Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1667: Yiyi God of War

Shaw. ◆ ▼

On the suspended platform, God's son Xiao Bo and Yi Yi face each other.

It seemed funny that this man and a beast stood on the stage.

But Yi Yi took Xiao Bo very seriously.

In response to this, Xiao Yunsheng immediately urged his own bloodline power.

The monstrous warfare swept through and shrouded in all directions, and even Xiao Zhentian, who was sitting there, deeply felt the power of the Son of God.

"The Son of God has the blood of the gods, and the power of that blood has inherited some of the rules of the gods, so the blood of the blood is released. If the power of the shock is shaking, they are inherently stronger than ordinary people and have a unique advantage." Xiao Kuang As soon as the dragon's eyes condensed, Rao was arrogant like him, and at this time he was also so desolate.

"I hope Yi Yi can cope with this god." Xiao Yun also paid attention to the battle platform ahead.

At this point, the positions of the crowd moved, all facing the front of the battle platform.

"Can this little beast fight the Son of God?"

"This Xiao Yun really has no one in his eyes. He is so insulting to our god!"

Of course, many people are unhappy about this.

In their eyes, the Son of God is high above, and cannot be profaned.

Xiao Yun's move is undoubtedly a challenge to the Son of God.

On the battlefield, Yi Yi's thick smile gradually became restrained, and the little boy's face was sober, his body was full of colorful light, and there were multicolored divine patterns beginning to condense.

The divine pattern was like a cloud and mist, lingering around it.

The immense warfare in front swept away and drowned Yi Yi.

But before the war was overthrown, Yi Yi's color light shocked and turned into a ripple light curtain, which immediately shocked the vast war. ▼


In this way, the void shuddered, and ripples appeared.

"Can I resist the oppression of my momentum?" Seeing this, Xiao Bo's eyes were surprised.

Although he did not take a direct shot just now, he spurred the bloodline divine power. The shock of that divine power brought enough pressure to crush ordinary quasi-gods.

But the little beast was safe and sound, and his momentum was shattered.

It can be seen that this little beast is not a leisurely generation.

"This little beast is extraordinary!" Xiao Zhentian's eyes narrowed, revealing the desired color.

People like Xiao Kuanglong and Xiao Mu are also looking forward.

"Then let you see my combat power!" Xiao Bo stared at the stage, and then he moved his hand.


As soon as this big hand moved, there was a ripple in the void, and immediately the battle platform was discolored and shrouded by a huge palm.

Within this palm there was a war-fighting ocean rolling, and if it contained a heaven and earth, the power of a field would fall down towards Yi Yi below.

If you look at it from a distance, you can see that there is a divine pattern on the big hand, and a pure Shinto breath permeates.

"There is a hint of Shinto in this power?" The kind of Shinto breath made the eyes of elders such as Xiao Huang suddenly shrink.

This kind of power is not controlled by ordinary people, only the Son of God has it.

"Now approaching Shinto mystery?" Xiao Yun felt away carefully, also showing the strangeness of this power.

This is a power to approach the mystery of Shinto. ▲ .ww. ▼

It was the same finger that he realized when he was at Wuya.

There is the imprint of Shinto in mere momentum.

The momentum released by Xiao Bo is also approaching this step.

It's all because they have the pure blood of the gods.

Big hands fall, like the sky falling down.


When he fell, the emptiness of the battlefield was rumbled, and it was about to collapse.

That power is too powerful. It is the divine power that is suppressing it.


Yi Yi's eyes were frozen, and the little boy swept up with a hot face.

Yi Yi had only a demigod state at this time, but he was eager to fight a war, and eager to stimulate his potential, because he felt that he had encountered a bottleneck, and he sent his opponent down.

The same is true, it will have to fight this Xiao Bo, it is not intentional provocation.

The little guy swept into the void of the battle platform. His body was small, but his body was covered with multicolored light patterns, which covered the light patterns and evolved into a sea of ​​clouds.

There was a rune shock in the sea of ​​clouds that shattered the mighty divine power from that big hand to protect Yi Yizun.

In addition, Yi Yi shot.


I saw the furry claws of the little guy stick out, and when the air was torn away towards the big hand that fell down like the sky.

It was an extremely simple blow.

The claw's small, like the stars of the sky, looks so small under this big hand. ◆◆ ●

It's hard to imagine that this little guy can fight Xiao's **** son?

Xiao's children held their breath at this time, and it was impossible in their hearts.

But they were looking forward, all staring closely.

I can only see the battlefield in front of the void, Yi Yi's claws passed, with a colorful light burst out.

This light was transformed by the claws and burst forth, tearing the void in front.

Soon, the distant practitioner saw the claw tearing the **** pattern released by the big hand.

The magical power released by such a powerful blow from Xiao Bo could not resist the claw of the beast.

This makes Xiao's children inexplicable.

"This little beast is so strong?" Everyone felt a little incredible.

In their opinion, this little beast should be directly suppressed by that Xiao Bo!

Under the eyes of everyone's eyes, Yi Yi's little claws tore the towering warfare, its body also swept into the void, to touch the big hand like the sky, and soon, the claws flickered, already touching When I got to that big hand, it was just at this moment that the big hand had a light pattern flickering and a divine pattern.

This is the divine pattern of blood veins.

The divine pattern is like a net, and it capsizes towards Yi and binds it.

At the same time, accompanied by vast warfare, such as the sky.

In this way, Yi Yi is tantamount to facing heavy attacks.

As long as a heavy attack is not resisted, the subsequent attacks can be severely damaged, making it completely defeated and no chance of turning over.


Yi Yi whispered lightly, the light pattern on the little man's paw flickered, and there was a mysterious wave shaking, the claws passed by, and the front of war was resolved. ●

If you look closely, you can see that this claw has a strange power, breaking down the shinto lines that the big hand capsizes, and tearing it.

The Shinto lines were torn, Yi Yi's claws were almost unstoppable and the big hand went head-to-head.


The small claw tears over the big hand, and that claw will tear that god.

Both carried a violent shock.

The void was blooming with light patterns, exuding bright glow.

Xiao Bo's big hand trembled, and the veins of blood power released by him collapsed, and his palm was torn by a claw.

The claw contained a mighty power to tear the void, and he felt his palm was torn, and the heaven and earth in that palm were beginning to collapse and couldn't support it.

"Why is this little beast so powerful?" Xiao Bo looked surprised, "The claws also seem to contain the power of Shinto rules!"

He sensed carefully, showing the extraordinaryness of Yi Yi's claw.

The two confronted, and he could clearly sense the mystery of the power of the other.

Now Yi Yi's claws are torn apart, blooming with divine patterns, which contains a kind of Shinto power to resolve other people's attacks.

Under this kind of Shinto power, even if he is so zealous, it will be cut like a stream of water, but he cannot hurt the little beast.

This is tantamount to being powerful and unable to perform.

This shocked Xiao Bo.

"This mystery is extremely mysterious, and even the gods are not in control!" Xiao Bo's brows frowned tightly.

He was born in antiquity, has seen many gods, and has some understanding of Shinto power.


Just when his eyes were astonished, the **** pattern on his palm was torn, Yi Yi's claw flickered, tore away, and it had penetrated the heaven and earth in that palm.


Under this kind of power, the world in Xiao Palm's palm collapsed.


He trembled his hands and quickly retracted.

When he was able to retract, his palms were red with a claw mark.

"It almost hurt me!" Xiao Bo frowned, looking at his palm.

He is the Son of God. His body is extremely powerful. He has been tempered by the true divine fluid. The ordinary sword cannot hurt him at all, and only the soldiers can.

But at this time his palm had traces of his hand shot, almost torn.

How could this not shock him.

"The blow from the Son of God was defeated?" Xiao Bo's eyes were shocked, but there was a loud noise near the suspended platform.

"This beast is so powerful?" Even Xiao Huang and others widened their eyes.

This is the Son of God, who just shot it and stimulated the bloodline power. The supernatural power has produced many contemporary talents.

Such attacks were difficult to resolve even by himself.

But at this time the little beast resolved the divine power and defeated the palm.

How amazing is this?

"What's the origin of this little beast?" Suddenly, Xiao's elders were staring at the little beast with strange faces.

At the same time, everyone also turned to Xiao Yun.

Perhaps only this young man knows what the little beast is about.


But when everyone was surprised, Yi Yi shot again.

After smashing the celestial giant hand, its body swept away, and it swept directly towards Xiao Bo ahead.

At the same time, its little claws came out in the air.

Yi Yi's claws protruded and flickered with multicolored light patterns immediately.

This light pattern is constantly enlarged, and it turns into a huge claw to cover the battle platform.

From a distance, the battle platform is covered with colorful light patterns.

Obviously, Yi Yi's blow was similar to that of Xiao Bo just now.

"Did this little beast also make a strong shot?" Seeing Yi Yi's strong shot, everyone looked weird.

This little beast is too small.

But at this time its claws stretched out ~ ~, but it covered the sky and the sky, and the power of the peak was shaking.

Such a scene makes people feel an inexplicable shock after seeing it.

Even Xiao Qianlong and other godsons on the stage are watching this battle.

"This beast is extraordinary!" Xiao Zhan's eyes narrowed and whispered.

From Yi's paw, he felt the breath of Shinto.

"Is this little beast from ancient times?" A **** son whispered, feeling that Yi Yi's breath should not be what contemporary people have.

Even if it is a deity, it should not have this kind of Shinto breath.

Only the Son of God!

Today, they are no longer Xiaoyi Yi.


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