Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1570: Supernatural Battle

On the battlefield, Zhou's genius appeared and opposed Xiao Yun.

"My ancestors of the Zhou family realized the magical power of swallowing the heavens and created the family of the Zhou family. After the gods reached a certain level, the magical powers created were integrated into the soul and blood, and the descendants of their births had the opportunity to obtain this magical power heritage, The simplest way for the transmission of magical powers is in the form of martial arts souls. "

Zhou Qiwen slowly approached Xiao Yun.

Xiao Yun listened and nodded slightly.

He also knows the origin of Wu Hun.

Wu Hun is a way for the supernatural power to continue.

Supernatural power is the root of Wuhun.

"And you, actually have the magical power to swallow the sky, but it makes me curious." Zhou Qiwen raised a brow and looked at Xiao Yun with a bit of strange eyes.

Divine power is difficult to comprehend.

In this world, perhaps Zhou is not the only one who can swallow the heavens.

It is really rare to have one.

And for these clans, magical powers are not passed on.

If there is a magical power with someone in their own hands, extreme situations often occur.

First, they might recruit that person.

If you can't recruit it, kill it.

Because no major clan would like to see their town magical powers controlled by outsiders.

At this time Qi Wen challenged Xiao Yun this week. In addition to curiosity, he also wanted to see how Xiao Yun swallowed the magical power of God.

Seeing Qi Wen opening this week, Xiao Yun brow lightly.

"The avenue of heaven and earth contains everything. Since it exists, someone will realize that there is something strange?" Xiao Yun said lightly.

Naturally he would not tell everything about himself.

"Oh, then you and me, let's see who's devouring magical powers is stronger." Zhou Qiwen smiled loudly, but his eyes were now sharpened.

"So, come on!" Xiao Yun's eyes were also condensed.

At the moment, an obscure scent wave permeated the stage.


There was a sudden strong wind near the void.

Although he hasn't shot yet, the meaning of swallowing has pervaded the two.

Obviously, they have started to gain momentum.

At this time, those practitioners who watched the war in the distance couldn't help but tighten their nerves.

"Swallowing the martial spirit, this is the fourth martial spirit in ancient times!" Tian Qingshan stared at the void in front of him, and mumbled, "Now this man who swallowed the martial spirit has shot, but I don't know if he can take the Xiao Yun Next, the two of them are devouring magical powers. Who is strong and who is weak? "In this regard, he felt inexplicably excited and full of expectations.

"This week Qiwen is also a genius in Zhou's family, very strong!" On the other side, Ye Fei frowned, his eyes glazed.

Looking at it, he seems to be paying close attention to this battle.

"Zhou Qiwen!" Ji Ziyuan frowned tightly, "I didn't expect this guy to go out."

As one of the top ten martial spirits in ancient times, he seems to know Qiwen Zhou this week.

"It's interesting to swallow the magical showdown." Gu Langyu's mouth evoked a smile.

"This week Qiwen is a genius, and now he has come forward, just right!" Yuwen's demigods nodded.

They wanted to find out what Xiao Yun knew.

Unfortunately, none of the people they sent out could fight Xiao Yun.

Now that there is a Zhou genius, they naturally enjoy it.

"Zhou's genius!" At this point, Zuo Shaoqin could not help but take a deep breath.

Looking at this, it seems that he Xiao Yun did not have much confidence in this battle.

After all, the Zhou family is a large clan in the sanctuary, and among those super powers, there are few clans that can be compared with it.

Now Zhou's genius shot, how easy it is to deal with it.

Xiao Mu and others are also closely watching the battlefield ahead.

After this battle, they will know the true roots of Xiao Yun.

As Xiao people, naturally, they are very concerned about the outcome of this war.

And at this moment, the raging wind on the platform was getting stronger and stronger.


The two haven't shot yet, and the cyclone is already whistling.

The vitality of the nearby heavens and earth gathered toward the battle platform.

In the battlefield void, there is a spiral X evolved.

"Swallow the sky!" After the cyclone evolved, Zhou Qiwen stepped forward sharply.

He struck Xiao Yun straight ahead with one palm.

This palm fell, his hands were empty, and the light pattern squirmed on it, covering the entire battle platform.

A swallowing weather spin also evolved in this palm.

The big hand fell, and the drop with the engulfing drape fell down.

This engulfing pattern has fallen and evolved into an engulfing world, covering Xiao Yun.

A powerful swallowing force followed.

This devouring force is madly pulling Zhen Yuan and blood in Xiao Yun's body.

"Let me see your combat power!" When a palm fell, Zhou Qiwen's low voice also sounded.


Xiao Yun's robe was agitating, and the whole person seemed to be swallowed.

The power of devouring is extremely incomparable, although it only covers the battlefield, but the practitioners in the distance can clearly feel the kind of devouring mystery.

Many people's robes are agitating.

Everyone felt that their true elements were passing away.

Ye Fei frowned at these geniuses.

In the face of swallowing uprights, they felt helpless.

Because of this mystery, it can devour everything, even if your offensive is amazing, once the opponent takes a shot, you can resolve a few percent of the attack power.

How can we take advantage in this situation?

In order to win the strong man who has swallowed up the mystery, he must have the power to absolutely crush the opponent.

"Swallowing upright meaning?" Xiao Yun's eyes lighted up, his eyes lightened, and that step was also a step forward.

When the steps were taken, Xiao Yun's body filled with upheaval.

The power that swallows the sky is roaring madly, and it is going to devour the power from Zhou Qiwen.

The two uprisings began to meet and raged.

Mystery confronted invisibly, as if two mad dragons were rushing.

Under the impact of this uprising, Xiao Yun's palm stretched out, clenched into a fist, and blasted towards the falling palm in front.

This bombardment was immediately followed by a swarm of swelling weather, and the giant hand in front was to be defeated.

At the same time, there is a vast avenue in this cyclone.

Xiao Yun has long evolved the magical power of swallowing heaven ~ ~ into a prototype of heaven and earth.

So this fist burst out, not only has the magical power of swallowing the heavens, but also contains the power of the heaven and earth road.

This punch blasted out, and the swallowing power was raging, which was offset by the swallowing power contained in the palm of Zhou Qiwen.

"Is this mystery?" Feeling Xiao Yun's swallowing upright meaning contained in Xiao Yun's fist, Zhou Qiwen's mouth evoked a faint smile, which seemed to disregard it, because this kind of swallowing upright meaning has already swallowed the sky. Potential, but have not yet grasped the essence of swallowing upright uprisings, missing that mighty power.

Therefore, under his swallowing uprights, Xiao Yun's uprights have a tendency to be weakened.

However, before waiting for Qiwen to be happy this week, a vast world might be carrying a mighty avenue of great power and striking towards him.

Under the impact of this mighty power, his swallowing uprightness shuddered, unable to devour everything with that tyrannical attitude.

The dangling pattern of the palm began to tremble, to loosen, and there were signs of being crushed.

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