Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1970: Yi Nichen

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The turmoil calmed down and the war ended.

In the territory of Hao Tianshen, Xiao Yun and his deceased greeted.

The old **** of the Haotian tribe also booed and asked many questions.

"The person who just shot, you are called, is he?" Uncle Twenty-eight asked.

He would like to know about it.

"It was my father who shot just now." Xiao Yun said, "It was the third son of the former Haotian clan, Haotian Dragon."

"What a brother!" Uncle Twenty-eight was full of emotion.

In the past years, Haotianlong has been the most talented of their dozens of brothers.

Alas, he is also in awe of many brothers.

It's a pity that Haotianlong died while fighting, and therefore the twenty-eighth emperor was extremely sad.

"Father, he died in war and has been reincarnated, so many things in ancient times cannot be controlled." Xiao Yun said.

"I understand." Twenty-eighth emperor said, "Heaven and earth have their own rules of operation. Each clan has its own number of lives. My Haotian clan has been extremely brilliant. Later, he was unable to experience the baptism of the war, so he fell into disappointment. "

He sighed in his heart.

If all the people are striving forward, how can it be so?

In that year, even Haotianlong failed to practice hard, wasting peerless talent.

The same is true for He, after his reincarnation, he deeply understood the significance of the existence of a large clan.

A clan must have an upward mind.

However, it is too difficult to change people's hearts.

It is not a bad thing that the Hao Tian people experienced some hardships.

This time, the Haotian tribe was bullied, so that the tribe deeply felt the humiliation of the weak.

人 Many years ago, people were determined to rise.

Only in this way can we change a large clan.

Seeing this from the 28th uncle, Xiao Yun was relieved.

His father looked far away, so he didn't get involved in the Haotian clan too much.

I was like Xiao Yun. How many times did he die?

But at that time, Xiao Zhantian didn't take any action.

"Yu, meet Yu Huang!" At this time, the King Kong, the lord of the horned Sirius came, all faced with fear, bowed to Xiao Yun.

The princes also bowed.

At this moment, they were panicked.

There are even many old princes among them, who are characters from ancient times.

They did not expect that the Emperor Yuhuang, who had died in battle, would return to Haotian in this way.

"You, and your face call me emperor?" Xiao Yun turned his head, his eyes were cold, glanced at the gods of these races, said.

"Your Majesty, I have no intention of offending Huangwei!"

"Your Majesty, Haotian is weak now, we just want to try to control the Haotian God furnace, so as to enhance my Haotian power!"

尊 Three lords knelt down and said quickly.

"Because Haotian is weak, do you want to take control of Haotian's God furnace, Yang Haotian's prestige?" Xiao Yunmou said coldly. Not willing to send top-level gods, which left my Haotian tribe alone in the vortex of the battlefield, and my father died while fighting. "

"Then, the demon and the head of the Hades drove straight into me and killed me in Haotian. The quasi-gods of your tribe did not go out, and my grandfather died outside the city of Yuhuang."

Xiao Xiaoyun said verbatim, "Since my ascension to the throne, all ethnic groups have not listened to maneuvers, which has caused my Haotian tribe to kill and injure countless children."

"This ... is what you call me to be the power of Hao Tian? Do you want to benefit the people of Hao Tian?"

Xiao Xiaoyun's sonic shock.

At the same time, the yin and yang avenues flowed, making the picture here spread all over the Haotian star domain.

This words, every word of heart, let Haotian people listen and could not help tears.

That was really a difficult time.

The gods of various ethnic groups are also embarrassed.

In those days, they really wanted to weaken the Haotian tribe by taking advantage of the demons and the underworld.

Moreover, they did not expect that the war would spread to nine days.

Originally, in their view, when the power of the Haotian clan weakened, there should be a respected person in nine heavens to stabilize the overall situation.

In this way, the heritage of their ethnic groups is still there, and they can continue to surpass the Haotian tribe.

However, the war extended, not only spreading for nine days, the ten realms were shattered.

Jain has become a god.

That was also a dark age!

"In the ancient times, I have endured you for a long time. I do n’t want to. In the world, you actually joined forces and went to the Haotian clan to force the palace. Lin Li, how can it be? After all, it is selfishness and how to defend against foreign enemies? It can only be used by foreign enemies.

When that spit out, Xiao Yun shot.

A terrifying momentum swept out of him.


"Avoider, be 诛!"

"I'm a rebel offender!"

Haotian star field, sonic shock.

The tens of billions of people of the Haotian family spoke together, all of them murderous.

It's not enough to be such a person, not enough to stand up, and not enough to shock the world!

"诛!" In addition, people of other races also spoke.

Especially those ordinary practitioners.

He especially did not feel much about the core interests of the Protoss.

They only know the pain caused by the war in ancient times.

So they unanimously support Yuhuang.

This sound wave is soaring, Xiao Yun's momentum is getting stronger.

After a while, he flicked his fingers like a sword and took the King Vajrayans.

"No ..." the Lord shouted.

Alas, he couldn't even move.

Xiao Yun was too strong at this time. He, who gathered the wills of all living beings, was like the emperor's coming, and could control the life and death of gods.

His Holiness the King Kong tribe ridiculed.


Afterwards, the lord of the one-horned Sirius clan ridiculed.

Immediately, the Venerable Lord of the Sun Yang fell.

"In ancient times, you are also there!" Xiao Yun stared at the light and saw many old gods.

Then he shot coldly and sternly.

In ancient times ~ ~ he could not suppress the Eight Wildlands, and even if he was angry, he could not shoot.

Now, like the emperor's presence, he has the will of all beings.

At the moment, selfish gods are exiled one by one.

Only those gods who were still heroic in ancient times and once used to fight against the great devil could avoid death.

"I Hao Tianyu, determined to protect Haotian, if anyone has two hearts, this is the end!" When the gods were chopped, a deep voice sounded all over the world.

"My lord wise!"

"My lord is wise!" Suddenly, Haotian Starfield billions of people cheered.

Today's Yuhuang, let them revere.

The momentum that can suppress the world, let them see hope.

Only the Emperor can protect Haotian!

"Yuhuang!" Mu Tianlian blinked her eyelashes, and rippled to Xiao Yun's heart, "This is Yuhuang!"

She sighed.

In ancient times, if there was no war, with the talent of Yuhuang, could you suppress all ethnic groups?

Now, finally it was this scene that made her inexplicably excited.

It seems that everything should be like this.

After solving the deities of various races, Xiao Yun's eyes turned, and his eyes fell on the front.

His eyes passed through the light curtain in front of the sea and saw the sea of ​​Shenyang.

There, Hao Ri Shen Shan stands, with endless Tao Wei blooming.

"Hao Ri God Furnace!" As soon as the light of the eye moved, his sight was locked on the statue standing on the top of the mountain, such as the God Furnace that connected the heaven and earth.

Xiao Yun's thoughts also fluctuated with it.

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