Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1402: Blood Clam

On the platform, Xiao Yun and Lai Wanli settled.

Suddenly, the genius in the audience fell on the platform.

At this point even Zheng Jing squinted his eyes, staring forward.

"This Lai Wanli's blood is extremely strong, and it is continuously operated by mysterious methods. The blood-line supernatural power has reached an amazing level. The combat power is very strong. With it, he should be able to force Xiao Yun to use his hole card. Fighting with the magic soldier is even better. "Zheng Jing secretly thought.

Personal magic is very important, but the magic soldier is also a hidden means.

Only when the crowd reveals the magic soldier can he control everything.

"Blood clams, Lai Wanli!" On the battle platform, Lai Wanli grinned and spoke to Xiao Yun.

"Xiao's, Xiao Yun!" Xiao Yun's eyes narrowed, and a **** of war was permeating from him.

The war was permeated and blood flew into the sky, and a phoenix evolved in the void.

At the same time, the sea of ​​fire rolled around Xiao Yun, turning it into a world of fire.

Within this world of fire there are phoenixes circling, flying with wings.

From a distance, Xiao Yun stood like a monarch in the sea of ​​fire.

But if you take a closer look, he is like a unicorn standing in the sea of ​​fire, and his tall body is like a mountain, which cannot be shaken.

Several blood-line magical powers were urged out together, but Xiao Yun stood on the platform so he seemed very calm. There was no exclusion between the blood-line magical powers, and everything seemed so natural. This state of affairs is obviously going to reach the point where Daoyun is perfect.

Before Xiao Yun was a little confused, he kept pursuing blood.

Under this obsession, he ignored the perception of the avenue.

After the first war just now, he was swallowed up by the Supreme Lord and woke up, already aware of it.

At this time, the perception of the avenue was also escalated.

As soon as this perception is improved, the use of magical power naturally adds a bit of avenue.

"Is that unicorn?"

"That's Phoenix blood!"

"What kind of bloodless blood does Xiao Yun actually have?" When Xiao Yun played out this blood, the geniuses of all races were surprised.

Of course, some people have long been used to it.

Such as the people of the domain that day.

Many people in Tianduyu are here.

All major races have.

Such as Zhu Aotian and others.

In addition, many people in Xuanyu are not surprised by this.

At that time, they had seen Xiao Yun and Yuan Tianzhang and the matchless war!

"At this time, his blood seems to have become stronger." On the high platform, Yuan Tianchi's eyes flashed.

He was carefully sensing the momentum of Xiao Yun at this moment.

With strong perception, he immediately discovered that Xiao Yun's momentum was much stronger than before.

"Not only is he more powerful, but the fusion of magical powers is a bit more rhyme!" No one blinked his eyes, whispered.

During this time, he was also comprehending, continually merging his martial spirit.

With that wicked talent, he felt like he was improving fast.

But at this moment, Xiao Yun is not standing still.

"This Xiao Yun is a character who actually contains such strong blood of Qilin and Phoenix. Is his parent a genius of Qilin Phoenix?"

A genius with curiosity on the platform.

"Otherwise, this Xiao Yun is a human race, a Xiao clan and a war martial spirit. His mother is the life martial art soul, and he also has a life martial art soul!" Said an informed person.

"What!" Wen Yan said, many geniuses were surprised. "As a human being, how could he have such a strong Qilin bloodline?"

Suddenly, many people couldn't help showing strangeness.

It is very difficult for a person to inherit the parents' Wuhun.

But he has other bloodlines, and he has reached the level of pure blood. How bad is this?

"That Qilin and Phoenix blood were obtained by him separately?" Dugu Xing said lightly.

"Should be!" Said the person next to him.

Beyond that, they really couldn't think of other reasons.

However, this made everyone's look more dignified.

The integration of blood vessels is the most difficult, especially those powerful blood vessels. If one is not well integrated, it will cause itself to be bitten by the power of the blood vessels and explode.

But this Xiao Yun has obtained two powerful bloodlines.

Not only that, but he also used this bloodline in full swing.

What does this mean?

Say that this person has excel.

"Both types of blood have reached the level of pure blood!" At this moment, Zheng Jing's eyes flashed, and she showed a little sorrow to Xiao Yun.

The blood of the giant spirit family is very strong, and it is also quite famous in ancient times.

That supernatural power is even more daunting for many protoss.

But the phoenix and the unicorn are even more amazing. The power of the bloodline supernatural powers is no less than that of the giant spirit clan.

"Gong Xiaoxiao got more Phoenix blood than I did." Princess Tianlian's mouth was bitter.

She is a Phoenix tribe, but not as good as a tribe.

"Did he fuse that blood?" Princess Kirin's eyes narrowed slightly.

She naturally knew why Xiao Yun had the unicorn bloodline.

At the beginning of the Kirin Temple, Xiao Yun obtained a drop of blood.

That drop of **** blood is extremely rich and the blood of the true god. If it is fused, it can not only reach the level of pure blood, but also get the charm of the Tao of God.

The breath of God is not something ordinary people have!

When Xiao Yun inspired his blood, the battlefield was completely shrouded in shock.

Opposite, Lai Wanli's frown could not help but frown.

"This boy actually has such a strong bloodline." Lai Wanli frowned.

In the first battle, it easily defeated Kirin.

In this way, it has a little more confidence.

What unicorn blood is not defeated by its men?

Only after Xiao Yun's flesh evolved, it felt a little pressure.

At the moment, Lai Wanli's eyes flashed, the blood on his body flickered, and his strong blood flew into the sky.

The blood was soaring into the sky, and the sea of ​​blood rolled behind it, with wavy lines.

The sea of ​​blood creeps into a deep cyclone.

Within this cyclone, there is a blood clam that looks like a hill.

This blood clam looks ugly, with redness all over it, and stings all over it.

But it sent out amazing waves.

The kind of fluctuation pervaded as if there was an ancient animal awakening from ancient times.

Under this momentum, the people watching the war couldn't help but tighten their nerves.

"This blood clam has such a terrible momentum?" Many people were startled.

It's just been toad, but so powerful.

"This guy has fully inspired the momentum." Kirin's eyes flashed.

It played against this Lai Wanli.

It's just that Lai Wanli is more powerful at this time.

"I believe Xiao Gong can cope with this toad." Prince Kirin secretly murmured.

"Blood clam ?!" Xiao Yun frowned, and the pace hurriedly moved forward.

In his eyebrows, the divine pattern of Zhan Wuhun flashed.

A strong war sentiment permeated.

This war will be incorporated into the sea of ​​fire that evolved from the flesh.

With this fusion of war will, Xiao Yun's momentum is a little stronger.

"Battle!" When the war intent spread, Xiao Yun stepped forward, and the low voice spit out from him.

At the same time, Lai Wanli in front also shot.

All he saw was his big hand, which turned into a blood clam and fell towards Xiao Yun.

There are dazzling lines on this giant palm, in which the blood is rolling and it is necessary to engulf everything.

That kind of flesh actually has an evil smell.

When that blood passed, Xiao Yun's evolved Qilin blood seemed to be dissolved by that blood.

"This relied on the practice of Bloodline Dafa, making the bloodlines extremely powerful and can defile others' blood and magical power!" On the high platform, Zheng Jing flashed his eyes. This bloodline Dafa is a god-level exercise method of the Blood Clam clan. A hegemonic method has nine lines of blood lines. If you practice well, you can continuously improve your blood.

"Brother Lai's magical power is already in full swing, so it should be able to crush that Xiao Yun." Wu Bin secretly thought.

When the **** clam fell, Xiao Yun had already shot.

He reached out with his hands.

This is the palm that has always been white and slender.


When this palm appeared, the void in front of it collapsed, and a ripple rose.

The next moment, a burst of blood flew out.

This blood is so powerful that it can penetrate the world like a god.

An immense amount of martial arts came out.

Just in the blink of an eye, this palm had not completely confronted Lai Wanli's blood clam, and the horrible momentum of the two sides was already violently colliding.

The blood clam was whirlwinded by a cyclone to swallow everything.

The blood veins are overbearing and evil.

However, as soon as Xiao Yun's palm came out, flames swept out immediately.

This is Phoenix Fire.

This phoenix **** fire rolls toward the blood clam **** pattern and burns away.

Fire can restrain all evil things.

Although this blood clam is powerful, Xiao Yun is a **** fire. Under that kind of burning, the potential of its blood pattern is slightly reduced.

"Three turns of blood pattern!" Lai Wanli's eyes flickered and she sank when the fire spread out.

When this low-pitched voice came out, the blood pattern of its blood clam's giant palm seemed to evolve into a world.

The blood veins continued to squirm and rotate, even to forcefully engulf the Phoenix Divine Fire.

"Nine turns of the blood pattern, although I only practice three turns, it is enough to deal with practitioners in the same realm." Lai Wanli grinned.

The blood veins on that palm revolve as if connected to the heavens and earth of blood.

As soon as the blood veins turned, the Phoenix Divine Fire was ingested.

Then began to resolve the Phoenix Divine Fire with blood lines and that evil charm.

This blood pattern turned, but in one turn, it eliminated the strength of the Phoenix Sacred Fire. On the second turn, it lost 40% of its strength. On the third turn, the Sacred Fire was completely resolved, and Xiao Yun lost Contact, and the bloodline is still absorbing the Phoenix God Fire ~ ~ to resolve and weaken Xiao Yun's strength.

"Good mysterious magical power!" Xiao Yun clearly felt the power of the bloodline three turns with the help of the heart and the phoenix.

"No wonder the Kirin boy will be defeated in this person's hands." Xiao Yun secretly murmured.

But, just then, his palm changed suddenly.

Xiao Yun's palm was about to come into contact with the **** clam.

It's just that the two's momentum is too strong and they impact each other, making Shenhuo and Bloodweave clash.

However, after learning about Lai Wanli's bloodline supernatural power, Xiao Yun smiled.

All he saw was the turning of his palm into a sharp claw.

This is Phoenix Claw.

"Ask for monthly ticket support." Xiao Yun held out the claws of the Phoenix.


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