Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1997: Saint

Xiao Yun and others continue to realize that they must stabilize their realm.

Even, they still want to continue the shock, and reach the level of Dacheng in one fell swoop.

If it were before, few people can make rapid progress after the emperor.

But now, it is not impossible.

For nine days, the demons were anxious.

"Now Jiuxiao, the sermon is about to succeed!" The Mozu frowned, and glared at the Demon Emperor and the Demon Lord.

There is also power in Ningtu to look at Ningzhu.

However, these saints are also dignified.

They were all heading in one direction.

That was the area where the Saviour appeared before.

"The punishment of the Lord this day is the sword of Heaven's men!" Seeing that his Lord was swaying towards that area, those powers could only sigh.

One day the saints intervened, and they all dared not rush into action.

Furthermore, the Lord of Order seems to have intentionally supported Xiao Zhantian's side.

He had previously shot against the Lord of Vientiane.

Over nine days.

There are a lot of saints in this camp of the Demons and the Hades.

However, there are many saints on Xiao Zhantian's side.

First of all, the Emperor of Emperor can compete with the demon ancestor, the Lord of Order restrained the Lord of Vientiane.

The Lord of Eternal Life restrained the demon emperor.

Although there is still no shot from the Lord of the Underworld, the Lord of the Dragons has not shot!

Besides, there is another **** punishing the Lord.

You know, God punishes the Lord, but it is the strongest of many innate saints.

Because he upheld the will of heaven, the sword fell that day, but he could cut the saint.

Furthermore, the heavenly path does not allow any saint to disrupt the construction of the order of the divine realm.

If a real battle is fought, the consequences are hard to predict. Perhaps, it will be a battle that slays power and slays saints.

In the distance, in the Yuanyuan area, the Lord of Vientiane groaned, then he looked around in all directions, as if observing other holy places.

Then, he sent a voice to the demon master, and thus dissipated in the lunatics.

It seems that he does not intend to take a shot at this time.

Because the time has not yet come, if he wants to fight, he has to fight for the battle.

The Demon Lord also fell into a sacred place surrounded by magic.

In this way, all of His Majesty's powers are shaking his head, knowing that the Jiuxiao and the Proof of the Saint are already facts.

"Did it finally calm down?" Yao Qingyue was relieved, feeling the terrible breath hidden away.

Hengdi stands in the air, always paying attention to the bottom.

Even if those saints were hidden, he did not relax his vigilance.

After all, for so many years, it is not easy for them to produce a saint in this camp!

Time passed quietly.

A month passed quickly.

At this point, Xiao Zhantian was already called holy.

Hunyuan's breath dangled in him, and Daowei was shocked and extraordinary.

"Father." At this moment, Xiao Yun's eyes opened, and he looked at Xiao Zhantian not far away.

Changshengye and others got up.

This time of change made them feel good.

"Yes, all of them are Emperor Zheng. They did not disappoint us." Xiao Zhantian turned his eyes and looked around, then said with satisfaction.

"After all, I'm not enough to influence the pattern." Changshengye sighed.

He wants to be holy.

Because only in this way can we change the real pattern.

The Great.

In the days when the saints could not be seen, they were indeed invincible.

However, times are different now, the sage has overturned the chessboard, and it seems that the final liquidation is necessary.

"No one can say in the future, as long as you work hard, if today's landscape has changed, and you arrange things in the divine world, follow me for nine days." Xiao Zhantian said, if these younger people are allowed to join nine days alone, it is not Safe, because at this moment there will be powerful shots to kill these younger generations.

After all, the chessboard has overturned, and those people have no more scruples.

"Good!" Xiao Yun nodded.

Then he strode forward and entered the realm of the gods.

Today, heaven is still building order.

However, Xiao Yun used to work with Heaven to build order.

Heaven does not exclude them.

"Great Emperor!"

"Haha, now my family has more emperors!" Entering the realm of gods, the gods cheered.

The people of the Haotian clan are extremely excited.

Xiao Yun crossed the robbery this time.

However, the rules of the Divine Realm have changed.

Xiao Yun stepped in here and felt a mighty avenue.

The prestige made him unable to breathe.

Even as Emperor, I still feel great pressure.

This is because he was once involved in building the order of the avenue, otherwise, the rules of the avenue of the **** world would directly lower the heaven punishment and kill him.

"This is order." Just coming here, Xiao Yun became clearer about the construction of this order.

Previously, he was standing at the angle of the avenue.

But now, he is feeling from the perspective of sentient beings.

In between, it feels the opposite.

Changshengye, Mingziyu and others also realized it carefully.

The true dragon son also went to the domain of Tian Yao Star Realm.

Xiao Zhantian waited in the starry sky outside the realm of God, and he was still in the mixed Yuan.

"His Majesty!"

"Congratulations to Your Majesty the Emperor!" Xiao Yun came to the area of ​​Haotian Starfield.

Only then set foot here, the people of the Haotian clan and Haotian Starfield ushered in.

At this moment, everyone here was extremely excited.

"I have some insights from this Emperor of the Emperor, and I can preach to you." Then, Xiao Yun preached to all beings in Haotian Starfield.

At this time, although the eight major star domains merge, there are still barriers.

Because hasty integration requires time and order.

Otherwise, the demons can run through the realms, and the war is bound to happen.

In this way, the divine realm that has just been built will fall into a melee, which is obviously not what Tiandao would like to see.

Therefore, the heavens left a barrier.

However, there will inevitably be conflicts in the future.

This is inevitable.

Therefore, Xiao Yun preached at this time to enhance the heritage of Haotianyu.

In addition, he also left a mark of Shinto.

Even if he is in the next nine days, he can still perceive or solve some things in the divine realm.

Changshengye went to the star field.

He met Wang's people.

In any case, this is the person in their vein.

But Changshengye didn't leave much benefit.

By his side, it was only that Wang Lao had benefited.

Today's Wang Lao is already a quasi-empire.

Although there was no Emperor of the Emperor this time, he also gained something.

After preaching in Haotianyu, Xiao Yun went in and out of Emperor's Realm, and went to Tianmon Realm to meet with deceased people such as swallowing tits.

Two months later, the order of the construction of the heavens gradually improved.

Xiao Yun felt more and more pressure.

At this time, he said goodbye to the gods.

In this regard, those old people are also extremely emotional.

"Farewell this time, and I don't know when I'll see you again." Jiang Wentian was sad.

Over the past millennium, his strength has also been continuously improved, and now he has entered the realm of His Holiness.

But comparable to the emperor, but still in the foreseeable future.

As for Ren Tianxing and others in Tianxing Realm, they even booed.

He is still in the quasi-god state.

Today, Xiao Yun is the emperor.

Taoists who once sat and talked together became the only thing they could look forward to.

In this regard, the gods had to sigh.

This is the gap between geniuses.

"My former brother, I hope you can ascend to the top of the world." Xiao Qianlong and others recalled.

At that time, they were together in the sanctuary to deal with the demons together.

Today, this junior has reached its peak.

Now, they can only look up, only hope that this brother will continue to be strong, be a human race, carry the banner, and block the power of the demons.

Now, they all know that although the emperor has not shown up these years, they have been fighting for the human race.

Against the power of those demons.

The difficulty is only known to them.

After bidding farewell to the gods, Xiao Yun, Changshengye, Ming Ziyu, and Zhenlong, all gathered together outside the newly formed seal of the realm of God.

There ~ ~ Hunyuan Vortex is still there.

Seeing the crowd gathering, Xiao Zhantian strolled out.

"Has everything been arranged?" Xiao Zhantian asked the juniors.

"Well." The crowd nodded.

At this point, Xiao Yun had already included Ling Xi, Sister Yan, and Ren Kexin into the place of condemnation.

Xiao Linger was also inside, and he had to go together for nine days.


Yi Yi has become the emperor, but he fell on Xiao Yun's shoulder. At this moment, Xiao Zhantian heard him speak, and the little one seemed to say that he was ready.

At the same time, its jewel-like eyes turned, full of expectations as it darted toward the starry sky.

It seems that it also wants to go and see for nine days.

There are also causes and effects that have no end.

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