Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1614: Fear

Yuwen's, inside a Dongfu.

"Exactly, not only was Cheng Tiangong ridiculed, but I also had seven hundred men in Yuwen's hands in the hands of the next generation." The demigod bowed, "It shouldn't have bothered the elders, but Xiao Yun has the God King Soldier in his hand, as well as Xiao's Xiao Kuanglong asylum and Zuo's people's asylum. It is difficult for me to kill them. "

"Is there a king of soldiers in the palm? And the old ghost sheltered by Xiao Kuanglong?" Inside the cave, the demi-god's eyes sank. , Convened the demigods within the clan, and discussed in the hall of discussion, this time, this seat will be shot in person to kill the afterlife. "

"Yes!" The half-god bowed.

| 猪 | 猪 | 岛 | fiction www. [Zhu] [zhu] []; Yu Wenshi was discussing how to deal with Xiao Yun, but the competition in the Shenxu realm was in full swing.

"Three wins in a row and advance to the sixth floor!"

At this point, Xiao Yun has won three games in a row.

Later, his people were wrapped in a light pattern and appeared on the sixth floor of the battle platform of Tao.

"Now on the sixth floor, but in the last two battles, I couldn't meet the people of the Optimus and Giant Spirits!" Xiao Yunpan sat in the mysterious space on the sixth floor.

"However, as long as they are undefeated, there is still a chance to meet."

In this regard, Xiao Yun did not worry.

After a half-hour break, Xiao Yun got up.

In his eyes, light and shadow emerged.

This is the practitioner who defeated the promotion at the same time and rested for half an hour.

When the figure emerged and Xiao Yun's eyes glanced over these people, he finally saw the familiar figure.

"Zheng Tiancheng!"

Opposite him, a genius of giant spirits appeared.

"It's you!" Xiao Yun's eyes locked on this person.

This Zheng Tiancheng also turned to Xiao Yun.

"Huh, I want to see how powerful you are!" Seeing Xiao Yun's eyebrows challenged, Zheng Tiancheng frowned and hummed.

Subsequently, the two flashed their bodies and appeared on the same platform.

"This is Zheng Tiancheng!"

"Is he fighting this Xiao Yun too?" When the two shot together on the platform, an uproar immediately sounded.

"Xiao Yun has won three games in a row just now, and it is like an overwhelming match. Presumably, Zheng Tiancheng can't fight one!

However, it is more about Xiao Yun's expectations.

Few people are optimistic about Zheng Tiancheng.

This makes the giant spirit people extremely embarrassed.

Once upon a time, would the genius of their giant spirit tribe be seen so lowly?

But they are not easy to refute at this time.

Because even the giant spirits themselves are not very optimistic about Zheng Tiancheng.

All this is because Xiao Yun's previous record is too amazing.


The two confronted each other on the battlefield, with almost no extra words, and immediately started a confrontation.

Zheng Tiancheng's body burst into divine power, his long hair flew, and heaven and earth evolved behind his back.

The heaven and earth looked like the sky, and they oppressed Xiao Yun.

The Giant Spirit family, like the Optimus family, is an ancient family.

They have vast divine power in them.

Optimus power can support heaven and earth.

The giant spirit tribe is overwhelming.

This Zheng Tiancheng was shot down and the momentum was very shocking.

Only Xiao Yun stepped forward, and with a big move, he directly defeated the star river in front of him and violently confronted Zheng Tiancheng.

The vastness of power burst out and directly defeated the heaven and earth and the stars and rivers that evolved behind Zheng Tiancheng.


Zheng Tiancheng stepped back, and his eyes were dignified.

In the end, he tried his best to motivate the bloodlines.


As the power of the bloodline was stimulated, divine power burst out on Zheng Tiancheng's body, with the lines of God in it.

But in an instant, he turned into a giant who can stand tall.

Behind this giant is the heaven and earth galaxy. He came from the foot of galaxy, and his body was dazzling, but only a slight movement made the void tremble.

This kind of divine power really changes the color of the heavens and the earth.

Subsequently, this Zheng Tiancheng pulled with both hands, a divine power, turned into a galaxy, and was enraged towards Xiao Yun.

At the same time, he turned his big hand into a huge axe and cut it towards Xiao Yun.

This shot down is bound to split the galaxy.


The vast attacks came from Xiao Yun.

Under such a fierce offensive, few people can stop it.

The descendants of the gods are unstoppable.

But Xiao Yun brow lightly and walked away.

He had a large hand like a blade and cut straight into the front, tearing a crack.

The next moment, he appeared in front of Zheng Tiancheng.

By this time, Zheng Tiancheng's evolved giant axe had fallen.

The giant axe was very large, as the mountain gang fell.

But Xiao Yun stepped forward, as a cyclone.

Swallow up!

A cyclone rolled out, wrapping the giant axe with Zheng Tiancheng.

Subsequently, a force of devour began to devour the magical power that Zheng Tiancheng evolved.

"Swallow the magic of heaven!" Seeing this, Zheng Tiancheng's face changed slightly.

Just when his face changed slightly, a situation of world pressure took advantage of it.

"God King!" Zheng Tiancheng stared at the light, and quickly urged the secret technique.

In his body, the blood of the **** king condensed, condensing a bloodline.

Then the blood veins merged into his arms.


His arms seemed to turn into a scarlet axe, splitting forward.


The giant axe was split, and the blood-stained texture was intertwined, turning the weather a little bit to tear.

The devouring power can no longer affect this attack.

Martial arts supernatural powers have reached a certain level and are irresistible.

"Is the mystery of magical powers?" Seeing this, Xiao Yun stared at the light, "Reincarnation!"

He immediately urged reincarnation uprising.

This reincarnation of Olympian exhibition, immediately made this void time back.

Even the blood veins on Zheng Tiancheng's God King's slaughter have reversed.

However, this reversal is not very obvious, but it also makes it less powerful.

"Magic Realm!" After performing the reincarnation uprising, the magic road uprising followed.

At the moment, the void shuddered, and an illusion of mystery fell over towards Zheng Tiancheng.

"This ..." For a moment, Zheng Tiancheng felt the rotation of heaven and earth, his head buzzing inexplicably.

The reincarnation uprising had an impact on him.

Now that the magic of mystery fell down, he immediately felt bad.

"No, when the life card is broken!" When his mind buzzed and was about to be affected, this Zheng Tiancheng immediately broke the life card.

It can be said that he broke his life card without thinking.


The life cards collapsed, Shinto cyclones pervaded, and a cyclone evolved, such as communicating the heavens and the earth and introducing Zheng Tiancheng's Yuan Ying into another space.

"It's so decisive!" Seeing this, Xiao Yun frowned slightly.

This Zheng Tiancheng is too decisive ~ ~ If he was hesitating for half a second just now, the magical mystery of the Tao would be confusing.

In this way, Xiao Yun can obliterate it.

When Zheng Tiancheng collapsed, Xiao Yunsheng won.

Outside, it caused an uproar.

"This Xiao Yun wins again!"

"Even Zheng Tiancheng broke his life card. It seems that Xiao Yun is really powerful!"

Just now, Zheng Tiancheng has not completely lost, but he broke his life card in advance.

This is enough to show that Zheng Tiancheng is afraid.

It shows how powerful Xiao Yun is.

"Is Xiao Yun really that strong?" The genius of the giant spirit tribe was dignified.

Now they were all horrified when they looked at Xiao Yun.

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