Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1988: Vision

time flies.

Finally, it has been more than 900 years since Xiao Yun entered the realm of the gods.

Xiao Yun is now Chitose.

However, he was still stuck in Zhundi Realm.

Changshengye and others are still saving.

The world is changing, like a shackles, making it difficult for them to sense the opportunity of the emperor.

However, during these nine hundred years, great changes have taken place in the divine realm.

The eight star fields constantly float and move closer.

Nowadays, the major star fields are getting closer.

Ancient Demon Realm, Hades Realm, are all close to Renhuang Star Realm and Haotian Star Realm.

This worries many people that there will be wars.

Xiao Yun often probes.

However, the gods in the Ancient Demon Realm and the Underworld did not intend to wage war.

Xiao Yun did not provoke them.

After all, he was still on the board and he didn't jump out of it.

Therefore, he did not act rashly.

On this day, in the vast starry sky of Divine Realm, there was a sudden agitation of the mixed element.

Daowei trembled, a supreme power pervaded in all directions, letting the spirits of the gods move.

Not only the demons, but also the protoss, demons, nethers, bloods, darks ...

All were alarmed.

"This is the spirit of the mixed Yuan!" Xiao Yun sensed this kind of fluctuation for the first time.

"Hunyuan's qi, such as chaos, is there a treasure appearing?" Changshengye also appeared, he stared closely.

"This starry sky is also changing." Ming Ziyu's heart moved, and he felt all directions. He felt that the starry sky was moving.

It is order, which is drawing all directions and affecting the entire divine realm.

However, now that the mixed vortex appears, it is surprising.

The mixed elements agitated, and the orderly lines pulled.

Then, the eight major star domains resonated, and a vast number of Dawei exploded.

That was the revival of the will of the plane.

The will of these planes bloomed out of the might of the avenue, and gathered towards the mixed vortex.

The star field was towed, converging towards the mixed region.

And that mixed-element cyclone is getting bigger and bigger, as if to cover the entire starry sky.


"What is going to happen?"

"Star fields are moving fast, not a hundred years, they will really come together!"

"Star fields come together? Isn't that going to be neighbors with the Demons and the Hades?"

The gods are all shocked.

This is really a major event and will affect the whole divine realm.

"If the eight major star domains merge, my demon tribe will go straight and sweep through all races." In the ancient demon domain, many big demons are about to move.

They looked up at the starry sky, with a look of expectation, waiting for the world to change.

Time is passing, and the divine realm is calm.

Nine days were also very calm.

But this calmness makes people feel like before the storm.

The eight star domains are really getting closer.

Moreover, the wills of the eight major star domains all came together toward the mixed element cyclone on the sky.

Later, the planes were intertwined.

That look made many gods feel uneasy.

Because the wills of those planes seem to be integrated.

If so, what will happen?

There are gods deducing this possibility.

Xiao Yun is also deducing.

At this level, some things can be deduced vaguely.

It's just that this is the secret, this is the future.

When Xiao Yun deduced halfway, it could not last.

However, he saw the fusion of the wills of the major planetary planes.

"The fusion of the will of the planes, will the eight star domains also merge?" Xiao Yun looked dignified.

He realized that a new era was coming.

In ancient times, the divine realm was divided into ten realms, that is, the ten realms.

Then, in ancient times, the Ten Realms were broken and turned into eight star domains.

However, each of these star domains is protected by a plane of will.

In this way, God can spend the years of war.

Now, what if the eight major star domains merge and become one world?

At that time, the demons, the underworld, the human race, the demons ... lived together in a big world, and there was no corresponding avenue of will protection.

It is not difficult to imagine what a chaotic age it would be.

"This may be an opportunity." However, Xiao Yun quickly moved his eyes.

Emperor: The magical world is formed and has a complete order.

This is the emperor.

If it is an ordinary avenue for cultivation, Xiao Yun can already prove the emperor.

However, he repaired a hybrid road.

There are too many roads in Yunyuan Avenue, and they must all be completed.

How easy is it to build a complete mixed world?

It is also Xiao Yun's understanding of the power of all beings in Haotian Realm, and the mystery of heaven and earth in the stars.

In Haitian Xingyu, he and Dadao will build a divine realm, making his mixed Yuan Dadao constantly complete.

Later, he came to realize the thousand years.

Now it's really fulfilling.

However, he still felt worse.

But now stargazing is different.

Viewing the eight star domains is constantly being drawn by order.

Xiao Yun was throbbing.

He felt that his chance to prove his emperor came.

Therefore, he crossed his knees in the starry sky, felt the mixed vortex, and sensed the changes of the eight star fields.

Changshengye and Ming Ziyu are also feeling.

In particular, Ming Ziyu, his body was dazzling with lines, and there was a strong atmosphere of order.

Today, he is like the son of order.

In addition, in the starry sky, there are many lords feeling.

These people have discovered that this change in the world is a rare opportunity.


Ninety years have passed.

On this day, the eight major star fields border.


The entire divine realm was shaking, the starry earth shook, and the galaxy rolled up billions of waves.

"Is the star field collided?" People of all ethnic groups were panicked.

Fortunately, these star fields are moving slowly and approaching slowly, not big collisions.

After the huge wave set off, in the vortex of Junyuan, Dawei overturned and calmed down the huge wave.

Soon, the talents of all ethnic groups quieted down.

However, between the stars, there is still a will for the plane, which cannot be crossed.

Moreover, at this moment is in a sensitive period, and that mighty shock, few people dare to transcend the will of the plane and go to other star domains.

"Are the stars finally bordering?" Xiao Yun blinked, and he was waiting for this day.

"The order of the avenues in the mixed vortex is becoming more and more complete." Ming Ziyu said, "A major change may happen."

In their opinion, that kind of change should be the eight major stars into one world.

However, they felt less.

As for what was missing, they couldn't tell.

When the fluctuations of the eight major star domains subsided, the mixed cyclone in that starry sky suddenly made a sound of avenue.


This sound oscillates, if there is any way.

A mighty prestige pervades all directions.

At this moment, all His Holiness is paying attention to that vortex.

They feel this vortex is not simple.

The vortex, like the beginning of chaos, has the meaning of opening up the sky, if it is carefully understood, it should be able to improve.


At this moment, the Bihai Shenzhu controlled by Xiao Yun was trembling.

Even the Hao Sun God Furnace of Haotian Star Realm is also resonating with Tao.

This made Xiao Yun's brow ~ ~ In the vortex, there seemed to be a treasure. "Just then, a voice sounded.

"That's a half-strength." Ming Ziyu's eyes lightened and said.

He has a boulevard of order, inexplicably close to this vortex.

"It is the God of Creation." Xiao Yun also felt it.

A little induction, he found that it was a half-fortune God.

Because he once played against Chu Yunfei.

"The God of Creation! This is the congenital mixed Yuan Shengbao, how could it appear here?" Changsheng Yeguang's eyes condensed, feeling a little incredible.

"The God of Creation, this is my Father's thing! Now, when it is reshaped!"

In this starry sky, Chu Yunfei appeared.

He strode forward towards the mixed vortex.

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