Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1974: Mixed Yuan clone

In Xiao Yun's Hunyuan world, the fetus broke down and evolved into a clone. 1 novel≤≤≤≤ ≦ < ≦ <

This avatar only appeared, and it was already comparable to the gods.

Not only that, his momentum continues to soar, and his body is full of mixed elements.

This is like the son of a mixed element, with a temperament and doom.

"That's how it feels." Xiao Yun was feeling as she was born.

Immediately, the avenue was wavy, and this avatar was sitting on the Hao-Ri God's furnace, as if enlightened.

His practice is also constantly improving.

Time in the mixed world is increasing.

Xiao Yunzhi's avatar, constantly getting stronger, is also realizing.

He was born like a son of a mixed Yuan, and his starting point was too high.

"Time is added!" Xiao Yun was moved, and in the mixed world, time was added.

From the previous hundred times to one hundred and ten, it finally reached two hundred times.

Xiao Yun was deeply impressed by the birth of the avatar this time, and now he has more complete control over the mixed Yuan Avenue.

As a result, his time has increased.

Outside, six months passed quietly.

However, more than 90 years have passed in the mixed-yuan world.

At first, that month was only a hundred times longer.

In the next five months, it reached 200 times.

Ninety years.

For a son of a hybrid born in a mixed-yuan world, it can already grow quickly.

In particular, he still has the spirit of Xiao Yun, with the essence of Xiao Yun.

Based on this, he brought his own feelings.

In sixty years, the avatar has reached the state of honor.

Then, he continued to make breakthroughs, and in the seventy years, he reached the quasi-empire state.

Now that ninety years have passed, he has stabilized the quasi-empire state.

Not only that, Xiao Yun was placed into a fetus by Xiao Yun with the supreme means, and became an accompaniment's companion.

This not only makes Xiao Yun's avatar have a connection with this treasure.

Even more, the Hao Ri God Furnace has a little more inexplicable meaning.

"Finally, it was a complete success." Seeing that the scoring body reached this level, Xiao Yun's deity was also relieved.

"Perhaps, the heavens of this great world also conceived the innate deities?" Xiao Yun secretly thought.

This made him think a lot, and had a lot of insights about the derivatives of the big world beings.

For him, this is a rare opportunity to help him become emperor and prove his sage.

Of course, this opportunity is not for everyone.

If Xiao Yun hadn't repaired the Yuanyuan Avenue and only controlled the regeneration of the soul-splitting technique, it would be difficult to feel this.

Even if there is sentiment, it cannot reach this level.

As a split, Xiao Yun also stopped practicing.

Then, with a change of mind, in the mixed world, his eyes opened.

This man's eyes are as mixed as heaven and earth, among which a round of Shenyang is extremely dazzling.

However, his appearance is like Haotianyu's.

Since Xiao Yun intends to let this avatar defend Hao Tianjie, it should be like Hao Tianyu.

This is to make up for the regrets of his previous life.

Separated, appeared together in Haotian.

Today, Xiao Yun's mind is permeated.

Suddenly, everything in Haotianjie was taken into account.

"Idols!" As soon as his mind moved, Xiao Yun showed countless idols in Haotian Realm.

These idols were cast in the shape of Haotianyu.

There are also sculptures in the shape of Xiao Yun.

"Since the idol has been erected, let's keep my charm!" Xiao Yun's mind moved.

Later, his deity was released with his heart and mind, and was submerged in the statue of Xiao Yun.

In addition, the avatar also releases the brand of Shinto and injects it into the idol.

Suddenly, the statue of Dao Wei in the Haotian star field soared into the sky, and Xiao Yun's method evolved.

"In this way, we can suppress the eight shortages." Xiao Yun secretly thought.

"Yu Emperor is showing his prestige?" The people in Haotian Starfield were shocked.

Jang Sang-yeh and others sensed that they will continue to pass the next six.

"Success?" Changshengye laughed after seeing Xiao Yun's avatar.

"Well," Xiao Yun said, "it is truly mysterious and it makes me feel something."

"Oh, just feel good." Changshengye laughed.

Today, he is also very powerful, has reached the state of heaven, and is about to impact the Supreme at any time.

As a saint, his starting point is not comparable to swallowing the Supreme Master.

Devouring Heaven has now reached the quasi-god state.

Xiao Yun returned to the Haotian clan.

At this time, Zhihuang also said respect.

The Haotian tribe suddenly became extremely prosperous.

In fact, the entire Haotian Star Domain continued to break through the quasi-god realm and successfully honored.

In the past, in the ancient wars, His Holiness was ridiculed, and these people did not have any pointers.

Half a year ago, Xiao Yun preached that many powerful people who were stuck in the quasi-god realm felt something.

In this way, His Holiness naturally increased.

"Both are respected, okay!" After feeling the breath of Ming Ziyu and Changshengye, Xiao Yun did not sigh.

"Give me a month, I can also be honored," said the Supreme Lord with confidence.

"Good!" Xiao Yun said, "After one month, I will leave Haotian."

Now that he has been in Haotian Starfield for more than half a year, it is time to settle other things.

For example, find Linger, find Yi, or go and see how the demon friends such as the swallowing **** live.

"You're leaving?" Mu Tianlian was sad when he heard Xiao Yun's departure.

How long have you seen each other?

Before she got together, she would leave and make her reluctant.

Over the years, she has had too much to say to the man.

Ling Xi, Ren Kexin, and Sister Yan didn't think much.

If Xiao Yun leaves, they will follow.

"My clone will stay in Haotian." Xiao Yun said.

"Clone! That's okay." Mu Tianlian nodded, and turned towards Xiao Yun's clone.

Xiao Yun stayed in Haotian for a month.

The avatar went to practice Hao Ri Shen Shan in Hao Tian Shen Jing.

During this period, his deity walked and was quite satisfied with Haotian's current situation.

Since Yu Huangxian, the people in Haotian have been full of passion.

Countless people, want to join the barbarians, want to follow Yuhuang.

"Fresh Shenwei, will become an iron army in my Haotian world." Xiao Yun secretly murmured.

Then he set up some reward systems.

This is to reward the desolate guard.

Only in this way can these people make better progress.

"You can leave the heritage, from mortals, to gods, to the realization of the supreme state." Xiao Yun whispered.

Then he started to build a deserted temple in Haotianjie!

For ordinary people, it is too difficult to establish inheritance.

But Xiao Yungong participated in the creation, and now he has more and more ordinary emperors in his sense of Tiandi Avenue.

In an instant, he could deduce countless things.

It's even possible to evolve the law phase and shoot together.

This is Zhundi!

Twenty days later, the Awakened Shrine and the Legacy Shrine were finally perfected.

Here ~ ~ Xiao Yun has left a lot of thoughts on the avenue.

"Uncle Twenty-eight, you should be the first generation of the temple owner of this deserted temple!" Xiao Yun found the twenty-eighth emperor.

"Okay!" The twenty-eighth emperor's face was cheering and said, "You can rest assured that the uncle emperor will surely manage this desolate shrine for you."

This old uncle is very excited.

He is the family of the Haotian clan and always wanted to contribute to the clan.

Unfortunately, in ancient times, he was not as good as several brothers.

After antiquity, he failed to honor him and was always powerless.

How can he miss this opportunity now.

Xiao Yun nodded.

Then he talked with the emperor alone.

To say it is actually to point to the uncle.

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