Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1978: Haitian Shenjing

The sacred beads are suspended, the roads are dangled, and they are intertwined in the void. A novel ﹤ ≦≦ ≤ ﹤ ≤ <<

An ancient rune has been formed.

Then the rune poured into the altar ahead.


Suddenly, the altar in the altar soared into the sky ahead.


The world ahead is buzzing.

Then, a water curtain fell like a waterfall, connecting the Shenhai in front.

At the same time, the altar pattern on this altar extended into a long bridge, communicating the Shenhai in front, directly to the water curtain that connected the heavens and the earth.

"The sea and heavens are opened, everyone, you can enter it."

When this sacred bridge evolved, the three lords moved their eyes and recovered their **** beads.

Then they turned to the gods of all races.

When this word came down, the gods of all races were about to move.

"Haiti heaven, there is a sea of ​​avenues!"

"I hope to enter, I can set foot in the kingdom of God." Those gods are full of expectations.

Only the prince of Bihai turned his eyes to Xiao Yun.

Then he strode forward and set foot on the bridge.

People from Haitian Palace followed.

"Go!" The genius of Bishui Palace also set off.

"You will follow me later." Xiao Yun said to Xiao Linger.

Later, he, Changshengye, Ming Ziyu, also set foot on the long bridge.

Changshengye is very strong. Now he has reached the heavenly state and is about to impact the state of supreme state.

Ming Ziyu is also extremely amazing, only a little worse than Changsheng Ye, and now also Tianzun.

Originally, the Supreme Master could not enter the sea and heaven realm, but they were not afraid.

Longevity has its own means to confuse heaven.

Ming Ziyu too.

Of course, even if they can't hide their secrets, Xiao Yun can help.

Everyone stepped into the bridge of God.

The bridge was tested before they stepped on, and they seemed to have come to a vast ocean.

The sea is so vast that no margins can be seen.

Even the evolving sky of water in front was gone.

From time to time, there were huge waves rolling in the sea, and they came over.

The momentum was fierce, and the pressure brought by it could break the spirit of the gods.

Obviously, most people can't set foot on Shenqiao, let alone go to Haitian God Realm.

Bihai walked forward, and he walked forward almost without any obstruction.

It seems that he merges with the avenue, and he is this blue sea.

"Such a person is like a Tao." That kind of rhyme, even Changshengye had to admire.

"This person is not easy!" Ming Ziyu also frowned.

"No need to worry, just wait and see what happens." Xiao Yun's face calmed.

If it had been before, he would still worry.

However, now that he has become a quasi-empire, what fears?

In this way, Xiao Yun and others also continued to move forward.

Only ordinary gods have full-faced expectations, but do not know that there may be a big storm waiting.

The end of the long bridge is a sky.


The canopy is like a waterfall, it seems to isolate a world.

Behind this sky, there is the Haitian God Realm.

The son of Bihai stepped into it first.

Xiao Yun followed.

He also carried Xiao Linger and others.

Inside, he was not assured to let Xiao Yunling separate.

As for Sister Ren, they went directly to the yin and yang altar in Xiao Yun's condemned land to practice.

Haitian God Realm!

Inside the avenue lines linger.

Entering, Xiao Yun frowned slightly.

Although there are other avenues here, the purest is the avenue of the sea.

When you enter here, you feel like you are in the middle of a sea, and your breathing becomes harder.

Even the laws of the avenue were suppressed.

Of course, if Xiao Yun is willing, he can completely reverse the law of uprising and be unaffected.

However, Xiao Yun felt this kind of avenue uprightness, and the pace moved into the Daohai.

Daohai tumbled and waves hit.

Drops of water hit it.

It was just a drop of water, but it seemed to be breaking the river.

"This is the mystery of water?" Seeing this, Xiao Yun was moved inside.

Changshengye and Mingziyu are also feeling.

As for Ren Kexin and others, they are releasing their hearts and feeling.

"The mystery of water is endlessly changing." Xiao Linger whispered, also feeling.

The sea rolled, and it was clearly a wave of waves.

But when it passes by, it becomes a glacier, and the world is frozen.

These ups and downs make people think of a lot.

Xiao Yun is feeling and moving forward.


At this moment, while he knew the sea, there was a sudden buzzing sound.

It is the dazzling dzi betrayal.

Tian Tianlan is swaying, and ripples rise from the road.

Later, Dao Hai seemed to be being towed, and a divine pattern screamed, and sank into the blue cyclone.

Daowen flow, like the origin, is absorbed by the dzi.

The dribble pattern that originally had a bit of dribble is constantly being complemented.

"This is it?" The sudden change made Xiao Yun startled.

At this time, the boy of Bihai strolled, and he kept moving forward to the end of Daohai.

There, there is a light curtain of avenue.

Behind is the legendary mixed Yuan Bihaizhu.

Seeing this, Xiao Yun followed the past.

At the same time, with a big move, Xiao Linger and others were photographed.

At this time, Bihai Gongzi glanced at Xiao Yun, sneered at the corner of his mouth, and crossed the curtain of the avenue and entered the Daohai ahead.

Xiao Yun took Xiao Linger and others into the ground of condemnation, and then followed.

But, after crossing the light curtain, he frowned.


There, Dawei shocked, and a huge force of repulsion swept across.

It seems that the avenue here is preventing others from moving forward.

That repulsive force is enough to make His Holiness shattered.

This is no longer the test.

At this moment, the boy of Bihai showed the worldly means, and his body was dangled with lines, turning into a mask, to block out the horrible prestige.

Then he continued to move forward.

He is invincible.

"Familiar means." Xiao Yun frowned, thinking of the lawless son.

The boy of Bihai keeps on advancing, and seems to have made up his mind to step over the sea and take control of Bihaizhu.

In the front, Bitao rolled over, and at the end was a mixed yuan, which made people unable to see things clearly.

Even the mind can't sense that area.

Because the avenue is exclusive.

The sea water rolled ahead.

These seawaters are extraordinary, showing the color of mixed yuan, and every drop seems to have the meaning of the avenue.

The sea of ​​water fell down, crushing the sky.

Xiao Yun stepped and set foot in the middle.


At this moment, he frowned, Qinglan swayed, and evolved into a cyclone, absorbing these sea water frantically.

After absorbing this seawater, the surface of the beads began to become smooth.

In addition, there are road patterns.

The beads were repaired.

Those lines of Daohai will not affect Xiao Yun at all.

Xiao Yun just moved forward.

"This boy, is he stronger than before?" In front of him, Bihai Boy frowned.

"Take care of him first!" He blinked, but hesitated, "The Emperor is waiting!"

It made him frown.

"No matter what." With a frown, he turned his head back suddenly, his palms pulled, and the blue sea rolled like a sea world, suppressing Xiao Yun.

"Have you finally shot it?" Xiao Yun smiled lightly ~ ~ He poked out his hands and rushed away.


That blue sea collapsed and was defeated by Xiao Yun.

Then, Xiao Yun's big hand, covering the sky, covered the Daohai, and descended towards the Bihai boy in front.

The blue-eyed boy stared at the light, and a knife appeared in his palm.

With this knife, it seems that it can cut everything and break through.

It was only once that the avenue force released by Xiao Yun's big hand was cut off.


The two confronted with a horrific aftermath.

The water of the mixed Yuan in the sea of ​​the sea rolled and was shaken in all directions.

"Are you lawless?" Xiao Yun said when this shot was taken.

This knife is too much.

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