The hardened body with Dangshen fluid can make your body clean!" Xiao Yun laughed.

"That's how you can have no time for constitution?" Wen Yan said that Sister Ren was extremely excited.

In this world, there is very little physical fitness.

Only those gods are truly immaculate.

Once there is no time, the speed of cultivation will definitely increase.

The potential is unlimited.

In this way, she will have a chance to become a strong one.

Only being a strong can save his father.

So Ren Keying was very excited at this time.

"Go in!" Xiao Yun said with a flash of light.

For the sisters, he was in a mixed mood.

He promised to be rescued as suzerain.

Unfortunately, in the end, the emissary of the shadow gate escaped.

Not to mention the sadness in the hearts of the two sisters.

At this point, finding Shenchi and letting them harden up can be regarded as giving them a hope.

"Huh!" Ren Keying nodded, grateful to Xiao Yun.

Then she moved slightly in a row and headed forward.

Little Shimei blinked and followed.

Subsequently, Xiao Yun also set foot in Shenchi.

Inside the pond, the mist was so thick that it was very exciting to take a breath.

Xiao Yun's pores seemed to be widening after he stepped on it.

"The divine fluid at the center is the purest." Xiao Yun walked to the center.

There is a disc ahead.

Then a divine fluid flowed down and poured into the pond.

In the pond is more the water of the spiritual spring.

Of course, the water of this spiritual spring is also extremely rare and can help the body to quench the body.

This is also the case before it is introduced into this pool.

At this time, the sisters of Ren's had already started to harden.

The blue light flickered around them, and the divine fluid was introduced into a mask to cover it.

Later, those divine fluids were absorbed, and there was a divine pattern submerged into the nostrils and pores.

The divine fluid here is too pure, and there is still a little breath of god.

Under this tempering, the human body is undergoing metamorphosis.

Impurities appear on Ren Keying's skin.

But as soon as this dirt appeared, and her body moved, then Zhenyuan turned it into nothingness.

The strength of the magical cultivator has reached the point of turning decay into magic.

Xiao Yun hovered inside Shenchi, and Shen fluid was drawn by him.

The divine pattern was like a dragon, submerged in his nostril.

God pattern tyrannical bully, only to enter the body began to destroy his body.

That divine liquid is even more so. Every mist of divine liquid overflowing is like a sharp blade, which can break Wang Bing.

This divine fluid is sucked into the body, and the bones and bones are cut off instantly.

It can be said that even if ordinary people come to this divine pool, they will not be able to enjoy this divine fluid.

"It's worthy of the magic liquid!" But Xiao Yun was fiery at this time, inhaling a lot of magic liquid.

Not only that, his life martial spirit flickered, each branch extended, and began to absorb these divine fluids.

"Haha, this emperor will set foot on the imperial road to complete."

The Phantom Worm was excited and did not emerge from Xiao Yun's knowledge of the sea, absorbing these divine fluids.

Turtle patterns on the long-lived tortoise emerged, and a sky cover evolved to cover itself, also drawing the magic fluid.

These divine liquids are also extremely rare treasures for them.


After two full quarters.

At the pool of God, Princess Kirin appeared.

"Is this the Shenchi?" Looking at this Shenchi, her eyes were hot.

Subsequently, Princess Tianlian also followed.

The rest are still working hard.

Seeing this, they were also polite and set foot in Shenchi immediately.

Time goes by.

There is constant rejection of impurities in Xiao Yun's body.

The divine fluid was in him, washing his muscles and cutting his marrow.

The **** pattern was very tyrant, twisted the bones, tempered it, and repaired it with Shen fluid.

The spring water in that pond is for restoration.

Xiao Yun's physique had been tempered almost flawlessly.

After this tempering, his physique is like jade and gold, and he really wants to reach the point where there is no time for dirt.

With the passage of time, Xiao Wu and others also stepped into this Shenchi.

At this time, the spiritual pools were full of practitioners throughout the entire **** stage.

A day later, Xiao Yun got up.

At this point, the divine fluid in the pond was almost absorbed.

His eyebrows were filled with a transcendent temperament.

This time the divine fluid quenched the body, making him really like a **** son, who exuded a transcendent breath all the time.

Xiao Yun's physique was tempered, and the life and soul of the consciousness in the sea had a sacred breath after absorbing a lot of divine fluid.

In the middle, the mist from the leaves was a bit more godly.

Obviously, this life Wuhun also got the benefit of the ground.

"Now, I can step into Zhuntong Heaven at any time." Xiao Yun's mouth evoked a smile.

At this time, the Phantom Worm and the Longevity Tortoise also submerged him into the sea.

These two breaths have become extremely thick now.

"Not only after that, I will reach perfection," said Longevity Tortoise and Phantom Worm.

Xiao Yun smiled slightly.

These two have a chance to become gods!

Especially the long-lived turtle, it is destined to become a god.

At this time, the sisters of Ren's also got up.

Ren Keying's temperament has also changed.

She was surrounded by blue gods.

As for Ren Kexin, she became more agile.

Just as beautiful as an elf.

After glancing at the two women, Xiao Yun strolled and walked out of Shenchi.

As for the celestial bamboo shoots above the head, they all have divine pattern protection and cannot be touched at all.

After getting out of here, Xiao Yun looked around.

At this moment, the peerless peers have also stood up.

They await the end of their followers.

When Xiao Yun stepped down from that step, they also cast their eyes.

There was a complex color in the light of that eye.

This time Xiao Yun has been quenched by Shenye, presumably his physique has become stronger than before.

Xiao Yun walked in, only slightly gestured to the crowd, and then exited here.

After walking out of this cave, Xiao Yun blinked.

"According to records, there is another forbidden area in this Changhezong, with a spirit tree inside!"

Xiao Yun's eyes flashed, his eyes fell in the other direction.

After determining the direction, he started to move forward.

Princess Kirin and others followed closely.

This time the divine spirit quenched the body, making them physically exhausted and feeling very excited.

I am full of expectation for the visit to this historic site.

"We?" Tian Qingshan asked Lu when he saw Xiao Yun go.

"Let's go too!" He groaned slightly, and then he said nothing.

Although he could not compete with Xiao Yun.

But if there is something in this monument, it is also good.

Such as quenching this time, his physique has also improved.

Xiao Yun advanced along a path and came to the cliff.

In front, there is a gatekeeper.

There is a clear prohibition engraved on it.

Although the ban was in place, Xiao Yun flashed his eyes this time, and forcibly broke the line ~ ~ After he broke the line, there was an aftermath of the ban on sweeping out.

This fluctuation is enough to make the emperor ridicule.

Even with the magic soldier, it is difficult to resist.

Feeling that kind of fluctuation, Yuan Wushuang in the distance and Yuan Tianxuan frowned.

They all have magic soldiers, but they are not sure that they can resist this aftermath.

Breaking the ban hastily will only put you in danger.

But Xiao Yun's face was indifferent, and the restraint aftermath seemed to be swept by the torrent, but he remained still.

All he saw was a cyclone evolved from him, and that was to swallow up the aftermath.

This cyclone exudes momentum and makes Wushuang and Yuan Tianxuan jump in their hearts.

"It's that magical power!" The two eyes flashed with light.

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