Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1698: The beast is angry, ...

Yi Yi landed on the battle platform, and its lovely appearance aroused people of all ethnic groups.

Not only the goddess, the goddess of heaven.

Even some godsons like this little animal very much.

"Will you let Yi Yi fight?" At this moment, Ling Xi's eyes were worried, and those long eyelashes blinked, whispering to Xiao Yun.

Even though she is cold by nature, she still likes this little guy tightly.

In particular, Yi Yi was so angry at this time that she couldn't help but really hold her in her arms. * Pig * pig * island * small * say ww.huzu

"Don't worry, this little guy is not that simple!" Xiao Yun smiled slightly.

He already knew about Yi Yi's strength.

"Oh?" Ling Xi's eyes were curious, and she couldn't help staring at the front of the battle platform tightly at that moment.

"It's been a long time now, and its blood power must have been used more tightly and proficiently?" After speaking with Ling Xi, Xiao Yun's eyes narrowed and he stared at the front of the stage. He is full of expectations of the guy's combat power. Today, he must not be an ordinary **** son, right?

"I don't know if this little beast has become stronger?"

However, most people still feel that Yi should not play.

This is a pet, how can it compete with the Son of God?

Even Lin Chen was contemptuous.


On the stage, Yi Yi frowned and looked very angry.

Its claws kept gesticulating, babbling in his mouth.

Look at that, it seems to be saying, it's strong.

Even the little guy fisted and made a move to make Lin Chen fly.

After making this move, the little boy squinted his eyes, revealing a look of confidence.

What that means is telling Lin Chen that it can blow it up with one punch.

"What is this little animal talking about? Does it mean that it is strong?"

"I see it is full of confidence!" This surprised the eyes of gods of various races.

"Is it really a battle?" The goddesses were also surprised.

But in this surprise, they had a little more expectations.

Because it's hard to imagine what a cute little beast would be like when fighting with the Son of God?

This filled them with expectations.

"You ...? One punch blows to me?" At this moment, Lin Chen frowned, staring at Xiaoxiao with a smile.

If someone said to him like this, he must have been furious and had already shot.

But the little creature in front of him said so much, but it made him feel funny.

"Yeah!" Yi Yi nodded seriously.

"Oh, you punched me with a punch?" Lin Chen laughed, "I'm afraid that since ancient times, I heard this funny joke."

The same is true of other gods.

"This beast is so arrogant! Hey, but I like it!" But those goddesses more and more like Yi Yi.

This little beast is so cute.

However, Yi Yi was really upset at this time.

The little guy is angry.


Yi Yi was angry and stared at Lin Chen.

This guy made fun of this little beast?

Especially Lin Chen is still smiling.

This made Yi Yi angry, and the fluff exploded.

"Look, this little beast is angry!" Someone exclaimed.

"What about being angry?" The Jiuqing Holy Palace smiled slightly.

No one looks at Yi Yi.

Just a little beast.



On the stage, Yi Yi's eyes stood up, and the little guy was angry.

It frowned, and the jewel-like eyes flickered fiercely, staring at Lin Chen fiercely, revealing a baby's angry look with serious consequences!


Then, under guard, the Yi people's standing feet slammed to the ground.

call out!

With a buzz, its body swept away toward Lin Chen ahead like a shell.

At the same time, everyone can see that there are colorful light lines on its fluff.

When this multicolored light pattern dangled, its fluff was restrained, and the light pattern wriggled, and turned into colorful scales covering it.

At the same time, a mighty blood burst out from it.

When this kind of blood power came out, it was like the galaxy storm was sweeping in. The amazing power accompanied the terror and coercion in all directions, making the world change color.

Suddenly, in this meeting, politeness seemed to solidify.

The sons of the gods felt that there was a general overturn on their heads.

A kind of mighty divine power from the ancient times and from the ancient times went straight into the mind.

This divine power makes the soul tremble.

Even the Son of the King of God felt great oppression.

This oppression made them a little bit confused.

Like that Ling Feng!

At this moment he felt great oppression.

But how honorable is he?

He is the son of the King of God!

His grandfather is the king of a half step god!

How noble is his blood, how many people are comparable in the world?

Who can make his veins feel oppressive?

But at this moment he felt blood pressure.

Not only Ling Feng, Shangguan Tianyuan, Yang Hao, Jiang Wentian ...

Wait, the ancient heroes were discolored at this time.

"The momentum of this little beast is strong again."

"This oppression ..." everyone stared forward with a look of astonishment.

However, as they stared forward in astonishment, a more shocking scene appeared.


But it was seen that in front of the battle platform, Yi Yi had transformed into a true appearance.

Its body is covered with scale armor, and the song looks like a mighty dragon.

However, because it was angry, it instantly inspired the power of the blood, and it did not turn into a monster, and it still looked like that.

All he could see was his paw empty.

Then a multicolored light pattern flickered.

This multicolored light pattern fell down and shrouded the world, and a mysterious force imprisoned the void.

Lin Chen, who was still smiling just now, smiled stiffly, and a look of terror appeared in his eyes.

Because he felt his power was restrained, he felt that the nearby void was frozen, and a powerful momentum oppressed it.

This momentum scared him.

"This ..." He stared forward in surprise.

Staring at the kind of beast that was changing in color and rushing forward.

"This little beast has changed?" This was Lin Chen's first thought.

"The blood veins it releases are so strong ~ ~ It makes my soul tremble!"

This is Lin Chen's second thought.

After these two thoughts came out, in front of Lin Chen, a fist with colorful light patterns did not appear in vain.

This fist is very small, but when he appeared in front of Lin Chen, his heart sank suddenly.

"Not good!" Lin Chen's face suddenly changed.

Just waiting for a response, the little fist banged on his chest.


The fist hits and hits the body like a hammer, Lin Chen feels his bones are breaking, and his heart hurts.

Then his body was shaken by a mighty force. He didn't even have the resistance. The blood in his body was tumbling, and his mouth immediately spit out blood.

"Happy New Year, bring the red envelope!"

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