Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1652: Swallowing 1 pulse out ...

In the void, the Xiao clan had strong men to help.

This time the shots were made by two powerful men, both of whom carried the King of Soldiers.

If Xiao Kuanglong is being added, it is three talents.

This battle is not bad.

Of course, Xiao's heritage doesn't stop there.

It's just that the old demigods retreat, not all of them can be shot at once.

Xiao's strong men came to help, and changed the situation. (Pig-pig-island) novel.zud.

Only here they came, and the people of Jiuyang Holy Temple shot.

This change made the monks of all races smell a group of males and females.

Obviously, for the fetish obtained by Xiao Yun, the Jiuyang Holy Palace could not sit still.

"Jiuyang Holy Palace?" When the Jiuyang Divine Seal was suppressed, Xiao Jing and Xiao Huang's eyes were cold.

At this time, the Jiuyang Holy Palace shot, really did not give them Xiao's face!

"This person, let me deal with it!" Xiao Yun glanced at him and said to Xiao Huang and others.

Then he held the Siyuan bow slowly pulled away.

A large amount of Qi of Qiyuan was detached from his body.

Today, he is like a pond, and the source of the source gas dissipates at a rate that is visible to the naked eye.

"This arrow should be able to temporarily resist the nine seals of God!" As the Yuanyuan Arrow opened, Xiao Yun secretly murmured, "Although this arrow cannot shoot this person, it is just right, because of this , You can expose my unsustainable clues, so that other potential people will also shoot. "

This arrow actually led the snake out of the hole.

call out!

The arrow of Siyuan pulled away, and a buzzing sound of the avenue sounded.

When the sound sounded, the demigods in the distance could not help but tighten their nerves.

Especially those who swallowed the soul of Tianwu soul, stared at the battlefield ahead.

"Has he finally urged that ancient bow again?" The demigods looked fiery.

"You can see the truth of this Xiao Yun in this blow." A few Tianjiao, who swallowed the soul of Tian Wu, grinned.

Zhou Lin narrowed her eyes and stared forward, and there was a few colors in her eyes.

call out!

The arrow of Siyuan penetrated the void, and the pattern of Siyuan trembled, engulfing the flames of Jiuyang Divine Seal overthrown.

Then the arrow of Siyuan passed through, piercing the floating Shenyang cave.


I saw that the golden light of the void exploded, and Siyuan Jian directly blasted a round of ups and downs of Jinyang, and then it exploded another nine rounds of Jinyang with the momentum of breaking bamboo. The Jiuyang Shenyin shuddered and could not be suppressed under the circumstances, but it was instantaneous, and Siyuan's arrow was shot on the Shenyin.


The crisp voice sounded, and the Jiuyang God Seal trembled, making a real sound, and then was shot by the Siyuan arrow.

The divine pattern above bloomed, releasing the amazing power of the nine suns to resist this source of origin.

In the dazzling void, we can see that there are nine rounds of Tianyang like a firebird crying.

This fire bird spread its wings and spewed out flames to incinerate the original source of air.

Under the strike of Siyuan Arrow, Jiuyang burst in a row, and his strength had been exhausted. The blooming Siyuan Shenwen trembled and was gradually consumed after entanglement with the fire.

Then Siyuan flickered and fell on Xiao Yun's ancient bow.

In the distance, the **** seal of the void turned and flew, and the Yangxiao of the Jiuyang Holy Palace shook, and was shaken by the vast divine power.


That round of Jiuyang Shenyin flashed, and he was led in front of him.

"There is such a magical power!" His eyes flashed, and Xiao Yun looked surprised when he looked forward.

His Jiuyang God Seal is a genuine God King Seal.

Although it is only a junior **** king soldier, it is also very powerful.

But now he is shocked by a junior's shooting.

"Sure enough, the strength has weakened!" At the moment when Yang Yang's eyes were shocked, a smile was evoked in the corner of the mouth of the person who swallowed the sky.

"I look at his next arrow, there is absolutely no such power!" Someone said.

"If the next arrow doesn't have such power, it's time to shoot." Zhou Lin's eyes lightened and he took a deep breath and said so.

At this moment, he was almost out of breath.

If he didn't take the opportunity, he might have missed the tower.

People of other races are also eager to move.

At this time, Zheng Feiying and others have already fought against Xiao Huang and others.

That Chu flashed his eyes, and immediately after the god's seal of Yangxiao was shaken, he shot strongly.

Reaching this level are all heavenly pride and supernatural power.

But in this case, only the strongest means of agitation can kill the enemy in an instant.

So Chu Shen killed the past by holding the **** Wangbing directly.

He's a **** of halberds.

The magic halberd emptied and cut Xiao Yun forward.

When the halberd was cut, the golden light burst into the sky and the mighty power directly tore up the aftermath of the source of Qi Yuan still shaking around Xiao Yun.


Then the halberd flashed and appeared in front of Xiao Yun.

Siyuan Order!

When Halberd was cut, Xiao Yun immediately urged Siyuan Ling.

God's order flashed, and blasted towards the halberd.

But the origin of the tremor shock, just lift the halberd.

That Chu Shen still stood proud.

Instead, Xiao Yun backed up again and again.

"It seems that Xiao Yun is really out of energy!" Seeing this, the demigods of all ethnic groups moved.

"After all, he just stepped into the demigod. Now that his foundation is unstable, how can he continue to urge the king of soldiers?" Many demigods grinned.

"Almost ready to shoot!" Zhou Lin's eyes flashed.

But he hasn't shot yet and is still waiting.

He wants to determine if Xiao Yun still has a fight.

At this time, the Yangxiao shot.

He had a flash of God's seal and suppressed down towards Xiao Yun.

"Give me!" It was only when he shot that Xiao Huang's eyes were cold and he came with a sledgehammer.

"If relying on that **** tower, Xiao Yun can still stand against a hero, but I have a connection with this **** tower for the soul who swallowed the heavenly soul." In the distance, Zhou Lin stared at the light and then his steps took Said, "Zhou Yun, you have to deal with that Xiao Yun, or prevent others from rushing for me, I will communicate with the **** tower."

"Okay!" Beside Zhou Lin, a middle-aged man stepped forward, and then he sank.

This person also has a king of soldiers.

Then, the light and shadow flashed, and the two flickered out from a soldier who could hide the breath.

The two men stepped forward, exuding powerful momentum.

Cyclones stirred in the void where they passed, like an abyss, as if to swallow the galaxy.

"This is the man who swallowed the soul of the sky. Are they going to shoot?"

When the two men appeared, an exclamation came from afar.

"People who swallowed the soul of the sky?" Xiao Yun's eyes moved, and there was a flicker of coldness.

He swallowed the Tenjin Tower all the time, and did not take the initiative to attack, so on the other side, Xiao Jing and Xiao Linger were dealing with Zheng Feiying and Qin Jing.

Now that the man who swallowed the soul of the sky came here, obviously making him a bit more stressed.

"It seems that those who are indecisive also start to sit still." In the distance, Juehong frowned.

"Xiao Gongzi is pregnant with too many magic soldiers, which will inevitably make people stunned." Youyi demigod also sighed, eyes light deliberately or inadvertently toward the direction.

This is just people who shot, and those who are lurking still don't know how many.

In this situation, Xiao also seemed powerless.

"Do you want to intervene in the vein of swallowing the soul of the martial arts?" Xiao Huang, who was fighting, said coldly, when the two men walked.

"We don't do anything else, just because this **** tower has swallowed up the heavenly soul of my soul, now I just want to recover this tower!" That Zhou Lin walked, his hair flying, his body swallowed by the weather, One can't see his face clearly, but the swarm that he exudes has made the distant practitioners tremble.

Devouring Wuhun ...

This is definitely a big clan.

The heroes of this clan are naturally not comparable to ordinary clan.

Now that they are going to take a shot, how many people can resist?

"If this tower is taken away, I'm afraid Xiao Yun will be in danger!" Many people in the distance murmured.

"Oh, you don't have the qualification to want to win my **** tower!" Xiao Yun's eyes were cold, holding Siyuan's arrow, and he was shooting towards Zhou Lin when he was empty.

call out!

Siyuan's arrow shot away, and there was a mighty shock.

But the power of this arrow has obviously weakened, and the light of that arrow is no longer so bright.

"I saw you as a genius, and I only spoke to you. Now that you do n’t know what to do, don't blame me for it!" Zhou Lin strode forward, a **** tripod floating behind him, appeared on top of his head, and this tripod sent out terror The magical power of that time turned into a cyclone when suspended, but from a distance, this tripod floated, such as being integrated into Zhou Lin's body.

I saw him pulling with both hands, and a mouth of Shen Ding opened, which was to engulf the shot of the source arrow.


Suddenly, the arrow of Siyuan penetrated and swallowed the air pattern, and shot on the wall.

The next moment, a crisp impact sounded, a trembling sound, and sounded in all directions.

But that **** tripod just shuddered slightly, Zhou Lin's body didn't move even, it was to dissolve the power of Siyuan Arrow.

call out!

Xiao Yun frowned, and quickly withdrew Siyuan Arrow.

The arrow of God was withdrawn and the light was dim.

Now Xiao Yun really does not have Qiyuan's qi to urge Qiyuan's bow.

Siyuan Arrow was withdrawn, Zhou Lin smiled lightly, and the corner of his mouth brought back a cold arc.

After this confrontation, he was even more convinced that this Xiao Yun was already powerless.

"Give up the pagoda!" Zhou Lin grinned grinning, "Perhaps, this seat can also deal with these three people for you!"

He smiled slightly, his long hair flying in the swallowing wind, and the voice was filled with a supreme taste.

Look at that, he didn't pay attention to the three groups.

As a matter of fact, as a soul swallowing the soul of the sky ~ ~, the people of the three major protoss really didn't put their eyes on them.

"Hehe, the magic soldiers have spirits, how can you win this tower?" Xiao Yun hummed.

"This is my family's thing. This tower can accept this tower!" Zhou Lin smiled slightly.

He strode forward, and a mighty swarm of thunder swept away.

"Zhou Lin, what do you mean?" It was just that when Zhou Lin stepped forward, the Yang Xiao eyes were cold.

With such an opponent out of thin air, he is naturally a little upset.

"Oh, just for this **** tower, as for the rest, it depends on its ability." Zhou Lin squinted and smiled, he glanced at the Yangxiao lightly.

Yangxiao is very strong, and it is a masterpiece of the Yang family in Jiuyang Holy Palace.

But Zhou Lin is extraordinary. He is the character of the generation of their generation, and he is not afraid of the Yangxiao.

"In a critical moment, ask for a monthly ticket to save your life." Xiao Yun said.

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