Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1852: Fear of war

On the battlefield, the blue sky collapsed, the road pattern turned into starlight, and gradually dissipated into the air.

"Chen Wei lost?"

Seeing this, those true gods who watched the battle couldn't help taking a breath.

How long has this been?

As soon as he shot, Chen Wei was defeated.

But the gods know that Chen Wei is very strong. Once Qingtian Avenue is out, people are powerless and many supernatural powers will be invalidated.

But he was defeated at this time!

Still defeated so badly.

"Xiao Yun's momentum seemed to increase again just now." Wing Feng's eyes lightened and murmured.

"That's right, when he shot a little bit more avenue, just like he is the heaven and earth, he is the avenue." You Ziying said.

"Because I said ... It seems he didn't brag!" Li Chenghai took a deep breath.

He vaguely remembered Xiao Yun's words.

At the beginning, he sniffed.

But now it seems that this young man has really reached this state.

Such a situation, it seems that beyond the true God.

This is a hero!

At this time, Li Chenghai looked at Xiao Yun and could not help showing respect.

This is a tribute to the strong.

"Xiao Gongzi's way is unpredictable, stronger than me, and he can consult with him for my blessing." Chen Wei got up, took a deep breath, and suppressed the rules of Shinto that invaded his body. He was His eyes rose, and he said to Xiao Yun who was falling forward.

In his eyes, his face was full of respect.

In addition, he felt satisfied.

Because this battle has benefited him a lot.

If you come to realize it later, Yu Tao will have great benefits.

"Brother Chen is polite." Xiao Yun laughed. "If you have the heart, you will be able to set foot on the peak, but you must stick to your own path."

"The words of Xiao Gongzi, Chen will be remembered in the heart." Chen Wei held his fist and then retreated.

When Chen Wei stepped down, the true gods of all races no longer bravely challenged.

Because everyone knows Xiao Yun's strength, to challenge at this time is to find abuse.

After all, even those characters of Chen Wei were defeated. How could those people who can't compare with Chen Wei get rid of it?

This is no longer a shame.

Qiu Ang, Ren Tianxing, Liu Wuxiang, Ni Shu, Li Jinwen.

These top true gods also groaned.

Some of them want to take a shot.

But they have scruples again.

They are quite famous real gods.

If it was defeated, wouldn't it ruin a wise life?

and so……

The true gods of all races are afraid.

This is an extremely complicated mood.

In the past, they all longed for a new opponent.

But when the opponent appears, but afraid!

Why is this?

Everything is because Xiao Yun is too strong, shaking everyone's invincible belief.

"You guys, is anyone still willing to come and learn?"

On the battle platform, Xiao Yun glanced and spoke to the gods.

He also wanted to sense the mysteries of various avenue magical powers, so as to verify his thinking.

It was just that no one spoke.

The eyes of the gods turned and turned to the side, seemingly waiting for others to make a move.

Such a scene, but also slightly awkward.

There are dozens of great people, hundreds of true gods, but no one can fight Xiao Yun.

How can you let these hosts be ashamed?

Liu Wuxiang was also embarrassed.

He turned his eyes and looked sideways.

"Although I want to fight Xiao Gongzi, it is obviously not qualified!" Liu couldn't smile bitterly.

Liu Wuxiang shook his head and turned to the left.

There, Ren Tianxing is coming.

"Oh, heaven, don't you always say there are few opponents." Liu Wuxiang laughed.

"Then why don't you go up?" Ren Tianxing rolled his eyes.

"I'm the master, how can I shoot now." Liu Wuxiang said.

"Afraid of losing, afraid of losing, what excuse?" Ren Tianxing looked with contempt, and immediately got up, saying, "But I have no worries. I can have a heart-warming battle, even if I lose." After he got up, his eyes lighted. He provoked to Xiao Yun on the battle platform, and a smile was evoked in the corner of his mouth.

"Oh, Brother Xiao, you and I are also destined. Today the gods meet, it is rare to have such an almost, while taking this, you and I also learn about it."

After that, he strode forward and headed for the battle platform.

"Exactly, I also want to learn from the God of Anti-Chaos!" Xiao Yunmu showed expectations when Ren Tianxing appeared.

With a smile, Ren Tianxing's long light blue hair flew in the wind and passed through the light curtain of the battle platform within a few steps.

"Oh, I don't know how long Ren Tianxing can persist?" Qiu Ang laughed.

"I don't think it will be much better than Chen Wei." Qiufeng chuckled a radian and laughed.

Many true gods are speculating like this.

At this moment, everyone is no longer guessing the outcome.

It is guessing how long Xiao Yun's opponents can hold on.

It can be seen how much impact Xiao Yun has just shot on the gods.

On the battlefield, Ren Tianxing and Xiao Yun stood facing each other.

"Oh, when I met for the first time, I felt that Brother Xiao was extraordinary, but I didn't want to be so shocked to be brilliant. He actually had a lot of Shinto."

"In this war, Brother Xiao was also asked to show mercy, and let me fight happily."

"That's natural." Xiao Yun laughed.

"Okay!" Ren Tianxingdao, "Then, let's fight!"

When the deep voice sounded, there was a power of Shinto rules in him immediately.

At the same time, his eyes were condensed, and the power of the Shinto rules was condensed.

The left eye is chaotic, the right eye is broken!

Two kinds of Shinto myths permeated the sky and the earth.

Xiao Yun immediately felt the change in the power of heaven and earth around him.

The perfusion of divine power in him seemed to be led by a Shinto rule.

"This is the mystery of rebelling against chaos!" Xiao Yun sensed the mystery of rebelling against the rules of Shinto.

At the time of induction, he was also deducing the rules of uprising.

"There are some similarities between the uprising uprising and reincarnation uprising." Soon, Xiao Yun discovered some mysteries of the uprising uprising.

This mystery can change material as well as spiritual attacks on people.

Then, he can reverse the world and let these attacks be absorbed by the cracks in space.

This achieves the effect of reducing the enemy's attack power.

The power of reincarnation uprising makes people's power flow back, which is also the reason.

But the reincarnation uprising is more profound, and it contains more than this kind of uprising.

It is all-encompassing and extremely mysterious.


At this time, a deep voice sounded from Ren Tianxing's mouth.

Only saw his left eye intertwined with the grain, an upsurge of uprising rules emerged.

When this uprising rule erupted, the void ahead was immediately affected by the power of this rule.

That space was reversed, the void was distorted, and an abyss of heaven and earth evolved, like a cyclone, to engulf everything.

At the same time, the divine power from Xiao Yun was completely introduced into the abyss.

After all this was done, there was also a rule of uprightness in Ren Tianxing's right eye.

This is a broken rule!

A flash of gods flickered towards Xiao Yun

Weaken the enemy ’s strength with the force of counter-insurgency, and then defeat the enemy with a force of vanishing force. This cooperation is perfect Shinto.

This is the terrible aspect of the God of Rebellion.

However, when Ren Tianxing shot, Xiao Yun also started to shoot.


This time, Xiao Yun directly evolved the six reincarnation uprisings.

Only six worlds have evolved, and the cycle of reincarnation has also moved forward.

Along with it is the power of vast rules.

The power of the reincarnation rule burst out, and confronted the power of rebellion.

The two meanings are similar and very overbearing.

At this time, the confrontation is stronger than who is weak.

The rules of reincarnation pervade, and the rules of rebellion are reversed and introduced into the channel of reincarnation.

The rule of reversible disorder is also extremely powerful. It is necessary to introduce that rule into a crack in space and engulf it.

This is the pinnacle of competition.

The rules are like martial arts, but they must have deep internal skills to bring the power of martial arts into play.

Then, the power of the six reincarnation worlds is the foundation of Xiao Yun.

Reincarnation rules continue to emerge in the reincarnation channel.

At the same time, there is a blessing from the power of the world.

This is the power of the six worlds.

With such power, the hegemony is so incomparable that Ren Tianxing's counter-insurgency force cannot compete with it at all.

Originally their Shinto rules were similar.

However, Ren Tianxing's counter-insurgency rule ultimately lacked the support of the big world, so it was difficult to survive.

Pulled by the force of reincarnation, the anti-chaos rule was introduced into the reincarnation channel.

Then, the power of that rule was dissipated and engulfed.

"The six reincarnations are too mysterious. It is not only the reincarnation uprising, but also merges with the six reincarnation worlds into a complete six reincarnation rule."

When the power of the anti-rebellion rule was introduced into the reincarnation channel, Ren Tianxing deeply felt the terror of the six reincarnation uprisings.

This is the most powerful way.

call out!

By this time, the broken and broken mang that had evolved in his right eye had penetrated the void and straight ahead.

This mansion is really powerful and directly breaks the void.

Under this attack, the mountains and rivers will be destroyed.

If you reach a certain level, you can break the stars at a glance.


At this moment, the reincarnation channel in front of it was rolled up, and the **** pattern burst out, wrapping the god's awn into the reincarnation channel.

When the **** mang entered the reincarnation passage, an upheaval of upheaval was reversed, and the rules of upheaval were added.

Under this mystery, the power of fragmentation actually weakened.

It's like a strong adult who suddenly shows signs of becoming a teenager.

The attack power suddenly weakened.

The six reincarnation uprisings make Ren Tianxing powerful and useless.

With the connection between the mind and spirit, Ren Tianxing clearly felt the change of this power.

"From strong to weak ... is this reincarnation?" Ren Tianxing's pupils suddenly shrank.

Only at this moment did he feel the terrible nature of samsara.

The next moment, the remaining broken virtual mystery was introduced into the six worlds.

When that uprising was introduced into the six worlds, Ren Tianxing's sense of will entered a large world.

Here, he is as small as a ant and feels like he is in control of life and death.

Then the rule upright was completely obliterated.

His residual will then disappeared ~ ~ and he could not sense the six worlds.

When this will was worn away, Ren Tianxing's body receded again and again, his face paled slightly.

But that didn't hurt him.

This is only the will of an attack will be obliterated, and it will not affect the root.

But with this will, he felt the terribleness of the six reincarnations.

After resolving the rules of anti-chaos and broken rules, Xiao Yun strode forward.

Only to see him pulling with both hands, the six reincarnation world is suppressing towards Ren Tianxing.


The void shattered.

All the Shinto rules emanating from Ren Tianxing broke down.

If you leave with a small sense, it is like the lines are broken, and the stars are flickered and dissipated in the air.

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