Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1644: Rongshen Terrace [Please ...

The practitioners of all races were suspicious.

At this point they have been waiting for several days, even Jiang Youdao gave up to continue sensing the fetish, but Xiao Yun is still there.

This is suspicious.

"Did he really gain something or refuse to give up?" Everyone groaned in his heart.

But since they're here, they don't mind waiting a few more days.

There must be at least one result.

Therefore, except for a few people who left the "swine" pig "island" novel "www`huzud" domain of the Shenxu boundary and informed the elders of the tribe about this, most people chose to stay here.

"How to take this fetish out?" After several attempts, Xiao Yun simply lost his thoughts.

He began to sense this world carefully, instead of blindly communicating with the gods floating in the void.

This world is strange.

The distant sky ahead flickers with light and dazzles.

The nearby Xinghe River flows like a sea of ​​stars.

Those incomplete artifacts float in the sea of ​​stars.

But Xiao Yun sensed away carefully, and couldn't find out if those stars were shining.

Here, his mind is limited and he cannot sense things too far.

Repelled even when approaching those artifacts.

In this case, he seems a little frustrated before he has even stepped on Shinto.

Although helpless, Xiao Yun did not give up.

He is a man who never gives up lightly.

Since you have come here, how can you give up so easily?

"These artifacts have been damaged, but they still have repulsion. Should they be protecting themselves?" Xiao Yun observed the Quartet.

There are a lot of fetishes here.

You can even clearly see a ladder broken into several sections, suspended together.

"If it is aggregated, I don't know if that kind of repulsion will dissipate?" Xiao Yun secretly murmured.

Then he moved to Yuanyuan where a fetish was.

There are broken stones floating here.

If you look closely, this should be part of the altar.

"These gravels are carved with divine text, which should be more useful." Xiao Yun secretly thought.

Then he lost his mind.

"Take me to the world, return to the original!" Xiao Yun's mind moved immediately and evolved his supernatural world.

This is the magical world that he and Jiang Youdao realized after the war.

Return to the original, to the beginning of the world, when the chaos is unclear.

When supernatural powers evolve, a heaven and earth cover all directions, and those gods should be shrouded.


When the supernatural world fell down, those artifacts immediately produced a repulsive force.

Under this repulsive force, the magical world trembled, as if to collapse, and looked at risk.

"Mix the world with me to help you return to the beginning!" When Xiao Yunyuan infant moved, he evolved the magical power of heaven and earth, and injected the **** and stone in front of him with the power of heaven and earth.

At first those gravels also exuded powerful divine power.

But when Xiao Yun's mystery fell down that day, the repulsive force was a little, and then they slowly withdrew.

Not only that, they also allowed Xiao Yun to wrap it up.

"Sure enough!" Seeing this, Xiao Yun was glad.

Then he continued to operate the supernatural powers.

Within the day and the earth, the spirit of the lingering entangled, wrapping those **** stones.

There are a lot of **** stones, big can have a house, and small can be like a table.

But there are ancient patterns on it, exuding the breath of God.

In Xiao Yun's atmosphere of the mixed world, these **** stones gathered together.

They also seem to have spirituality. They actually come together and continue to combine.

Then these **** stones are pieced together with the help of Xiao Yun's supernatural power.

Xiao Yun can clearly see the complete integration of those crushed stones, and a pattern gradually forms on the surface.

"It's done!" Xiao Yun felt a joy when this broken stone condensed and formed.

At this moment in front of his eyes there appeared a stone platform with a surface of thousands of feet wide.

The divine patterns above squirm and exude Shinto power. They are actively absorbing the mixed elemental energy evolved from Xiao Yun's magical world and repairing those cracks.

This repair process is very slow, and it also consumes Xiao Yun's mind.

Because the evolution of supernatural powers in this world, they will still be oppressed by a Shinto force and cannot last.

But after seeing that the cracks in the stone were healing, Xiao Yun was very happy inside.

"My mixed world is stronger than I thought." Xiao Yun knew a little more about the supernatural world he realized.

At the same time, he was also feeling carefully.

"Hunyuan heaven and earth, return to the beginning! Heaven and earth are all-inclusive. Since returning to the beginning, life is the same, time, years, life and death ..."

At this moment, Xiao Yun thought a lot.

The way of heaven and earth is all inclusive.

Including Wandao!

This is the real head of the avenue!

Although Xiao Yun has only just touched the fur of this mixed world.

But he believes that as long as he keeps going, he will come out of a supreme avenue!

Soon, the **** stone was condensed and turned into a broken **** stage.

Although the Shentai is incomplete, it also has the vast power of Shinto to burst out.

At the same time, because of the fusion of Xiao Yun's magical power, there is also a spirit of Xiao Yun's soul in this Shentai.


When Xiao Yun's mind moved, the sacred platform floated towards him.

At this time, the repulsive power on the **** stage was no longer there, and the vast divine power was restrained.

"Here it is!" Xiao Yun moved his hand and dragged the god's platform.

When Xiao Yun dragged Shentai, the space shook.


The space oscillated, exuding the mighty divine power, and seemed to collapse.

Then a divine light rose into the sky, wrapping Xiao Yun and that god's platform.


On the mountain of Shenxu Road, a roar sounded, and only a flash of light within the rotating Shenxu was seen, and suddenly a light of God appeared.

"This is ..." When this magic light flashed out, those on the towers were all shocked.

Then they felt a mighty divine power, a divine power that was different from the world of Shenxu.

"Is this the breath of the fetish?" When he felt the breath, an exclamation sounded.

Then everyone saw a god's light wrapped around a god's platform, and fell towards the top of the tower.


At the top of the platform, a Yuan Ying flickered and fell into the body.

Accompanied by a sacred platform.

"It's Xiao Yun!"

"He's got a fetish!" An uproar immediately sounded.

"Did he really get a fetish?" Yang Lingtian, Jiang Youdao, waited for the genius to stare.

At this time, everyone looked at Xiao Yunshi with complex eyes.

Some envy can be seen in there.

But it's more jealous.

You know, so many people here have been inducted, but no one has gained anything, except for this Xiao Yun.

How can this not make people jealous?

Not to mention that this fetish is related to the opening of the Divine Way.

"Oh, Xiao Yun's son got a fetish!" In this regard, Xiao's children were extremely excited.

"A really inscrutable guy!" Xu Yiwen murmured slightly.

More people are watching.

Such as Zhou Qiwen and others.

"Shentai is in your hands, but I don't know what is the use of this thing?" Xiao Yun's eyes condensed on the Shenxu Road Tower, and he looked at the Shentai in his hand.

At this moment, under the control of his mind, the sacred platform became the size of a slap.

If you look at it, it's like the seal of God.

Apart from a special breath of Shinto, Xiao Yun found nothing unusual.

Therefore, for the reason why the world said that these sacred things are related to the secret of becoming a god, it makes him feel a bit scratchy.

"Anyway, getting this thing is an opportunity. As for what secrets, everything is being said at that time." Xiao Yun drew a palm of his hand, and the light and shadow of this sacred platform fell into the sea of ​​knowledge, and then he passed from the tower Out of the cave market, the eyes were condensed, and between them I saw the eyes that came together.

When Xiao Yun stood up, the tower light pattern flashed and collapsed.

When everyone moved, they were all spread to a wide platform.

"Oh, congratulations!" Xiao Tianye and Xiao Hong immediately approached Xiao Yun to congratulate when the crowd was teleported here.

In addition, Zuo Qing also came forward.

"Hehe." Xiao Yun saluted the crowd in return.

At this time, Jiang Youdao also stepped forward.

"Congratulations to Brother Xiao. Brother Xiao not only won the crown of Shenxu Taotai, but also won the fetish.

Jiang smiled.

"You're welcome." Xiao Yun laughed. "Brother Jiang is very talented. Six reincarnation martial arts souls are the head of magical powers, and they will be honorable in the future."

He really felt deeply about the strength of the six martial spirits.

This is definitely a superpower that can suppress the same generation.

"This fetish is very important. After you leave the Shenxu, everything is careful." Jiang said with a sense of purpose.

"Um." Xiao Yun nodded, and from the eyes of the geniuses of the various ethnic groups next to him, he felt everyone's apprehension of this fetish.

"So, Jiang is gone." Jiang Youdao clenched his fists, then turned.

Under his instructions, everyone in the six reincarnation martial arts veins is the pattern that urges life cards.

Then the light rays of the void flashed, and their bodies disappeared into a rain of light.

Finally, Jiang Youdao dissipated here.

"Let's go too!" People of all races left one after another.

"You are careful!" Xiao Hong said to Xiao Yun. "After going out, immediately go back to Xiao's ancestor with his uncle Mu, mad dragon ancestor."

Because entering the ground is different, even if they leave, they will not be together, so Xiao Hong said.

"I know." Xiao Yun nodded, and he also knew that this thing was important, and it should be attractive.

"Hehe, I look forward to your entering the ancestral land of Xiao Family." Xiao Tianye patted Xiao Yun's shoulder and laughed. "Although my Xiao Family is not as good as the reincarnation of Wuhun Jiang Family, but there is a peerless support in the ancestral land, even the **** Being born can't break the battle, so entering my ancestral land of Xiao's will surely keep you safe. "

After a few greetings, everyone said goodbye.

But Xiao Yun was not in a hurry to leave.

On the opposite side ~ ~ the figure flickered, but Kong Qigongzi and others walked along.

Among them are Dragon Teng, Son of Phoenix, Princess Tianlian.

"I did not expect to see you this time, but you have reached this point!" Princess Tianlian's eyes blinked, and her eyes were full of sighs.

She asked herself how much she had gained.

But compared to this Xiao Yun is much worse.

When meeting the deceased, Xiao Yun did not sigh.

"There is no peak on the road, you and I will work **** our own roads," Xiao Yun said after taking a deep breath.

"Yes, as long as you work hard!" Kong Qigong nodded.

If it is blind comparison, it will only make one's will depressed and fall into magic obstacles.

It is the wise man who insists on his own way and takes his own way.

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