Lei Ao was repelled, blood was in the corner of his mouth, but he did not give in.

"It was my intention just now. Next, I will let you see the real power of thunder and lightning!" Lei Ao's eyes flickered, and he was still wary when he turned to Xiao Yun.

He did take care of it just now.

But this time he won't stay.

"Then, you try your best!" Xiao Yun's mouth evoked a smile.

Similarly, in his eyes, there were a few promises.

Looking at this, he seems to be looking forward to this Lei Ao can try his best.

Only in this way can he truly enjoy the fun of battle.

Because only by fighting hard can you unlock your potential.

For a martial arts genius, encountering an opponent is like encountering an opportunity.

Only in combat can we better understand martial arts and verify what we have learned.

Lei Ao was not polite.

All he could see was his eyes flashing, with an astonishing momentum bursting out of him.


The thunder and thunder above the battle platform seemed to have evolved from a heaven and earth.

In this world, Lei Ao is a thunder god, an amazing power of thunder erupting from his body.

There is a hint of power in this Thunder Force.

Suddenly, that kind of horrible Tianwei pervaded the Quartet, making people frightened.

"This is the power of God's Thunder?" At this time, those practitioners watching the battle felt a scalp of hair.

"Hehe, Lei Ao has shot with all his strength. He has gained the power of God Thunder. Now how many people can resist?"

When the thunder that contained the mighty power burst out, the spiritual practitioners couldn't help laughing.

"Lei Ao's son was just an idea just now. He didn't use real means. Now he uses the power of God Thunder to split this Xiao Yun into soot!"

People in the spirit realm are extremely excited.

This is the power of thunder left by the gods.

This kind of power is enough to smash Wang Bing.


Thunder and thunder swept across the battle platform, Lei Ao stepped forward, and the countless thunders on him seemed to smash Xiao Yun towards him.

A terrible hurricane also swept away.

This time, he shot with all his strength and was oppressed by the situation of heaven and earth.

The thunder and howling, the clouds gathered, and the pressure of the sky and the earth was oppressing.

This is like an oppressed world of wind and thunder.

"The power of God's thunder?" Xiao Yun frowned, facing the oppressive thunder world, he was still not afraid, but evoked a smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Then, let's see if it is the power of your **** thunder or my phoenix **** fire!"

Xiao Yun's eyes flashed, and the pace followed.

When that step was taken, millions of godliness rose on him immediately.

These divine patterns rose, flesh flew into the sky, and turned into a sea of ​​fire.

The hot flames immediately swept forward, drowning the wind and thunder world.

At the same time, there is a strong Phoenix blood on Xiao Yun's body.

That kind of flesh diffused into the sky and condensed into a huge phoenix in the void.

The ancient power then permeated the phoenix.

The horror of the Phoenix shook the wind and lightning in front of it.

Then a roll of fire and sea began to burn the wind and thunder ahead.


Above the platform, the wind and thunder clash with the Phoenix Fire, colliding with a dazzling light.

The thunder was fierce. When the air split came, the sea of ​​fire was torn.

Only in the midst of the flames Xiao Yun stepped forward.

His fist flashed, and he was blasting towards the thunder.

With a punch, the momentum was astonishing, and the void in front collapsed, and the thunder was directly defeated.


A wave of ripples rose, and Xiao Yun stepped forward, moving his wings behind him, and cut across the wind and thunder world.

Under these wings, the world of wind and thunder was all torn.

The world of wind and thunder was torn, and the hot flames took off.

Lei Ao frowned, feeling a tremendous pressure.

After he looked up, a unicorn seemed to be coming.

But if you take a closer look, it seems to have the wings of a phoenix.

The wind and lightning power that he had begun to burst apart.

That shattered by the evolved 'Fengleitiandi'.

This is just a supernatural vision. It is not a real world at all. It cannot bear too much power.

"Phantom God's Eyes!" At this moment, Xiao Yun's eyes flashed, and a powerful soul burst out.

When this soul burst out, Lei Ao shivered.

Then everyone saw a huge fist blast away.


A loud noise came out, and then Lei Ao was bombarded with blood spit out from the mouth.

His body fell under the battle platform like the broken kite.


After a loud noise came out, Lei Ao landed on the ground.

Blood spit out of his mouth, but a look of confusion appeared in his eyes.

"I was stunned by a powerful soul force just now?" Lei Ao was suspicious.

A powerful soul force struck just now, making him lose heart.

Thinking of that scene, he was still frightened.

If the other party is going to kill, I'm afraid he has scoffed at this time!

"Lei Ao defeated!" On the high platform, an elder of the giant spirit clan sank.

When this voice came down, the practitioners in the spirit realm were completely choked.

Just now this Lei Aoming has fully shot, how could he lose so easily?

"This Xiao Yun seems to have all kinds of magical powers!" Lei Ao stood up, his eyes flashed, and a bitter arc appeared on the corners of his mouth.

At this time he had not reacted from the battle just now.

How overbearing is your own power of thunder and lightning?

The power of Thunder contains a hint of the power of God!

But this is the case, he was unable to crush the young man and was even defeated by the other party.

How can this not surprise Lei Ao.

"Kirin, Phoenix, a powerful soul!" Lei Ao secretly counted the magical powers Xiao Yun had just used.

Then he slightly arched and left.

Lei Ao was defeated, but still had the opportunity to challenge.

He landed on a high platform and began to adjust his breath.

Xiao Yun turned around and ran to a high platform, where he sat.

"Xiao Gongzi is amazing!" Tianduyu's eyes are full of admiration.

Xiao Yun was indifferent, hovering to the ground, his eyes narrowed slightly.

He is feeling and groaning.

"My advantage is not too big." Xiao Yun groaned.

He has the fire of the phoenix, and Lei Ao has the power of the **** thunder.

Under the confrontation, he couldn't really crush it easily.

However, Xiao Yun still has some advantages.

That is the Phantom Eye, which can be surprisingly successful.

There is also magical power.

Of course, this method is not enough to make him invincible.

"It seems that it is not enough to be truly invincible. I have to obtain the **** base that is made of the mixed Yuan grass." At this time Xiao Yun felt his shortcomings.

"That's what you did wrong." At this moment, the voice of Supreme Devourer came.

"Wrong?" Xiao Yun Mulu asked.

"Invincible does not mean that you have any invincible constitution. If the Tao is enough, even ordinary law can be invincible. There is no invincible law. There are only invincible people. Only invincible Tao!" Said, "The Tao is invincible, and the perception on the Tao surpasses ordinary people, so that it can be truly invincible. The others are only temporary competition."

"Three thousand avenues, I still see personal understanding of Tao!"

Devouring the Supreme Voice is full of majesty.

"Seeing the comprehension of the Tao?" Wen Yan said for a moment.

"Yes," said Tuntian Supreme, "like martial arts, if you have sufficient attainments, you really understand the essence of martial arts, and even mortal bodies can break through mountains and rivers."

"Tao, Dao!" Hearing this, Xiao Yun's heart shook, and the mist in his heart gradually cleared away, and the road seemed clear.

"Yes, physique is not the only one, even if it is the same constitution, but if you do n’t have enough understanding of the Tao, you ca n’t exert the power it deserves." Xiao Yun's eyes showed wisdom, and everything became clear. It was very simple. If two people have the same level of war martial arts, but if one has a high level of accomplishment in martial arts, the power of martial arts can naturally be exerted more.

But another person, who understands mediocrity in martial arts, can only rely on the power of martial spirits, how can he compete with others?

This is no invincible law, only invincible people!

Only the invincible way!

People are the key!

Understanding the Tao is the key!

Xiao Yunming Wu.

"Of course, when you do n’t set foot on the avenue, the foundation can be deeper and can naturally bring a lot of benefits." Supreme Supreme said, "but you can't just blindly promote the foundation and forget the most fundamental things. To the avenue, to the magical power, This is the most important understanding of martial arts, and it is also the basis for people to stand on the world stage. "

"I see." Xiao Yun nodded.

He knew this before.

It's just that he has recently fought a war with people and has begun to gain new insights into the use of various supernatural powers.

In addition, the genius he encountered recently has become more and more powerful, and there are geniuses in the sanctuary ahead, he has an inexplicable pressure, and eagerly hopes that he can be strong.

Can stand out in the sanctuary.

So he wanted to strengthen his foundation.

Make the body of God.

This is a change of mindset, causing his Tao to change.

"The body of God is to be formed, but the perception of Tao is the most important."

Xiao Yun was determined.

Now that Dao's heart is stable, he is less impatient.

Bang, bang!

At this time, there was a constant loud noise coming from the battle platform.

At the same time, some people were shot down and lost.

"Oh, any pure-blooded unicorn, so it is." On a high platform, Lai Wanli grinned and grinned.

The blood on him was soaring like a sea of ​​blood rolling around.

And in front of him, the son of the unicorn wolf howled.

This battle just now, it lost.

This defeat made Kirin boy unwilling.

"Abominable, if it wasn't for my lack of understanding of Kirin's magical powers, how could I fail?" Looking at the face of Lai Wanli ~ www.readwn.com ~ Kirin's heart was uneasy.

But he was defeated.

This reliance is the blood clam of ancient times. The blood is so powerful that it also controls a magical power that can erode others.

Although the son of Kirin has a strong bloodline, his magical powers are not as powerful as others, so he is defeated.

"Kirin Boy defeated!" At this moment, Xiao Yun was right in his heart. As soon as his eyes flashed, he saw the defeated Kirin Boy.

"This is the gap brought about by the understanding of martial arts supernatural powers." Swallowing the Supreme said lightly.

The unicorn's blood is stronger than that of Lai Wanli.

But this battle was defeated.

This shows that a strong physique is not the basis for defeating the enemy.

The understanding of martial arts is the most important.

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