Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1848: Upright frequency

Seeing this, Xiao Yun smiled slightly. ????? 一 小说 ????

Only to see him stride forward, really like a road.

Although he hasn't shot yet, he already has the momentum to control the world.

It seems that on this platform, he is a king without fear of others.

Li Chenghai felt tremendous oppression.

However, it shot with all its strength, and the Golden Winged Beast has completely evolved.

It is almost like cast from gold, with wings behind it, and scale armor on the body, appearing bully and mighty.


A roar came out, and Sonic defeated the momentum released by Xiao Yun in front.

Then, the forehead of this golden beast protruded fiercely, and shot directly towards Xiao Yun.

This golden giant palm is very big, but also contains a force of terror.

The giant palm fell, and there was a golden divine pattern surrounding it, which evolved into a world in the palm of the hand, in which the divine pattern intertwined like a sharp blade.

This giant palm is going to engulf Xiao Yun and restrain him.

"Heaven and Earth?" Xiao Yun's eyes narrowed slightly, a slight smile twitched the corner of his mouth.

His eyes narrowed, he strode out, and began to pull with both hands.

Seven styles!

It is still the ancient merit of this Xiao family.

It's just that Xiao Yun's shot speed is obviously faster this time.

He stepped forward, as if seven figures appeared together.

These seven figures, in turn, performed the seven styles.

The first cracked sky emerged, rupturing the golden divine pattern in front.

Subsequently, the second type of broken star came out and took advantage of the attack.

This is to point out, directly crush the **** pattern in front, and confront the giant palm.


This point out that the giant palm of the hand was struck by a divine pattern.

However, the gold giant palm is really hard.

However, the huge palm was shaken, but the momentum was blocked.

By this time, the third type of martial arts had been deployed.


The giant palm was shaken back, Li Chenghai's wings swept across.

Its huge mouth opened, and the sound of waves was constantly angry, resisting Xiao Yun's monstrous power.

Just moments ago, they had engaged in several conflicts of Shinto rules.

The battle platform was completely flooded with divine power, and the aftermath of the billows oscillated, causing the seal light curtain to be distorted.

It was only that Xiao Yun approached step by step, with momentum as rainbow, but Li Chenghai was embarrassed to resist, and the rivalry between the two seemed to have manifested.

"Golden Winged Beasts have unparalleled physical fitness." After hundreds of rounds of war, Xiao Yun also had an understanding of Golden Winged Beasts' physical fitness.

Of course, the magical power of the Golden Wing Beast is also extremely powerful.


At this point, Li Chenghai stepped back and forth, being forced by Xiao Yun to fight back.

"This Li Chenghai is going to lose!"

"He seems to be passive from the beginning!" Muttered the true gods of the various races.

"This Xiao Yun's strength is pretty good." Li Jinwen's eyes flashed.

But that's just the case, he didn't show much mood swings.

Even if he is strong, he is only a true **** after all, so Li Jinwen has not taken Xiao Yun to heart.

You know, he saw the scene where Xiao Yun was almost drowned by the galaxy waves.

"Golden hole swirls!" When his body stabilized, Li Chenghai's eyes condensed, and a deep voice came out of his mouth.

Then, his body was whistling with golden divine patterns.

These divine patterns interweave into a golden heaven and earth hole.

In this hole of heaven and earth, the swirling force stirs like a sharp blade, and it can cut the heaven and earth.

The Golden Wing Orc not only has an almost indestructible golden body, but also an invincible ancestral technique. This is the golden hole swirling.

Under this power, the true soldiers will be severed.

From a distance, the golden hole swirls like a giant mouth of a fierce beast, shattering Xiao Yun in front.

"Ancestral art?" Seeing this, Xiao Yun's eyes condensed, and his body evolved.

Swallow up!

A low voice came out.

Then, Xiao Yun became the swallow of the sky, and the rule of swallowing the sky began to pervade the world.

Under the gods is the mystery that initially controls the magical power of swallowing the heavens.

After becoming a true god, he controlled the rules and mysteries of this supernatural power.

What are rules?

That's like swallowing up!

When this rule came out, the surrounding heaven and earth were controlled by the rule and turned into a part of the Shinto.

Although it is only a preliminary touch on the rules, it is stronger than before.

So as soon as the rule of uprightness came out, the atmosphere on the battlefield changed immediately.

The true gods who fluctuate with the spar induction platform are discolored.

"This ... this is the art of swallowing heaven!"

"This Xiao Yun's swallowing upright uprising seems to be even more pure than the nine snakes swallowing Yuanshu?" Ren's true **** was also surprised.

"This is the third type of Shinto mystery!" The pupil of Yuzi Shadow suddenly shrank, revealing his dignity.

Previously, Xiao Yun showed the uprisings of war and reincarnation uprisings. Now, once the uprisings are swallowed up, there are three kinds of uprights.

How can the three strengths of Shinto mysticism be amazing?

And they are all powerful Shinto myths.

Swallow the weather, like a world.

At this time, Xiao Yun had not yet evolved into a mixed world.

However, he is like a boulevard with its roots in it, so evolutionary upheavals are still very powerful.

The moment of swallowing the heavens, like a dragon, swirled directly toward the golden hole in front of it.

The golden hole swirls in the divine power. Although it is not swallowing upright meaning, it is also somewhat similar. Now the two sides meet, it is quite exciting.

"I don't know who will be stronger?"

At this moment, they also know that now the two sides have reached a point of decisive battle.

Just momentarily, the dark engulfing abyss twirled the golden glittering hole.

First, the Shinto rules of the two are attacking each other.

Both want to obliterate each other.


However, when Li Chenghai's Shinto Uprising raged on, Samsara reincarnation evolved.

Reincarnation Uprising ...

This is one of the most mysterious mysteries between heaven and earth.

Even more, this is more mysterious than the insurrection mystery of the eyes of the insurgency.

The force of counterinsurgency can indeed lead human attack into a space or crack.

But rebirth uprising, he can make people upstairs rules, and so on power such as falling into reincarnation.

Reincarnation ...

From birth to death is a cycle.

From death to life is a reincarnation!

Power, from scratch, is a reincarnation!

From existence to absence is also a reincarnation!

Reincarnation not only allows power to flow backwards, it can also turn Qiankun upside down!

This is an all-inclusive Shinto.

Xiao Yun is now in control of the power of people.

This is the power of upside down!

Then, Xiao Yun was based on the trend of the mixed world. Once the reincarnation uprising came out, the power was naturally irresistible.

Suddenly, the rules of the golden hole swirled and solidified.

After that, the true gods of all races saw the gods being stirred by the vortex of the cave rewinding, and the direction was completely wrong.

In the end, the strength weakened, and Li Chenghai felt that the rules and mysteries he had exerted began to be reversed and belong to himself.

This feeling is inexplicable.

But he just felt it.

My avenue, swallow the sky!

When Li Chenghai's Shinto uprightness was reversed, a low voice spit out from Xiao Yun's mouth.

Then, like swallowing the sky, he swallowed the golden hole directly.

"This ..." Those who watched the battle were all stunned.

Even Li Chenghai froze.

But before he reacted, the cyclone swallowed him up.

When the body was swallowed up, the uprising of upheaval bounded it.

The divine power poured out like a torrent.


Then, within that cyclone, Xiao Yun made a big move, and violently struck the golden beast.


A loud noise came out, and Li Chenghai was severely hit.


Finally, his huge body fell to the ground, and pale gold blood flowed out of his mouth.

This is **** blood!

Faintly can also sense the existence of road patterns and the power of rules.

Although this golden wing beast is extremely hard, it is comparable to the top true soldiers.

However, under Xiao Yun's aggressive attack, his internal organs were still severely damaged and the meridians were cracked.

Even the power of the rules of the War Avenue poured into him, still hurting him.

The true God condenses the divine power and controls the power of Shinto rules.

This force, once invaded by others, will be difficult to dissipate.

Unless you wear it off.

But if the other person's realm is higher than you, how can it be easily wiped out?

Such as the original soul eater.

He was wounded by the prince and tortured for tens of thousands of years by the power of the Shinto rules left by the other party.

Because if you are seriously injured, your divine power will decline, and the power of the rule will continue to erode, and will only become more and more hurt.

Want to recover, hard!

Of course, the gap between Xiao Yun and Li Chenghai is not so big, but it is not so exaggerated.

However, it was difficult for Li Chenghai to obliterate the rules of the uprising of that war.

Because this is a mystery of invincible war.

After Li Chenghai landed, he immediately turned into a human figure.

In front of him, light and shadow flashed, and Xiao Yun had already appeared.

A powerful soul force fell down, and that power turned into a weird domain, imprisoning his soul.

This is the soul mystery of the ghost family, and it can also be regarded as a kind of Shinto mystery.

"This is the mystery of the soul!" When this powerful soul force came out, Li Chenghai sank inside, and his soul was shaking.

"Another Shinto myth!"

"This kind of uprightness seems to be more overbearing than the soulful uprightness of the Hydra!"

When this Shinto mystery came out, some of the true gods' faces that continued to sense suddenly changed.

In their eyes, the color of dread emerged.

Material upheaval, many true gods in the field think that they are no worse than others.

But that soul is mysterious, but it is the weakness of many strong people.


Such as prison cattle!

Their spiritual meaning is slightly insufficient.

"Swallowing heaven, soul ... the mystery of our Hydra, can he?" At this time, Liu couldn't wait for the true **** to look at each other and took a deep breath. They could see a trace in their eyes. The color of jealousy is that Liu Wuxiang, which has been relatively calm, has changed color.

"Just as soon as he appeared on the stage, he showed several strengths of Shinto mystery. How many ways does he have?"

He started to show respect when the young man came to the front of the stage ~ ~ Xiao Xiaozi ... wonderful. "Yifu's mood was ups and downs, and she was very excited.

Although she knew Xiao Yun was extraordinary, she did not expect that this man would be so powerful.

"I'm defeated!" At this time, on the battlefield, as Xiao Yun's soul power was relaxed, Li Chenghai's expression recovered, and after a very bitter glance at the man who was overlooking himself, he finally spoke. It was only in his heart to give in, but the mood was still unstable.

There are many ups and downs.

For Xiao Yun, Li Chenghai's heart was full of awe.

In addition to awe, there are fears.

This is a young man who can only look up.

[A reader recently said that there is no need to write in the **** world, it is so depressing. The old demon voted on the WeChat public account. Everyone goes to cast and see if you want to continue writing? Plus, yaoyueye199o, just fine, new friends can reply and support the two words, which is very important, related to the follow-up plot arrangement of the old demon. 】

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