Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1407: not afraid

Above the battle platform, the spear flickered and stabbed directly at Jian Fei.

This shot was too fast, and the elders who arrived were too late to shoot.


A long gun pierced and Jia Jianfei made a howling howl.

However, the voice came out and stopped abruptly.

Because that cold has frozen Jia Jianfei.

"Give me!" When the cold chilled Jia Jianfei, Xiao Yun stepped out and kicked one of them.

This foot used full strength. Without the resistance, Jia Jianfei's bones and internal organs were cracked.


Then everyone saw a figure flying backwards from the battle platform.

"Jianfei!" When Jia Jianfei's body flew upside down, an elder's eyes flickered, the big hand reached out and immediately extended 10,000 meters to catch it.

"It's so cold!" After catching Jia Jianfei, the elder's eyelids jumped with surprise.

At this time Jia Jianfei's chill permeated him, even the strong man who was able to achieve perfection in the sky was jealous.

"Worth the chill released by the soldiers!" The man looked dignified.

The men in front of him were all staring blankly, staring ahead.

At this point, they had fallen in front of Zheng Jing.

"Too grandpa!" Zheng Jing stood up and immediately bowed to the elder headed by the giant spirit tribe.

The youth of the giant spirits next to them all bowed and saluted.

The elder nodded slightly, and set his sight on the front stage.

"This person seems to have stepped into the spiritual realm of half a step?" Yuan Tianzhang murmured, his eyes flashing.

"These people ..." Xiao Feng and others were solemn.

This was originally a discussion between young people, and now there are elders here, which has changed the atmosphere here.

And those elders who came suddenly were also cold.

Especially after the Jinyi man caught Jia Jianfei, his face became darkened.

"How is Jianfei?" An elder came next to him and asked immediately.

"His blood was frozen and severely wounded. His bones and viscera were all broken." The elder Chen Guang, who caught Jia Jianfei, sank. Too much damage, otherwise I'm afraid that it will be completely abolished! "The old uncle was sentimental when he faced Jia Jianfei.

"What! Are the bones and viscera broken?" Wen Yan said, but the elder in the sky next to him was fierce.

This is a genius in his family.

But this time he was seriously injured.

Although they are ancient people, they still have the opportunity to set foot in the sanctuary.

Although the ancient road also has many opportunities.

But there are too few geniuses here.

Without enough geniuses to compete together, it is difficult to stimulate one's potential.

In addition, many opportunities of the ancient **** continent have to be ventured to obtain, the search should be almost the same, and the rest are also Jedi.

But the sanctuary is different.

There is a legacy left by the gods there, as long as you worship those martial arts, you will have the opportunity to obtain it.

But now that Jia Jianfei is seriously injured and has broken his arm, can he rise in the sanctuary?

This is obviously difficult.

"Junior, you might be too cruel to start!" At this moment, the elder who caught Jia Jianfei blinked and said coldly to Xiao Yun.

The other elder was trying to resolve the cold in Jia Jianfei's body.


At the same time, the elders of the giant spirit group moved their hands and took the excalibur back to the elders nearby.

This old eyelight also fell on Xiao Yun.

"Isn't these old ghosts going to shoot?" Seeing this, the geniuses of the five domains were all twinkling.

The appearance of these people was beyond everyone's expectations.

"But I don't know how Xiao Yun will deal with these elders?"

"The elder just said, but Xiao Yun still shot, I'm afraid things will not be good!" Many people are worried about Xiao Yun.

Among them, even those who follow Lei Ao.

Because they are all from outside the ancient road.

These people did not hesitate to leave their hometowns and came here to look for opportunities, which was already very difficult.

If it is still bullied by those in the sky, what kind of depression should it be?

So at this moment, they have a feeling of being enemies.

"I'm ruthless?" But Xiao Yun's eyes flashed, and he looked at the elders' eyes that spoke. He said in a deep voice, "This Jia Jianfei consulted with me. It was understandable that both sides tried their best to make a shot, but he urged Divine soldiers, is this still a study? This is already a better than a militia, what is the significance of such a study? "

"Further, even if a soldier is to be sent, shouldn't he speak first?"

Xiao Yun looked cold and questioned the elder.

"As soon as the soldiers come out, who can resist under haste? In this move, he has put me to death!" Xiao Yun said coldly.

This discourse made the elders look pale and white.

The power of the magic soldiers, they are naturally very clear.

If someone attacked with a magic weapon, even the elders would be hard to resist.

There may even be ridicule.

It is indeed meaningless and inconsistent with morality to study this way.

"I was lucky to die after a sneak attack, but when I reappeared, he shot with the Excalibur Thunder again and didn't give me a chance to breathe. Is this still a negotiation? This is a lore, and it will kill me. When you shot, where were you? Why did n’t you shoot and scold, but you said after I fought back? ”Xiao Yun looked coldly, glanced at the elders, and said," Don't tell me you It was after I fought back that I followed this war. "

He was so wordy that he was not afraid even in the face of the elders of Tongtian Jiuzong Realm.

Even if there was a half-step **** spirit strongman beside these elders, he did not show a trace of fear.

Since others are going to kill him, Xiao Yun, what else can he fear?

Xiao Yun's words fell into the ears of everyone in the audience.

"Yes, since it is a discussion, you should be upright and upright, how can you attack like this?" At this moment, Yuan Tianzhang opened his eyes.

"Swordsman, it would be better if he did not bend. Jia Jianfei's move has the wind of sword-loser!" Dugu Xingchen coldly opened his hands.

He is somewhat shameless about Jia Jianfei's behavior.

As a genius, even if you want to win, you have to be upright.

After all, this is just learning, not killing the enemy.

If life and death destroy the enemy, there will naturally be no such constraints.

Yuan Tianchi nodded.

As he had fought with Xiao Yun.

After falling into the downwind himself, he took the initiative to inform Xiao Yun that he would urge the gods to breathe.

This is dignified.

Win is victory, defeat is defeat, everything speaks by strength.

This is the pride that a genius deserves.

"Jia Jianfei is so kind-hearted, it is doomed to become a big weapon!" Wushuang said lightly.

He is also a genius and proud.

The same is true. When he first competed with Xiao Yun for Divine Liquid, he did not bother to cooperate with Yuan Tianzhang against Xiao Yun.

You know, that's the magic fluid, a rare opportunity.

Under this kind of opportunity, many people will do whatever they can to plunder.

But he didn't!

This is the pride that a genius deserves.

Because they have a firm mind, they can rely on their own strength to reach the peak of martial arts.

Temporary gains and losses are nothing at all.

"Because you are studying, you are right!" Ming Beichen also spoke.

Geniuses are full of pride.

So I feel ashamed of Jia Jianfei.

Suddenly, the geniuses in the field started to speak.

Some of them have roots in the sanctuary, so they have no fear at all.

Such as Ming Beichen, there are Hades in the sanctuary.

Unparalleled, the sanctuary has a twin Wuhun family.

He came here for the magic fluid, waiting for chance.

It's also about sharpening yourself.

Of course, as geniuses, they have a fearless heart.

If their hearts are afraid, they will not set foot on this ancient road.

So even if the elders of Superstar City came forward, they still dared to speak and express their own opinions.

This made the Elder Jia who had questioned Xiao Yun look pale and white.

Even the elders of the giant spirit tribe were condensed.

Things seem to be out of control.

"Are you seniors going to make an effort for this Jia Jianfei?" The Seven Killer's eyes flashed coldly.

"Although I am young, I also know that the ancient road has rules. The original residents in the ancient road must not overpower people with the realm after entering the heavenly realm." Said God Phoenix, "Even if there is a battle, we can be in the realm Cultivation for the First World War is only a thousand years later, but I wonder if you will still follow this rule? "

When the gods of various ethnic groups retreated into the sanctuary, they also left the rules.

After all, if the strongmen on the ancient road took shots to deal with these geniuses, the assessment of the ancient road would be meaningless.

Under those powerful men, no more genius will be strangled.

Although the major domains may not be able to produce many worldly geniuses.

But sometimes a genius can make a big celebrity rise and a power rejuvenate.

The same is true, the Holy Land will still send people to the major realms every eight hundred years to find geniuses.

"Oh, my giant spirit tribe will obey the rules of the ancient road!" Seeing the geniuses of the major domains, the half-step **** of the giant spirit tribe laughed.

It was just a flash of coldness when his eyes narrowed.

"This young man dared to hurt people in front of my giant spirit clan, it was simply arrogant and did not put my clan in his eyes, but at this time the falling sea of ​​stars is about to open, it is not appropriate to make things big, after all, it is my clan What should be done now. "The half-step spirit of this giant spirit family flashed his eyes, and his heart was dark.

Although there are rules on the ancient road, can people in the sanctuary still fail to kill?

Just because it takes several geniuses to open the ancient land, he is not good at making people in all major areas unhappy.

The elder's eyes flashed next to him, and finally he swallowed the bad breath.

Because they received a warning from the half-step deities of this giant spirit group.

"The giant spirit clan will abide by the rules, but it's a good luck for the ancient way!" He said, and the Seven Killer said lightly.

The other geniuses were stubborn.

Because the appearance of this giant spirit group and others made them unhappy.

If they had a discussion with the giant spirits, would they also invite them to intervene?

"I don't know if you guys have any advice?" At this time, Xiao Yun was still cold on the UU reading website, and his eyes were cold on the old ghosts.

"Hehe, Xiao Xiaozi has a different talent. He is the king of the ancient road. This trip to Xinghai, please take care of yourself!" The elders of the giant spirits smiled, and immediately shifted the topic to resolve the previous awkward.

"How dare you envy this junior?" Xiao Yun looked indifferent, strolling down the battle platform, and continued, "The giant spirit tribe is an ancient protoss, and Zheng Gongzi is the nobleman's heavenly pride. That strength Zhiqiang is afraid that few of the geniuses here can compete with him. Furthermore, I am still unfamiliar with Xinghai Xing. At that time, I have to rely on Zheng Gongzi's attention.

During the conversation, he had come to the high platform.

On the high platform, the old men stood.

But Xiao Yun walked indifferently to his seat.

That way, Jia's emperor was so angry that he bit his teeth.

This young man doesn't seem to take them seriously! ()

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