Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 2012: New world

"Haha, vulture, when you attacked me, you also released God's thoughts, invaded my inner world, provoked the Lord in my inner world, and caused trouble to the heavens and earth to make my injury worse. Do you think I don't know?" Lord Lengheng, "Yes, the world is broken. I do have problems. The world wants to be detached. If I interfere with it and violate the way of the world, I can only let the order of heaven and earth operate normally. for."

"Under various scruples, I will not kill all these saints, but you really think I have no means, and you are wrong."

"The day is awesome, light up!"

When the words fell, his mind moved.

Then, the celestial celestial bead flying forward suddenly exploded.


The divine light of the day is like a sword, rising into the sky, filled with the void in front.

Thousands of gods of light annihilate the area where the Vulture Realm God and the Golden Horn Realm God are.


When the light of God passed, the soldiers of the realm were cut off.

The armor of the Golden Horn Realm is cracked, and the body is cut into nothingness.


The vulture world **** swept his wings to resist the light of God.

The treasures of all tribes are sacrificed.

Unfortunately, Shenguang fell, his iron wings broke, and the treasure was chopped.

Then he watched the dazzling gods tear themselves apart.

At this moment, his body shattered.

His inner world is also broken.


The screams sounded, and the two gods sneered.

Seeing the two world gods slumped, the **** of the wind world was relieved, and the glory of the celestial **** bead was dim.


Then, a great move of the **** of the kamikaze world took the day-god **** bead.

In addition, in the void ahead, there were two realm of the gods.

Among them are the treasures left by the two gods.

As for the other treasures, they were all chopped to nothing by daylight.

It was later that the God of the Wind Realm closed up, and this top treasure was able to stay.

"Everything is over." The Lord of the Wind Realms breathed a sigh of relief, "This is the outside world."

The words that follow are to Xiao Yun.

Just now, it was Xiao Yun's soul power and the soul power of the Lord of the Divine Realm that could mobilize some of the power of the Divine Orb.

Otherwise, relying on the power of the **** of the wind world, it is impossible to urge the Jiji Shenzhu multiple times.

The Vulture Realm's plan is to use the Lord's inner world to collapse to kill him.

However, the Lord of the Kamikaze Realm is also planning, waiting for the opportunity to kill the two together.

In the end, the main skill of Kamikaze was superior.


Light and shadow flashed, Xiao Yun appeared in this universe.

Inexplicably, he felt a cosmic order, topped.

He felt like he was being followed.

Perhaps that is the heavenly way of this universe.

"How strong is the lord in this big universe?" Xiao Yun asked silently after a long time.

Because, just a moment ago, he also participated, and naturally felt it.

He thought a lot at this time.

The world they live in, the so-called heaven, is the Lord of the Realms.

Just like him, Xiao Yun is now detached, and his world begins to spawn life and become a big world.

He is the heaven of this world.

If the lord of the kingdom falls, then the world will collapse and all beings will die.

It is conceivable that if the Lord of the Winds had fallen from the war just now, all the creatures in the inner world would fall and become soot.

"The Lord of the Realm is Kankan's entry into the ranks of the world's strongest. Our road is still long." The Lord of the Winds seems to know what Xiao Yun thought and said, "The world is so cruel, weak and strong, only Become stronger to protect everything you want to protect, otherwise you can only sigh in vain. "

Xiao Yun nodded.

He felt deeply about this.

Only by self-reliance can we guard everything around us.

"You are transcending your soul now, you are sending the world out of the world." Shenfengjie said, "There is a source of gods here to help you transcend the world."

From the storage ring he just took, he handed it to Xiao Yun.

The transcendence of the world requires a lot of resources to perfect the world.

A true inner world will have God and saints, and everything will be perfected to form a cycle.

But if you do n’t have enough roots, how can you support the operation of this world?

Xiao Yun took the storage ring.

He is not in a hurry for world detachment.

"Nine-day person, are you so scornful?" Xiao Yun asked, accepting the storage ring.

"Now that I have been seriously injured and need to recover constantly, everything will be recoverable by then." Shenfengjie said, "I will remember those who have merit."

"So, thank you," Xiao Yun said.

Although he was detached, his vision was broader and he knew more.

But those are his relatives and friends after all.

Xiao Yun wants them to be resurrected.

Now that the Lord of the Shenfeng Realms spoke, he was relieved.

"Now that you are detached, you and my peers, why are you polite?" The Lord of the Shenfeng world smiled and said, "Let's find a place and retreat."

"Good!" Xiao Yun nodded.


A hundred years have passed.

The cultivation of the Lord of the Gods Realm is gradually restored.

Xiao Yun also relied on those **** sources to continuously strengthen himself.

At the same time, he also came into contact with new worlds, realms, and so on.

This day, the inner world of the Lord of the Winds.

Heaven and earth order works.

Over nine days, holy places were restored.

The Good Lord appeared, the Emperor appeared, Xiao Zhantian appeared, Ling Xi appeared, Xiao Linger appeared, Sister Yan, his grandpa, uncle ...

Resurrection of Phantom Worm, resurrection of Longevity Jesus, resurrection of Ming Ziyu, resurrection of Yi Yi ... familiar figures appeared in nine days.

This is the Lord of the Divine Wind Realm, who resurrected them from the river of time in the inner world by great means.

After the resurrection, the gods met, but they forgot about the Promise of the Promise.

This is the memory of the Lord of the Wind.

However, Ling Xi and others still remember Xiao Yun.

"Xiao Yun!" Xiao Yun stood tall in Jiuxiaomi's territory. After seeing him, Ling Xi, Yan Shifei, and other women looked happy.

Everyone shed tears before they rushed to Xiao Yun.

It seems that they have just parted.

The memory of these people only stayed in Xiao Yun's testimony.

"What are you crying for? I don't prove that Saint succeeded?" Xiao Yun smiled.

This is his evolved avatar, who came to this world to accompany his loved ones.

"Oh, worthy to be my grandson of Xiao Yuanshan, now Zheng Sheng, really is a Wizard of Heaven and Earth." Xiao Yuanshan was full of joy.

"Haha, two holy gods, my Haotian Chunyang can be considered a complete one." The old emperor Haotian laughed loudly.

"Yeah!" Yi Yi lightly fell on Xiao Yun's shoulder, and the head of the seed kept rubbing Xiao Yun's neck, as if congratulating him.

"Brother Xiao testified successfully. Next, I have to work hard." Changshengye came to congratulate.

"Nine swords, but it's hard!" Mingzi Yu said.

"Oh, no matter how difficult it is, we should never go further." Xiao Yun laughed.

"That is, I will use you as an example." Ming Ziyu still looked like the boy next door, with a kind smile.


"Unfortunately, let him prove the sage successfully. Now, my demons will lose their advantages." Mo Di sighed.

These people have also been resurrected.

Heaven and earth will also be in order, and magic is also one of them.

Everything must be in harmony with one another in order to cycle perfectly.

It's just that someone is gone.

The Promise Lord, the Vientiane Lord dissipated in the world.

In the eyes of the world, it seems that there are no such Lords in heaven and earth.

They were erased from this realm by heaven.

The sage of the ghost, the sage of the Jinwu, was also erased by heaven and earth.

Feeling all this, Xiao Yun was also satisfied.

Isn't he trying to cultivate, just to reunite with his loved ones?

Today, he finally guarded it all.

"However, the vastness of the world outside, my deity also has to work hard." Xiao Yun secretly thought.

After 100,000 years.

On the ninth day, Xiao Zhantian, together with the Emperor and Xiao Yun, conquered the Holy Land of the Demons and Hades.

Today, they completely occupy the advantage.

However, during the war, the saints also knew the principle of balance between heaven and earth and did not destroy the demons.

It was just that the Emperor, the Minzu, was suppressed.

This is to weaken the power of the demons.

As for the divine realm, many of the gods who have followed Yantian Demon have fallen into disdain.

Those who used to be in the Holy Land Jiuyang Holy Palace were also in the Divine Realm. When the demons and human races clashed, they were wiped out, and they became the cannon fodder of the demons.

These are all Xiao Yun's eyes.

Originally, the shadow gate of the year, which was built by the Devil, had a cause and effect with him.

But Xiao Yun is already a sage, and naturally he will not intervene.

If he went straight out of the water and wiped out the demons, then the tribe would have fewer opponents and the world would lose its balance.

This is also something that Heaven does not allow.

A world can operate normally with surplus, lack, positive, evil, someone, and magic.


Nine days passed a million years.

But the outer universe is only a thousand years.

Outer universe.

"That's the Ziwei Star Field ..." At this time, the Lord of the Winds took Xiao Yun to fly to a vast star field.

There, the stars are flowing, each one is huge.

Compared with this galaxy, the inner world of the Lord of the Shenfeng Realms is a little witch.

There is a big difference between the two sides.

"Ziwei Star Field!" Xiao Yun's eyes condensed, and he looked at the magnificent galaxy in the distance.

Today, he has become the **** of the world, and a new world has already appeared in front of him.

He was full of expectations.

What will happen to this new world?

Realm God, can it be eternal?

Is it just the beginning of the road to the strong?


"At this point, the undead Wu Zun finale."

The old demon said, "Perhaps, many book friends will feel overwhelmed and think that they can continue to write."

"However, the main story of this book has been written. When one story is finished, it is time to end it. If you write it forcibly, it will be endless. If you ca n’t finish it for three or five years, it will only affect this book. The old demon is also reluctant to be perfect, but it is really over. "

"Originally, I planned to write the story of Emperor Jiuxiao, that is, how Xiao Zhantian became emperor in the past. That was a wonderful story, and then I wrote the story of how Hengdi proved his sacredness in that difficult time. It is even older, when the trilogy of Undead Wu Zun is written, the story of the world of Undead Wu Zun can really be shown. "

"However," Undead Wu Zun "has been written for more than two years, and I am a bit tired. I want to change my mind and transition. After one year, I continue to write Undead Wu Zun and write the story of" The Emperor Jiuxiao "and" Hengdi " , Strive to perfect the undead world, and then continue to write the story of this big universe to which Xiao Yun went. At that time, the king of war, Emperor Emperor, they will also play, that is the real perfection, but the project is vast It will be tiring to write.]

"At the same time, Lao Yao hopes that everyone will come to read and support the" Shenhuangxuan Transcript "because it is genuine and it is the battlefield of the old demon. [Although the title of" Shenhuangxuan Transcript "is not domineering, the content is absolutely beautiful. The three-character transcript is because the film and television is called Xuan Transcript. There is a pen in it, but the content is absolutely **** and domineering. I hope everyone can support us and witness our glorious road together ~ ~ Let ’s wait for the immortal Wu Zun, the magnificent and colorful I hope everyone will continue to support Lao Yao. "

"At that time, all these news will be notified to everyone in the book. I will also write about Xiao Zhantian, thank you for your support, and thank you for your company for two years. Now, let's go to the new book" Shenhuangxuan Records "to gather! "

Attach a brief description of "Divine Wasteland Records":

In ancient times, the war between gods and demons broke down!

The human race bears a dragon bone, refines the body of the true dragon, breaks through the desolation, visits the emperor's tomb, and the world changes because of him!

it's here!

There is a female emperor coming to the world!

There are ancient beasts covering the sky with their hands!

There are great evils in chaos!

Some people's ancestors suppressed the Eight Wilds!

The vast and desolate, who can be honored? Only me Ling Fei!

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