Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1629: Forge of the furnace

In the furnace of Shenyang, the magical powers evolved by Xiao Yun collapsed. w

Immediately after the collapse of this supernatural power, the power of terror erupted.

Outside, everyone could clearly see the Shenyang furnace trembling and cracks appeared.

It seems that this power cannot even bear this Shenyang furnace.

But the Shenwen squirm on the furnace of Shenyang finally repaired the crack.

But the furnace of Shenyang is still shaking.

The power of that shock soon began to weaken.

In this way, the crack was completely repaired.

"Did the showdown win?" After feeling the fluctuations subsided, everyone outside was inwardly nervous.

"Gong Xiaoxiao hasn't come out yet?" Zuo Qing and others frowned.

"This Chu Yunfei is stronger than ordinary people!" Xiao Tianxiang looked worried.

This battle made him feel terrified.

But in the furnace of Shenyang, the vast waves oscillated, but Chu Yunfei continued to refine it with the power of melting heaven and earth.

Now that he has succeeded in practicing Rongyang Tiangong, he has become extremely skilled in using this ancient Tiangong.

When the fluctuations dissipated, Xiao Yun's body also appeared in this **** furnace space.

"Shenyang sky furnace, melting heaven and earth!"

When Xiao Yun appeared, Chu Yunfei immediately shot.

All he saw was that within this world, he was pulling with both hands, and the fire pattern squirmed and turned into a magic furnace to wrap Xiao Yun.

Only momentarily, Xiao Yun was trapped, and a Shinto mystery bound him.

This was a shot, Xiao Yun had no time to resist.

Because of the blow just now, he has been seriously injured and has not completely stabilized his breath.

"Reincarnation!" Xiao Yun immediately started reincarnation.

It's a pity that the raging flames rolled and wrapped him up, smelting him.

This is the **** furnace man.

In addition, there is an oppression of heaven and earth.

Under this power, Xiao Yun's bones were crackling and his blood was cracking.


A bite of blood has spit out in Xiao Yun's mouth.

At this moment, Xiao Yun was seriously injured.

Not only was he seriously injured, he also fell into the Jedi.

It can be said that by now, he has lost this battle!

Seeing that the flame had touched Xiao Yun's body.

If he does not admit defeat at this time and stops fighting, it will hurt himself.

"Huh, a grassroot is a grassroot, how can you compare with me even if you have a chance against the sky?" Chu Yunfei strolled, and the flames rolled, and he gave up a way. Looking down at Xiao Yun in front of me, "Today, I will defeat you in Shenxu. I will defeat you in reality next time. Not only that, I will let Ling Xi know that I am stronger than you and more suitable for being She cultivates fellows on the road, and you, but the grass mustard, I am the true dragon who will soar for nine days. Look down at the heavens and the earth. "

In the end, Chu Yunfei's eyes flickered with trembling light.

He waited too long for this day.

Since the battle at Xuetianmen, he has always had a knot.

That is to defeat Xiao Yun personally.

This wish is clearly about to be fulfilled.

"Grass mustard?" After hearing the words, Xiao Yun's eyes lifted, and the face twisted by the flames sneered, "Who is grass mustard, how can you comment? Oh, Ling Xi? Just you Also want to get Ling Xi ’s heart? It is a delusional wish. You are really strong now, and you have gained the opportunity of being against heaven. The same is true. I am eternal and can climb to the top. "

Xiao Yun's tone was firm.

At this moment, the flame was burning, and his flesh was going to be melted.

But he is still running the power of the world, trying to resist.

"Still stubborn?" Chu Yunfei's eyes were cold, and the power of the sun and the sky fell down like a mighty flame.

The evolution of a melting furnace will thoroughly refine Xiao Yun.

"It's a pity that I didn't lock the heavenly **** leaf, otherwise it would be necessary to wipe it out completely." Looking at Xiao Yun who was enveloped by the furnace, Chu Yunfei showed unwillingness.

The furnace is constantly melting.

Xiao Yun's blood seemed to be burned.

At this point, he has two options.

First, admit defeat.

In this way, the Shenxu Taotai will generate the power of the avenue and the power of the melting furnace.

Second, it breaks the cards.

After the Ming card collapses, it will directly leave the Shenxu realm and lose its next chance.

This is clearly undesirable.

It is only at the juncture of crisis that many people will think of directly breaking their cards.

Like Qin Zhong and others at the time, they felt danger and their instincts broke their cards.

Because of the crisis, few people think that admitting defeat can still save lives.

How many people can keep their heads clear under stress?

At this point Xiao Yun was in danger.

But this danger can be resisted slowly, not too urgently.

If Chu Yunfei would be magical, then Xiao Yun would naturally break his life card immediately.

Or concede.

"I can't admit defeat!" At this time, Xiao Yun was shrouded in a furnace and was being smelted, but gritted his teeth and refused to admit defeat.

He felt that he should not fail.

He should still be able to fight.

His comprehension is not worse than Chu Yun. How can he be defeated?

So Xiao Yun was unwilling, even though there was a danger of being smelted into nothingness at this moment.

Even though he was suffering a lot at this time, he still insisted.

"Is there anything wrong with my way?" Xiao Yun was thinking.

Even though the flames were burning, he was still attentively asking.

He cultivates various magical powers and realizes the heavens and the earth.

Powered by supernatural power, the main road is the main one.

Based on this, he sang along the way and defeated Tianjiao of all ethnic groups.

Most of them contain the blood of the King of God.

It can be said that this road is not wrong.

But at this time, he was defeated!

Lost in the hands of Chu Yunfei, who is not too bloody.

"Where is the key?" Xiao Yun thought.

There must be a key point in this, which made him defeat.

Only by clearing up will he have a chance to win.

But it is too difficult to find these.

Because Xiao Yun is not Chu Yunfei.

He did not know that Chu Yunfei's victory was due to the integration of the remnants of the gods of Tianyang, making his control of the mysteries of Shinto beyond ordinary people.

In this way, the power of heaven and earth contained in the furnace of Shenyang evolved by Chu Yunfei, and the kind of Shinto mystery inherent in it is not ordinary people to fight.

Xiao Yun had no idea but had to meditate hard.

Simple meditation is fruitless.

"When the power is sensed." Later, Xiao Yun began to feel the power of that furnace.

Only in this way can he find out his shortcomings.

It is naturally difficult for ordinary people to detect.

But Xiao Yun's realm was enough, but with a little induction, he found that the furnace contained a breath he had never had before.

"This is the pattern of Shinto!" Xiao Yun was shocked inside, "The Shinto myth contained in it exceeds Yang Linghai and others!"

This discovery makes it difficult for Xiao Yun to calm down.

Yang Linghai and others can condense the lines of Shinto by virtue of bloodline power ~ ~ But the lines of Shinto are only in shape and not intended.

In other words, Yang Linghai and others relied on the veins of Shinto to condense.

Without the power of this blood, they would not be able to gather at all.

But this Chu Yunfei is different.

His pattern of Shinto seems to be fused with his will, like one.

This is the pattern of Shinto he realized.

The gap between the two sides is clear.

Therefore, Chu Yunfei used this kind of Shinto power to become more innocent and integrated it into the magical world.

However, Yang Linghai and others can only use that kind of bloodline supernatural power superficially, and cannot really turn it into their own use.

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