Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1625: Advance

On that platform, the dark sun evolved by Qiu Wuxing fell down.

On the other side, Xiao Yun's devouring the abyss is rolling up.

Seen from a distance, it seemed as if a rash rage rolled up to swallow the sun on that day.

The two sides have not yet contacted, but the prestige is already in clash.


Daowei trembled, causing the battlefield to collapse in vain, and the terror waves seemed to tremble like a doomsday storm.

& Island> Novel www.zuzud; The horror of fluctuations, even the imperial soldiers, can be annihilated, turning them into dust.


The waves were violently violent, and the heavens and earth prestige released by the two were uncompromising. The constant shock made the fluctuations more powerful and horrifying.

The power of darkness swept in all directions.

If anyone else is here, it will be corroded by the power of darkness.

It is also the platform of the Tao of the Tao, which can withstand the assault of the gods, otherwise the Tao will be turned into powder.

But this fluctuation was also passed on by the patterns of the gods' ruins.

This is to make people feel empathy and experience the momentum of the war fighter.

"So powerful!"

"Is this the strength that the Heavenly Realm Master can have? Even ordinary demigods cannot have it!"

"They are ready to be demigod!"

Many people couldn't help the heart.

Because this power is too terrifying, beyond ordinary practitioners.

Under the gaze of those eyes, the supernatural world of the two also oppressed while they were under pressure.

The dark day continued to suppress.

The engulfing abyss of that rage also kept rolling up.

The two supernatural worlds are constantly approaching.

That power is constantly pounding.

The power of darkness is overbearing and evil, and also has a certain advantage in this shock.

It burst forth in a mighty manner, intruding into the swallowing abyss.

"The power of darkness is indeed overbearing." Xiao Yun also clearly felt the strength of the two sides under this confrontation.

"It's just that you want to invade my magical world, but it's not so easy!" Xiao Yun thought about it.


I saw the flames rolling outside the magical heaven and earth, carrying the power of heaven and earth burst out towards the outside.

Under this flame, the power of darkness was resisted.

So this Qiuwuxing also failed to occupy any advantage.


By this time, the dark abyss had been suppressed.

Xiao Yun's swallowing weather is about to swallow it, but it is difficult to be wrapped by the power of the heavens and earth in the dark abyss.

Under similar circumstances, the two sides resist, and it is difficult for anyone to crush the other side.

In this way, even the swallowing abyss could not deceive and swallow it up within ten feet of the dark day.

When the two sides reached this distance, the terror force was already striking.


The loud noise shook the sky, and finally the opposing force exploded.

Along with the loud noise, people in the distance saw the dark day and the devouring abyss crushing the wave, and the two finally collided with each other.

This is a real big collision.

From a distance, it seems as if two heavens and earth are colliding, and that power is too amazing.

When the two heavens and earth collided, the mystery of the heavens and the earth pervaded.

"The power of darkness corrupts everything!" Qiu Wuxing immediately turned on the dark mystery.

This dark mystery is to corrode everything, and to make all the power of heaven and earth into the power of darkness.

The vastness of the uprisings of heaven and earth also emerged when the two confronted.

This will be a duel of supernatural powers.

"Reincarnation!" And Xiao Yun immediately urged his own uprising.

A reincarnation uprising within the circle of that swallowing weather came out with the power of heaven and earth.

This is a real magical power, not as simple as the power of heaven and earth.

The power of heaven and earth can be traced.

But the reincarnation uprising is the avenue uprising.

It is intangible and invisible.

But he can influence heaven and earth, rebelling against time and space.

Under the power of reincarnation, even the power of darkness cannot erode it.

Suddenly, the dark mystery paused.

"The power of my mystery seems to be slowing down!" In the dark day immediately came the startled voice of Qiu Wuxing.


When Qiu Wuxing's heart was dismayed, the Frozen Uprising burst out.

This time the ice and fire contained the power of heaven and earth.

This is like the mystery running out of the avenue, the force of the ice, the void in front of it is frozen.

Suddenly, the dark power emanating from that dark day was frozen a little bit.


When the dark mystery was frozen, the power of fire swept out.


The distant practitioners could clearly see that the dazzling flame burst out suddenly.

The flame tumbling, like a dragon agitating, also contains the vastness of Tianwei.

It's like a sky fire, burn everything!

When the flames passed by the dark force in front of it was burned piece by piece.

The dazzling fire light dazzles the heaven and earth.

The dark light that blooms on the dark day is gradually suppressed.

"This ..." And at this moment, Qiu Wuxing showed panic in that dark day.

The flame rolled and wrapped his dark day.

Now the flames carrying the power of the avenue began to burn his dark day.

However, he was affected by the reincarnation upanishads and was unable to fully operate the supernatural power upanishads.

This made Qiu Wuxing scared.

"This is reincarnation uprising!" His heart trembled.

Many people do not know what the uprising is.

Because few people in the sanctuary have studied with reincarnation.

The people of this clan are high above him and rarely born.

In this way, the reincarnation uprising has become a very mysterious existence.

But in previous battles, Qiu Wuxing encountered a genius of reincarnation.

The man used the samsara uprising.

However, although the monk took control of the reincarnation uprising, he did not understand the power of heaven and earth.

Without the blessings of heaven and earth, the reincarnation uprising could hardly affect Qiu Wuxing.

Just like a baby, even if it has a sharp blade, how can it compete with adults?

But Qiu Wuxing still knows the feeling that the uprising brings.

So at this time Xiao Yun urged the reincarnation uprising, and he immediately judged it.

But it's all late!

When the ice and fire wrapped the dark day and weakened Qiu Wuxing's power, Xiao Yun had already taken advantage.

I saw a fist suddenly appear within the abyss of swallowing the sky.

From a distance, this fist is like a mad dragon with rage, in which there is a pervasive upheaval, and a power of ice and fire.

In addition, the fist flickered, it seemed like a world!

This is the Heaven and Earth Boxing, containing all the magical powers of Xiao Yun!


A punch blasted out and hit the dark day directly.


When the fist passed, the dark day shattered like a mirror.

The mighty power of the heavens and earth raged on and hit the dark world.

The power of ice and fire started to freeze the power of darkness.

Unprepared, Qiu Wuxing's world shattered.


Subsequently, his body flickered out of the sky.

Under the influence of reincarnation uprising, he had no time to resist such a powerful attack from Xiao Yun.

Don't resist!

The supernatural world is strong, and it should also collapse.


Qiu Wuxing stunned, blood appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"This ..." Seeing this, those practitioners who watched the outside were stunned.

"Qiu Wuxing's magical world was defeated?"

"But this dark mystery can erode everything in the heavens and the earth, but was defeated at this time?"

"Can Qiu Wuxing not be able to defeat Xiao Yun?" A loud noise sounded, and the monks of all ethnic groups showed shock.

This is the third martial spirit in ancient times!

Not only that, this Qiu Wuxing also realized the uprightness of Tiandi Avenue!

Just when everyone was shocked, Xiao Yun's body flickered like a weather dragon swooping towards Qiu Wu.

Only momentarily, Xiao Yun appeared beside Qiu Wuxing.

Qiu Wuxing was holding his body at this moment, and the tumbling breath had not subsided yet.

In this case, he has been unable to shoot at all.

"This ..." Qiu Wuxing looked up, and looked at a man like an abyss, like a angry dragon, and it was difficult to calm his heart.

Magic domain!

Just as Qiu Wuxing looked up, a voice like a avenue fell into Qiu Wuxing's mind.

Then his mind buzzed, and a powerful force was deterring his mind. He didn't know why, and his mind was stunned.

Then he fell into an inexplicable world.


Just then, Xiao Yun punched out.


The sound of bone fracture came, and Qiu Wuxing was blown out by Xiao Yun.


A heavy voice came out and Qiu Wuxing landed.

After landing, his mind was clear.

The magic realm is not there, but in front of him, a young man like a god-like child appears.

The young man was looking down at him.

"You are defeated!" Xiao Yunmu was expressionless, his eyes moved slightly, and he walked towards the fallen Qiuwu road.

"I didn't expect that you not only controlled the reincarnation uprising, but also the magic road ..." Qiu Wuxing's eyes flickered, showing the emotion of his face.

Xiao Yun's magical powers exceeded his imagination.

Each mystery was so mysterious that it was restrained.

If it's icy, it can burn the power of darkness.

That reincarnation uprising is even more likely to affect him.

In the end, the illusion of mystery is a real killer, and it is invincible.

If it was against the enemy, at this time he was afraid that it had fallen.

"I was willing to meet an opponent like you!" Qiu Wu then stood up and arched toward Xiao Yun.

Even if he was proud, he had a little respect for genius.

"Assign!" Xiao Yun also arched.

Qiu Wuxing was then led away by a light pattern.

Xiao Yun's body flickered and appeared directly in a space on the second Dao Zhitai.

When Xiao Yun appeared on the stage, on the monument to the gods, the ranking began to flash.

He suddenly appeared in the top nine!

"That Qiuwu failed?"

"Even Tianjiao, a member of the Dark Wuhun, was defeated by him. How strong is Xiao Yun?" Exclaimed.

Many geniuses set off a stormy wave towards the young man who crossed his knees in the battle space of the second floor.

At the beginning of the Shenxu Dao battle, who would have thought that Xiao Yun could be so strong?

This is a Tianjiao battle involving human races and demons!

These days of arrogance, most of them have the blood of the **** king, one by one they are scary.

However, Xiao Yun sang all the way and never lost!

Now he broke into the top nine!

"Hehe ~ ~ Xiao Gongzi is mighty!" Xiao's children are all very excited.

"I didn't expect that Linger Zhunsheng's elder brother was so powerful!" The geniuses of Zuo Qing's veins were all smiles.

Although they heard the name of Xiao Yun, they could never have thought that Xiao Yun would be strong to this extent.

Even though he beheaded 700 people of Yuwen's family alone, no one thought about it.

Because that time was covered by the **** of locks, everyone couldn't see the truth.

Maybe what feat did Xiao Yun use in that war?

After all, there are sacred things to use in this Shenxu boundary!

But now this battle is just and right, fighting on the Shenxu Taotai.

Here, no one can use other things, only rely on their own strength.

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