Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1631: sublimation

Shenxu Road Mountain.

At this time, practitioners of all races stared sadly at the front of the battle platform.

Because there was a loud cry from Chu Yunfei.

The voice was cheering for Xiao Yun's complete fall to the boundary of Shenxu.

"How can Xiao Yun be ridiculed?" Xiao Tianye was hurt, staring at him there.

But at this time Xiao Yun's breath in that furnace had not completely collapsed.

Just now Chu Yunfei tried his best to kill% pig% pig% island% fiction ww.

If you look closely, you can still see the remaining traces.

Such as Xiao Yun's war martial arts pattern, life martial arts pattern, ice fire martial arts pattern ...

None of this has dissipated.

In addition, the pattern of Nirvana did not dissipate.

Furthermore, there is a **** pattern.

It was the life pattern that Xiao Yun kept condensing after several nirvana.

Although Mingwen has not yet gathered the power of uprightness, it also has a breath of god.

Xiao Yun's soul is also integrated into it.

At this moment, within this divine pattern, Xiao Yun's thoughts moved.

"Rong!" Every thought was moved for the thought.

Because in these lines, there is Xiao Yun's soul consciousness.

Consciousness of soul.


The lines of all supernatural power condensed in the line of life, and began to merge.

The pattern of Nirvana is also integrated into the pattern of life.

Xiao Yun's breath became more intense.

"My previous magical world was not complete, and it was not really mine!" In this soul, Xiao Yun's consciousness rippled.

"Because of that kind of integration, it's the day after tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, it's not perfect!" Xiao Yun's voice was shocked.

He only knew this voice.

"Now I'm back to nothingness, and I'm born again!" The voice oscillated like a Tao sound, accompanied by a mighty force of heaven and earth that swept out. "This time, I was born not only with the soul and body, but also with magical power Heaven and earth, this time the supernatural world is for me and I am the supernatural world because we are one and the same! "

The road sounded clear, and there was a ripple in the void.

Then a supernatural world evolved.

"This is ..." When this supernatural world evolved, Chu Yunfei, who was mad and smiling, shrank his eyes.

He stared tightly forward.

But there was a flash of light in front, and the magical world appeared out of thin air.

If you look closely, it is Xiao Yun's Yuanying reunited.

When this pattern flashes, it resembles heaven and earth, and reunites like Xiao Yunyuan infant.

As Xiao Yun said, at this moment, heaven and earth are living with him, they are one!

When the day and day gradually perfected, Xiao Yun's body also began to evolve into limbs.

"He ... he is alive again?" Seeing this, Chu Yunfei opened his mouth as if he had seen a ghost.

He stared forward incredulously.

This is really too shocking.

Just now he clearly defeated Xiao Yun's baby boy.

It stands to reason that the cultivator's Yuan Ying collapsed, it should be ridiculed.

But at this point Xiao Yun reunited his body in front of his eyes, all this was too shocking.

"Did Yu Wen Chengtian defeat his Yuan Ying last time, so he reunited himself?" It was only soon that Chu Yunfei thought of the previous events, which shocked his heart. It was extremely complicated. "He understands the meaning of life and death? Or what is it?"

Thinking of it, he couldn't calm down.

If so, how **** bad is it?

Life and death are the most difficult things to control.

Once you are in control of life and death, that advantage is self-evident.

This is a great magical power that can be compared with the reincarnation power.

"No, I want to wipe him out!" Chu Yunfei's eyes were cold when he was shocked.

He knew in his heart that this young man must not be allowed to continue to grow, otherwise he would be a great enemy.

Then he pulled with both hands and tried his best.


Within this Shenyang melting furnace, there is the cohesion of the vast power of heaven and earth, which has been transformed into the suppression of Shenyang.

He wants to defeat Xiao Yun while he is not fully condensed.

But all this is obviously too late!

This Shenyang suppressed, the void was trembling and breaking.

However, Xiao Yun, who is condensing the magical world, and condensing the body, is blooming with a vast force of heaven and earth.

The power of this world shook, Dao Wei burst out, and directly countered Chu Yunfei's repressed Shenyang.


A vast wave of volatility followed.

Within this world of Shenyang, a lot of terrible waves immediately set off.

The stormy waves swept away, and even Chu Yunfei's body could not help but tremble slightly, and quickly backed away.

He felt an infinite force of heaven and earth oppressing him, making it difficult for him to breathe.

"How could it be so strong?" Chu Yunfei was startled.

This is in the furnace of his Shenyang.

Here he is the master.

But now the prestige released by Xiao Yun has made him feel powerless.

How incredible this is.

In surprise, an inexplicable fear came to mind.

Chu Yunfei's eyes turned, and he looked forward.

By this time, Xiao Yun's magical world had completely evolved.

However, when the supernatural world evolved, it appeared a young man who was facing the wind of Yushu.

At this moment, Xiao Yun is really one with this magical world.

If it was said that this is still supernatural.

But now this is the real prototype of the world.

But this heaven and earth condensed and formed. When his body reappeared, Xiao Yun's mind moved, and a heaven and earth evolved behind it.

This world is swallowing the weather, and it can be turned into a world of ice and fire, and it can be turned into a world of war ...

Now all his magical powers are fused with heaven and earth, regardless of each other.

At this time, Xiao Yun felt like an unprecedented avenue.

In the past, although his soul consciousness and magical powers merged, after all, he still lacked that feeling.

After all, that was the result of forced fusion the day after tomorrow,

Now, Supernatural Heaven and Earth live with him as one.

It is like heaven and earth is him, he is heaven and earth, living together for flesh and blood, without distinction between one another.

This feeling of completeness is comparable to the day after tomorrow.

The same is true. Now Xiao Yun's thoughts can evolve into the strongest world.

If he evolved a phoenix, that phoenix is ​​like heaven and earth, carrying the might of a avenue.

This goes beyond.

"Now, it's time to win!" After taking a deep breath, Xiao Yun's eyes condensed and he looked forward.

There, Chu Yunfei was staring at Xiao Yun with surprise.

Even in Chu Yunfei's eyes, there was panic, and fearfulness appeared.

Xiao Yun was also aware of the events that had caused her to fall into the sun.

When the light of the eye was frozen, his step was moving forward.

When striding forward, a force of heaven and earth oscillated. This powerful force directly smashed the nearby furnace fire.

"Take me another punch!" Xiao Yun's fist flickered, and he blasted forward.


This fist burst out, with a great deal of warfare burst forth.

The battle was sky-high, and the momentum was overwhelming, and all the flames in front of it were directly defeated.

Those flames rolled and continued to retreat.

His fist flashed, and he appeared in front of Chu Yunfei.

Chu Yunfei frowned, and quickly evolved to suppress Shenyang's repression.

This Shenyang blooms, covering the space of the furnace.

But when this Shenyang suppressed, the fist shattered it with overwhelming force.

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