Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1700: Little beast

In the void, Lin Chen was murderous. ?.? `

Behind him, heaven and earth evolved. He emptied his fingers and attacked Yiyi directly.

This might be powerful enough to kill demigods.

Even many quasi-gods have to hate.

The divine power of the finger is like a galaxy storm, destroying all directions.

That divine power is so incomparable that it is for the Son of God to reach this level.

At this point, many people held their breath and began to worry about Yi Yi.

"Can this little beast fight with Lin Chen?" Many goddesses still frowned at this time.

Although Yi Yi had a fat meal for Lin Chen before, everyone felt that it was because of her sudden shot that Lin Chen would be crushed when she was caught off guard.

Now that Lin Chen has made a strong shot, it is another matter.


Seeing Lin Chenqiang's shot, Yi Yi frowned in the void.

The little man's little paw gestured, and he kept babbling.

Look at that, it seems to be saying, hey, how can you do it when you get the shot, why not have a little morality?

"What time is it! This little beast is still babbling, babbling?"

"This ... is the beast reasoning with Lin Chen's Son?" Many people froze, completely choking.

Just how sturdy this little animal was when he shot himself, he didn't give Lin Chen a chance to react at all.

At this point it does not blame others for reminding?

"This ... the beast is quite cute." Of course, most people immediately felt the innocent cuteness of the beast after a short while.

Zhimang had penetrated the void and appeared in front of Yi Yi. ?. ?? `c? om

The little guy only got his hand after double-checking.

But he saw his claw empty, with a colorful light pattern evolution.

This light pattern is like a net, to bind that finger.

A force of imprisonment filled the void.

Under the influence of this force, the momentum of the finger was weakened.

However, this time Yiyi shot in haste after all, that uprising did not fully evolve and did not imprison this divine power.

This caused that finger tore the multicolored light pattern and took Yiyi straight.

However, the power of this finger has also weakened a lot due to the prevention just now.

Yi Yi's paw turned into a palm and confronted it.


The loud noise shook the sky, and the divine power shook, tearing the lights.

However, this finger broke down and did not form a crushing trend.

Now that Yiyi's blood is awakening, even if he doesn't do his best, the power of that blow cannot be underestimated.

Although Zhimang collapsed, he had a vast divine power turned into a storm and rushed towards Yiyi.

This divine power swept through and swallowed Yi Yi directly.

The power of the waves was so powerful that it flew Yi Yi.


Overwhelmed by this immense divine power, Yi Yi whispered lightly, and then the whole body's blood power exploded.

In this way, the little guy appeared in front of everyone.


After getting rid of the divine storm, Yi Yi said lightly, the cheeks were crimson, showing a little embarrassed look. ?.? `

Looking at this, it seems that it also knows that it was too careless and made a small mistake.

Hey, hey!

On the opposite side, Lin Chen was walking.

Lin Chen came walking, his face was cold, the world behind him evolved, and the infinite power of heaven and earth was blessed, and then he drew with both hands.

Brush, brush!

Divine power condenses, merges with the potential of the heavens and the earth, and turns into thousands of divine swords falling down towards Yi, like a storm.

Each of these swords is extremely powerful, tearing the sky, leaving the quasi-gods in fear.

Such a powerful attack, everyone will naturally worry about Yi Yi.

Especially the little ones were repelled.


However, Yi Yi was ashamed at this moment.

After the little guy whispered, the blood in his body was constantly excited.

The multicolored light pattern bloomed on it, and evolved into a multicolored world.

Within this world, there is the power of mixed yuan to roll.

At the same time, Yi Yi's small body grew futile.


A wave of ripples rose, and the little beast's body rose sharply.

At first, the beast was only a few feet tall. At this time, the body was full of scales, and the mighty shore was as high as a hundred feet high.

The colorful road pattern condensed around it, turned into a cloud and appeared at its feet.

A hazy world has evolved behind it.

In this way, a mighty beast like a mountain immediately appeared in the eyes of everyone.

The cute adorable beast disappeared.

"This little beast has transformed?"

"Is this what it is?"

"As a unicorn, like a dragon, what ancient beast is this?"

When Yi Yi changed shape, the goddesses of all races all frowned, his eyes revealing his thoughts.

Hardly anyone recognized Yi Yi.

"This beast is so imposing!" The eyes of the goddesses and heavenly pride of all races are infatuated.

Yi Yi was really powerful at this time.

Its beast is like a dragon, and its eyes are like bronze bells, giving off a pressing light.

It pedals colorful clouds, like a Swiss beast to patrol.

Such a battle is rare in ancient times.

The blood pulses, the phase evolved, Yi Yi's momentum soared in vain.

Only to see it stride forward, the hazy world behind it like a storm, following it sweeping out.

At this point, Yi Yi walked forward with four feet in the air, and looked extremely mighty. When his big claw moved, it was pressing towards the thousands of magic swords ahead.

This giant claw flickered with light patterns, and when it was detected, it extended indefinitely into a giant palm covering the sky.

This giant palm shrouded the front of the battle space, a light pattern fell down, Dao Wei shocked, and the void solidified.

Under this power, the thousand swords suddenly stopped.

Everyone watched as the sharp swords slowed down, and finally stopped directly in the void, and the waves set by the divine power were directly frozen.

From a distance, the waves are like frozen waves.

Such a scene, the **** sons of all races in the distance are shocking.


In addition to the shock of everyone, Yi Yi's huge palm has fallen, and directly defeated the sharp sword condensed by thousands of divine power.

In this way, Lin Chen's unstoppable blow was defeated.

All this is only born in an instant.

Even the two sides did not have any shocking confrontation.

This is completely one-sided crushing.

"Why is this little beast so powerful?"

"What magical power does it use?" Such a scene was foolish.

At this moment, no one dared to belittle Yi Yi.

Many geniuses were in awe when they turned to Yi Yi.

Even Ling Feng and other **** sons were ashamed.

"This little beast is not easy!" The **** Yang Hao next flashed.

Although Lin Chen is not a top godson.

But not many people can beat him so easily with his full shot.

But this little beast can ~ ~ enough to show that it is stronger than countless gods.

The giant palm fell, not only defeating Lin Chen's powerful blow, but also the terrifying divine power shocked.

These divine powers swept away towards Lin Chen.

Lin Chen felt his breath suffocated and quickly exploded.

By this moment his anger had subsided.

There was a strong sense of shock on his face.

At this moment, he understood the strength of this little beast.

Just now, he will be knocked off, not because of this sudden shot of the beast.

It is really strong!

"There is only one chapter today."


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