Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1986: Qian Kunding

Over nine days, Emperor Heng shot and stopped the saint.

Since then, no one has taken any action.

Divine Realm finally calmed down.

"The shot just now seems to be Emperor Emperor." Xiao Yun's eyes lightened.

Although the Emperor Heng opened his mouth in nine days, the sound wave oscillated, but it was introduced into the divine realm.

"Emperor Emperor, it should be a saint." Ming Ziyu murmured in his heart.

Previously, that saint blocked the eternal Lord.

Now, the Emperor stopped the saint.

In this way, you can imagine what level the Emperor reached.

The horrible oppression brought by the saints has dissipated, and the gods in the eight star domains of the Divine Realm can be considered relieved.

But the gods couldn't be happier.

"This world doesn't seem to be calm anymore!" An old **** murmured, his face groaning.

Ever since the Emperor's Heavenly Realm caused the Gai Shiqiang to take action in nine days, many gods have felt that the divine world seems to be different.

In the Haotian Realm, there were also strong men who shot.

Later, Xiao Yun's crossover in Haotian Realm attracted the attention of countless strong people.

Now, there are powerful shots, Megatron Divine Realm.

All signs indicate that a big era has begun.

However, this era will be a time of powerlessness.

Sages, ordinary practitioners, cannot intervene at all.

They can only be reduced to flags.

Not even the flag.

"There will be no peace in the future!" Gu Shenxing, Xiao Yun, Ming Ziyu, Changshengye and others gathered together and took a deep breath.

Originally, the eternal Lord is still alive, which is a great joy.

But Changshengye couldn't be really happy.

Because, behind the eternal Lord, there is a great enemy.

Looking at the current situation, the two sides are still restraining and have no intention of overturning the chessboard.

But this day will come.

When the chessboard overturns, it will be a troubled time.

At that time, perhaps even Zhundi will be like an ant.

Perhaps even the emperor will feel powerless.

This is a real shuffle.

Yi Yi blinked her eyes and looked at the distant sky.

It looked like nine days in the distance.


After feeling sigh, Yi Yi whispered to Xiao Yun.

Then, his little paw danced and pointed forward.

That's the mixed-yuan region of the ancient **** star domain.

The little man flew over like a snowball.

"What is the treasure there?" Xiao Yun froze slightly, then followed Yi Yi with curiosity.

Ming Ziyu and Changshengye followed.

Just now, the Lord did not destroy them, but he was going to take the Supreme Treasure.

When Xiao Yun walked to that area, he felt a vast arrogance.

The mixed Yuan agitated there, and Qiankun was upside down, making it impossible for people to approach.

Even Xiao Yun at this time couldn't get close to it.

That prestige is too scary.


However, Yi Yi has entered into the ambivalence.

In fact, this time he will appear here, and it is here that the sudden turbulence stirs it up.

This is the highest treasure.

Also shocked the ancient **** son and others.

However, before Yiyi recovered completely and entered there, the ancient **** son and others shot.

"Go in?"

When Xiao Yi entered the area, Xiao Yun froze.

The mixed elements flowed there as if a world had evolved.

But the average person is not accessible at all and will be rejected.

Even Xiao Yun's mind was being rejected.

Yi Yi entered, her body dazzled, since it resonated with that treasure.

This is a statue of Baoding, in which there are mountains and rivers evolved, and there is heaven and earth.

However, at the moment there are cracks in Baoding.

The above mixed element road ripples, repairing the crack in self.

Obviously, this Baoding is damaged and no longer perfect.


Yi Yi was light, her eyes blinked, revealing the misty color, and her affectionate expression.

The little boy moved forward and walked through the area of ​​the pattern that blooms from Baoding.

The tripod is very tall and seems to support the world.

However, Yi Yi came in at this moment, but it was as high as this Baoding.

But it clearly looks like a little snow-white beast.

It reached out its paw and stroked Baoding.


Baoding trembled, and a pattern bloomed, wrapping Yiyi.

At this point, Xiao Yun's evolutionary avenue, against the chaos, finally entered the area.

However, he also felt exclusion and could not really approach Baoding.

However, the avenues resonated there, and a vision evolved. Xiao Yun's heart moved, her heart sank, and she sensed carefully.

He sensed this feeling immediately.

Among the visions, at the time of the mixed Yuan, the treasure was born.

This is a great tripod that can support the world.

Named Qiankunding, it is one of the eight consecrated treasures.

Out of the sky, there is also an ancient beast.

The ancient beast is like a dragon, and it is like a unicorn. It is so valiant. It is surrounded by a mixed pattern of mixed elements. As born of mixed elements, there are colorful clouds under its feet.

This is a Swiss beast.

This Swiss beast lives with Qian Kunding.

It is a companion beast.

Along with it was a Gai Dai figure.

That is the innate deity, the **** of heaven and earth.

One of the Eight Great Innate Lords.

However, after that, the Lord of Qiankun was ambushed and stunned.

Yi Yi was also seriously injured and beaten.

It reincarnates several times and continues to be nirvana.

In the meantime, it turned into a true dragon and then into a unicorn ...

It wasn't until this life that it met Qian Kunding.

"No wonder they have to deal with Yi Yi." Xiao Yun knew this.

If Yiyi could be controlled, most of them would also control Qiankunding.

This is one of the eight innate mixed Yuan Shengbaos. One more, one more powerful.

Xiao Yun couldn't get close to this treasure.

However, Yi Yi's body pattern bloomed, resonating with Qian Kunding.

Moreover, the lines between them are merging.

First of all, Yiyi's congenital pattern is recovering.

Then, it had the mark of Taoism and was submerged in Qian Kunding.

In the end, the little guy disappeared out of thin air, as if submerged.

"It seems that Yiyi can control this tripod." Xiao Yun murmured with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

The little guy who controls this tripod is no different from the one he controls.

As long as the enemy is not in control.

Later, he simply began to realize the mystery of the avenue filled with Qian Kunding.

Each innate mixed Yuan Shengbao can make people feel differently.

"Quan Kun, heaven and earth ..." Xiao Yun was feeling.

Changshengye and others also flew in one after another, and are constantly approaching this place.

They also began to realize various mysteries.

As for ordinary gods, this area cannot be approached at all.

"Doing for the sky, Kun for the earth, Qiankun represents heaven and earth, heaven and earth, there are thousands ..." Xiao Yun muttered to himself.

Within him, the evolution of the heaven and earth is being deduced.

Qiankun contains yin and yang, including Wandao.

Qiankun is like being alone.

The depths of Qiankun are like heaven and earth, like the world.


A month later, the mixed yuan agitated here, Qiankunding trembled ~ ~, and Yi Yi appeared.

The little man's body is flowing, the light lines on his eyebrows flicker, like a treasure tripod.

The previous multicolored tripod was the most precious treasure made after its reincarnation.

In the previous battle, it has been broken by several big boys.

However, at this time, Baoding, who was showing eyebrows, was obviously stronger.

That look, as if its eyebrows were hidden in the sky, was so imposing that the void was trembling, and it was about to rescue the collapse.

However, the flash of Ding Ying was restrained.

In this way, the power has weakened.

[Recommend a buddy's new fantasy book, titled "Emperor's Destruction of the Heavens", pseudonym: laugh at me crazy, this is indisputable, but betrayed by his brother's love, Xiaoyao was brutally broken, split the soul, half of the soul Into the reincarnation millennium. Thousands of years later, the residual souls unexpectedly merged, gaining the power of catastrophe, and the boy finally marched. If you are short of books, you can check it out.]

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