Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1633: 6 reincarnation ...

Chu Yunfei said clearly that Xiao Yun had been ridiculed, but Xiao Yun was alive, and he was strong to defeat Chu Yunfei.

It's amazing.

Everyone thought back carefully, they all couldn't help breathing down.

Because they found that Xiao Yun seemed like the unbeatable Xiaoqiang!

Not only that, he will be stronger after each death.

It made them feel chills in their backs.

This is how "pigs igs

Xiao Yun is feeling the avenue.

Chu Yunfei also began to calm down.

At this point, the battle was gradually divided between victory and defeat.

Yang Lingtian has won and has been promoted to the second stage of the battle platform.

In this way, three people were promoted.

They are Jiang Youdao, Xiao Yun, and Yang Lingtian.

It didn't take long for the two teams to win the game. The dragon prince of the Yao clan and the prince of the Xuanwu clan won.

The light pattern flashed, and Xiao Yun was introduced to a high platform.

At this time, the five stood side by side and seemed to be proclaiming to the world. This is the contemporary arrogance.

"The top five in the Holy Martial Arts list!"

"This is a real hero!"

When five people were juxtaposed, they immediately caused an uproar.

The monks of all races looked in awe at these five geniuses.

These five people will be proud of their heroes in the future.

Xiao Hong and others were bitter smiles.

They are also geniuses and can overpower their contemporaries.

But there are too many geniuses in the sanctuary, and it is too difficult to reach the top five.

Even the top ten are extremely difficult.

When five people are juxtaposed, they are also going to each other.

"This Xiao Yun was actually promoted!" Yang Lingtian's eyes flashed and he saw Xiao Yun next to him.

He is also very surprised that Xiao Yun can come this far.

You know, whoever is able to come here is not the best person in the world?

This time the light pattern flashed, and the Shenxu Taotai once again distributed the battle.

And this time, Jiang Youdao appeared.

Only a flash of light was seen, and Jiang Youdao fought with the dragon son of that dragon tribe.

Nayang Lingtian fought with Qing Ming.

It was Xiao Yun's independent platform.

"What's going on? Then Xiao Yun turned up an independent platform?"

"Does it mean that Xiao Yun has the potential to win the first prize?" Seeing this, many people's eyes were wrong.

This is weird.

You know, Jiang Youdao has been directly promoted before!

This shows that Jiang Youdao is considered the deserved first by Shenxu Avenue.

But at this time Xiao Yun was changed.

Many people feel inexplicable.

"I'm actually fighting?" Seeing this, Xiao Yun was also surprised.

Although he was surprised, he had to accept this arrangement.

Then, his eyes moved, and he looked towards the two platforms next to him.

The four geniuses here have already begun the war.

First of all, Xiao Yun locked his eyes on Jiang Youdao and that dragon owl.


This is the genius of the Nine Dragons.

Dragons are a powerful race, and legend has it that they are close relatives of true dragons.

Others say that the dragon is also a type of true dragon.

The nine sons of Longsheng are all bloody.

But the Nether never saw the sons of the true dragon, and the dragon is the representative of the dragon.

This dragon **** shot, the blood was soaring, the evolving dragon behind his back opened his teeth and danced claws.

The claw of the dragon came out, tearing the sky, and trembling in all directions.

Infinite Longwei shocked, making people scared.

Under this dragon power, the blood and soul of people are trembling.

"Reincarnation world!" But Jiang Youdao on the other side was very indifferent.

With a big movement of his hand, the light pattern flickered in front of him, and a heaven and earth fell down, covering the dragon.

Then a reincarnation uprising was released.

This uprising shook all directions, affected the heavens and the earth, and contained inexplicable power.

Suddenly, the momentum of that dragon was a moment, and the momentum was gone.

But Longwei was still there, and that dragonhead shot with all his strength to break the force of reincarnation.

"Long Xiao nine days!" Long Xiao shook the sky, and the sound was sharp and harsh.

This is the mystery of the Dragon race. The void that Sonic has passed collapses, and the reincarnation heaven and earth will collapse.

The reincarnation uprising among them is also weakening.

"The dragon broke the sky!"

When the dragon shouted, the dragon dragon stepped forward. With a big movement of his hand, the dragon's light pattern flickered, and it turned into a dragon dragon soaring into the sky.

But if you look closely, that dragon is like a human being, which is evolving supernatural martial arts.

The dragon slammed into the air, breaking the sky in front.

The sky was shaking under such a mighty attack.

Jiang Youdao seems to be breaking up in this cycle.

"Reincarnation heaven and earth, against heaven and sky!" When the dragon dragon rushed to break the void, Jiang Youdao was still indifferent, and he could only be dragged by his hands. The mystery of the heaven and earth changed, and the void seemed to have a cyclone of heaven and earth, containing the meaning of the road. As if the reincarnation world is spinning, it is against chaos.

The reincarnation world immediately suppressed to the dragon.

The reincarnation world fell, Qiankun was rebelled, and the dragon was rushed away, and the vast dragon power rolled down, unable to bomb the sky at all.

"Six heavens and earth!" At this time, Jiang Youdao's eyes flashed again, and there were six heavens and earth evolution in front of him.

These are the six worlds, the six worlds.

It's just that the six worlds at this time are still very vague. Although there is a hint in it, it is not complete.


This supernatural power involves Shinto mystery.

Even though Jiang Youdao has noble blood, he still cannot evolve it.

But these six worlds still contain supreme power.


Six rounds of world rotation, carrying the might of heaven and earth to suppress.

This is definitely a supernatural power that can overwhelm the world!

Under these six ways, even Long Chan's son felt powerless.

"Dragon breaks the sky!" The son of Dragon King tried his best to evolve his blood, and the whole body's light veins bloomed, turning it into a dragon with a kilometer length.

The body of this dragon is full of scales, and there are wavy lines on it, and the void is shattering between the mighty shocks.

This is really like a dragon hovering in the air, with the power of the world permeated.


With a loud roar, the dragon body of the dragon prince shook up to break the six worlds.

The arrogance of this dragon lord's son can really break the sky.

The power reaches the extreme, which can break all ways.

The son of the dragon dragon is undoubtedly showing the hegemony of the dragon dragon.

"Six reincarnations, Qiankun rebelled!" Jiang Youdao was still indifferent. He pulled with both hands, and there was a avenue of mystery between the six world suppressions.

That's the power of reincarnation.

Reincarnation runs, Qiankun is reversing.

Coupled with the blessings of the six world powers, the body of the dragon son paused.


Qiankun reversed the chaos, and the son of Long Mao felt his power was going backwards, and the world in front of him was rotating, making him feel that Qiankun was rebelled.

A power of heaven and earth is influencing it.

Just ~ ~ Wait for other responses, the six worlds have been suppressed.

Then the son of the dragon cricket was directly shocked.


It was transformed into a person when shocked by the fly.


The blood spit out, and the momentum of the dragon prince was sharply reduced.

In addition, the power of reincarnation is still affecting its power.

Even the son of the dragon prince felt inexplicably younger, and his strength was weakening.

It felt as if I had returned to my childhood from the peak.

It can clearly feel that their faces are getting younger.

"Is this the reincarnation uprising?" When this feeling poured into his heart, the son of the dragon prince was shocked, and it was difficult to calm down.

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