Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1669: Lost Son

Yi Yi opened his mouth, and a ripple appeared in front of him, his mouth turned into a dragon's mouth, and he wanted to swallow the world.

With this kind of power, Xiao Bo couldn't get rid of it.

"I have to try my best!" Xiao Bo frowned, and the power of the blood in his body rushed, fully excited.

The vast divine power shook all directions.

"Slaying the sky!" Finally, Xiao Bo pulled with both hands and evolved a kind of ancient Tiangong.

All he saw was that his hands were moving, it was just a starting gesture, but it contained the mighty power of the sky, and that big hand was moving like killing the sky.

This is Xiao's ancient merit, and based on this they once had a great influence.


Xiao Bo's shot, with the rainbow burst, brought a glow, breaking the traction of the front.

This type of shot, the sky shakes, like a **** shot.

Yi Yi's mouth power was broken.

A big hand is like a blade, cut out in the air, straight to Yi Yi.

This is Xiao Bo's strongest killing trick, and now he is trying his best to fight. Under the gods, few people can resist.

"The killing style ... Although it is not perfect, it also contains the charm and can sweep the enemies." Xiao Qianlong's eyes flashed on the platform.

He couldn't understand this killing move anymore.

At this time, only a few people of Xiao Tian's Gu Tiangong could cultivate.

"Is this the killing style?" Xiao Tianxiang's eyes were envious.

"This Xiaobo God Son has pure power in his body, and this style is better than countless people." Xiao Zhentian murmured.

He also practiced this ancient Tiangong, but he could only exert a little strength.

There is not enough blood to understand this Xiao Shi Gu Tiangong at all.


Shenmang swept through the void in front of him and carried a light rain, Yi Yi said lightly, the little man's claws came out in the air, and he was going to confront this powerful Tiangong.


All he saw was his little paw sticking out.

However, when the claw was extended, it immediately turned into a giant claw, with the scales on it, the claws were sharp, and there were some old avenue lines.

The claws passed, the void was torn, and the multicolored light pattern bloomed, dissolving all the divine power.


In the end the claw hit Xiao Bo's big hand.

The void shattered, the sound of rumbling, and the battle platform trembled.

The light rain at the confrontation seemed to be flying like time fragments, dazzling.

After the loud noise, the light and shadow flickered, the mansions collapsed, and a body was shaken.

It was Xiao Bo who retreated, and there was blood in his mouth.

"I can totally shake the magic soldier with this blow, but he can't shake his claw. Is it really so strong?" Xiao Bo's eyes rose, showing a bit of bitterness.

Although his slaughtering style is not complete, it is enough to sweep many peers.

But at this time he couldn't shake the little beast, how could he not be depressed.


Yi Yi swooped in, and there was still a huge ghost above his head.

Its claws pulled, and the imaginary light flickered, carrying a colorful cloud toward Xiao Bo.

With this flash of light, Yi Yi's blood-gathering French phase was to step down and take Xiao Bo from below.

The giant palm fell, and the momentum was shocking!

The colorful light blooms, dissolving all forces, and has an unbeatable potential.


Xiao Bo hauled his hands to open the sky.

But the huge palm fell, and his broken hands were broken in the sky.

Subsequently, he was stepped under the palm of his hand.


With a loud noise, Xiao Bo was stepped on the platform.


The sound of a broken bone came out.

"Ah!" Xiao Bo's voice came out.

The sound was loud, but I couldn't hear whether it was screaming or angry.

But the people in the field were completely stunned.

This is a son of God, but at this time was stepped on by a little beast.

If you say it, who will believe it?

Who dares to imagine?

"This ..." On the high platform, the eyes of the eight gods bounced.

The scene in front of them made them feel hot.

They are the Son of God. They have existed high above the earth since ancient times.

Born at this time, since he was the hegemon.

But at the moment one of them was suppressed by a small beast.

This is simply a shame!

Xiao's son opened his mouth wide, his face shocked, and everyone wanted to exclaim, but he swallowed the words.

Because this is the Son of God.

If you exclaim at this time, you are undoubtedly blaspheming the Son of God.

"It's ... so sturdy!" Xiao Yun was shocked too. He couldn't calm down, and finally had to mumble like this.

Yi Yi's strength is beyond his imagination.

"This little beast just ignites the blood, otherwise the strength will be stronger." Swallowing the Supreme said faintly.

"Mixed Yuan animal, so powerful?" Xiao Yun's eyes lightened.

"That's natural." Supreme Supreme said, "However, I think its breath should not be the original mixed elemental beast, otherwise it will not be this momentum."

"If it's a real mixed beast, then Xiao Bo's best shot can't break his magical power!"

But Xiao Bo shot just now, but it was the magical power that torn Yi Yi.

"I don't know what is Yiyi's origin?" Xiao Yun froze, and wondered in his heart how this little beast would fall into the dust, and whether it was the existence of ancient times.


On the high platform, Yi Yi said a little lightly, the blood in his body was restrained, and the evolved beast turned into a light pattern, and fell into its body.

In front, only Xiao Bo who spit blood was left.

At this moment, Xiao Bo looked embarrassed, and there was blood on the corner of his mouth.

His blood was dazzling with light lines, which contained the avenue lines.

This is the blood of the gods, shining, and has exceeded the blood of ordinary people.

"This little beast is so powerful!" Xiao Bo struggled, his wolf howled, his body's blood flowed and he began to repair the injury.

After getting up, his eyes flashed and stared at Yi Yi.

Even as a child of God, Xiao Bo was shocked.

He was also a hero in the last days of ancient times.

How strong was Xiao's back then?

At that time there were many gods living, and countless gods were fighting.

But many people had to fall under the calamity of heaven and earth.

Many had to die old, unable to qualify for the seal.

The fact that he can get this place is enough to show his strength.

But he was defeated by a beast.

"Where are you from?" Xiao Bo stared, and couldn't help but ask Yi Yi.

"Yeah!" Being stared at this Xiao Bo so, Yi Yi said lightly, the jewel-like eyes narrowed, showing a thick smile, and stared at Xiao Bo.

"Can't speak?" Xiao Bo frowned when he heard it.

"Oh!" Yi Yi said again, his little paw gestured, as if to say, I don't know where I came from.

However, it quickly became a claw-hugging chest, revealing a proud look.

Seeing what that looks like is saying, although I don't know what my origin is, people are definitely not simple beasts.

Seeing Yi Yi's hind legs standing up, her proud paw clasping her chest, Xiao Bo couldn't help rolling her eyes.

"This little beast can still play cool?" The people in the audience even rolled their eyes.

"This little beast is too cute." A few Xiao women were so anxious that they couldn't wait to step forward and hold the little beast in their arms.

Suddenly, countless fiery eyes gathered on Yi Yi.

It suddenly became the focus of the audience.


It seemed to feel the eyes of everyone, Yi Yi's cheeks were red, and she quickly covered her chest-clawed claws, a shy look.

This little guy looks so cute.

"Huh." But Xiao Bo was silent for a while. He snorted coldly, and just walked away.

He then landed on the high platform.

"Why are you so hurt?" On the high stage, the other godson frowned after sensing Xiao Bo's breath.

"This little beast is very strong, and its magical powers are superb ... beyond ordinary people." Xiao Bo said.

Thinking of this little beast that can resolve all the gods and the magical powers that can restrain heaven and earth, he is full of dignity.

The coexistence of these two is enough to be proud of the heroes.

"Is there a magical power of imprisonment in the void?" After hearing the words, the eyes of several gods were surprised.

"Yes!" Xiao Bo said, and immediately healed.

"Let me go and see it for a while!" One of the gods' eyes glazed and sank.

"No!" Xiao Qianlong's eyes narrowed, "I'll go!"

"You?" After hearing the words, several **** sons were stunned.

It's just dealing with a beast, why is it so?

"This little beast is very strong. If you are losing, how can I wait for the face of the Son of God?" Xiao Qianlong said.

This is related to the prestige of their Son of God.

If this is defeated, how can we stand in Xiao's way?

Who will obey their orders?

"Okay." Everyone nodded when they heard it.

"Oh, this little beast is really powerful. It is a rare species in ancient times. It is rare to see it in the world. It is a pleasure to see it this time, but this boy wants to have a meeting."

Xiao Qianlong laughed loudly.

Afterwards, he strode forward and went straight away.

"Qianlong's son wants to take a shot?" When Xiao Qianlong strolled away, Xiao Zhentian and others all showed their innocence.

At the same time, they are full of expectations.

"This Xiao Qianlong is the Gai Daijie of my Xiao family at the end of ancient times. He shot, I don't know how strong it is?" Xiao Mu groaned, his eyes fixed on the front.

The nine gods have unlimited potential.

At least there is a chance to achieve the **** of heaven.

Even most people are thought by ancient gods that they can touch the kingdom of God.

It can be said that these are real talents.

Especially this Qian Qianlong, who is the head of the nine gods, naturally has the power to overpower his contemporaries.

"This Xiao Qianlong also shot!" Xiao Yun frowned, a little worried.

"Qianlong son!" Xiao Yun got up, trying to get Yi Yi down.

"Oh, just learning, you don't need to worry. I have such a presence in Xiao's family and will never exclude each other." Xiao Zhan laughed loudly on the platform.

Seeing that Xiao Zhan spoke so, Xiao Yun had to accept his words.

"I hope Yiyi can have a battle," Xiao Yun muttered.

"What are you anxious ~ ~ Tiantian Supreme even rolls his eyes," said, "How can the little beast excite its potential without the sharpening of the strong? "

"This is also it." After hearing the words, Xiao Yun nodded secretly.

Like him, it would not have reached the level it is now if there had not been a strong one to discuss.

In addition, Yiyi also has a strong heritage, and Xiao Qianlong has not killed him directly.

In this way, Xiao Yun put his mind on the front stage.


By this time, Xiao Qianlong had fallen on the stage.

"You are very good, a rare sacred beast." Xiao Qianlong landed, his eyes narrowed, and he looked at the little beast in front of him, saying, "Today, you and I have some discussion, and just happen to be active." He hasn't shot in a long time, and now having this opportunity, it is also rare for Xiao Qianlong.

After all, after reaching his level, few people are worth his shot.

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