Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1592: God leaf lock sky [...

The mountain tops are wide, and the clouds are dazzling, affecting people's sight.

However, with his strong eyes, Xiao Yun can still see the ancient road connected by the stone pillar in front.

At this time, someone kept walking towards the stone pillar.

Every time you step into a stone pillar, there will be a burst of light patterns on it, and the power of the avenue rules will spread.

And the person who set foot on the stone pillar will disappear into the sight of everyone.

This is a test. You can pass through the stone pillar to enter Shenxu Road Mountain.

If you fail, you can only break your life card and leave the Shenxu realm.

Children of all races have gathered in front of them, and everyone stands on the edge of the mountain and looks at the stone pillar.

Someone walked, some people walked away.

As Xiao Yun moved forward, he saw some familiar figures.

"Yu Wenshi!" A group of men in golden robes appeared in his sight.

Because of the oppression of the Shenxu and Daowei here, Xiao Yun couldn't feel his heart when he entered the mountain.

So he didn't know that Yuwen's people were here.


When Xiao Yun's eyes passed, the Yuwen clan near the mountain also felt it. At the moment, everyone's eyes moved, and their eyes fell on Xiao Yun.

"Xiao Yun!"

The eyes of the two sides stared at each other, with a sharp flash of light.


When this light met, a muffled noise was heard from the top of the mountain, and a ripple came along.

Hundreds of Yuwen's people stared at Xiao Yun like a wolf.

Headed by that man, it was Yuwen's genius, Yuwen Chengtian.

Beside him, Yu Wenhao, Yu Wenchengshan and others stood proud.

The atmosphere here immediately caught the attention of others.

"That's Xiao Yun!" When everyone's eyes moved, they followed the eyes of Yu Wenshi and others and found Xiao Yun at a glance.

"Is he here too?" Many eyes were surprised.

"However, he seems to be here alone!" Soon, everyone noticed that something was wrong, and the eyes turned to the group of practitioners of Yuwen's as they turned.

Here are all the people who entered Yuwen's Shenxu.

But Xiao Yun was alone.

In associating their relationship, at this moment, Yu Wen ’s eyes are aware that everyone knows that Xiao Yun is in trouble.

"This Xiao Yun once cut off Yuwen Chengfeng and Yuwen's demigod, and now he appears here, and the people of Yuwen's will certainly not miss this opportunity!"

"Shen Xun's realm, no one can bring in the soldiers. This Xiao Yun is mostly in danger!"

"Yu Wenshi has sent a lot of geniuses this time, that Yu Wen Chengtian and Yu Wenhao are both in the blood of the **** king, they can force their contemporaries, and their presence is enough to deal with the arrogance of all races, not to mention they It has been here for nearly a thousand days. If these people go together, hehe, most of Xiao Yun will be finished. "

When they murmured, everyone's eyes locked on the front.

At this time, even some people who were preparing to step on the stone pillars of the road and entered the mountain of Shenxu Road stopped and began to pay attention to the sudden changes on the mountain.

There was a slight arc in the corner of Yu Wen Chengtian's mouth, and his step was toward Xiao Yun ahead.

"Xiao Yun? Oh, my son has been waiting for you for a long time!" Yu Wencheng Tian frowned, staring at Xiao Yun with a smile.

There was a smile on the corner of his mouth, but the blood on his body was shocking, but a spirit of killing was already sweeping out.

In this killing atmosphere, his robes were moving in the wind, making a sound of hunting.

Next to Yu Wenhao holding his chest with his hands, he smiled at Xiao Yun in front of him.

"I'm going to kill you here this time!"

Yu Wenchengshan's eyes were cold and cold, staring coldly at Xiao Yun before setting foot on the mountain.

"How do you want to fight!" Xiao Yun glanced at him, swept hundreds of Yuwen's people, and said coldly.

He knew that at this time Yu Wenshi would definitely not let him go.

However, he was not afraid of Xiao Yun.

In this case, let go of the war.

"Xiao Yun, the crown of the Tianwu list, came from the mainland of the gods, and once defeated the geniuses such as Gu Langyu, Ji Ziyuan, Zhou Qiwen, haha, you are a character, after all, the barren land has not been so long It's a character, but you shouldn't, you shouldn't, and you shouldn't touch my Yuwen people. "

Yuwen Chengtian's brow lightened, his eyes narrowed, like a **** son looking down at Xiao Yun, and the tone was full of a high taste.

"So today, you will die!"

The last words came down, with a bit of supremacy, and a powerful momentum permeated from Yu Wenchengtian.

That momentum made the practitioners on the mountain shiver.

"So terrifying!"

Some people who just landed on the mountain couldn't help but take a step back.

"It's Yuwen Chengtian of Yuwen's!" As they receded, everyone noticed Yuwen Chengtian.

Later, they also found Xiao Yun next to him.

"It's Xiao Yun!" Soon everyone understood what was going on.

Right now they hurriedly aside.

There are many such people, who are aside to watch the incident.

Xiao Yun was still very indifferent.

They come, the security.

He has never been afraid.

Even if there are nearly a thousand geniuses of Yuwen's here.

"Although Xiao Yun was born at the end of my life, I have a fearless heart. If anyone bullies me or bullies my friend, I will swear to death, even if he is a protoss, even if he is a son of a god, or a god. Disgrace my friend, what about you Yuwen's? What about your bloodline? In my eyes, the lifelines of the king are like grass. "

Xiao Yun's eyes were sharp, and he burst out with a fearless momentum.

This momentum soared with the momentum from Yuwen Chengtian.


There was a ripple in the void ahead.

Xiao Yun's voice fell into the eyes of everyone on the mountain.

"This Xiao Yun is somewhat courageous!" Seeing this, many people nodded slightly, admiring their eyes.

"That being said, Yuwen Chengtian is a modern man of Yuwen's talents. He is talented. Even in June, there are few people in the Pure Land who can compare. I don't think Xiao Yun can compete with it, let alone Yuwen's posture. This time it is definitely to make Xiao Yun look good. So many people, can't they still win this Xiao Yun? "Someone whispered.

"indeed so!"

Some people sighed, "Unfortunately, Shenxu Daoshan contains opportunities, there is not only the heritage of the avenue, but also the land of the gods' eyes, which can help people to gather the gods, and eventually the gods, and the power of the rules of the heaven and earth is gradually weakening. For the times, it is extremely important for anyone. This Xiao Yun is afraid to be forced to break his life card and leave this place. "

Enter the Shenxu Tao, feel the Shinto, consolidate the Yuan Ying, and prepare for the unity of the Yuan Shen in the future.

This is the goal of every genius who enters the realm of Shenxu.

Especially for those geniuses who can overpower their contemporaries, this opportunity should not be missed, otherwise it is very likely that they will be overtaken by others.

"Oh, the blood of the God King is like grass and mustard?" But after Yu Wen Chengtian heard that, his eyes were completely cold, and he stepped forward violently, his eyes were like a blade, staring at Xiao Yun. The word said, "But after today, you will be completely turned into ashes ... Hehe, into the realm of Shenxu, everyone has condensed life cards, as long as the life cards are broken, you can return to the real world, where you palm There are **** king soldiers, as well as the support of Xiao and the Frost Palace, "

"Unfortunately, unfortunately, your thoughts today are destined to be broken, because there are still artifacts in this Shenxu boundary that can block the void, so that your infant ca n’t leave, even if there is a life card in it." There was a ghostly smile at the corner of his mouth, and the words had not completely fallen, and he turned his palm.

A golden leaf crept into his palm.

When his words fell, the golden leaves had risen into the sky, with golden road patterns blooming, like a spider web covering the void.

With a flash of gold, Xiao Yun was shrouded.

At this time, Yu Wenchengtian's words had just fallen.

The golden pattern covered most of the mountain.

Even the place close to the pillar of the road near the mountain abyss is shrouded in golden leaves.

"This is the God of Heaven!" Outside, only a few people were not shrouded in this leaf. When they saw the suddenly appearing God Leaf in front of them, they couldn't help exclaiming, and the soul couldn't help shivering and trembling forward. Obviously, they also know what this goddess leaf is, and what it means for this moment.

"This Yuwen Chengtian actually obtained these feats. It seems that they are determined to completely kill Xiao Yun here!"

"So hard-hearted!"

"This Xiao Yun is perilous!" The monks of all races looked at each other with staring expressions, staring closely at the front, and that heart couldn't be calm.

"This is ..." At this time, Xiao Yun's face changed under the lock of God.

"Oh, this is the God of Lock God, which contains the way of locking God." Yu Wencheng laughed loudly. "Because this thing is owned by the Shenxu Realm, he can block this void, even if you break the card. , Can't teleport, because this is the Tao of the Shenxu territory, this **** leaf was specially found for you by this son! "

"Xiao Yun, no one can save you this time in the heavens and the earth, so you will pay for my brother!" Yu Wencheng looked coldly and drank.

On him, a strong murderous burst out.

The other children of Yuwen's were also murderous.

In addition, everyone looked at Xiao Yun with a look of sorrow, as if looking at the prey to be slaughtered.

Today, Ye Tian, ​​the **** of locks, has nearly a thousand people in Yuwen's house. Can't he still win this young man?

This is obviously impossible.

"Okay! Okay! Now that you want to kill me, come on!" Feeling the situation at this time, Xiao Yun's eyes became more and more cold, and he was so imposing that he burst into a sky of war. ~ ~ At this moment, he also knows that he has no retreat, and only swears to death.

"Oh, I heard that you have good combat ability, so let me teach you your strength first!" Among the Yuwen people, a young man laughed loudly.

This person is named Yuwen Tu, a genius of Yuwen's younger generation.

Although he could not be compared with Yuwen Chengtian and Yuwen Hao, he was definitely the best in the field.

"Okay, let you fight with one of them first!" Yu Wencheng nodded and said, "So good, first see how competent this person is!"

"Hehe, Zhou Qiwen had some strength. You can defeat him. You must be pretty good, I hope not to let me down!" Yu Wenhao next to him also grinned.

At this time they really regarded Xiao Yun as a prey to be killed.

Now let Yu Wentu shoot, just want to watch the show more.

Looking at the high-faced faces of these people, Xiao Yun's eyes became colder and colder.

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