Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1636: Crown battle

The suppression of the six worlds made Yang Lingtian immediately feel great pressure.

In fact, Yang Lingtian can also evolve the aftermath of Jiuyang Heaven and Earth to resolve that horror.

It was just a confrontation just now, his Jiuyang was shocked by the six worlds, almost collapsed, and he did not recover for a moment.

But Jiang Youdao had already resolved the aftermath, and came first to attack.

It is this instant advantage that determines the success or failure of the two.

This is the battle of the strong!

~ Pig ~ Pig ~ Island ~ Small ~ say ~ www ~ zuhu ~; When the six worlds are suppressed, Yangling Tian wants to try his best to evolve Jiuyang Heaven and Earth.

But before he tried his best, a reincarnation uprising had fallen down with the power of the world.

Under the reincarnation uprising, he felt his power was flowing backwards, and the power of the nine suns was affected.

In this way, he urged the magical world to slow down for a moment.

And in an instant, the six reincarnation worlds have been suppressed.

The six reincarnation world repressed and brought reincarnation uprising.

The day and night are reversing, Qiankun reverses it, and the power of Jiuyang is disordered.

Under this circumstance, Jiuyang was directly shocked by the fly, the pattern of Shenyang cracked, and Jiuyang's rays bloomed, exploding violently.

Jiuyang exploded, the void shattered, and fragments of the void shook open. The shocking waves directly sent Yang Lingtian to Zhenfei.

"Six heavens and earth, swallow heaven and earth!" Jiang Youdao tried his best. The six worlds revolve, and the six worlds are like six abyss devouring the aftermath of that horror. Then the power of reincarnation is working again. The fluctuations that the demigods should avoid, were resolved by him a little.

When the aftermath resolved, Yang Lingtian was shaken by the fly, and howling.


Yang Ling fell to the ground with blood on the corners of his mouth and messy long hair.

That Jiuyang collapse broke his roots.

When Yang Ling fell to the ground, Jiang Youdao strolled, and the six worlds behind him floated up and down, exuding vast power.

Looking at the young man who walked, Yang Lingtian looked bitter.

Strong as he is, proud as he is, but defeated at this time, still so embarrassed.

But this is true.

"Six reincarnation is indeed one of the most powerful magical powers in ancient times!" Yang Lingtian sighed, and said to Jiang Youdao who was walking, a little unwilling to say.

"This battle, I lost!" When the last sentence came down, Yang Lingtian's momentum dropped sharply.

When Yang Lingtian conceded, there was the power of the Shenxu on the battlefield.

And the six worlds that Jiang Youdao evolved are introverted.

The power of reincarnation also dissipated.

In this way, Jiang had a victory in this battle, and Yang Lingtian became the third in the sacred martial arts list.

"Yanggongzi was defeated!" When Yang Lingtian lost, there was an uproar immediately.

The disciples of Jiuyang Holy Palace showed an incredible look.

Just now Yang Lingtian urged Jiuyang!

As soon as Jiuyang came out, how many people of the same generation could compete with it?

But he lost!

"Is the six reincarnations really so powerful?" Chu Yunfei's eyes flashed and murmured.

At this time, even when he snorted to Jiang Youdao, he couldn't help revealing the calmness.

He was confident that he was very strong, but he was just the same as Yang Lingtian, who had a nine-yang body.

But now that Yang Lingtian lost, Chu Yunfei couldn't help thinking of himself.

"Now Jiang Youdao and Xiao Yun are left. I wonder who will win the championship?" As for the other people, they are more concerned about the final battle.

It is undoubtedly a great glory to win the championship.

Although there are still some people in Sanctuary who have not yet been born, even if they won the championship, they do not really invincible to their contemporaries.

But the gold content of this martial arts list is undoubtedly extremely high, and one's potential can be measured by this.

Jiang Youdao flashed and was introduced to the first floor of the platform to adjust his breath.

At this time, the battle between the son of the dragon and the son of Qingming has come to an end.

In this battle, the son of Qingming actually won, ranking fourth in the Holy Martial Arts list.

As for the dragon son, he is fifth.

An hour passed quickly.

At this moment, the Shenxu Road pattern flashed, and Xiao Yun and Jiang Youdao were introduced to the top of the stage together.

This is where the most attention lies, the crown of the battle of the Shenxu Taotai will be decided here.

"Is it finally about to start?" When the two men faced each other, there was an uproar immediately on the field, and the countless practitioners' eyes were hot.

"I think this son of Jiang Youdao will defeat Xiao Yun and win the championship in one fell swoop!"

"That's natural. Who can fight for Jiang Gongzi's reincarnation?"

The practitioners of all races are full of confidence in Jiang Youdao.

Especially those with Jiang's pulse, they are even more confident.

This is not only confident in Jiang Youdao, but also in the six reincarnation supernatural powers.

"Does Xiao Gongzi have the ability to defeat Jiang?" Xiao's people turned to Xiao Yun, and his eyes were full of the expected light.

Just a bit of uncertainty can be seen there.

Obviously, they don't have much confidence.

Because Jiang Youdao is too powerful, as for Xiao Yun, he doesn't seem to have so many advantages.

You know, Jiang Youdao had been directly promoted before, and Xiao Yun's sudden promotion this time was somewhat uncertain.

Some even think that it would be difficult for Xiao Yun and Yang Lingtian to advance in the first battle.

Of course, Xiao Yun's ability to reach this point was beyond the expectation of countless people.

It can be said that Xiao Yun was a group of dark horses that suddenly appeared in the battle of Taoism at the Shenxu Taotai. Even the people in the sky demon domain were surprised.

Because Xiao Yun had no fame before!

At this time, on the stage, Jiang Youdao was staring at Xiao Yun with interest.

"Xiao's, Xiao Yun!" Xiao Yun was slightly surprised by Jiang Youdao's eyes, and he slightly arched toward the other side after a slight movement of his brow, said.

"Six reincarnation of Wuhun, Jiang Youdao!" Jiang Youdao smiled slightly.

"Long-lost six reincarnation supernatural powers is one of the most powerful supernatural powers in ancient times. I am fortunate to receive guidance today, and I hope that Brother Jiang will give us advice!" Xiao Yun said.

Xiao Yun is indeed deeply touched by these six reincarnation supernatural powers.

When he was in the ruins of Gu Mingshi, he could have reincarnation six times!

Later, he also saw the process of the six evolutions of the Emperor.

It can be said that Xiao Yun is also very familiar with the six reincarnation supernatural powers.

The same is true, and he is also eager to have a conversation with those in this vein.

"Oh, you and I have some roots when talking about it, this battle should be fun!" Jiang Youdao smiled.

"Yuanyuan?" After hearing the words, Xiao Yun was surprised.

"If you have a chance, you will know it later." Jiang smiled, but didn't say much.

Then his eyes fixed, and a mighty power of mystery burst out from him.

When this power burst out, there was a ripple in the world, and the breath was chaos.

This is the power of reincarnation!

When Jiang Youdao was running upstairs, Xiao Yun also looked calmly and did not dare to have a slight snub.

I saw Xiao Yun's eyes condensed, his body filled with the power of heaven and earth, and a swallow of the weather emerged.

The swallowing weather is swallowing up, dissolving the reincarnation uprising.

This swelling of the weather swirls, but it contains the potential of heaven and earth, how many times stronger than before.

Today, Xiao Yun has a general trend in his hands.

He is like heaven and earth, unstoppable!

"Let's take a look at my reincarnation uprising first!" At this time, Jiang Youdao pulled with both hands, and the light pattern in front of him wriggled, and evolved into a reincarnation world.

This reincarnation world is also like a reincarnation channel, and it seems to communicate with another world, and it should be brought into reincarnation.

The reincarnation uprising pervaded and affected the whole battlefield.

"This reincarnation uprising !?" At this time Xiao Yun was also carefully sensing this reincarnation uprising.

After careful induction, Xiao Yun immediately seemed to realize.

The reincarnation uprising of Jiang Youdao is obviously more perfect.

He not only has the power of reincarnation to reverse the world, affect time and space and strength, and so on.

He also evolved the cycle of reincarnation, which really wants to lead people into reincarnation.

It can be said that the reincarnation mystery that Xiao Yun realized before was really just a fur, and it was not worth mentioning compared with Jiang Youdao.

Of course, this does not mean that Xiao Yun is useless.

Everyone has his own way.

What Xiao Yun pursues is the Tao of Heaven and Earth.

All supernatural powers are just auxiliary to him.

"Reincarnation against chaos!" When Xiao Yun felt the meaning of reincarnation, Jiang Youdao had already shot.

All he saw was his hands pulling, and that reincarnation was sweeping towards Xiao Yun.

That reincarnation channel seems to be a channel that communicates with another world, but it also contains the potential of heaven and earth.

A reincarnation uprising carried this trend sweeping in all directions, immediately disrupting the world.

First of all, Xiao Yun felt a mighty force of heaven and earth rushing towards him.

Under this power, the swallowing weather trembled and encountered tremendous oppression.

Before Xiao Yun's shot, a force of reincarnation also fell down.

The power of this reincarnation is so mysterious that it disturbs the power contained in the cyclone.

The swallowing weather was supposed to devour the power of the outside world.

But under the influence of this rebirth uprising, its swallowing power weakened, and instead it swallowed its own power.

This mysterious mystery made Xiao Yun nodded slightly.

The power of this reincarnation is a kind of uprising.

"My heaven and earth can swallow mountains and rivers, swallow heaven and earth, this reincarnation of uprising should also be swallowed!" After feeling this reincarnation of uprising, Xiao Yun's eyes lightened.

He also started to contribute.

The swallowing weather in front of him rolled a roll, and a ripple appeared, and Dow even worse, began to devour the power of reincarnation in a very tyrannical way.

Under the blessing of the power of this avenue, Tuntian Upright was run to the extreme by Xiao Yun.

From the outsiders' point of view, the swallowing weather is like a mad dragon rushing towards the reincarnation heaven and earth, and the huge mouth is opened to swallow the reincarnation heaven and earth.

However, the reincarnation of the reincarnation earthquake ~ ~ reincarnation uprising is still affecting the power of swallowing the weather.

The magical power of the two immediately violently collided in the void of the battle platform.

Under the gaze of countless eyes, the reincarnation heaven and earth bombarded the swallowing weather.


Suddenly, the loud noise shook the sky, and the force of terror shook all directions. The power of reincarnation affected the world. Even Xiao Yun still felt that his breath was affected, but fortunately, his upheavals and upheavals worked to resolve most The power of reincarnation, this has not been affected too much, but he was still shocked back again and again.

On the other hand, Jiang Youdao also had a storm in front of him, but was introduced into the reincarnation channel by the power of reincarnation, as if the aftermath was introduced into another world, and this impact was subtly resolved. The body Xiao was still retreating. After seeing this, Yun couldn't help but feel shocked.

"Can reincarnation uprising still be used this way?" This made Xiao Yun suddenly bright.

At this point he had a little more insight into the avenue.

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