Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1895: Changshenghai

In the ancient city of Yuntian, the teleportation array opens.

"Linggong, please!" Wang Changtian made a gesture to Xiao Yun.

"Please!" Xiao Yun politely reached out his hand.

Then, Wang Changtian took the lead in leaving.

Xiao Yun and Wang Yousheng followed.

In addition, there are two Wang Shishou follow.

As for the other six princes, they are here.

When Xiao Yun and Wang Changtian entered the cyclone, people of all races followed.

It didn't take long for the deities in Yunhai City to dissipate on this high platform.

Most of Wang's deities also went there.

"Should you see some clues this time?" A slightly fat elder's eyes flashed, and he stepped into the transmission cyclone.

This man is the owner of Yunhai Store, Wang Yunhai.

The teleportation was connected to a void.

Looking up here, the world is hazy, like a mutilated world.

After landing, Xiao Yun clearly felt a different breath.

Here, the complete world rules are missing.

"This is a mutilated secret." When he landed, Wang Changtian turned back to Xiao Yun, who was suspicious behind him.

"The incomplete secret." Xiao Yun stared at the light, then looked around.

The mountains here are full of trees and trees, but there is a little vitality.

In the void, some Changsheng uprights can be captured, but they are very thin.

"At that time, it was very prosperous here!" Wang Changtian looked at the mountains and rivers in front of his eyes, his eyes revealing.

But today, some are only broken mountains and rivers, and the broken heavens and earth are.

Xiao Yun's eyes looked around.

At this time, the gods of various races appeared here one after another.

many people.

Many are children of large families.

But it's more of an ordinary true god.

Moreover, some people do not have a complete seal of longevity.

However, these people want to try it for the sake of Changsheng Avenue.

Waiting a little, Wang's people looked at each other.

Then, began to communicate the world.

God's pattern blends into some special arrays in this secret place.


The ground was rumbling, the sound was rumbling, and the mountains were shaking, and an ancient and vast atmosphere permeated in all directions.

Suddenly in front of this secret place, there were undulating mountains and hills, appearing out of thin air.

In front of this mountain is a vast ocean.

The sea is blue with waves, and there are islands and reefs.

The entire secret environment was instantly renewed, such as a new world.

Seeing this, the deities of all races were surprised.

"This secret is so mysterious?" Xiao Yun was also stunned, apparently did not expect that this incomplete secret had another world.

The sea evolved, and everyone looked like they were at the beach.

The sea is foggy, and you can see a cave at the end.

"This is Changshenghai!" Wang Changtian said to Xiao Yun. "The end of Changshenghai is Changshengdong, which is our purpose."

"If you want to enter the Changsheng Cave, you must step over the Changsheng Sea."

Xiao Yun's eyes narrowed, and God's consciousness diffused forward.

Only when he touched the sea of ​​Changsheng, he felt the power of a avenue pervade.

That power shook his consciousness almost to pieces.

"Changshenghai, there are forbidden patterns, and most people can't set foot in it at all." Wang Yousheng explained, "Only those who have the imprint of the immortal seal and contain a trace of longevity can enter the Changshenghai without being forbidden by the forbidden pattern. It is the King of God, and no one can break into it. "

"The same is true, my family will set up a longevity monument, so that people can unite the longevity seal."

This is to make people enter the sea of ​​longevity.

"So it is." Xiao Yun's eyes were stunned.

"This Changsheng Sea gives me a familiar feeling." Just then, Changsheng Turtle murmured.

Since coming to this secret place, it feels its origin is restless.

It couldn't help but release a trace of mind, but sensed the Changsheng Sea ahead.

This caused Wang Changtian's eyes to freeze suddenly.

"It's that breath." Wang Yunhai also moved.

After a little while, the breath of the sea ahead was calm.

That space stabilized.

In this way, a king of the Wang family turned around and swayed toward the gods behind.

"All of you, this is the sea of ​​longevity. At the end of the sea, it is the cave of longevity, which contains the way of longevity. I Wang ’s thoughts are for all beings to cultivate for longevity. Only then is this forbidden area opened. There is still a chance to come out with a long seal, but if you enter the Changsheng cave, if there is danger, the long seal will be difficult to help you out of danger, so whenever you enter, you must be prepared for ridicule. "

The word of this prince is straightforward.

That is to say, if you enter the Changsheng Cave, there is a great chance of ridicule.

As soon as he spoke, the gods of all races looked astonished.

"If anyone is ridiculing, don't blame me Wang." Shen Wang Shen said.

"Oh, since I'm here, I have a sense of nature." After hearing the words, the deities of all races smiled.

"In this way, you can enter the sea of ​​longevity. Remember, urging the seal of longevity can reduce the pressure of prohibition." Wang's gods said, "Furthermore, practitioners above the king of God cannot enter, or the consequences will be at your own risk." He As a reminder, the space here is scarce, so the strong are not allowed to enter the Changsheng Sea.

The fear is that it will cause instability in Changshenghai.

"Ling Daoyou, please!" Wang Yousheng held out his palm and motioned towards Xiao Yun.

"Please!" As soon as Xiao Yun's eyes condensed, he moved forward.

Wang Yousheng side by side.

Seeing Xiao Yun leave, the deities of all ethnic groups moved forward one after another.

Ren Feitian and others have moved forward.

"Go!" Ren Tianxing and Ren Tianming looked at each other and moved forward.

In this way, the true gods and gods of all races went forward.

The rest are some seniors.

Wang Changtian's eyes froze, watching Xiao Yun go forward.

"When you reach the Changsheng Sea, everything will surface." Wang Changtian's mouth evoked a radian.

Aside, Wang Yunhai also looked forward.

As for the deities of other races, they are waiting here.

Regarding Changsheng Cave, they also want to check it out.

This place is famous since ancient times!

However, their realm is restricted and they cannot move forward.

This is regrettable.


There was a ripple in the space, and a powerful force of restraint swept through.

This power prevents people from approaching the Changsheng Sea.

When he came to the beach, Xiao Yun's footsteps could not help slowing down.

"This Changsheng Sea is said to be the place where my ancestors lived." Wang Yousheng's eyes were stunned, and he hurried towards Xiao Yundao. "There are islands in the sea, and there is opportunity, but the real eternal life uprightness is in the Changsheng cave. If you want to find a way to live forever, you can explore it. "

"If you have the chance, you should explore Changsheng Cave." Xiao Yun nodded.

"So, I'm one step ahead." Wang Yousheng's eyes narrowed, and his body was covered with a longevity road pattern.

When the longevity pattern on his body pervaded ~ ~ the oppression from the Changsheng Sea disappeared immediately.

He strode forward and stepped directly into the sea shrouded in blue gods.

Subsequently, the gods of the Wangs followed each other.

These people also want to come here to feel the Changsheng Avenue.

"Changsheng Avenue!" Seeing this, Xiao Yun's eyes condensed, and on his body, a long-life seal appeared, with the pattern of creeps on it.

A breath of Changsheng Avenue permeated it and shrouded Xiao Yun.

In this way, Xiao Yun immediately felt a sense of integration with the sea and the world ahead.

"Changshenghai, I'm here!" Xiao Yun strode forward and stepped into the sea shrouded in godliness.

When stepping into this place, he is like coming to another world.

This is a world shrouded in long breath.

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