Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1893: Wang's secret

Wang Changtian seemed to have another plan for Xiao Yun.

However, on the other side of the city, there are still people watching this place.

"This afterlife is a personal thing, and there is indeed a long-lived breath on it ... but it is not appropriate to proactively provoke it now, but wait for the long-life secret realm to open up. If that is the case, it is an opportunity for my tribe, but it is also A difficult choice. "

There was a deep flash of light in Wang Yunhai's old eyes.

It was a kind of eye that could penetrate the world.

For these eyes, Xiao Yun naturally sensed it.

However, he did not know what Wang Changtian wanted.

As for the eyes of others, he didn't care.

In this discussion, he pushed people in the same realm horizontally, and evolved the Shinto mystery of various ethnic groups, which is normal to attract the attention of the gods.

Xiao Yun, led by a **** of the Wang family, came to the courtyard where the VIPs lived.

The courtyard is quiet.

After entering the room, Xiao Yun evolved a divine pattern, blocking the room from being detected.

"My son, my son, give me eternal wine, I want to drink eternal wine!" The Phantom Worm immediately shouted.

Seeing Phantom Worm, Xiao Yun rolled his eyes.

However, he did not refuse.

After all, this time Wang Changtian was quite generous and gave him a jar of longevity wine.

He took out some, and after confirming that there was no problem, he introduced the sea consciousness and gave it to the phantom.

"What perception do you have?" However, Xiao Yun is more concerned about the longevity turtle.

Because since coming to Yuntian City, Longevity Turtle seems to have entered a mysterious state.

"It's hard to say." Changsheng Turtle said, "I feel that the Changsheng Avenue of the Changsheng Monument and my Changsheng Avenue seem to be the same source, but their avenues seem to be incomplete, but I also feel that my avenues are insufficient and defective. That feeling, like the avenue bound, failed to open the yoke and gave a full view. "

Long-lived turtles are very depressed at this time.

Originally, it was born of heaven and earth, and it has a complete long-life origin God pattern.

But now, he feels that his origins are bound, and he fails to understand the real Changsheng Avenue.

"What do you mean, your original **** pattern is restrained?" After hearing the words, Xiao Yun frowned.

"It's hard to say, and it needs to be verified." Changsheng Guidao said.

"This Wang family seems to have some accomplishments for Changsheng. Wang Changtian, who is said to be an early ancient man, has an alternative way to live for several generations. It is simply incredible. If the secret place of Changsheng is really a place of inheritance, Maybe it will be no small benefit to you. "Xiao Yun said.

He was reincarnated.

But his reincarnation is not the same, he started another life.

But this Wang Changtian is not the same. He seems to be able to remember the way of previous lives in every life.

"I feel like he's paying attention to you," said Chang Shenggui suddenly, "you have to beware of him."

"Naturally." Xiao Yun nodded, and he felt that Wang Changtian's attitude was surprising.

As rumored.

This is a legend. It should have been high above, looking down at all beings, but why did he care about Xiao Yun?

Is it because he condenses the immortal seal with a complete **** pattern?

For a legend, this is not enough.

So Xiao Yun naturally took precautions.

"Boy, there is Changsheng wine, and I don't want to give the old man some?" When Xiao Yun talked with Changsheng Turtle, he yelled with the supreme blow on his beard.

"Slightly." Xiao Yun gave a glance at the Supreme Devourer, and then gave him a few cups.

"Longevity wine is really delicious!" Swallowing the heavens supremely intoxicated.

He immediately drank the elixir.

"Did you know this Wang family in ancient times?" Xiao Yun asked.

Devour the Supreme.

Since he is supreme, it is natural to live endless years.

"Oh, Wang!" After drinking a cup, swallowing the Supreme Eyes to reveal the color of remembrance, then said, "This is a very old family of longevity."

"In nine days, the tribe was very mysterious, rarely born, almost isolated from the world. At that time, I wanted to drink a few sips of Changsheng wine and had some intersection with it. However, this Wang family has a strong heritage and should not be underestimated. Don't be underestimated! "For this Wang family, the Supreme Lord seems to be a little daunted.

"Why, have you been abused by Wang's people?" Xiao Yun asked with a smile.

"Oh, no, this isn't." Swallowed the Supreme.

"Then why do you look jealous?" Xiao Yun asked.

"This clan is very strong. In the early days of the ancient world, there were not only the Supreme Existence, but also the Emperor Soldiers." The Supreme Master Tun Tun said rather vaguely.

"There are Supreme and Emperor soldiers!" After hearing the words, Xiao Yun instantly understood.

Supreme, this is a level of swallowing.

The other side also has Emperor soldiers, which is his arrogance?

It is estimated that in ancient times, he had no good results when he asked for longevity wine.

"I don't know if the supremacy of this tribe is ridiculed?" Murmured the supreme supreme master.

"Extreme, Emperor Soldier, is indeed a clan!" Xiao Yun could not help but take a deep breath and glanced at the Wang family.

Originally, he thought that the tribe was just a god.

But not only the Supreme, but also the Imperial Soldiers, that's different.

This is tantamount to being an emperor.

"Have the king ever been an emperor?" Xiao Yun asked.

"The Emperor?" Supreme Heaven shook his head and said, "Perhaps, I went out during the ancient times."

"This clan is too long, many characters have been lost in the long history, and it is difficult to be elegant today."

Although prestigious, he became famous in early antiquity.

As for the ancient times, the ancient times, the ancient times, things are still unknown.

You know, in ancient times, it only existed for 660,000 years.

In his last era, there was an ancient period.

That era is said to have existed for more than six million years!

As for the Archean period, it has a history of 90 million years.


In this long history, many things have turned into dust.

Many people did not even know whether the Emperor was a person in ancient times or in the ancient times.

Future generations only know that Hengdi has been around for a long time.

Is the most prestigious emperor in modern times.

"Then you know this Wang Changtian?" Xiao Yun asked.

"Wang Changtian was a little known in ancient times, but he didn't know how old he was," said Tuntian Supreme.

"What!" Hearing, Xiao Yun was shocked.

Actually, even this Supreme Devourer has heard of Wang Changtian.

From this perspective, this person is really a personal thing!

"What is he trying to do?" Xiao Yun was surprised.

At this time Wang Changtian seemed to be a young man.

Although his breath is unfathomable, he is obviously not a god.

Apparently ~ ~ He didn't just seal himself and survived.

"Wang ... I vaguely remember that this Wang has not only a mysterious history, but also a big backer." Tuntian Supreme frowned.

After all, he was a remnant who gave birth to a spirit, and there are many memories that cannot be remembered.

It can be said that he is no longer devastating.

"Is there a backer?" Xiao Yun frowned.

Everyone has the Supreme, and there is also a patron. Is it the emperor?

"It seems that his backing is a tortoise that has been immortal for a long time," recalled Tian Tianzun Mulu, muttering in a low voice, "as if the ancestor of the Wang family was the turtle boy?"

"Oh, I don't want it anymore. What a mess, the old man has a headache."

After thinking about it for a while, but couldn't think of the results, the Supreme Devourer simply didn't want it anymore, and he drank a glass of Changsheng wine directly.

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