Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1843: Deduction

Xiao Yun came to the Celestial God Realm just to see the magical powers of these ancient people. `

Now that there is an opportunity, he will not miss it.

Even if he has supernatural powers, it may be good to know more about other superpowers.

Moreover, he must understand the mysteries of the Tao before he repairs the Yuanyuan Avenue.

The rhino walked heavily, and every step came out with a powerful gravity.

After a little while, he stepped on the platform, crossed the light pattern, and appeared in front of Liu unable.

"Please!" The two confronted each other, and when the word "Please" began, a mystery of Shinto began to pervade.

This rhino body wriggled into a heaven and earth.

Within this world, the ghostly shadow of a rhinoceros is looming.

A gravitational field swept away toward the front, unable to cover the willow.

There are divine patterns on the battle platform, and this breath fluctuation is passed on as much as possible to make people feel the strength of the two men on the battle platform.

Even the gods of all races can infiltrate their hearts into the spar left on the edge of the battle platform.

With this, they can empathize, as if they were on the battlefield.

"The field of gravity is like the heavens and the earth, and the divine power is like the mansions. It is everywhere." On the battlefield, Liu couldn't stare at the light, and the corner of his mouth evoked a slight arc. For the magical power of this ancient rhino god, he is Somehow, but after becoming a true god, he didn't fight with the people of the clan.

Now fighting again, he is trembling.

The next breath of Shinto came out of him.

I saw that Liu couldn't squirm on his body, and a powerful **** Shinto power burst out like a mountain torrent. `

At the same time, the light and shadow flickered behind him, such as evolved a sea of ​​blood and blood.

In the sea of ​​gods, a hydra snake was rising a mighty wave.

This willow has not evolved its destiny, but it is already overwhelming, and there is a wild trend sweeping in all directions.

This momentum makes people tremble, just like the holy beast in flood.

A sense of awe came to my heart.

Gravity field, divine power over the mountains!

A low voice came out of the rhinoceros' heavy mouth.


I could only see the light and shadow flickering in front of him, and there was a divine rhinoceros behind his back, and he couldn't take a photo directly to Liu.

This is the rhino's palm, which is rough.

But if you look closely, the lines of the palm of the **** are intertwined.

These divine patterns are still very vague, as if they were prototypes.

But every palm print contains a mysterious avenue.

If you sense it carefully, you can see that the texture contains the meaning of gravity.

The preliminary condensate of the rules of the road between the palms is the sign of the completeness of entering the real state of God.

The big hands fell into heaven and earth, and a pattern of godlike patterns cut like a sharp blade forward.

In this case, even evasion cannot be avoided.

"The ancient rhinos are powerful and powerful, very comparable."

Many of the true gods who watched the battle were condensed, and they could sense the strong and powerful place with the sense of mind. `

"The true state of God is complete, it is indeed deeper than Dacheng." Xiao Yun was also feeling silently.

To achieve this practice, as long as a little induction can show the rule of ups and downs to control the strength.

"The ancient rhinos have the magical power of God." Xiao Yun groaned secretly.

"This is the evolution of the mystery with the help of divine power. If there is divine power, I have it." During the groaning, Xiao Yun also secretly deduced the field of gravity.

This way of gravity is also a kind of avenue.

As soon as his mind was moving, the Yin-Yang Baojian was a mystery that created a counter-insurgency.

This is helping him infer this gravity mystery.

In addition, the mixed world is also evolving in the sea.

Xiao Yun is comprehending this.

Although he is considered to have stepped into the real **** realm, the realm is not stable enough, and it needs continuous accumulation and precipitation to impact the perfect realm.

When Xiao Yun deduced the uprising of the gravity field, Liu couldn't make a strong shot either.

Nine head swallowing technique!

A deep voice came out of Liu's inability.

When this voice came out, behind Liu unable, the body of the Hydra's Dharma body swung forward.

If you look at it from a distance, you can very spectacularly see the nine heads of a giant snake covered with blue scales swell up sharply.

On these heads, there are flashes of road patterns, and a avenue breath burst out from the nine sharp corners.

Then, the road pattern interweaves, and a circle evolves in front.

This circle is like a heaven and earth, and a momentum that devours it emerges.


In this circle, the road pattern interweaves, and draws into the circle the most powerful divine power from the front.

The power of the heavy domain contains the Shinto mystery controlled by Xi Zhong.

It's just a divine power, but it seems indelible, it has the power to split the world.

Even if it was introduced into the circle, it was irresistibly raging forward and oppressing.

This is the mystery of Shinto, the magical power that mortals control.


However, even though the heavy divine power is still pressing, it is like a gravitational world.

But the nine snake heads in the circle were like the abyss of the devouring, and began to devour the mana of the divine power released by the gravity field.


Nine skulls evolved into nine cyan abyss, like black holes, devouring infinite divine power.

The divine power was unwilling to be swallowed, and it was fighting back in a powerful way, such as the gods, to tear up the devouring abyss.


Shinto uprights are at war, and the emptiness of the battlefield is trembling.

Only once shot, Xi Zhong and Liu couldn't start a real confrontation.

This is stronger than the strength of the respective Shinto myth.

"Hydra still has this magical power." When deducing the gravity upheaval, Xiao Yun's eyes flashed and he felt the magical power of Hydra.

"My Hydra family existed in the ancient times." Beside Xiao Yun, the woman of the Hydra family was surprised when he saw him, and then smiled, "The ancient ancestors of my family once fought with Zhenlong. The power of the supernatural powers made the gods of the nine heavens awe, and an ancient ancestor swallowed it for nine days. "

"These nine days are nine strong men in the same realm."

This is the record of Hydra.

"Nine days!" Xiao Yun blinked.


This is the pulse of Jinwu!

Jinwu is an ancient clan, Xiao Yun naturally knows their strength.

As for whether these nine-headed snakes swallowed the purest Jinwu tribe, or those Shenyang bodies with thin bloodlines.

You know, there are some side lines, but they are far worse than the real ancient gold.

Such as the sun **** body that day.

Such as the Jiuyang **** body.

They are the supernatural powers of the Jinwu tribe ~ ~, but they have changed from generation to generation. They are not as good as Jinwu.

In any case, the Hydra is also very strong.

After all, even if Jinwu is not swallowed, the vein of Jiuyang Eucharist is extremely powerful!

Although shocked by the strength of the Hydra, Xiao Yun did not have much emotional fluctuations.

As soon as his mind moved, he was also trying to comprehend and analyze the magical powers of the Hydra.

At this time, he was full of interest in each kind of magical power.

Only by controlling Wandao can he continuously improve and perfect the mixed Yuan Avenue.

This is the essence of Xiao Yun's current promotion.

Therefore, this party is a huge opportunity for Xiao Yun.


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