Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1430: Winged Snake

Today, the entire ancient Ming clan has only four emperors.

One of them is Ming Ming.

The other three were geniuses who awakened the spirit soldiers.

Because there are many clans in the vicinity, they must be guarded by the strong, so they only sent an emperor into the mountain.

In normal times, the emperor would not enter the mountain at all.

This time they also wanted to hunt down some ancient beasts, so as to build the foundation for the younger children of their own clan.

& nbsp% pig% pig% pig% island% novel ww .; "Xiao Gongzi, do you want to enter the mountain?" A middle-aged man wearing a fur coat, said to Xiao Yun.

"Anyway, nothing happens, just have a look." Xiao Yun laughed.

"In the Tianmang Mountains, there are many ancient beasts, so you have to worry about it!" Said an old man.

This is the emperor who is in the heavens.

"I know." Xiao Yun shrugged, an indifferent look.

"Brother Xiao Yun will not be afraid of those ancient beasts!" Ming Ziyu said with a brow.

He vaguely remembered the scene when he met Xiao Yun.

At that time, all ancient beasts dared not approach this youth.

"Okay, go up the mountain!"

"Up the mountain!" At the moment, the kings next to him all spoke.

The low voice sounded like a horn.


At this time, some people blew their horns.

This is for the tribe, and the woman shouts beside her, saying the old saying.

It was to wish these people peace and good luck.

In this way, Xiao Yun took the ancient beast up the mountain with the people of the Gu Ming clan.

Among them, there are nine kings and twelve infant market powerhouses.

In addition, there are some young people.

They also followed for a long time.

The deep mountains behind the Gu Ming clan belong to the Tianmang Mountains.

In ancient times, this mountain range was under the jurisdiction of the ancient Ming clan.

But as the years change, they can no longer control this forest.

Even in the deep mountains, the burial grounds of the ancestors who originally belonged to their ancient Ming clan have become the scope of ancient animal activities.

There were many ancient beasts in the sky, which led to few of the ancient Ming clan daring to approach.

When he entered the mountain, Xiao Yun learned these things from the elders of the ancient Ming clan.

"That's it!" After listening, Xiao Yun did not sigh.

This is a cruel world.

No matter it is an individual or a clan, as long as you can't stay strong forever, you must accept the cruel reality in the future.

Everyone entered into the mountains.

Outside, some ancient beasts fled directly into the wind.

The Gu Ming clan did not stay too much.

They are here to hunt strange beasts and build the foundation for the people.

So they have to choose those strong bloodlines.

After entering the mountains for eight hundred miles, I finally saw some powerful alien beasts.

The people of the Guming clan started to shoot.

They have archers.

Whenever a powerful alien beast is encountered, it will be shot.

"That is a juvenile winged snake beast. Get ready. This is a powerful ancient beast!"

Suddenly, in the forest ahead, everyone saw an ancient beast.

This is a seven-foot-tall ancient beast that was reserved for the ancient times. It looks like a ground dragon, has four feet, and has full scale armor. Between its belly, there are a bunch of scale armor with wings. The wings are dark and faint, exuding a metallic luster. Those Guan Zes flow like roads, appearing obscure and mysterious.

Looking closely, its head extends like a snake.

"The Winged Snake Beast has a very strong defense and can fly in adulthood. It contains a magical power that can thunder and lightning!"

At this time, the emperor of the Gu Ming clan also flashed his eyes.

This ancient beast was a very powerful one in ancient times.

It has a strong bloodline and is said to have a trace of true dragon blood.

"There will actually be winged snakes here!" Another king who reached the level of the pseudo-emperor was also surprised.

"If I blend the blood of this beast, I will become a strong one!" Ming Ziyu's eyes were hot.

"Elder, do you want to do it?" The king next to him looked fiery.

"But this wing snake clan has an emperor!" The elder frowned.

The reason why their ancient Ming clan lost control of the Tianmang Mountains was because too many ancient beasts had the emperor seated.

"What are you afraid of? How many males of this ancient snake clan ate my Guming clan in the past, how can you let it go when you meet a cub today?" A king next to him blinked, and opened his bow and arrow and shot straight ahead The arrow burst into the air, emitting an obscure wave, and the powerful air machine instantly locked the winged snake in front.

call out!

When the arrow broke, the winged snake beast immediately found something wrong.

He hissed to escape.

But the arrows shot, and a light pattern flickered, like a giant net generally bound it.

Then, the king's big hand flicked the winged snake beast to his side.


The winged snake hissed and wanted to struggle.

It is a pity that the inscription released by that arrow is like a giant net, completely restraining it.

This makes it impossible to move at all.

"The inscriptions of the ancient Ming clan are truly extraordinary!" Xiao Yun secretly said.

In his impression, hunting the beast with an arrow would hurt the monster.

But the arrows of the ancient Ming clan are engraved with special inscriptions and have various uses.

In this way, they can win the monster without hurting it.

"Oh, this blood seems to be very strong!"

"If the origin of the blood pattern is captured, it should be able to create a samurai who underestimated the enemy!" When the winged snake beast was taken down, the elders of the Guming clan smiled.

In this mountain forest, they and the ancient beasts are the deadly enemies.

So hunting and killing ancient beasts is no more normal thing for them.

"I want to be a powerful warrior!" Ming Ziyu's eyes were fiery looking at the winged snake beast.

By becoming a powerful samurai, he can protect the people.

After taking down the Winged Snake, they moved on.

During this period, the people of the Guming tribe won many strange beasts.

The crowd was very rewarding.

"These strange beasts are enough to build the foundation of my tribe!" The elders all smiled.


However, a gust of wind rose suddenly.

Then, a huge shadow appeared on the sky.

An expanse of imperial power fell down.

The whole void was completely locked by a horrific air machine.

"It's the monster of the sky!" When the terrible breath fell down, the faces of the Gu Ming clan finally began to change color.

"Leave with a few dolls!" It's just that, although their faces changed suddenly, the elders were very determined and did not mean to shrink back.

The headed emperor directly let those kings leave with their descendants.

"Yes!" The kings didn't hesitate, protecting the younger generations before leaving.


Just then, the shadow moved in the void.

Only a pair of glimmering wings swept across, and the wind rose suddenly, covering the whole void.

Under this violent wind, flying sand and stones, countless ancient trees stood up, and even those kings felt a tremendous pressure.

Then everyone looked up and saw a huge ancient beast.

The ancient animal's whole body shone like a piece of armor.

Between its belly, a pair of wings are born.

The faint lines on this wing flickered, and at this moment, a gust of wind was blowing.

This is exactly a winged snake.

"Give me up!" A low voice spit out of the winged snake and beast.

Although it does not turn into a human form, it can utter words.

"Wing snake beast?" Xiao Yun's eyes lightened, "This wing snake beast seems to be very high!"

Looking at the momentum, the winged snake beast is obviously stronger than the elders of the ancient Ming clan.

But the elders of the Guming clan did not retreat.

Instead, he took a step forward, the white hair was flying, and the whole person became imposing.

The light pattern on his head flickered, and a huge sea of ​​spirits emerged.

There is a halberd in it!

The war halberd exudes imperial power, and also reveals the pattern of the road.


Without any extra words, the old man held the war halberd and killed the winged snake.

The wing snake's eyes flashed, and a thunderbolt spewed out of the mouth, like a giant net falling down.

The battle has begun!

The war halberd broke, killing forward.

The old men of the Guming clan are strong and unmatched in combat ability.

Although the war halberd is only an imperial soldier, it has a mighty power.

Under the halberd, heaven and earth can seem to tear.

"Is this the spirit soldier they awakened?" Xiao Yun secretly murmured.

"Let's go!" At this moment, a king said to Xiao Yun.

"Leave?" Xiao Yun frowned.

Since the war, is it safe for the elder to be alone here?

What if it leads to other ancient beasts in the mountains?

Sure enough, it was just an instant, and another winged snake beast came.

This is also reached the level of Tongtianjing.

"Brother Xiao Yun, let's go!" Seeing this Ming Ziyu said quickly.

At this time, they had a king who sounded the bone flute and informed the people to come along.

Xiao Yun frowned slightly, then followed the crowd and left.

Some of the remaining kings remain here.

The Guming clan never flinched.

Even if you retreat, you will shelter younger juniors, women and children, and the elderly.

Seeing this, Xiao Yun moved slightly.

On one side, the old emperor was at war.

On the one hand, everyone was very cooperative and left the younger generation.

All this seems so natural.

They didn't seem to have any hesitation.

"Human, alive, should you protect your people?"

At this time, Xiao Yun had some people who knew the Gu Ming clan.

However, the elders there fought alone, and soon fell into a disadvantage.

"Into! Into!" Xiao Yun suddenly realized.

Now that he wanted to be part of this clan, he realized that how could he stay out of this situation?

At that moment, his eyes flashed and he looked back.

"Xiao Yun Xiaoyou, let's go!" Said a rough-looking man, anxiously.

They were also anxious at this time.

Because there are two king-level winged snakes in front.

But ~ ~ their tribe can't come in an instant.

"Let's go!" Xiao Yun blinked, "I'm going to help Elder Ming Yun!"

After speaking, he was striding forward and went forward.

"Xiao Xiaoyou!" The members of the Gu Ming clan shouted, all frowning.

However, when Xiao Yun's body moved, the phoenix soared into the sky, and everyone's tight brows quickly stretched out.

"So powerful!"

"Did Xiao Xiaoyou reach the rank of emperor?" The elders of the Gu Ming clan were all surprised.

At this point Xiao Yun's wings spread out, tearing the storm from the war ahead.

This wing is a divine wing, so powerful that it has reached an astonishing level.

Xiao Yun swept his wings and went directly to the battlefield.

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