Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1880: Wang Changtian

ps. Offer today's update, and by the way, get a ticket for "Starting Point" 515 Fan Festival. Each person has 8 votes, and the starting point coin is also given for voting. I beg everyone for support and appreciation!

Everyone rushed to the Changshengtai. E Novel ???

"That's ..." Qiu Yufeng's eyes lit up, and he saw a man surrounded by blue lines on the Changsheng platform.

On this man, there is a strong longevity Daoyun permeating.

Qiu Yufeng was impressed by a natural temperament.

"That's the eldest son of my tribe, hehe." Wang Yousheng laughed.

"Chang Tiangong, is the Gai Daijie of the aristocracy?" Wen Yan said that the guys of all ethnic groups were astonished.

It is the top ten boys in the Star God Realm who are all moved.

"Wang Changtian?" Ren Feiyang stared at the light.

He is no stranger to this name.

This is a legendary character from ancient times.

According to legend, this Wang Changtian is an old antique of the Wang family and has lived for more than one era.

He already existed in ancient times, or in the older Archean times.

But he made a fortune and lived for several generations.

In every life, he was named Wang Changtian.

His reincarnation is very mysterious.

He cut himself, and lived another life.

From his name, you can see how big his heart is.

Wang Changtian!

This is to make life longer than heaven.

Of course, there is another name that also has deep meaning.

That is longevity.

However, no one in the Wang family dares to use this name.

They are very taboo about this.

As for why, outsiders have no way of knowing.

Wang Changtian is a natural figure in the Star God Realm.

The top ten boys didn't even match his shoes.

This is also the case. At this time, Wang Changtian did not participate in the matter of the people of all ethnic groups condensing the eternal life.

Even, he did not bother to be close to these so-called clan heroes.

It shows how proud Wang Changtian is.

Of course, he is also paying attention here.

After all, if one wants to dominate one side, there must be some vassals.

"Oh, I can see the son of Changsheng, and for my good luck, I also invite a brother to introduce you." Wen Yan, people of all ethnic groups immediately laughed.

Even Fei Yang was looking forward.

This is a legend!

"Everyone is a hero, so why be humble, please!" Wang Yousheng laughed.

He then took everyone to the Changshengtai.

Changshengtai is very wide.

On the stage is an octagonal urn, which is a blue glazed tile.

Xuan Yu's window opened, and it was impressive in all directions.

In addition, there is a temple platform.

On the temple platform, there is a throne, and on both sides are tables carved by jade.

The jade is a blue jade, carved with a **** pattern, exuding a breath of longevity.

At this time, there was a magnificent man in this ring.

This person is exactly Wang Changtian!

He wears a blue crown and a blue robe, and there are long dangling backs, two blue silks flying, and a hazy blue pattern on his body.

On him, there was a strong, long-lived breath.

Only when Ren Feiyang stepped into the platform, he felt as if he had come to a hall of longevity.

Inside, it is full of the taste of longevity, making people can't help but want to step into it quickly to find the way of longevity.

"Good mysterious way of longevity." Ren Feiyang couldn't help but praise it.

The other two Ren's heroes around him were also full of respect.

In addition, the prison cattle, the Wa, the Golden Wing Beasts ...

The children of the major protoss all showed awe.

There are ten of them, and they are also the top ten boys of the Star God Realm.

However, after entering the hall, they were all moved.

"This Wang Changtian ... is not easy!" Many people could not help but take a deep breath.

The people on the field are extremely talented.

Each one has a high heart, and no one is convinced.

But after entering this platform, the pride in their hearts was completely wiped out.

"My son." Wang Yousheng took the lead to enter this Yuyu. He paused and saluted Wang Changtian in front of him, looking rather respectful.

You know, Wang Yousheng ranks second in the Ten Star God Realm, second only to Qiu Yufeng.

But he respected Wang Changtian and saw him like a servant.

It can be seen how high Wang Changtian's identity is.

At this moment, Wang Changtian, who had been keeping his eyes closed, tilted his eyelid slightly.


When his eyes opened, there were a pair of jewel-like blue eyes.

But if you look closely, there is a world in this eye, and a Supreme Avenue.


When Wang Changtian's eyes opened, the people of all ethnic groups could not help but take a deep breath. An inexplicable oppression was born from the heart.

But Wang Chang's weather was restrained, his eyebrows were soft, and there was no hint of coercion.

The gods know that this is a kind of momentum that is unique to Gaidai characters.

The prestige of this lord is not something that ordinary people can have, but the power that has been cultivated for this king Changtian for generations.

"How many lives has he really lived?" Ren Feiyang looked suspicious.

Wang Changtian is very young.

He is as rich as a jade, and he is gentle and graceful. He is so flamboyant. If there is a scholar, he is a bit more graceful.

Faced with this person, even Qiu Yufeng, the top ten son, was at a loss.

The next few children of the big family were standing beside Wang Yousheng, silent.

Even though some of these people have the blood of a real dragon, some are ancient hegemons.

But in front of Wang Changtian, he felt extremely humble.

After opening his eyes, Wang Changtian stood up arrogantly.

An inexplicable power then oppressed.

"I've seen Changtian Gongzi." When Wang Changtian stood up, that Qiu Yufeng's eyes moved, and he arched his hand, greeting Wang Changtian.

"I've seen Changtian."

When Qiu Yufeng saluted, other gods immediately followed.

These deities are the top beings among the ancient gods, and they are pretentious.

But giving someone a gift at this time was a rare sight.

"Oh, you don't need to be polite." Wang Changtian stretched out his slender palm and smiled, "Please sit down."

Under his instructions, the gods of various races took their seat in turn under Wang Yousheng's arrangement.

"The opening of the Long Life Secret Realm, being able to gather with you, is also a big thing in life, come and drink." Wang Changtian said.

Then, Wang's sister-in-law came and poured wine to the gods of various races.

The wine is a **** wine made from a longevity liquid. If a mortal takes a sip, it is enough to restore the dying person to life and return to old age.

"This wine is unique to my Wang family. It can not only help people recover some dark injuries, but also contains the longevity of Taoism. You can get a taste of it."

Wang Changtian laughed.

"Longevity wine!" Ren Feiyang twisted the wine glass and carefully observed the wine.

The wine is green and pleasantly scented, and there are lines of it.

After that, the **** sons of all races began to taste wine.

The scent of wine is fragrant, and there is a pervasive charm that makes people yearn for it.

The gods of all races began to immerse themselves, to realize the eternal righteousness.

Wang Changtian smiled faintly ~ ~ At this time, under the Changsheng monument.

"This Ren Tianxing actually condenses three demigods." Under the Changsheng monument, the Changsheng seal on Ren Tianxing's head took shape.

However, after he condensed three demigods, he could no longer condensate.

"Oh, congratulations to Ren Gongzi for condensing three demigods." After Ren Tianxing successfully condensed the longevity seal, a man of Wang's quasi-sky **** state laughed.

This is the son of Wang who is responsible here after Wang Yousheng.

"Three and a half!" Ren Tianxingdao, "Unfortunately, the fourth one was unsuccessful." He showed regret.

By this time, he was so tired that he could not continue to condense.

[515 is coming soon, I hope to continue to hit the 515 red envelope list. By May 15th, the red envelope rain will give back to readers and publicity works. One piece is also love, it must be better! 】

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