Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1662: Succession

The restraint of heaven and earth on the power of Shinto weakened.

In this way, the road to the quasi-god opens, and many demigods are retreating in an attempt to go further.

But when the crowds were closed, some terrible things happened in some forbidden areas of all ethnic groups!

Such as within Xiao's forbidden area.

This is a secret room covered with forbidden lines and paved with spectacles.

Inside this chamber, there are nine grooves in the middle of the chamber, each of which contains a man sealed by ice crystals.

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Divine patterns linger around, obscuring all the breath.

These are Xunyuan ice crystals, rare **** stones between heaven and earth. If you cooperate with Shinto secrets, you can seal people in to mask the heavens!

If you glance away, you can see that nine grooves are arranged in a mysterious position.

The man in this groove is the **** who was frozen by the ice when the sky and earth suddenly changed in the last years!

Count them, they have been frozen for more than ten thousand years!

However, the Xunyuan ice crystal itself is an anti-Sky thing, which can seal people's blood, life wheels, and change their lives against the sky. Even if the seal is tens of thousands of years, even 100,000 years, there will be no change. Yuan mother crystal, that can seal people for millions of years, without being affected by the rules of heaven and earth.

But the mixed mother crystal is extremely rare, even the **** king is hard to find.

So here are all mixed yuan ice crystals.

At this time, the men frozen in these mixed yuan ice crystals began to show a breath of life.

Those godlike patterns, like chains, also began to creep, showing signs of loosening.

This is the loosening of the divine pattern formed by the weakening of the restraint of Shinto power by the power of heaven and earth.

When these divine patterns are loosened, the power of the blood in the frozen Son is gradually recovering.

At this time, waves began to oscillate within this secret room.

This fluctuation caused a light streak to appear on a table in the center of the secret room.

This is the goddess that senses the breath of the secret room.

If the Son of God is born completely, the power of the blood that is released will make the sacred platform activated.

In this way, Xiao people can learn about the birth of these godsons by virtue of the restraint left on their ancestors.

Not only was Xiao's, at this time, such things happened in the secret rooms of the major deities in the sanctuary.

Finally, after ten days, the mixed crystal in a groove in Xiao's dense room cracked.

Inside the frozen man's eyes opened sharply.

"I'm Xiao Qianlong, I'm born!" The man's eyes opened, and there was a fascinating burst of blood, and a vast blood and divine power swept across all directions.

This bloodline power immediately touched the goddess in the secret room.


Shentai light pattern flashed and was completely activated.

And in one of Xiao's pavilions, there is soaring sky!

"This is ..." At the moment, everyone in Xiao was shocked.

"This is my clan!"

"Hurry up and sue the patriarch!" Someone sueed the patriarch immediately.

Hey, hey!

Then there were elders coming.

Silhouettes flickered, and Xiao Zhentian and Xiao Kuanglong also appeared here.

"Patriarch!" The elders bowed down and said hello.

But they looked astonished as they turned towards the attic ahead.

"This is the birth of the **** of my family, which inspired the forbidden pattern!" Xiao Zhentian's eyes lightened and said.

"The Son of God was born?" Wen Yan shook many eyes.

They also know about the Son of God.

But many people do not know the specific details of the birth of the Son of God.

Only a few people know.

"Is the Son of God finally going to be born?" Many elders were expecting, and they set off a rough sea.

They have long known that there is a seal of the Son of God in the clan, waiting to be born.

But so many years have passed, but nothing has happened, and now they finally wait, how can they not be excited!

This is a big time to start!

"Huh!" Xiao Zhentian nodded.

He then entered the loft and took out a key.

"Let's go and meet the Son of God!" Xiao Zhentian's eyes narrowed, glanced at the crowd, and Shen said.

"Yes!" At the moment, Xiao's elders were all echoing.

Then everyone went inside the forbidden area.

It's deep in the mountains.

In front of a cliff, there is a long bridge, across the long bridge, you can see a huge stone wall door.

This is the forbidden land that seals the Son of God.

In the forbidden area, not even the patriarch of the Xiao family could easily enter.

Because it has something to do with Xiao's future.

Only enter with the elders unanimously.

Now Xiao Zhentian, holding the ancient key, opened the stone gate ahead.


The stone gate opened, and immediately there was an immense and powerful majestic shock, and a huge temple appeared in the sight of everyone.

This temple is mysteriously arranged, with nine columns connected, emitting a hazy light pattern.

These light streaks contain the flavor of the avenue and can blind the sky.

After entering it, Xiao's people were in full respect.

They know that this is a large array of the ancient King Gai Dai together!

In order to protect the sealed gods!

At the center of the large array, there is an array.

At this point, Xiao Zhentian stepped forward and came to the battlefield.

There is a keyhole in the array that emits light patterns of mixed elements.

"This array of seals is boundless, and I don't want to be opened in my hands!" Looking at this array, Xiao Zhentian didn't hesitate, then he took out the key and embedded it.

The table buzzed when the key was placed inside.

Then the earth was shaking.

Finally, in front of the platform, the floor was opened and a wide passage appeared.

This is the way to the secret room below.

"Are you here?" And in the back room, Xiao Qianlong frowned, finally evoking a slight arc.

At this moment he was like a king, standing in the back room, waiting for everyone to worship.

At this time, the sealed gods in the grooves around him also recovered one by one.

Everyone stood behind Xiao Qianlong.

On the steps of the front passage, Xiao Zhentian stepped down with the elders.

As soon as everyone's eyes moved, they saw these gods standing in the back room.

At the same time, the power of an immense bloodline swept away, and the elder's brow frowned slightly.

"What a powerful bloodline!"

"It is worthy of being the Son of God!"

At the same time, they adored the gods when they looked at them.

These are the pride of heaven in the last years of ancient times, and the sons of God.

Those who can be sealed by the **** king with mixed Yuan ice crystals are the heroes of that era.

In that era, Tianjiao gathered, and the gods were all over, but the Xunyuan ice crystal was extremely rare.

It can be said that it is too difficult to be sealed.

For these nine places, I do not know how many people broke their heads in that era.

But there are countless geniuses who sigh with regret!

Xiao Zhentian came to ~ ~ In the face of these gods, his bloodline was also a little throbbing.

The soul was also shivering.

This is the oppression from the blood!

Even though he also has the blood of the **** king, it is far worse than the blood of these gods.

"Xiao, the patriarch of the 786th generation, Xiao Zhentian greets the birth of the gods!" Xiao Zhentian bowed to the gods.

He is the patriarch of Xiao 786.

"Xiao's 1878th generation grandson, Xiao Mu, welcomes the birth of the gods!"

"Xiao's 1878th generation ..."

Those elders bowed down.

"The birth of the Son of God, the big age begins, ask for a monthly pass!"

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