Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 2010: Detached

The inner world of the Lord of the Winds.


At this moment, the door of Hunyuan was blasted open.


When the gate of Hunyuan was blasted open, there was endless Hunyuan Daowen carrying a mighty Daowei rolled towards the Promise of the Promise.

Then, that mighty shock was about to annihilate the world.

"Open!" The Promise Lord's eyes were cold, and the immortal blade of his palm was cut out, breaking the pattern.

Then he strode forward and stepped into the gate of the mixed Yuan.

"The gate of the mixed yuan, the source of the world." After entering the gate of the mixed yuan, the eyes of the Promise Lord couldn't help narrowing, and finally the cruel and ruthless face had waves rising. For many years, he had longed for To enter here, but he did not dare to come here.

He didn't even dare think about it.

Because the thoughts move, Heaven will know.

Below the saint, in the eyes of heaven, they are like ants.

Only the Holy Prophet, who is extremely powerful, can reduce this effect.

For example, Heaven's way of erasing the emperor is only momentarily.

It would take some time and energy to kill the saint.

Even those congenital lords can blind the heavens.

After reaching a half-step detachment, this blinding power is even more powerful.

Because after detachment, he will be at the same level as Heaven.

Of course, it is also detrimental to heaven, otherwise the Promise Lord would not dare to come to the gate of this mixed Yuan.

Because, no matter how powerful he is, he is under heaven after all.

But this time, it was his chance.

The Promise Lord stepped forward step by step, he was like a sea of ​​mixed Yuan in the depths.

The mixed-element atmosphere here is extremely rich and pure.

Every strand can crush the mountains and rivers, and it has the mighty power and contains the might of the avenue.

The ordinary Lord can't resist this mixed atmosphere.

However, the Promise Lord killed several inborn Lords and captured their origin.

The same is true, the Promise Lord is so powerful and further reaches the level of detachment.

Today, he is like a boulevard and a mixed-source cyclone. Wherever he goes, the vast source of energy whistles towards him and is absorbed by him.

As he strode, he finally saw a huge vortex ahead.

Around the vortex, one by one soul was drawn.

Among those spirits, we can see a lot of power.

Demon Emperor, impressively among them.

"The gate of the mixed Yuan is also the place of the origin of the world and the place of reincarnation. The sentient beings fall, the spirits will carry energy, enter the place of the origin, and merge into the origin. Then, as time goes by, there will be new The birth of life is recurring, making heaven and earth operate normally. "

"The origin of the world is limited, so the existence of the saint must be controlled, because the saint will absorb endless origins, as a thief will never be satisfied."

There was a sneer in the corner of Wuji's mouth.

"The sage is still like this. If it is detached, the power of the source needed is enough to break the operation of the world and make the world collapse."

"It's the same. No one has been detached since ancient times."

The Promise of the Promise Lord reveals memories.

He doesn't know how many billion years he has lived.

Life is beginning to be boring.

"This time, heaven-sent opportunity, this seat must give it a go anyway. If it succeeds, it will be detached. If it fails, it will not die." Wuji ’s eyes flashed, although someone promised that it would be foolproof, However, he knew in his heart how terrible the heavens were.

He knew in his mind that this move was still a death.

However, he remained fearless.

Even if it is a one in ten chance, he is willing to try desperately.

Then, he strode forward, and walked in front of the eyes of that lunatic.


The eye of Hunyuan stirs, and there is a mighty Tianwei shock, to prevent others from approaching.

"The origin of the world, today, become the source of this transcendence!" Only when the body of Promise Lord moved, the avenue breathed out.

Yin and Yang Baojian was refined by him.

Qian Kunding was merged by him.

At this moment, he is like a thousand clouds, supporting this mixed land.

He is like a treasure book of yin and yang, turning against the chaos, turning into a huge cyclone, and devouring the eyes of the world ahead.

There was a steady stream of origin gas whispering towards him.

Under this crazy devour, the human realm and the divine realm are undergoing great changes.

The veins of the human world began to dry up.

The aura emanating from the spirit veins of the divine realm became thinner.

Some divine springs dried up and turned into dry springs.

Even some mortals are ten years old.

Some gods felt that Shou Yuan was passing fast.

"What's wrong?"

"It seems that heaven and earth have changed again!" Mortal people mourned, the gods were terrified, and the whole heaven and earth were caught in panic.

Within the source of the world.

"Someone!" At this moment, a man opened his eyes warily.

This man is Xiao Yun.

Before that, the sky was punished with nine knives, and the ninth knives were cut, really to kill him.

However, Xiao Yun suddenly realized that in an instant, the incarnation was mingling with the heavens and the earth and the heaven and the earth.

At that moment, he really became a mixed Yuan, perfecting the mixed Yuan Avenue.

He was then introduced into the gate of the Hunyuan, the source of this world.

Here, he blended with the source of the world, felt the world, and felt the construction of the avenue.

At this moment, he became clearer about the mixed Yuan Avenue.

As a hybrid, Xiao Yunru has undergone transformation.

He's been aloof.

Because he has begun to get rid of the heavenly restraint of this world.

Then, the previous soul breath will naturally dissipate.

The same is true, those soul cards will collapse, and everyone in the world thinks Xiao Yun is stunned.

Originally, all beings in heaven and earth were derived from heaven and earth.

Heaven is like the Father and Lord.

Every soul is derived from heaven.

That soul has a direct connection with heaven.

The same is true. Heaven can control life and death.

However, after reaching the saint, the saint gradually began to get rid of this connection.

But it's too difficult to get rid of it completely.

Heaven will not allow it.

When Xiao Yun came here, he not only preached, but even more detached.

When he came to the eye of Yunyuan, Xiao Yun had been realizing that he had been striving for transcendence.

During this period, if it has passed 100,000 years, it seems to have passed tens of millions of years.

However, when he was alarmed at this moment, he felt right at the fingertips.

When Xiao Yun's eyes opened, he found someone coming.

"The Promise of the Promise." Xiao Yun moved his eyes and watched the fire with all his eyes. All that happened in the nine days was under his control.

When Xiao Yun opened his eyes, his breath was permeated.

Suddenly, the eyes of the mixed Yuan set off a huge wave.

The Promise Lord, who was madly devouring the origin, was blocked, and the cyclone collapsed.

"Is it you, haven't you scoffed?" When Xiao Yun appeared, the Promise of the Promise was revealed.

At the time ~ ~ he had sensed that this afterlife spirit was indeed destroyed, and there was no breath.

Even the shinto mark he left behind in the divine realm collapsed.

In this case, it should have been slaughtered, it was dead, and it was impossible to fall into reincarnation.

However, at this time he appeared in front of himself.

Moreover, carefully feeling away, the afterlife breath seems to be extremely powerful, like detachment.

"Excessiveness?" The Promise of the Promise frowned, "How could it be, how can you surpass, and the heavens cannot support a person's transcendence."

"If someone is detached, he will inevitably learn the origin of this world to be truly detached. However, the origin of the world is drawn, the world is broken, and the heaven is seriously injured. Now that he has an enemy nearby, how dare he let himself be seriously injured. There is no resistance at all to the enemy. "

The Promise Lord shook his head.

This is incredible.

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