Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1594: Ridicule?

Xiao Yun took Yuwen Tu and came to the mountain side.

In front of him was the pillar of the stone.

"As long as I step on the stone pillar of the road, I will trigger the forbidden pattern on it and usher in the test." Xiao Yun's eyes condensed, staring at the stone pillar of the road in front of him secretly. They will appear together as if they have entered another space, and this is the mystery of the pillar of Tao. "

Then he was disturbed and felt the Yuwen's person behind him.

At this moment, Yu Wenchengtian and others are paying close attention to him.

In Yuwen Chengtian's palm, the lock of the **** of heaven still has light patterns flowing, a look ready to shoot at any time.

It was the same for Xiao, and Xiao Yunchu retained the consciousness of Yu Wentu.

Otherwise, if there is a change, then Yu Wen Chengtian will definitely continue to shoot.

"It's time to let go!" At this time, Yu Wencheng Tian said lightly.

"Wait a minute!" Xiao Yun replied.


Anyhow, at this moment, Yu Wentu, who was held by Xiao Yun, collapsed suddenly.

There was a ripple of ripples, and beside Xiao Yun, a pattern of god's ruins appeared.

The grain of this market exudes the breath of the avenue and communicates with the boundary of this **** market. A space cyclone immediately envelops the Yuwen Tu Yuan and disappears.

It all came too suddenly.

It's almost impossible to react.

"He broke his life pattern!" Xiao Yun frowned.

Obviously, this Yuwentu is trying to get rid of Xiao Yun's hold.

In this way, Yuwen's people can let go of Xiao Yun.

For this reason, he would rather give up the opportunity to enter Shenxu Daoshan, which shows how decisive he is.

Xiao Yuwentu left the realm of Shenxu, Xiao Yun soon felt a little bit bad.

He didn't hesitate, moved his pace, and walked towards the stone pillar ahead.

"Hum, still want to step on the pillar of the road now?" As Xiao Yun stepped, a cold humming sounded.

Xun was seen at the head of Yuwen's crowd, and Yu Wenhao raised his hand.


A golden branch appeared.

断 This branch is not long, only the thumb is big, but there are golden road patterns around it.

他 When he raised his hand, he turned into a golden stick.


巨 The giant stick flickered, extended, and immediately appeared behind Xiao Yun.

A majestic boulevard was shaken.

Xun even had a force to lock the sky, which made Xiao Yun's body a meal, and the void in front seemed to be blocked.

"This ..." After feeling this power, Xiao Yun's face changed.

Swallow up!

Subsequently, he tried his best to operate and devour the magic of heaven.

At the same time, the reincarnation uprising also evolved in an attempt to resist that power.

But, the golden cudgel road pattern bloomed, crushing Xiao Yun's swallowing weather, and even the reincarnation uprising collapsed.

Then the giant stick hit fiercely behind Xiao Yun.


Counting under the eyes of countless Taos, the giant stick hit Xiao Yun's body.

The pattern of God's Ruins is only useful for dealing with beasts.

Everyone has to pass this pillar of stone by his own ability.

So when entering the top of the mountain, the veins of the Shenxu were automatically crushed by the power of the road.

Xiao Xiaoyun really did not have the God pattern to resist.

After a muffled sound came out, the dazzling golden light bloomed and drowned Xiao Yun.

Afterwards, everyone clearly saw Xiao Yun's body collapse, and even that bone was broken.

"This ..." Next to Shan Yuan, practitioners of all races couldn't help holding their breath, 怔怔 staring forward.

The space seemed to condense, so they looked at the young man's body broken, and his bones fell into the mountains.


At this point, Yu Wen Chengtian has already shot.

The twinkling of the **** of heaven flashed, and the golden light bloomed, covering the void where Xiao Yun was.

I was there, including pillars of stone.

"This is the opportunity to eliminate this Xiao Yun leaving the boundary of Shenxu with a life card!" Next to Shan Yuan, practitioners of all races sighed.

This Yuwen's is too cruel.

From Yu Wentu's own life card to Yu Wenhao and Yu Wen Chengtian, everything is so tacit.

They seem to have discussed it for a long time.

"Hum, just you want to play with us?" Yu Wenhao smiled coldly.

At this time, his ancient wood was recovered and fell into the palm of his hand.

You can see clearly, the golden road pattern above is dim.

"This thing can only be used twice." Yu Wenhao sighed slightly. "However, all the artifacts in the boundary of the god's market are bred from the center of the god's market. They can't be taken away. Only the eyes of the god's market. The real fetish inside can be brought to the outside world, so it is worthwhile to kill Xiao Yun by this. "He smiled at the corner of his mouth.

At this point, Xiao Yun's body had collapsed, leaving only Yuan Ying.

Sui Na Yuanyuan was also shocked by Jin Guang and headed for the mountain.


At this moment, Yuwen Chengtian strode forward to the edge of the mountain.

He opened his eyebrows and opened his eyes, looking down.

"Yuan Ying is still here, let me give you a ride!" Then, his eyes widened.

Jinyang is dead!


He only saw the eyes of Yuwen Chengtian's eyebrows wide, and a ray of god's eyes passed through the clouds of the abyss, directly toward the falling Xiao Yunyuan infant.

In this god's eyes, there is a golden light pattern, the light pattern is sharp, it seems to be extinct.

This is the power of Jin Yang's eyes.

Tong Yuwen Chengtian ...

As a contemporary genius of Yuwen's, with the blood of the **** king, he was so imposing with a random blow that even the distant practitioners felt that kind of power.

"This Xiao Yun, you must die!"

At the moment, many people have such an idea in their hearts.

He was attacked by Yu Wenhao first, and his body was broken.

Now that Yu Wenchengtian is so strong, why does Xiao Yun have a life?

内 Within the abyss.

雾 The mist lingers here, accompanied by a breath of breath.

The breath makes the soul tremble.

Xiao Yun's Yuan Ying was wrapped in this mist.

The golden light swept through like a star across the void, bringing up a golden flame.

The puppet storm also swept through.

He is just in this storm, which contains a mighty power.

"Yu Wen Cheng Tian!" Xiao Yun's eyes of Yuan Ying opened his eyes, and immediately he felt Yu Wen Cheng Tian, ​​who felt the top of the mountain.

The monstrous intentions burst out from Xiao Yun's eyes.

The cruelty of these people is beyond his imagination.

Although the heart is so murderous, Xiao Yun knows that hate is useless.

Swallow up!

At the moment, Xiao Yun immediately turned to God.

Although he is only Yuan Ying, he can still play it on the Yuan Ying who imprinted the supernatural pattern.

As soon as the magical powers came out, the anger rolled away, and they would swallow the mountains and rivers.

Suddenly Yuwen Chengtian's blow was wrapped by him.

I just, that Yu Wenhao attacked just now, Suo Tianshenmu had wounded Xiao Yun.

The power of Yuan Yuan's power has diminished sharply, and it is already the end of love.

In this rush, even if the supernatural powers are in the world, how can they be compared with the prosperous Yuwen Chengtian?

Under the power of God's eyes, the swallowing weather was spinning and breaking.

"Reincarnation!" Xiao Yun runs reincarnation uprising.

However, the reincarnation uprising requires a lot of soul power.

Now Xiao Yun's Yuan Ying is injured, and this uprising works, it is dissipated and cannot last.

This way, the power of Jinyang's eyes was only weakened, and then Xiao Yun's magical power was defeated.

As soon as the golden light flashed, Xiao Yun's baby was about to be engulfed.

Eat the Dzi Beads!

At a critical moment, Xiao Yun urged Dzizhu to face the golden light.

But the dzi bead did not bloom.

It did not resist this attack at all, but was directly shocked by a vast impact force, and even the eye of the **** did not really confront it.

"This ..." Seeing this, Xiao Yun's eyes showed despair.

At this point he can smash the pattern of Shenxu's life card.

He knew, however, that there must be a lock of heavenly gods over his head, and he could not leave the place.

"Did I just lie here?" Xiao Yun muttered.

At this moment, the golden light in front of him is constantly enlarged, like a world covering it.

There is a golden pattern of gods in it.

This is the mystery of Jin Yang's eyes.

The golden veins carry the breath of God.

Xiao Yun was completely obliterated by this breath.

At the same time, the breath of death was shrouded in his heart.

Because of this divine power, he broke down his Yuan Ying.


With a muffled sound, Xiao Yun's Yuan Ying collapsed.

A golden light drowned that void.

After a moment, the golden light dissipated.

"This time should be dead!" When the golden light dissipated, the corner of Yuwen Chengtian's mouth above Shan Yuan evoked a slight arc.

This blow contained a hint of his power.

He can perceive the following situations.

I felt Xiao Yun's Yuanying collapse.

Yun Yuanying is the soul of man.

Wu Yuanying has collapsed, who can survive?

"Is he really dead?" Next to it, Yu Wen took the hill and asked with a bit of uncertainty.

"Huh!" Yu Wencheng nodded, and immediately he moved his hand to take back the lock of God.

Now the light pattern of this **** leaf is also slightly dim.

"It has been used twice now, and this thing can only be used once." Looking at the god's palm, Yu Wen Chengtian's heart was dark.

"Finally dead!" Seeing Yu Wen Cheng Tian nodded, Yu Wen Chengshan was also relieved and looked like a revenge.

When he came to the boundary of Shenxu this time, he looked forward to this moment.

"Hum, just right with me Yuwen's?" At this time, Yuwen's youth were all grinning.

"Go!" Yu Wen Chengtian's face was cold, and his big hand waved, then he stepped on the stone pillar of Tao ahead.

When his pace settled, the pillar of light flashed, and he disappeared into the sight of everyone.

Xi Yuwenhao followed closely behind.

Then, Yuwen's people followed.

After a short while, the people near Qianyu Wen's set foot on the stone pillar of the Tao.

Of course, whether they all passed successfully, or someone left the card, but only they know.

此时 At this time, people of other clans are also walking towards the stone pillar ~ ~ Unfortunately! Before preparing to set foot on the stone pillar of the road, everyone couldn't help but walk towards the abyss ahead. After seeing the abyss in which the mist rolled out and inhaled the breath, they all shook their heads and sighed. Genius, but so ridiculed, makes people feel inexplicable sigh.

"Who made him offend the three major protoss."

"This Yuwen family is deliberately trying to kill him. Who can guard?"

"Yeah! This Yuwen Chengtian found the **** of locks for that purpose. Then Yuwenhao got a branch of the gods. In this realm of gods, how can Xiao Yun stop it?"

"Hey, in this world, things are unpredictable. Without a grown-up genius, I never know if tomorrow will fall!"

"If it can't be invincible, it will be vain!"

"Let's go, there are still opportunities waiting for us!"

Many people sighed.

There are too many geniuses who have been ridiculed in this way.

Although I felt sorry, I didn't take it too seriously.

The road to cultivation is so cruel.

Then people of all races stepped on the pillars of the road one after another.

"Everyone has always said that Xiao Yun has never failed. Looking at Mu Yi, the old demon nodded, as if it really were. So I just turned around and hung up Xiao Yun. Are you satisfied now? Did you throw your monthly ticket? Are you here? If you do n’t smash it, how can Xiao Yun be resurrected? Xiao Yun's soul looks at everyone pitifully. "

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