Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1665: Shinko arrogant?

Xiao Yun and others landed on the suspended platform. ● ◆

In front of them, there is a wide platform.

Behind is a martial arts inspection platform.

At this moment they were stepping up the steps.

This is the face for the Son of God, so everyone here will walk on foot.

In this regard, Xiao Yun and others are indifferent.

He didn't care about the name.

This time I am here to see the grace of the Son of God, to see if I have the opportunity to meet them.

For a genius, there is no opponent.

After defeating Jiang Youdao, Xiao Yun was obviously close to the heights.

So for these born godsons, he is full of expectations.

When Xiao Yun and others stepped forward, the eyes of the nine gods moved and looked down.

"Is this a few contemporary talents?" Xiao Qianlong's eyes narrowed, his gaze swept across Xiao Yun and Xiao Tianye, and said lightly.

"Oh, that's Xiao Yun!" Xiao Zhen laughed, "The other is Xiao Tianye, his talent is also very strong, and Xiao Hong ..."

He introduced these descendants to the nine godsons.

"That's Xiao Yun?" Wen Yan said, as the godhead on the high stage condensed, his eyes fell on Xiao Yun.

"The two women?" However, when someone turned his eyes, his eyes fell on the two women accompanying Xiao Yun.

"That woman, she has an extraordinary temperament!" One of the godsons smirked a smile, and his eyes fell on Ren Kexin.

Today Ren Kexin has also stepped into the demigod realm. ▼▼ ◆ .ww. ●

Her blue long dangling, flowing like a fairy, with a bit of indifference in the eyes like gems, seems to reject people thousands of miles away, but it has a little more noble temperament, her eyebrow Melancholy, people can't help but want to explore the secrets in her heart, so proud that even the Son of God can't help but look at it.

It was just that Ren Kexin didn't care about the eyes of these gods, she just sensed the breath of these gods, and wanted to see how extraordinary they were.

Xiao Yun took a step and walked to the wide platform before the steps.

On his left and right are the elders of the Xiao family sitting on the side.

There are still empty seats next to the elders' seats.

"Xiao's 1888th generation grandson, Xiao Hong has seen the gods!" After coming to the high stage, Xiao Hong bowed and saluted the gods.

"Xiao's 1888th generation grandson, Xiao Tianxiang has seen the gods!"

Subsequently, Xiao Tianye and others also bowed down.

Although Xiao Tianye is a modern man, these gods are indeed the ancestors of Xiao.

Son of God ...

They were born in the last years of ancient times, and can be said to be the ancestors of Xiao!

Also encountered an era of oracles, or they could all become gods!

"Xiao Yun, I've seen the gods!" Xiao Yun also saluted the gods slightly.

But he didn't know he was a child of Xiao's generations, so he didn't say much.

Sister Ren's next to him was only slightly embarrassed.

"You are all the backbone of my Xiao's future, no need to be polite, sit!" Xiao Qianlong's eyes were bright, and his big hand stretched out to Xiao Yun and others. ■

Although the person was very polite, the pride of the eyebrows was self-evident.

For the following people, the nine gods just glanced at Xiao Yun just a little.

As for Xiao Tianye and Xiao Hong, they just passed by.

Looking at this, it seems that these people are not taken into account by them.

The longest stay of the nine gods is the sister Ren Kexin.

Such a scene made Xiao Tianye and others frown slightly.

In Xiao's contemporary era, they are outstanding and outstanding.

But at this time they were dismissed.

This gap makes them feel inexplicably depressed.

Of course, because the other party is a **** son in the last days of ancient times, they have to endure this breath.

Then everyone bowed slightly, taking their seats towards those seats.

Xiao Yun also sat on one side.

Sister Ren's stood beside him.

When Xiao Yun and others took their seats, Xiao children continued to visit these nine gods.

For these younger children, although the nine gods are kind and polite, the loss of the eyebrows is self-evident.

"These people are too many people compared to those of our time!" One of the gods frowned, his face disdain, "In our time, a few people are better than them!" Although he didn't speak, his heart was Full of disdain, these people, if placed in ancient times, would not even be qualified to see them.

But at this time I was able to sit and tremble with them.

For these lofty goddesses, it is simply a humiliation. ■

Just because the road of God is about to open now, when it comes to employing people, they have to smile and say nothing, and don't make too disgusting actions.

But in their tone, the light of the eyes had revealed everything.

"These people are very proud!" This made Xiao Yun frown slightly.

But soon he was not relieved.

The other party is a son of God, it is normal to be proud.

after all……

This is the son of the Spirit of God!

Their father is a god, either the son of the **** of heaven or the son of the king of gods.

They must have seen countless arrogant people in that era, and they would look down on people in this era.

But Xiao Yun did not inferiority.

He believes that as long as he works hard, he will eventually set foot on the peak of Shinto.

God ...

Did n’t you practice step by step?

Soon, Xiao's geniuses were gathered on this high platform, and there were 789 people under the count.

These are all geniuses!

Both reached the demigod state, and only a few did not reach it.

On the high platform, Xiao Qianlong and other nine gods looked down at these people!

"Is this all the arrogance of my clan?" Xiao Qianlong's eyes were blank, his voice empty, and people could not hear his emotions.

But the arrogance in it was undoubted.

"Exactly!" Xiao Zhentian got up and immediately returned. ⊥Net,

"Huh!" Xiao Qianlong slightly moved his hands, motioning Xiao Zhentian to sit down.

Xiao Zhentian slumped and immediately took his seat.

On the high platform, Xiao Qianlong stood up arrogantly, and the other eight bodies beside him also followed.

"Very good, Xiao Xiaotianjiao is all together now. It is a rare day. I believe you all know who I am!" Xiao Qianlong stood up and looked around.

In the distance, there are many Xiao children.

They just watched from a distance and didn't come here to sit.

Among them are children and old people who want to see the Son of God.

When Xiao Qianlong opened his mouth, many people raised their ears and listened to the voice of the Son of God.

Xiao Yun and others did the same.

"My name is Qian Qianlong. It is the last year of ancient times, the King of Battles, the son of Xiao Huaishan!" Xiao Qianlong began to introduce his identity to the clan people. "This is the King of Fury, the son of Xiao Nu, Xiao Zhan ..." He began to introduce the **** son around him, when The voice fell, and the children of Xiao Xiao immediately shocked inside.

"Are all the sons of the King of God?" Xiao Tianxiang's eyes narrowed, his heart inexplicably excited.

"No wonder they are so proud!" Xiao Hong muttered.

Only then did they understand why these people had this attitude.

Is the Son of the King of God a leisurely generation?

Of the nine, three were the sons of the King of God.

Most of the others were the sons of the half-step **** king.

Only two people are unprinces.

But they can come to this step, it is enough to show that the talent is strong.

"Dare to ask the Qianlong son, how many **** kings in our tribe have concealed themselves?" Xiao Tianxiang asked fiercely after Xiao Qianlong introduced the **** sons.

When the words came out, Xiao's people stared at the high platform in front of their faces.

The whole hall was silent, and some were just the eyes that were expected.

"My father is still alive, claiming himself in the land of the burial gods!" Xiao Qianlong raised his eyebrows lightly, showing his arrogance. "Other **** kings are still alive. Not only that, but there are many half-step **** kings who conceal themselves in the world and wait for God's way. When they open, they will all be born, and then they will lead me to glory! "

"Are there any **** kings in the world?" Wen Yan said that Xiao's children were all looking forward.

God King ...

This is the king of gods, all are supernatural and worldly generations, raising their hands and throwing their feet can make Xinghe tremble.

Each of these characters should not be underestimated.

If Xiao had several **** kings sitting, what glory should it be?

Seeing Xiao people like this, Xiao Qianlong's mouth evoked a faint smile.

How brilliant was Xiao in his day?

Not only does the king live, but there is also a god.

"I don't know how many people in my Xiao family have claimed themselves?" Xiao Qianlong said secretly.

They pretended to be older than those gods, and were not very clear about some things in the last years.

"This is a big age, the road of God will open, and I will set foot in the realm of God to preach eternal life. You must seize this opportunity." Xiao Qianlong said to the crowd.

"Sure, I will not miss such an opportunity!" Xiao's children are all excited.

In the past, some elders often said that the road of God would open, which made people full of expectations.

Now the gods of ancient times have spoken like this, making them feel bloody, it seems that the divine path is really about to appear.

Seeing the tribe's appearance, Xiao Qianlong smiled slightly and did not have much expression.

It seems to him that even if these people become gods, they are merely a foil.

Only heavenly pride like him can dominate the Shinto.

Even if the big age is to come, it belongs to him.

"Are you Xiao Yun?" After a few words of greeting with the clan, Xiao Qianlong turned his eyes to Xiao Yun.

The gods next to him stared at Xiao Yun with interest.

"Exactly!" Xiao Yun's eyes rose, his gaze greeted Xiao Qianlong, and he answered lightly.

"That's right, the temperament is worthy of my Xiaoshi's contemporary arrogance!" Xiao Qianlong nodded slightly, and then said, "You are in the Shenxu Daoshan, and you are pushing the contemporaries of the Sanctuary to fight for me. After the road of God opens, the gods are born, and you will remember your work, and you will get the guidance and cultivation of the gods. "

"Can you get the guidance of the gods?"

"The son of Xiao Yun is the pride of the sky ~ ~ If you get the guidance of the gods, you will become a character in the future!"

Xiao's children are envious.

It just sounded to Xiao Yun's mouth, but not very excited.

Xiao Qianlong's tone was obviously a bit of charity.

That look, like the guidance of the gods, was his blessing.

That arrogance made Xiao Yun unhappy.

"Hehe, as a practitioner, you should try your best to fight with Tianjiao of the same generation. As for winning or losing, it's just a momentary fame." Xiao Yun's eyes lighted up and laughed. "As for the guidance of the gods, it would be good if there is nature, but Our monks want to go out of their own way, but they ca n’t rely on others. Even the experience of the gods can only be used as a reference. Everything has to be learned by themselves. They can only adhere to their own way and take their own way. To reach the top. "


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