Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1916: Imperial city

Xiao Yun's heart sank into the yin and yang treasure book.

He intends to perceive this thing carefully, hoping to gain something.

Beware that Shen sinks into the yin and yang treasure book, Xiao Yun seems to have come to a yin and yang world.

There was a ripple in that day, and the sound of the avenue rang out.

The world is not open, it is chaos. After chaos, it is divided into yin and yang.

The sound wave shocked Xiao Yun's heart.

He was in the middle of the avenue.

Although, he had realized the avenue before.

However, when people stand at a constant height, they will see that the physical appearance will also change.

In this sound, this is accompanied by the doctrine.

That heaven and earth order appeared before Xiao Yun's eyes.

At this moment, he felt incomparably close to the avenue.

Then, his mind was completely immersed in it.


Time passed quietly.

Xiao Yun didn't know how long Shen Shen had been in the yin and yang book.

Seeing that he was practicing, Changshengye and Wang Yunhai, Ren Kexin didn't bother.

"Yin and Yang create nature, and creation creates all things ... Yin and Yang include Wan Dao." In the Yin and Yang Baojian, the sound of Dao vibrates, and Xiao Yun is whispering.

In addition, there are Tao patterns condensed into his mind.

Xiao Yun has begun to take control of the yin-yang avenue.

"Yin and Yang are all-encompassing, and they are all derived from it. Then, they can also be deduced." Xiao Yun's heart kept clear.

Although, he has already tried to deduct Wandao before.

However, he was just trying and had not yet formed a Tao.

Did not form a road.

While mumbling, he started deduction.

"Then, let's deduct the anti-chaos eyes first." Xiao Yun's heart was dark.

Although, he has taken control of the chaos.

However, it is not enough.

He wants to truly make this anti-chaotic eye perfect.

In this way, under the mystery of Xiao Yungang's sense of enlightenment, the divine pattern in front of him was intertwined, and the anti-chaos pattern was condensed.

In the end, Rebellious God's Eyes,

His mind quit.

Those eyes flickered, and the gods were intertwined.

Today, his left eye is chaotic and his right eye is broken, just like that of Ren Ren.

"Other avenues can do the same." Xiao Yun secretly murmured.

Then he continued deduction.

As long as the avenues he has seen and the avenues he has sensed are all condensed one by one.

This kind of control is obviously more perfect than when he was in the true God.

"This is the real state of heaven and god, and this is the real avenue of yin and yang." Xiao Yun muttered to himself: "As for the technique of deduction, it can be called the technique of enlightenment!

Today Xiao Yun is getting closer and closer to the avenue uprising.

Then he continued to realize.

In this way, half a month later, Xiao Yun withdrew from the Yin and Yang Baojian.

His eyes flashed and he got up.

An impassioned temperament permeated from him.

He is like the Tao coming to dust, aloof.

Even Longevity is comparable to it, it is a little less rhyme.

"Cultivation is over." Changshengye blinked his eyes and said.

At this time, he also noticed Xiao Yun's breath change.

"Well," Xiao Yun nodded, and then said, "You can go to Emperor Star."

"Good!" Wang Yunhai nodded.

Then, he led the crowd across the Xinghe and headed towards the Emperor.


This is a huge star field, and I do n’t know how much larger than the sky star field.

The land here is vast and vast, with no end in sight.

At the edge of the star field, there are still gates.

At this time, Xiao Yun and others came to a domain gate.

After paying the **** crystal, they were able to come to the gate of the domain.

First, Wang Yunhai went.

He is Tianzun and powerful.

Such a character enters the realm of the Emperor Star, and the face will inevitably be rejected.

So whether Wang Yunhai can enter is still a question.

Xiao Yun and Changshengye were slightly worried.

"I am a human race and should be able to enter it." Wang Yunhai looked indifferent.

I only saw him take a step towards the gate of the domain.

At the same time, he was restrained, like a mortal.


Only when they touched the gate of the realm, a force of plane will covered Wang Yunhai.

"Why did this person attract such a mighty Daowei?" Those Daowei shocked all directions, shocking the **** king nearby.

Just now Wang Yunhai's convergent breath is no different from the **** king. Most people can't find his realm at all.

Only the will of the plane can be sensed.

The will of the plane descended, but Wang Yunhai looked safe and strode forward, stepping into the gate of the domain.

"It seems all right." When Wang Yunhai entered the gate of the gate, Changshengye sighed slightly.

With Tianzun following, they are in the Royal Star Realm, which is much more convenient.

Later, Xiao Yun and Changshengye entered Renhuangxing Realm together.


A wave of ripples appeared, and Xiao Yun and others appeared on the wide platform inside the domain gate.

At this point, Wang Yunhai was standing still.

"It's okay?" Changshengye said.

"Although it's okay, but this person's will of Huangxing Realm is locking me tightly." Wang Yunhai smiled bitterly.

He could clearly feel the breath of the will on the plane.

It felt like he was being watched.

Obviously, if he is in chaos in the Emperor's Realm, the will of the plane will probably be shot.

"Plane will, this is a trouble." Changshengye frowned slightly.

"It doesn't matter." Wang Yunhai said, "the will of the plane will not be in disorder, as long as I don't kill the innocent, it should be fine."

"Well." Changsheng Ya nodded slightly.

This will of the plane is generally selfless.

They can also distinguish right from wrong.

However, in general, the will of the plane will not interfere, it will allow the world to change and follow the rules of the heavens.

"It is enough for Wang Lao to enter here." Xiao Yun smiled indifferently.

Now that he is a god, and there is a **** nearby, what is the fear?

"But I don't know, where is Jiang's person?" Xiao Yun secretly murmured.

Jiang's potential is huge, and there is a heavenly respect. As long as they enter this place, they must be able to gain a foothold in this person's royal star domain.

When you find Jiang, it's easier to find sister Yan.

"Go find a city first and ask about the situation of the Emperor Starfield." Changshengye said.

"Well." Xiao Yun nodded.

Then they flew together into the void in the distance.


After three months.

Emperor Xingyu, Jiang Yu, Emperor City.

This is one of the oldest cities in the Celestial Realm.

At that time, the emperor Jiang was here.

In a restaurant.

At this moment, four people stepped in from the stairs.

These four people are Xiao Yun, Ren Kexin, Changshengye, and Wang Yunhai.

In addition, there is a long worm on Xiao Yun's shoulder, but it is a phantom worm.

The four were seated in a seat by the window.

The restaurant is a tasting restaurant on the imperial city, located on the top of the mountain.

At this time, Xiao Yun and others sat by the window and could see many scenes of the imperial city.

Ahead of it, those dangling platforms are eye-catching.

That is the inner city of the imperial city, which is the core area.

"People's Imperial City, it's a bit imposing." Sitting in the position, Xiao Yun smiled indifferently ~ ~ That is. "Wang Yunhai said," This is the imperial city. The Jiang family existed as early as the ancient times and even in the ancient times. They have not only had one great emperor, especially the recent Emperor Emperor, but they were figures from several eras. It can be called the emperor of ancient times, which is the existence of Zhen Shuo. "

"Hengdi!" After hearing the words, Xiao Yun's eyes narrowed for a moment, his eyes reminisced.

At the beginning, he was considered to have been instructed by Hengdi.

Not only that, Hengdi's spiritual body made several sieges for Xiao Yun.

The two have some connection.

"However, the Jiang family here is not the Jiang family in the sanctuary." Xiao Yun shook his head slightly.

In Renhuangxingyu, there are also children of Jiang, who are considered to be the same.

However, it is a different branch, with a mustard on both sides.

The same is true. In ancient times, one branch fell into the realm of humans, while the other remained in the realm of gods.

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