Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1858: Li Jinwen's fight ...

Xiao Yun deduced various ways.

After stepping into the real state of God, the deities can fully predict the future direction of the avenue they have realized, so as to clarify the way forward.

This is the power of the gods.

Xiao Yun deduced several times, and also had an understanding of Wanqian Avenue.

In addition, he became more determined on his own.

Unconsciously, Xiao Yun's realm is improving, and he has deeper feelings about the rules of the avenue.

His realm has naturally entered the peak of true gods.

The initial step into the real state of God.

After the initial period, it was Xiaocheng and Dacheng.

If Dacheng Realm is at its peak, it will be complete.

Once you step into the true **** realm, you can impact the heaven **** realm.

"Now I'm close to the heavens." After feeling the slight changes in himself, Xiao Yun's mouth evoked a faint smile.

"Besides that, my road to the three races can also be improved."

Mindful of his mind, Xiao Yun began to evolve the Tao of the Three Tribes.

Only when he constantly controls the ways of the gods of the various races in the heavenly condemnation can the gods of each race progress.

Otherwise, it is like the heaven is incomplete, and the people living in it cannot continue to cultivate.

This is where the world is lacking.

At that time, within the limits of heaven, no one could become a god.

This is a reason.

The mind sank into Siyuan Ling, Xiao Yun was like heaven, everything in the land of condemnation appeared.

In addition, the remnants of the avenues of all ethnic groups in this world have also flashed.

Now, he is trying to perfect these incomplete avenues.

As Xiao Yun perfected these incomplete avenues, the place of condemnation also changed.

Here, the true gods of all races feel that their minds are moving, and there is an inexplicable Tao Yun shrouded.

A feeling of progress came to mind.

Subsequently, Jin Jiuxiao and other true gods began to retreat.


At the time of Xiao Yun's retreat, among the Hydra tribe, the true gods of all races were merging the results of this sermon.

But in a hall, there are people planning.

In this hall, Li Jinwen, You Ziying, Yi Feng, Li Chenghai and other true gods sit together.

At this time, Li Jinwen's face looked ugly.

"I did not expect that Xiao Yun had such talents. His understanding of the avenue surpassed all the true gods this time." Li Jinwen said.

"He is indeed a hero," Youzi said, "I'm just afraid that my top ten boys in the Star God Realm are just like this."

"This Xiao Xiaozi's understanding of the avenue is too esoteric. If he is given enough time and space, he will inevitably become a world hero."

Li Chenghai's eyes showed respect.

Although their trip was for Xiao Yun, they were miserable.

But after this encounter, he became awed by this young man.

It was Xiao Yun who let him broaden his horizons and knew the vastness of the avenue.

It can be said that he was very excited at this moment.

Of course, he also knew what Li Jinwen thought, so he restrained his excitement.

"What to do then?" Yi Feng's eyes flashed and he looked at Li Jinwen.

From the latter's eyes, he saw a bit of fear.

"If Xiao Yun can live forever, success will be above you and me," Li Jinwen said, "but it's okay, he's only in a real state at this time."

"Divine true god, even if you are talented, what can you do?"

When the final words fell, Li Jinwen's eyes flashed with chill.

"Brother Jin Wen wants ...?" Wen Yan said, Yi Feng's eyes brightened.

"Naturally, he took Xiao while he was not growing up," Li Jinwen said indignantly.

"This Xiao Yun is not a child of Jiang's family, it's just a small child of Xiao's family. It's totally possible to shoot."

"There is no one from Xiao's family in the Star God Realm."

The corner of his mouth evoked a radian.

Without Xiao's God King and the Lord's refuge, it would be easier to deal with Xiao Yun.

In this way, they can completely take Xiao Yun with thunder.

In this way, it will not attract the attention of other families.

"My tribe's tribe is already outside the Hydra tribe, ready to take shots." Li Jinwen said, "Are you phantom **** tribe?"

"The **** king of my tribe is also ready to shoot." You Ziying held a fan and laughed.

"It's so good, just wait for this Xiao Yun to leave the Hydra." Li Jinwen's mouth evoked a radian, his eyes exposed.

"Killing Xiao Yun and taking him as a treasure, I can also get rewards." Wing Feng's eyes narrowed and he began to imagine his future.


"The ethics of the major races in the land of condemnation have also gradually improved."

Two days after the retreat, Xiao Yun blinked and opened his eyes.

Today, his strength has been consolidated.

Now the true **** in the land of condemnation can completely impact the real god.

"As my realm rises, the place of condemnation seems to have become more imposing." Xiao Yun sensed carefully.

In addition, he felt that he had also benefited greatly.

Today, he incorporates Siyuan Ling, as if he had become a heavenly condemnation.

The land of condemnation has become more perfect and stronger, and he will naturally be stronger.

"Not only that, it seems that there is a little more control over the Yin and Yang Baojian." Xiao Yun continued to feel.

Although he controlled the Yin and Yang Baojian.

But he felt he hadn't fully penetrated it.

He was only in control of the Yin and Yang Baojian at this time.

"If it is now, I use the yin and yang treasures to reverse the world, and I wonder if I can break through the blockade of the God King."

Xiao Yun's heart was dark.

While at Yidao, he used the yin and yang treasures to try to overcome the chaos.

Unfortunately, the Soul Eater is too strong. In its best efforts, the magic power of the Yin and Yang Baojian was resisted.

This makes Xiao Yun's life-saving means invalid.

"There is a ward formation in this Hydra. See if I can avoid the induction of this formation?"

As soon as Xiao Yun's mind moved, he urged the Yin and Yang Baojian to try to revolt against the world and communicate with all realms.

When the yin and yang baojian urged, the yin and yang divine pattern stirred, an anti-chaos heaven and earth, the breath that communicated the heavens and the world was permeated.

A passage also evolved in this yin and yang book.

Xiao Yun's mind oozed out, sensing the outer space.

First, Xiao Yun sensed the space within the Hydra.

Then, it is necessary to extend to the outside through the matrix method.

The Hydra tribe, the guardian formation will always open.

This is true of almost every clan.

In general, there are two large groups in each clan.

One is the big clan of defense, the main defense, which consumes not much vitality.

One is the ancestral formation, that is, it has a powerful attacking force. The master kills the felling. Once a strong enemy strikes, the gods will preside over the formation.

"It's time to touch the line." When the mind stretched out, Xiao Yun immediately felt that the mystery of this yin and yang treasure book was about to touch the formation method of the Hydra.

This is an ordinary formation.

If you ca n’t get through this, let alone get through the blockade of the King of God.

"Look at this yin and yang mystery." Xiao Yun's eyes moved, and the yin and yang Baojian's yin thought directly about the formation of the Hydra family.

A force of rebellion pervaded.

This kind of Shinto power also contains a power that blinds the world.

Based on this, the detection of the array can be isolated, and the array's pattern can lose its sense, making it unable to find anything.


The cyclone evolved from the yin and yang baojian passed directly through the **** pattern and communicated with the space. Xiao Yun's mind immediately appeared outside the Hydra.

On induction, the formation of the Hydra clan has not been excited.

"Successful." Seeing this, Xiao Yun was glad.

Then he took back his mind.

"Unfortunately, no God King has experimented with me." Xiao Yun sighed after taking back his mind.

At this time, he controlled Siyuan Ling, and the integration of consciousness and Yin-Yang Baojian deepened.

If there is a King of God, he can verify his limit at this time.

However, he was not in a hurry.

After all, his realm is not enough. It will be very troublesome to meet the King of God.

"After this incident is over, look for people from all ethnic groups in the Sanctuary." Xiao Yun secretly murmured.

There, there are **** kings, kings, and even gods in all races.

Those people are also absolutely trustworthy.

Such as Xiao's and Jiang's.

"Find Xiaoshi first." Xiao Yun shook her head and didn't think much.

For him, finding the youngest sister is the most important thing.

He can't rest assured that Xiao Shimei stays alone with the Ren clan.

Seven days later, Xiao Yun and Ren Tianxing bid farewell to Liu Wuxiang.

"Brother Xiao is leaving my clan?" After learning about the arrival of Xiao Yun, Liu Wuxiang frowned.

"I have something to say and I have to say goodbye," Xiao Yun said. "This time, Brother Liu thanked Xiao Liu for the hospitality."

"You're welcome." Liu Wuxiang waved his hand and said, "Brother Xiao is in trouble, Wuxiang is not good to stay, but where are you going? If you need to, I'll let you know, so I can take care of it.

"Oh, Brother Xiao is going to find a friend from my Ren clan, and I will go with him, so do n’t worry if there is no brother." I believe there will be no trouble. "Yesterday, an uncle from his family had arrived.

"Oh, it's so good." Liu Wuxiang nodded slightly, and then said, "If something happens, don't forget to contact me."

"Sure." Xiao Yun nodded, by the way, "The girl Yifu was bothered to take care of Brother Liu."

Originally, when Xiao Yun and Yifu bid farewell, the latter also said nothing, and he had to follow the left and right looks.

However, it seemed inconvenient to see Xiao Yun, so she didn't speak.

"Naturally." Liu Wuxiang nodded.

"So, trouble." Xiao Yun arched.

"You're welcome." Liu Wuxiang waved his hands. "Since that is the case, let me give you a ride."

"Good!" Ren Tianxing nodded.

Then they walked out of the living room together.

Beside Ren Tianxing, two quasi-god kings followed.

Ren Tian who acted in their veins naturally had the quasi-god king to follow and protect.

But this time he went to the clan ~ ~, he called the clan uncle.

After all, if the clan to go is not accompanied by a **** king, they also appear weak, and will inevitably be despised by the clan people.

Although going to the God King can not change the arrogance of the clan people, it is always better.

When Xiao Yun and Liu Wuxiang stepped out of the living room, a middle-aged man wearing brocade robes with light blue long hair came towards this.

A force of rebellion against heaven and earth pervaded.

That momentum makes these true gods feel suffocated.

"This is the God King." Xiao Yun's eyes lightened.

"This is my uncle, named Ren Xian. He arrived here yesterday, but went to talk with some old friends of the Hydra family."

Ren Tianxing spoke to Xiao Yun.

The two of them have a good relationship, and the previous generation has been dating.

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