Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1949: Head to Haotianxing ...

Xiao Yun talked with Changshengye and mentioned a lot. Bayi Novel Network ≥ ﹤< ≦ ≤ ≦ ﹤﹤ ≤

Regarding the words of the saint, let Xiao Yun's mood rise and fall.

The Supreme Devourer next to it also feels Alexander.

Ming Ziyu's eyes flashed, revealing a firm light.

It seems that they all have goals.

That is getting stronger!

"Before the Emperor Heng shot, the skyless is temporarily hidden for a while, so we have to stabilize our realm and strive for early respect." Xiao Yun said.

"Well." Ming Ziyu nodded.

Without respect, you ca n’t really fight the sky.

Then they dispersed and began to retreat.

Retreat is to stabilize the state.

"If the gods of the gods build a separate avenue, as long as the rules of this avenue are perfectly controlled, a complete Shinto world is constructed, with its own order. If it is a great emperor, the Shinto world must have integrity The order of God in this Shinto world is like the Lord, who controls everything. "

Inside the secret room, Xiao Yun whispered.

This is ordinary Shinto.

Xiao Yun's mixed-yuan avenue must touch various avenues in order to set foot in the state of respect and make the world perfect.

Such as time, space, order.

Only when these avenues have been touched and felt some fur, a complete world can be considered as a framework.

Otherwise, even the broken world is not counted.

A month later.

"If you want to set foot in the divine realm, you still need to accumulate. Now, it's time to look for Ling Xi and Linger them." Xiao Yun stopped participating.

After reaching this level, it will become difficult for every trace of progress.

Time, space, order, these mysteries are too difficult to understand.

This is not a simple retreat to be enlightened. You need to walk between the heavens and the earth, to appreciate the heavens and the earth, and to appreciate the nature in order to have an insight.

Therefore, after stabilizing the realm, Xiao Yun went out of customs.

Then he started deduction.

First, he deduced Ling Xi's picture.

A figure evolved, mountains and rivers emerged.

"This seems to be Haotianjie?" Xiao Yun was moved.

Today, he has reached the quasi-god realm, and he is much stronger in deduction.

He can not only push and show someone, but the mountains and rivers in that area can also extend for millions, even millions of miles.

Can also sense the breath there.

This is the gap brought by the realm.

Immediately, he deduced Xiao Linger again.

Xiao Linger appeared in a snow and ice palace.

This world is full of blue water.

"This seems to be the sea and sky of the past, but there are more plates in this area." Xiao Yunmu groaned and murmured, "Is it a mixed star field?" Now the ten major realms in ancient times have collapsed. There are only eight major star domains, which correspond to the ancient world.

However, Haitianjie has integrated into the mixed star field.

"If Linger is in the mixed star field, it is a little far away." Xiao Yun frowned.

Renhuang Starfield and Haotian Starfield are not far away.

But the mixed star field is some distance away.

It is also that he has become a quasi-god, otherwise he would like to go to the celestial star domain for some time.

"Looking at Yi Yi." Xiao Yun's eyes narrowed, and he continued his deduction.

A movement of mind led to a picture.

This is a hazy area, like a sea of ​​mixed elements.

At this point, the little guy was wrapped in a mixed light pattern and seemed to be undergoing metamorphosis.

Can continue deduction, there will be a force of repulsion, resulting in Xiao Yun can not continue.

"The little guy is all right." Seeing this, Xiao Yun was slightly relieved.

"The Haotian Star Domain is closer to this, and it's time to go there and sigh." After stopping the deduction, Xiao Yun blinked and muttered.

Haotian Star Field, evolved for Haotian Realm.

For this region, Xiao Yun has deep emotions.

Now he wants to go there too.

Immediately, Xiao Yun informed the people that they wanted to leave the Emperor Xingyu.

In the living room, the eternal life, Ming Ziyu, Supreme Devourer, Wang, and others gathered together.

"You're leaving?" Seeing this, Changshengye frowned slightly.

At this moment he was impacting the half-step **** realm.

Ming Ziyu is also at a critical moment of enlightenment.

"It's time to take a look at the Haotian Starfield." Xiao Yun said, "Moreover, Ling Xi may be there."

"Oh." Wen Yan said, Ming Ziyu nodded. "It really should have been there earlier."

"Just that lawlessness!" Changshengye frowned slightly.

If skyless suddenly appears, it will be very troublesome.

After all, this time, Xiao Yun also relied on the will of the Emperor's Heaven to fight against the sky.

If you walk outside, it is difficult to have this ability.

"Everything happens." Xiao Yun's face was sullen.

If he did n’t go to Haotian Starfield to look for Ling Xi because of his fearlessness, then what is the use of his cultivation?

"Let's do that," said Jang Sang-yeh, "we cultivate in your secret place, so there is a care for it."

He also knows something about Xiao Yun.

"That's good." Supreme swallowed his head and nodded.

After merging the remnant soul of the boy who swallowed the sky, he knew the power of the sky.

You know, the boy who can swallow the sky can be reborn, and it has a lot to do with the help of the sky.

"Well." Ming Ziyu nodded.

"OK." Xiao Yun said, "So, let's choose sunrise."

Everyone nodded.

Three days later, after bidding farewell to Jiang Zixu and others, their group left.

Although at the critical moment of practice, Ke Mingziyu and others also felt that it would be okay to go for a walk.

Otherwise, blind cultivation cannot break through.


Haotian Starfield!

This is a vast area, and it is also protected by the will of the plane.

Xiao Yun and Changshengye, Ming Ziyu and others left here directly after leaving the Emperor's Realm.

First, they came to the domain gate.

In front of the domain door, the star field light curtain connected the heaven and the earth, a mighty Dawei shocked, making people stand up.

Even though Changshengye has reached the half-step **** state, he feels great pressure.

Looking out at the starry sky, Ming Ziyu's eyes flashed, but the mind was sensing, sensing the creeping road pattern of the light curtain.

"There is also the power of order in this." Ming Ziyu murmured in his heart, and now he has been comprehending, searching for the meaning of the avenue of order.

Xiao Yun stepped forward first.

Beside him, Ren Kexin and Sister Yan followed.

They are also more aware of the nature of the heavens and the earth, and they are aware of the avenue to break through.

Therefore, this time, the three did not blindly retreat.

When entering the gate of the domain, a vast avenue will fall down.

When this will shrouded Xiao Yun, a familiar feeling poured into my heart.

What happened in Haotianjie was vivid, as if it was born a short time ago ~ ~ Haotianjie, my hometown. Xiao Yun's heart moved, and she was full of thoughts.

Haotianjie is not only his homeland, but also his regret.

That year, he failed to become a god, and died in this battle.

At that time, he could only look at Haotianjie's creatures.

As the emperor here, he couldn't shelter Cangsheng, and his heart hurt.

"I must be a strong person in this life, and never let my loved ones, let my people, so helpless." Xiao Yun secretly said.

When this emotion emerged, for some reason, the avenue of Haotian Starfield, subdued into Xiao Yun's body, also softened.

That feeling, like meeting your own love.

Then, Xiao Yun stepped and stepped into the domain gate.

Changshengye and others followed.

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