Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1872: Ren Zhongtian

In the hall, Ren Zhipeng made a strong shot and took the Devourer Tower out of the prison.

It happened that Ren Zhiyuan's father God, Ren Zhongtian, had already arrived.

This made Ren Zhipeng frown.

He immediately shot, and the veins around him were pervasive, like a web of rules. He wanted to seal the tower of the **** of swallow, so that he could take it into his pocket.

Otherwise, these treasures are seen by others, but it is troublesome.

However, his pattern bound away, and the towering **** tower immediately erupted into a mighty divine power.

This made the pattern unable to restrain it immediately.

However, after all, Ren Zhipeng is a god. How can the rules of uprising and chaos be approaching perfection?

The uprising of the anti-chaos rule directly communicates the void.

Under this mystery, the prestige of the Devouring Tower was gradually introduced into the void crack.

The mighty power that erupted from the devouring tower began to be suppressed.

"This **** tower ..." At this moment, outside the main hall, a man in a brocade appeared stunned.

All he saw was the twinkling of the **** pattern in his eyes, and at one glance he locked the Devouring Heaven Tower which was fighting with Ren Zhipeng.


Then, the twinkles flashed in his eyes.

An upheaval rule evolved.

At the moment, the rule is upright and rushes away, submerging the hall directly, and wrapping up the towering **** tower strongly.

Ren Zhipeng's Shinto rules were immediately attacked.


Two uprights are fighting.

That void sent out amazing waves.

This fluctuation, even the God King must avoid.

"His mother, the two gods shot, and the old man is finished." Under this mystery, the Supreme Lord swallowed his eyes and looked like he was crying.

Today, he is obviously unable to resist the mystery of this avenue rule.

Therefore, he had to stop and let the two men fight.

Anyway, as long as he doesn't take any action, these people can't break the Tower of Devourer.

He will not be backfired.

"Ren Zhongtian." The sudden Shinto mystery made Ren Zhipeng's brows frown, and a sharp light appeared in his eyes, and he couldn't help whispering.

It's just that he couldn't speak furiously.

After all, the comer is his elder.

call out!

However, just as Ren Zhipeng's heart was burning in anger, a void flashed in the void of the hall.

However, Ren Zhongtian made a strong shot, evolved the broken upright meaning, and directly killed Ren Zhipeng.

This godly man fired, and was so aggressive that the void collapsed directly. The release of the terrifying divine mighty made the two **** kings next to him tremble.

The two **** kings quickly evolved to counter chaos and supernatural powers, so as to resolve the aftermath of that horrible Shinto rule.

In addition, they also sacrificed shields to protect them.

Unprepared, Ren Zhipeng was unable to resist.

Moreover, Ren Zhongtian is the prince who has become the peak of the great gods. Is that Zhipeng Ren comparable?

Gritting his teeth, Ren Zhipeng gave up reluctantly to fight for the Tower of Heaven.

At the same time, he immediately evolved the insurrection uprising in order to dissolve the broken virtual god.

In addition, he also offered a shield.

Taking advantage of this, Ren Zhipeng's body retreated at a rapid speed.

In the face of Dacheng's attack, he dare not have any clue.


The divine hall shook with shock, and the **** flashed and directly shattered the card.

It's just that the power of the gods is weakening.

It was at this time that Ren Zhipeng evolved against the uprising and introduced this blow into space.

But the pillars of the hall had already shattered, and the bodies of the two **** kings were shaken.


Just at this moment, the anti-rebellion cyclone flashed and wrapped around the towering **** of heaven appeared beside Ren Zhongtian.


Followed by that hall collapsed, dust everywhere.

However, the Ren Zhongtian and the other two **** kings were surrounded by gods, turning these rubble into dust.

Suddenly, the main hall on the mountain no longer exists.

On this, two **** kings stand beside Ren Zhipeng.

Opposite them was a man who was white and pale, but still full of hair.

"Father!" The figure in the distance flashed, and Ren Zhiyuan strode forward, appearing behind Ren Zhongtian.

Followed by Ren Xian.

In the distance, you can still see Ren Tianxing's back and other figures.

Previously, after Ren Zhongtian had left the customs, he knew the beginning of the matter. So, he immediately set out to rescue Xiao Yun.

This is also the case, so that he can arrive in time.


When the voice came out, Ren Zhiyuan and others fell on Ren Zhongtian's side.

At this time, Ren Zhongtian's evolution of the Tao pattern was introverted and no longer tied to the Tower of Devourer.

"It's a pity." Seeing this, Ren Zhipeng sighed.

Just one step away.

Just give him instantaneous time, and he can seal the tower.

But this step made him miss Chongbao.

This made him extremely regrettable, the cold light in his eyes flickered.

When Ren Zhiyuan and others landed, they looked around.

Finally, their eyes locked the tower.


Ripples rose in the void.

The swallowing heaven **** tower dissipated, but Xiao Yun appeared weak.

At this point, Xiao Yun still had road injuries, and the stations seemed to be unstable.

The rule of the gods is too powerful. Even if the true **** is not spoken, even the king of the gods cannot resolve it.

"Xiao Xian nephew!" Seeing this, Ren Xian frowned.

Ren Zhiyuan was even more ill.

This is the person he brought into Renshi.

Xiao Yun is like his guest.

How could he not be angry when he was persecuted so far?

It wasn't Xiao Yun that Ren Zhipeng hurt, but he was hitting Ren Zhiyuan!

"Brother Xiao!" However, Ren Tianxing even blamed himself.

He flew from a distance, landed beside Xiao Yun, and held him up.

Along with it is Ren Feiyang.

"Brother Xiao, I can't hold you back!" Ren Fei raised her brows frowning and said with shame.

Earlier he and Xiao Yun argued that the latter had no reservation and treated each other with sincerity.

We can see what kind of mind and character Xiao Yun is.

This is admirable.

However, as Ren Feiyang, he almost killed Xiao Yun.

Although it had nothing to do with him, he also felt his incompetence and inevitably blame himself.

"He was injured, and it was very serious." Ren Zhongtian's eyes flashed, and he found that Xiao Yun's condition was not good.

Ren Zhiyuan and Ren Xian immediately sensed.

"The rule of God's rule!" With this induction, they immediately discovered the remaining rule of God's rule in Xiao Yun's body.

This kind of doctrine is even tricky for Ren Zhiyuan.

Not to mention Xiao Yun in the real state of God.

First of all, the first thing they felt was that this young man was finished.

Without a strong shot, it would be difficult to get rid of it for him.

Even if he is expelled, it is difficult to ensure that his foundation is not damaged.

"Ren Zhipeng, I and you are not over this matter!" Ren Zhiyuan had to fly, his eyes were like a knife, staring at the word of Ren Zhipeng.

At this time Ren Zhiyuan was extremely angry.

Ren Xian also frowned, her eyes filled with murderous intentions.

If he has enough strength, he really can't help it.

Man is the clan he brought to Ren.

At first, he reassured Xiao Yun.

But something like this happened at this time.

How can he not be angry?

Opposite ~ ~ Ren Zhipeng's eyes flashed, silent.

At this time, his heart was also depressed, and there was a sense of murder.

The treasure that was about to be obtained flew like this.

He didn't mention much annoyance.

Just because Ren Zhongtian was better than him, he had to say nothing at this time.

"What happened?" Just then, a deep voice sounded.


Light and shadow flickered, and a number of figures appeared in this void.

Just now God and King fought against each other, and the fluctuations that caused the earth-shattering movement caused a lot of attention from Ren's deities.

Even some retired elders are out of customs.

After all, the battle of the gods is a trivial matter, and they naturally come to see what is going on.

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