Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1719: Power of the Lord

Xiao Yun and Tuntian Supreme tried their best, and that swallowing the weather turned the four **** kings into shame, but the four shadow gate powerhouses did not wait.

The four men controlled the shame with their hearts, and shot together towards the Tower of Devourers.

Four gods were ashamed, and one big hand covered the sky and took photos.

I can only see that the magical energy of that giant hand tumbled and capsized down, as if the waves were to drown everything, the magical energy was so evil that it could erode all the air of heaven and earth.

Even the soldiers' spirits will be affected.

Also swallow the **** tower for the supreme [pig ^ pig ^ island ^ fiction] [www]. [Zhu] []. [] Soldiers, otherwise how can they compete?

In addition, the supreme magical power that swallows the sky is also extremely powerful. To swallow the sky, with the powerful magical power, he devours that vast magical energy in one fell swoop.

The magical energy can be devoured, but the big hand that this **** is ashamed still cannot resist.

The other three gods were ashamed, and one of them was turned into a sharp blade.

The devil's hand was cut off, and the glimmer of light was like the same magic blade that tore up the void.

There is also a monster demon fist blasting, which directly blasted the void, and it has the momentum to break the starry sky.

Under this punch, the void collapsed, and there was space crack satisfaction. For example, the dragon was stirring in a frenzied dance, causing the cyclone **** pattern that swallowed the weather to directly collapse.

Then the fist slammed firmly on the Tower of Devouring Heaven.

There is also a shame when air strikes come.

The four gods are ashamed to shoot together. Such an offensive is enough to crush the innumerable powerhouses. Even if you are pregnant with gods and kings, you must also hate this.

The same is true. The talents of Shadow Gate will be so mad, saying that they will leave Xiao Yun and others.

Just swallowing the Supreme Supreme and Xiao Yun struggling hard and rushing forward.


Swallowing the **** tower, there is a tendency to go forward.

Today, not only is the Supreme Devourer trying his best to shoot, Xiao Yun has also integrated all his momentum and uprightness into the Great Devourer Tower.

The giant tower blasted away, and the cyclone stirred. Not only did it have the tendency to swallow the sky, but also Xiao Yun's fearless and indomitable war.

As far as this warfare is concerned, the power of swallowing the **** tower has been exerted to the extreme that the world can exert.


A clear voice sounded, and the four offensives hit the Tower of Devourers together. The powerful offensive caused the pattern of Devourer God to collapse at any time. Xiao Yun felt great pressure. At this time, his body merged into the tower. Although the attack was on the **** tower, he felt the same, but he was not afraid.

Even though the pressure was huge and he felt the bloodline was about to crack, he still took a step.

When Xiao Yun's steps were taken, what outsiders saw was the towering tower of **** swarming forward.

Accompanying it is a cyclone that can swallow the world.

At the same time, Xiao Yun took out Siyuan Bow.


Within the swallowing circle, a vague hand protruded.

Then the giant hand, holding an ancient bow, swept away in the air.

Today, the source of Qiyuan in Xiao Yun's body is not enough to pull the bow of Yuanyuan.

But Shiyuan Gong is a treasure.

Even if it cannot be urged, its own power is not comparable to ordinary magic soldiers.

Like magic soldiers, and Wang Bing!

Even if you can't motivate the magic soldier.

But after all, he is a divine soldier. It confronts Wang Bing, but the momentum can crush the Wang Bing.

Siyuan Gong swept away and confronted those shameful big hands.

Originally, these gods guilty and swallowing the **** tower of the sky, had been shaken back slightly by that vast force.

Now Xiao Yun, the original source bow, came at the moment and immediately struck it.

The archaic pattern of the archetype of the bow body flickered, sending out a mighty power.

This is Siyuan Bow's autonomous rejection.

Even if no one urges any **** soldier, as long as you attack it, its **** pattern will generate a corresponding repulsive force.

The stronger the attacking force, the stronger the repulsive power of the **** pattern.

This is a kind of self-protection of superficial consciousness.

Shiyuan bow swept over, and the **** pattern that the god-king-level ashamed bloomed immediately collapsed.

This is the transcendence of the Supreme Soldier, and the divine pattern and divine power it blooms are naturally not comparable to the divine king.

It was also that Xiao Yun hadn't had enough Qiyuan gas at this time, otherwise it was enough to repel these gods.

Because at this time Xiao Yun is no longer a Heavenly Realm repairer, he has suddenly become a strong person in the world. Why fear others when the realm is not so big?


The bow of God swept across, repelling all four gods.

Subsequently, Xiao Yun strode forward, and the **** pattern that swallowed the **** tower evolved into a cyclone and rolled away in anger.

"Actually ashamed the four **** kings?" Seeing this, Xiao Zhan set off a terrible wave.

You know, as the Son of God, he can only deal with one God King.

But Xiao Yun pushed the four **** kings alone.

This gap is incredible.

"He's a real child?" At the same time, Xiao Zhan was incredibly suspicious.

At this moment, it seems that Xiao Yun is the son of a **** until he seems to be a child of a later generation.

Their identity seems to be reversed.

The four gods were ashamed and repelled, and the four shadow gate powerhouses were also surprised.

However, they soon continued to control the **** Wang Xi, and swept forward together to resist Xiao Yun.

In addition, behind them, a wave of ripples appeared, with extremely obscure fluctuations spreading, accompanied by a similar taboo-like power of the world, the whole void, for one change, the people in the field can clearly Feeling it difficult to breathe, heaven and earth seemed to freeze for it.

In addition, an oppressive oppression also invades the soul.

This fluctuation made Xiao Yun, who was taking a strong shot, moved.

"That seductive platform has been urged?" Xiao Yun looked up, his eyes staring awkwardly when he looked forward into the void.

Today, the dew on the fascinating stage turns into a cyclone, which seems to communicate the void of the other party.

Among them are three robe men guarding the law.

But now, they are all happy.

Because the Goddess of Mercy has been successfully launched, the vast power of gods and demons descended from the distant void.

There is a bit of Shinto mystery in the power of this demon, which makes the void solidify, and even Xiao Yun's crazy agitation swallowing the weather swirls sharply.

The cyclone that was constantly sweeping forward actually slowed down at this time, and seemed to be restrained by an inexplicable force, which made Xiao Yun's nerve completely tense.

"Is the power of the devil already here?" Xiao Yun stared at the void ahead.

At this moment he clearly felt his power was affected.

Under this influence, his combat power naturally dropped.


At this time, a cyclone appeared in the void ahead.

The cyclone agitated and wrapped up the strong men who led the gods and shadow gates.

The four quasi-gods quickly spurred the shame and retreated to the cyclone.


The divine pattern agitated in the cyclone, and the vast divine power poured down from the distant void.

The mighty divine power trembled, and that might make people tremble.

"This rare pull is the divine power of the god-level powerhouse?" Xiao Zhan changed his color.

Because he felt a momentum beyond God.

Just a momentum, this void has been blocked.

Now Xiao Zhan feels that the power of his bloodline seems to be sealed. Under that magic power, even if he wants to break out, it feels difficult.

"This might surpass the God King!" His warrior spirit shuddered.

At this moment, even such beings felt fear.

It is conceivable what kind of existential force is drawn by the goddess.

"Look at this fluctuation, it should be the existence of the demon level!" Said Tuntian Supreme.

At this point it frowned, and his face was somber.

"Magic Zun level!" Xiao Yun stared, "Can't you handle it?"

At this time, he also knew that the situation was bad.

"I'm just conscious, the Shinto mystery is incomplete, after all, there is no supreme level of strength." Swallowing the Supreme Sigh, "But the power of this deity seems to be very complete, just like the power of a living deity, is it in this world? There is the demon self-confidence? But the demon who dares to use the power to attract power while the restraint of heaven and earth is still not the same as the general demon. Is he already touching the emperor's realm, and can he betray the heaven? There is also a look of astonishment.

God and deities also compete.

Supreme is clearly the top of it.

But as the power of restraint still exists today, those who dare to take such a shot are certainly not the most supremely comparable.

If it touches the demon statue of the Great Emperor Realm, it is really not that he can fight at this time!

This kind of existence is not necessarily crushed even in the heyday of swallowing the Supreme Supreme, not to mention that it is just a disability?

Hearing that, Xiao Yun was also astonished.

Like the king of the hundred war gods of the Xiao family, he did not dare to stay long even if he was a spirit.

But at this time, this demon can actually bring his own strength across the void, so what means should be used?

The use of this method will inevitably have divine power fluctuations, which will be detected by the power of the rules of heaven and earth.

But at this time Xiao Yun did not feel the power of the rules of the day.

It seemed that power was blinded.

When the power of the demon came, the man who spurred the **** of Taiwan grinned.

This smile looked grim and cold, like a deathly smile that made people shudder after seeing it.

When the smile came up, his palm also doubled.

As he turned his palms, a shame appeared in front of him.

This **** is ashamed and tall, and he can be as tall as a giant.

His eyes were cold ~ ~ Although he was ashamed, he had the supreme power, which might not even be the **** king.

This is a kind of contempt for heaven and earth, but I have the esteem.

"Oh, this is the body of the demon made by Mozun himself, which has carried his power in the past. Now, how can you escape?" The quasi-god grinned, and he looked at Xiao Yun and others as if Looking at the dying man, he is not a god, but a strong man who has been sealed in ancient times, and he has all kinds of gods.

This demon body is used to carry the power of the deities.

In order to deal with the existence of the king of soldiers.

"The body of the demon!" Xiao Yun asked Supreme Devourer, "Do you have a way to crack it?"

"To this day, there is only one fight." The supreme expression of Tuntian Supreme.

At this moment, he was not so sure.

Because it is the power of the demon, and also shot with the help of the demon, it is not comparable to this instrument.

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