Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1908: Situation

Inside the Wang's hall.

Wang Sanjie sits down.

Xiao Yun and Changsheng Ye Duan sat on.

As for the others, they are simply not eligible.

Wang Yunfan asked about the situation of Longevity Turtle.

It seems as if he is concerned about the situation of the Longevity Turtle over the years.

After questioning, Xiao Yun was surprised by their expressions.

Changshengye is very calm, calm and calm.

"Shinto is flourishing now, is the great age started? I believe that when everything comes to an end, wait, if you really want to do your best, you still have to practice well. At least, if you do n’t become an emperor, after all, you ca n’t intervene in such major events, even if it is accurate Emperor, in vain, I think you should understand these. "

The eyes of Changsheng's eyes were bright, and she cried.

Although not supreme, he has the supreme power.

Even in the face of the two lords, he had no trace of emotional fluctuations.

"Young Master rest assured, I will try hard to practice." Wang Yunhai said, "Even if he is not a great emperor, the old slave is also willing to saddle the horse back for the young Master."

"Okay." Changsheng Ya nodded slightly.

"My son of Wang, never forget the vengeance of the Lord, even if the enemy is strong, I will not be afraid." Wang Yunfan said in a deep voice.

"Okay!" Changshengye nodded, and then said, "I think your cultivation has also fallen into a bottleneck, and you haven't realized the meaning of Changsheng."

"Forget the master's instructions." Wang Yunfan said in a deep voice.

Wang Changtian reconciled, and at the same time, there was a flash of light in those eyes.

"This is the semi-ministerial Shengjing, you take it to enlightenment, remember, this scripture can not be passed on to others." Changsheng Yemu Yi Ning.

Only to see him take out three jade Jane.

Then, his eyebrows flashed, and the Supreme Scripture was engraved in the jade bamboo slips.

"This is the Longevity Scripture?" When this Scripture flashed, Xiao Yun was shocked inside.

"This is the supreme classic!" The Phantom Worm could not help but immerse itself in the rhyme released by the scriptures.

After a little while, the scriptures were successfully branded.

Hey, hey!

Changshengye moved his hand, and the three jade Jane flew to Wang Yunhai.

The three got up and quickly took Yu Jian.

"Thank you for your gift!"

At the same time, the three men fell to their knees at the same time.

"The Longevity Scriptures, only my father has the complete scriptures." Changshengye said, "Unfortunately, my father is not where."

He shook his head again and again, regretful.

"It is a blessing to wait for the Lord's half of the scriptures," Wang Yunfan said.

"With this half of the scriptures, the old slave is confident that he can step into the emperor, or even into the realm of the great emperor." Wang Yunhai was even more grateful.

He is full of confidence.

"By then, the old slave will definitely charge for the young master." He looked firm.

Obviously, this is a faithful servant.

The three are thankful again and again.

However, Changshengye is still very indifferent, making people not see a trace of emotional fluctuations.

"Well, you go down first, I have to retreat for a while," Changshengye said.

"Yes!" The three nodded.

"Young Master, if you are instructed, you can call the old slave at any time." Wang Yunhai said.

He also specially left a messenger card for Changshengye.

"Okay!" Changshengye took the jade card.

"This is our jade card." Wang Changtian and Wang Yunhai said.

"It's enough to leave one person alone. You still have to retreat a lot and impact the emperor's realm." Changshengye put a pendulum and said, "If you don't become an emperor, you can't see the vast world, you can't become a chess player, and you can dominate all directions , Will only become a piece of the vast world chess game, not even the pieces. "

"I'll wait for the young bishop to do so." Wang Yunfan and Wang Changtian nodded.

The three then resigned respectfully.

Changshengye and Xiao Yun were arranged in a high mountain mansion.

When they came to the mansion, Xiao Yun and Changshengye came to a secret room.

Then, Changshengye took out a treasure and shrouded him and Xiao Yun.

Seeing how cautious Changshengye was, Xiao Yun could not help but take a deep breath.

He knew that Changshengye must have something to say.

"You must be curious, what is my identity, right?" Changshengye condensed to Xiao Yun.

Xiao Yun nodded.

He was indeed curious.

Let the three princes of the Wang family be like this, at least the emperor, right?

Xiao Yun had not contacted the emperor, and he was naturally curious about these ancient things.

"I have a long-lived turtle, and it existed in the ancient times." Changshengye said to Xiao Yun.

"Ancient times?" After hearing the words, Xiao Yun's eyes flashed.

"Our heaven and earth have existed for a long time. The most recent era from the current era is the ancient times, and then there are the ancient times, the ancient times, the ancient times, and the chaos. It has existed for 6 million years, 90 million years in the Archean period and 1.2 billion years in the ancient period. As for the chaotic era, no one knows it. My father is a character in the ancient period.

"Ancient times ... So, at least your father lived for at least a hundred million years?" Wen Yan felt shocked.

"Well." Changshengye nodded.

"Billion years, how long should this be!" Xiao Yun could not help but take a deep breath.

"For the real strong, a million years are just a snap, maybe a hundred thousand years will pass." Changshengye said.

Then, Xiao Yun nodded, calming the shock in his heart.

At that level, it's really impossible to compare with ordinary people.

"Then your father is the emperor?" Xiao Yun asked.

"The Emperor?" Changshengye smiled and said, "What state does not matter, at least it is not me waiting."

Xiao Yun frowned slightly.

He knew that Changshengye ’s father should be the most powerful.

Otherwise, Changshengye wouldn't say Wang Sanjie, at least it must be the emperor's cultivation to touch the big event.

"The world is vast, there are countless strong, we are too weak." Changshengye said, "the future is destined to be calm."

"What's the future? Why not think about it now, as long as we work hard and focus on the road," Xiao Yundao said.

Although he also wanted to be the emperor, he did not have much obsession.

In his mind, constantly improving his own avenue is the current goal.

"Well." Changshengye nodded.

"What else do you have to say?" Xiao Yun said.

He felt that Changshengye should have something else.

"We need to find a chance to leave the Wang family," Changshengye said.

"Brother, in Wang's family, you have two brothers and sisters, why do you leave?" Phantom Worried suspiciously.

Isn't it good to be an uncle here?

The **** had previously offended them ~ ~ the Lord destroyed it in minutes.

It feels so cool.

Who would dare to provoke them in this star **** domain in the future?

"I think it's because Wang has the Supreme Master that you want to leave, right?" Xiao Yun said, looking at Changshengye.

"Good." Jangshengye nodded.

"Why?" Phantom looked puzzled.

"The ancestors of the Wang family are my father's children ... The Wang family has been a servant of my clan for generations." Changshengye said, "My father, holding their life and death ... But my father's life and death are still unknown. The reincarnation, the absence of cultivation, no longer has the ability to dominate the clan. "

If you can't control the other party, why will the other party surrender to you?

That is His Holiness!

[Now the old demon will try his best to speed up the rhythm of the plot and try to finish the book as soon as possible. Don't forget to give the monthly ticket to the brothers with monthly tickets.]

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