Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1550: 1 shot

"But his soldier was not awake, maybe he was still asleep!" Said Zheng Jingzhan's soldier in Gone. "If the soldier shoots, the consequences are unthinkable, but these soldiers may not help the young man. I see him. He did not fully control the ancient soldier. "It analyzed the situation of Xiao Yun.

If Xiao Yun had complete control of this ancient bow, it should be able to exert greater power.

"Then we still have a chance to win it!" Zheng Jingmu flashed.

"This is a gamble. If you win, you will have a chance to get a Shinto treasure. If you lose, the consequences will be miserable!" Bing Ling said lightly, "Everything, look at you!" It is indifferent, as a soldier However, it has nothing to fear. Anyway, the power of world restraint is still there. If it can't fight, it will run just fine.

"So, you will help me to win this young man with all my strength!" Wen Yan said, Zheng Jingmou's fiery color.

It would be a rare opportunity for him to win this youth and win the magic soldier.

"Okay!" The soldier spirit promised, and then a vast divine power permeated from the battle.

However, the divine power has reached a certain level, and it does not continue to improve the divine power.

Because as the power of the earth is still bound today, it does not dare to exceed that limit.

Otherwise, it will bring disaster, and then you will lose more.

Nonetheless, this is a puppet king.

It has the power of rules Shinto, beyond ordinary people.

Even this battle was constantly tempered by that power, and Wen Yang became extremely tough.

If an ordinary **** soldier confronts this half-step **** king soldier, the fragmentation must be the ordinary **** soldier.

The same divine power, but the weapons are different, the effects are different.

When the soldier spirit also released the divine power with all his strength, Zheng Jing's eyes flashed, and the big step was to step towards the void ahead.

When his steps were taken, there was an evolution of the galaxy in front of him.

The immense blood power of Zheng Jing evolved from him, and he became a giant with a height of fifty feet.

The giant held Zangge and chopped forward.

Zang Ge dancing, Gumang split dragon, carrying a galaxy.

The galaxy was vast and drowned towards Xiao Yun ahead with the momentum of domination.

"This kind of attack is by no means comparable to the Heavenly Realm Repairer!"

"The Phantom King Soldier shot, the power is really infinite!"

"This Zheng Jing is also amazing. Although he has not swept the giant spirit contemporaries, he is also a leader of that era!"

When Zheng Jing shot with all his strength, the demigods of all ethnic groups in Tianwu City whispered and began to discuss.

It's inspiring that these strong players are now shooting.

"Have you shot with all your strength?" Xiao Yun's eyes flashed, and his heart felt all around.

At this time, Zheng Jing's attack was really powerful.

There are only two other demigods, so Xiao Yun has some scruples.

He kept Devouring Heaven Supreme at his disposal to deal with the sneak attacks of the other two demigods.

So Xiao Yun only urged Siyuan Bow to fight!

"Today, I will take you to the sword!" Xiao Yun blinked, staring ahead.

At the moment, he strode forward, and the arch of Siyuan was pulled away, and with the Siyuan **** pattern blooming, the arrow was headed towards the Gomang, which was like a river.


Siyuan arrows fired.

This time Xiao Yun used Jiucheng force.

The **** patterns on the arrows of Siyuan are blooming, and each **** pattern seems to have evolved into a hazy world, in which there is a vast prestige.

The mighty crushed everything, crushing the nearby void to pieces.

Dao Wei shook, and the Xinghe light pattern in front collapsed.

Even if the Zheng Jing shots with all his strength, how can he compare with Siyuan Arrow?

This is the holy weapon of the Siyuan tribe!

Siyuan Jian passed, the magical power released by that battle and the power of the galaxy evolved by Zheng Jing could not resist the divine power of Siyuan at all.

Under this power, the gods released by Zhan Ge collapsed.


Siyuan's arrow struck the battlefield, and the force of the avenue shook.

Under the impact of this force, the war-go trembled.

"This arrow is too powerful." Zhan Ge's soldier voice was dignified.

The immense divine power trembled, causing Zheng Jing's arms to startle and his bones almost cracked.

He moved quickly and quickly retreated.

An immense divine power swept through.

This divine power was like a raging wave, which hit Zheng Jing, and his bones almost cracked.

However, the arrow came in.

"This Zheng Jing was repelled!"

"It seems that the power of this arrow is not this Zheng Jing can resist!" After seeing the repulsed Zheng Jing, the demigods of all races were surprised.

Someone tightened his nerves.

Because at this moment the arrow seems to be able to penetrate the heart of Zheng Jing.

Such an offensive is no longer what Zheng Jing can resist.

"If this ancient bow is in the hands of this seat, the power will be even stronger." In the distance, Na Yuwen's eyes were radiant.

"If there is such a treasure in hand, how many people can fight with me in the future God's Way?" Longshan's son burst out with a powerful momentum.

He was already tempted by this Siyuan Bow.


At this moment, the light and shadow of the void flashed, but an axe appeared out of thin air.

An immense amount of mighty power shocked.

Under this divine power, the momentum of Siyuan Arrow plummeted.

"Someone!" At this moment, Xiao Yun's eyes rose, just to see a figure suddenly appear in the distance.

A huge axe was also cut off in vain.


The giant axe cracked, tearing the misty Qiyuan Qi, hitting the arrow above Qiyuan.

Suddenly a horrible energy wave erupted.

Under such fluctuations, Zheng Jing was shaken by a hundred miles, and blood was spit out in his mouth.

However, this also resolved the danger that he was injured by Siyuan Arrow.

The vast waves swept away, and Xiao Yun's mind moved, and the arrow of the original source immediately returned.

"This person is more powerful than Zheng Jing!" Si Yuan's arrow returned, Xiao Yun's eyes condensed, and he looked towards the void ahead.

There, a man in a robe floated down.

This is a giant spirit family, a giant spirit power shaking in his side.

The divine power oscillated, like a river of stars flowing in all directions.

"The son of the four seas!" When this man appeared, Zheng Jing's eyes flashed, showing a little surprise.

Then he spoke immediately, a little respectfulness appeared in his eyes.

"Injured!" Zheng Sihai's eyes narrowed, and a slight glance at Zheng Jingdao behind him.

"This ancient bow is very strong!" Zheng Jing calmed his breath, his eyes twinkled, with a bit of gloom, whispered to Xiao Yun in the distance.

"Such an ancient bow, if it is in the hands of my giant spirit clan, should it be able to exert greater power?" Zheng Sihai's eyes narrowed, and he stared into the distant void.

Giant spirits are born with divine power.

Pulling the bow obviously also requires strong power, so this magical soldier is also very suitable for the giant spirit tribe.

"Huh!" Zheng Jing nodded slightly, and he was slightly lost as he moved forward.

Because he knew that he had missed this ancient bow.

First of all, he is now trying his best to lose the opportunity without winning this young man.

Moreover, Zheng Sihai came, and he was nowhere to fight.

You know, this Zheng Sihai is the true arrogance of their generation!

"That's Zheng Sihai!"

"Zheng Sihai, he's a child of the giant spirit **** king!"

When Zheng Sihai appeared, the uproar also sounded.

This Zheng Sihai is a descendant of the giant spirit family.

His ancestor was a **** king!

Simply put, he is a descendant of the King of God!

Although the blood of this **** king has been thin for a long time, after all, he is the descendant of the **** king. Even that weak blood vein is stronger than countless people.

Moreover, this Zheng Sihai is also a genius with a high sense of understanding.

So when Zheng Sihai appeared, almost the whole atmosphere of Tianwu City changed.

Even Yuwen Zhaoran and that Longshan son frowned slightly.

Obviously, they also know the strength of this opponent.

Of course, Yuwen Zhaoran and Longshan do not mean to retreat.

They are equally powerful and not much worse than Zheng Sihai.

Zheng Sihai stepped forward to the front, accompanied by the vast galaxy.

Behind him, there is a universe of stars and earth evolved.

His momentum is stronger than Zheng Jing.

The vast sky shook, and worried the demigods in the distance.

However, just as Zheng Sihai stepped out, Yuwen in the distance clearly left.

He strode forward, and the golden light behind him seemed to have evolved from a golden world.

Yuwen Zhaoran also spurred the momentum to the limit, with a dazzling line in his brows, it seemed that he would urge the shock at any time.

The brows of his eyebrows are fused with a pattern of ancient gods, which contains immense divine power.

Based on this, his Jinyang God's Eye can launch an anti-strike.

On the other side, the son of Long Shan held a spear, pointed obliquely forward, and stepped on the ancient crocodile towards Xiao Yun.

Suddenly, the three powerful demigods seemed to be ready to start.

Obviously, neither of them wants to be left behind.

Otherwise, the ancient bow will fall into the hands of others!

At that time they want to compete, but it will not be so easy.

"Are they finally going to shoot at the same time?" Seeing this, the demigod in the distance couldn't help holding his breath.

"It seems that these people want to win the magic soldier in Xiao Yun's hands!"

"This ancient bow can even repel Zheng Jing. It must be a **** king soldier, or an ancient soldier that has surpassed the **** king. Such **** soldiers are extremely rare among the clans of pure land in June. This is also a little known, otherwise there will be more people fighting for it. "

The demigods of various ethnic groups talk about it.

Even these ancient soldiers are tempted by them.

"These are the demigods who are very famous in the Pure Land in June!" In the distance, Juehong frowned.

The dusty wind and others were worried.

Even if Xiao Yun has a strong foundation, how can he compete with such Tianjiao?

After all, this is a demigod ~ ~ abominable ... "At this time, Ming Ziyu's brows frowned tightly, his teeth clenched, and he wanted to go forward and crush the Tianjiao of the three tribes.

But he knew that the matter could not be impulsive.

Because he has few opportunities.

"I hope Brother Xiao Yun can compete with these people!" Ming Ziyu's eyes flickered. "If not, then I will ..."

There was a sharp light in his eyes, and there was a sense of killing in it.

These super forces made Ming Ziyu disgusted.

He remembered the scene of the Gu Ming clan being oppressed.

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