Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1548: Where is Xiao Yun [...

Within the hall, the demigods of the three tribes are silent.

If the restraint of the earth is gradually weakening today, those Gai Dai characters are retreating, and they want to set foot in the quasi-God state as soon as possible to impact the Shinto.

They will not go out easily.

How easy is it to get them off?

"It's just that this matter must not be counted like this, otherwise why do I wait for the faces of the three races?" Yu Wenshi's eyes were cold.

This time they not only ridiculed several demigods, they also ridiculed a genius within the clan.

& [猪 ^ 猪 ^ 岛 ^ 小说] [www]. [Zhu] []. [] Nbsp; Although Yuwen Chengfeng is not Gai Daijiejie, he is also an outstanding presence among the younger generation.

It was such a genius that fell into the hands of Xiao Yun.

How can this matter cease.

"But it's difficult for those powers to come forward!"

Everyone sighed.

Within the hall, the emperor stood side by side.

"This Xiao Yun's soldier rank is so high, I think those world-famous characters will also be tempted?" At this time, Zheng Jing, who had been standing sideways, suddenly said.

"Divine Soldier?" After hearing the words, the demigods of the three major races were all stunned.

"Yeah!" The crowd nodded.

"But the magical soldiers have spirits, and it is not so easy to control!" Qingtian tribe shook his head.

Divine soldiers have soldiers and spirits. If soldiers and soldiers do not recognize them, they will be helpless.

After all, those soldiers are so powerful that they are comparable to gods!

There is even a transcendent being.

But now they are asleep and dare not exert their mighty power.

"The **** king soldier does have a spirit, but which powerful **** soldier does not have a spirit? Even if you want to get an ordinary **** soldier, you must go to the ancient monuments, not to mention the **** king soldier?" Zheng Jing said, "The **** king The birth of soldiers, even if it is difficult to control, there are people who want to try their luck and control it? "

"After all, he is in charge of a **** king soldier, but he can sweep the same level!"

"Yes!" The demigods of all races nodded.

Just like the emperors are fighting for the magic soldiers.

Who can be sure that he can control the magic soldier?

But for that glimmer of hope, which monk did not break his head, he did not hesitate to take risks.

Everyone is not that tiny chance?

Whenever there is a chance, someone will do it.

In this world, practitioners are not afraid of danger, they are afraid of lack of opportunity.

"Okay, then I'll tell the elders about this!" The demigods of the Optimus nodded.

"On that Xiao Yun, there may be the secret of casting Daojie!" And in this matter, Zheng Jing flashed his eyes and spoke to the demigod of the giant spirit tribe.

"Forged Daoji?" After hearing the words, the demigod's eyelids jumped, and the heart was inexplicably excited.


This is what countless gods are after.

This is the foundation of the heavens and the earth than the gods.

"This Xiao Yun is very young, but the evolved magical world contains Dao Wei, is that what ordinary people can do?" Zheng Jing said.

"That's true, too." The demigod of the giant spirit nodded.

They also sensed the prestige displayed by Xiao Yun during the Great War.

This is by no means an ordinary world.

"He used to go to the mixed land of ancient roads." Zheng Jing continued.

At this time, he also knew that it was difficult to win Xiao Yun, so he didn't hesitate to tell everything, and let the giant spirits ask for the powerful demigod to suppress Xiao Yun.

Otherwise, if this Xiao Yun continues to grow, I am afraid that few people will take him down.

The mystery of the mixed land was also explained by Zheng Jing.

"Land of the Mixed Yuan?" After hearing this, the demigods of the giant spirit tribe were completely tempted.

This matter, the Xixuan giant spirit clan did not tell the ancestral land.

Now learning about this, this demigod is also tempted.

"It seems that Xiao Yun must be taken down!" The demigod of the giant spirit clan murmured.

At this time, Yuwen's had a message to let the ancestors come.

The Optimus also subpoenaed.

A storm seems to be saving.

Tianwu City is calm and lively.

Peace means that the three major protoss haven't moved.

It's lively, but the practitioners of all ethnic groups are talking about Xiao Yunli's beheading of the three deities.

Today Xiao Yun has suddenly become the man of the day in Tianwu City.

Even that day, the Wushu Association seemed to have been forgotten.

Everyone forgot to come to the Tian Wu Hui this time.

All the focus is on Xiao Yun.

"I don't know what the three races will do?" Many people were guessing.

This is the three major protoss!

Whether it is the giant spirit clan or the Yuwen clan, in ancient times they were all famous clan.

Such a protoss has a strong heritage and cares about face.

Now that their people have been flagrantly beheaded, how can they give up?

The geniuses of all races came together to talk about it.

"I heard that the ancestors of the three major tribal ancestors have received the news that the tribe was beheaded. The strong in their tribe has already decided to take action against this Xiao Yun."

Qingfeng Shenmou said a genius from June Pure Land.

"Just because Xiao Yun's heritage is too strong, they are still waiting for those who have swept the contemporaries to be outstanding, to kill with the King of God!"

When these words came out, these people were all staring.

"It seems Xiao Yun is in trouble!" Tian Qingshan couldn't help worrying about Xiao Yun.

If the three major protoss really want to make a shot, it's not that most people can fight!

"One of the demigods who had swept the genius of their contemporaries was born!"

"The Giant Spirit also has a powerful demigod born!"


Such news spread from time to time among the various ethnic groups.

At this time, people of all ethnic groups are paying attention to this matter.

Especially the people in Pure Land in June, they still have people in their ancestral land, and can get some news.

Suddenly, Tianwu City was immediately shrouded in an inexplicable atmosphere.

It was a feeling of wind and rain.

The monks of all races have an inexplicable expectation.

They all wanted to see what kind of scene it would be then.

How will the young man named Xiao Yun cope?

At the moment, in the courtyard group where Xiao Yun lives.

In a large hall, Jue and other young people met.

In addition, there are demigods here.

Among them is Xiao's demigod.

"It is estimated that there will be anti-celebrity characters from the three major races!" Xiao's demigod looked at him, facing Xiao Yun sitting opposite.

At this point they were sitting on both sides of the hall.

Facing Xiao Yun, even the demigods were embarrassed to sit in the first place of the hall.

"Characters against the sky!" Xiao Yun's eyes flickered, and there was a flicker of cold mansions.

But he didn't say much.

From the moment he shot, he was ready for everything.

"These characters are very strong, even if they are not the heroes who have swept the children of major protoss, but they have also been invincible in their own generation for some time."

Xiao's Demigod.

When he mentioned these characters, he looked completely blank.

You know, the sanctuary is so big, how many protoss?

Few people dare to say that their contemporaries swept the entire sanctuary.

However, some people swept the genius of his generation.

Such a character is enough to be called a hero!

"Even, they may have a king of soldiers!"

Xiao's Demigod.

As soon as this remark was made, the atmosphere in the hall was solemn for it.

Never frown.

That winged demigod is also out of reach.

"If they really want to come, they should do their best to fight!" Xiao Yun was calm and calm, and he had a king in him.

But the young people next to him were all dignified.

Especially those from the super powers.

Such as Xiao Tianxiang.

He was worried.

They know deeply how powerful these forces are.

"The demigods of our clan are also discussing!" Said Xiao's demigods. "Soon, there should be demigods here."

If a general demigod is not strong enough, even if it comes, it will not help, and it cannot deter all parties.

So Xiao's people are waiting for those powerful demigods to go out.

Feeling the atmosphere here, the son of the Seven Killer was guilty.

"It's my trouble you!" Seven Killer said to Xiao Yun next to him.

"Oh, we are friends, why bother talking?" Xiao Yun laughed loudly, "Moreover, this grudge is not caused by you, you are just an introduction, it should always come." It seemed very indifferent, he knew that all of this was caused by Zheng Jing, even if there was no seventh killing of the son.

It's just a matter of time.

Having said that, the Seven Killer is still guilty at this time.

But it didn't help much.

The unicorn boy was grateful.

"Being a human being, you should be like Brother Xiao Yun." Ming Ziyu next raised her fist.

After these things, he worshiped Xiao Yun more and more.

"Where is Xiao Yun!" Just then, a low voice sounded completely empty.

The billowing sound waves were like a thunderous thunder, and the shock made the soul tremble.

The entire Tianwu City shook under this sound wave.

Those suspended platforms shook, and the **** pattern bloomed, and they were suddenly activated.

A world of mighty power shrouded in all directions!

"So powerful!"

"So powerful, it's close to the gods!" Suddenly, the demigods of all races in the city were shocked.

Hey, hey!

Numerous demigods rushed out of the courtyard and looked around.

But in the void far away from Tianwu City, a man strolled.

This is a man wearing a silver armor. He stepped forward with a galaxy of stars behind him, and a mighty divine power swept out behind him.

This man is tall and has five feet.

Obviously, this is the demigod of the giant spirit.

"This ... this is the Zheng Jing of the Giant Spirit!"

"Zheng Jing! Is that the Zheng Jing who stepped out of Xixuanyu and rose in the Pure Land in June?" An uproar immediately sounded.

"Why is he so powerful?"

"Is this quasi-godish?"

The demigods of all races have a look of awe.

Especially the demigods of ordinary forces, their hearts are trembling.

The momentum released by the man walking in front was too strong.

The momentum is really like a god, not a demigod.

"Where is Xiao Yun!" However, just when the demigod of the giant spirit race appeared, another piece of vanity appeared with a flickering figure, and appeared in the vanity out of nothing. This is a man whose body is covered by golden light. , Accompanied by endless golden light, behind him, as if there is a golden light world flashing.

From a distance ~ ~ he seems to be out of an ancient world.

As soon as this person came out, a momentum of tyrannical shock shocked all directions, oppressing the world.

"This is Yuwen's Yuwen Zhaoran!" When this man came out, a demigod exclaimed immediately, "It is said that this man once merged the blood of the **** king and was the proud of Yuwen's generation. He was born, this ... Is this for Xiao Yun? "The demigod was extremely shocked.

Yuwen Zhaoran!

This is definitely a hero.

During that time, many geniuses were overshadowed by this youth.

Now that such a character is born, it is difficult to imagine how many people can compete with it?

"Where is Xiao Yun!" After that Yuwen appeared, another low voice sounded completely empty.

"I wrote an extra chapter of Xiao Zhantian. If you want to see it, you can search for Yaoyue Ye on WeChat, or add, in it, the old demon will post it."

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